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Factors That Cause Suicide

1. Depression

The most common causes result from a sense of suffering and a feeling of desperation to escape the

2. Psychosis/mental disorder/psychiatric illness, for example, schizophrenia, borderline personality

disorder (BPD), bipolar, eating disorder, and traumatic stress.

3. Social isolation

A person can be socially isolated for a variety of reasons, including loss of friends, spouse, or family,
going through a divorce, physical or mental illness, social anxiety, retirement, or moving to a new
location. In addition, it can also be caused by internal factors such as low self-esteem, loneliness, and
lack of confidence so that it is very risky for someone to choose suicide.

4. Chronic illness and disease

Chronic pain often makes a person lose hope of recovery or relief from suffering, thereby
allowing suicidal ideation. And some diseases that have a risk associated with suicide are asthma,
back pain, brain damage, cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, heart failure, HIV/AIDS, heart disease, high
blood pressure, migraines, Parkinson’s disease, and chronic pain.

5. Feeling like a burden to others

It is a common rhetoric and warning sign for someone to choose to commit suicide by stating
that a loved one would be better off without them. Because they see themselves as a burden to
others and do not feel worthy due to the tremendous emotional burden they carry inside.

6. Impulsive behavior

Impulsivity means to do something based on impulse (impulse). This behavior makes you do things
spontaneously. Impulsive behavior is dangerous when accompanied by negative thoughts. This
situation risks making you think quickly about ending your life by committing suicide.

7. Consumption and drugs

Excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs can lead to suicide. These habits can make you
experience psychosis. Psychosis is a condition that makes it difficult for a person to distinguish
between imagination and reality. Hallucinations and delusions that occur can lead to suicide.

8. Bad experiences that trigger trauma

Trauma that occurs in childhood can form in a person’s subconscious. In the end, it will be difficult to
get out of the trauma.

Some situations that can trigger trauma include:

Physical violence and verbal abuse,

Sexual violence, as well as

Loss of loved ones.

Trauma can hinder a person, especially if he is unable to forgive and make peace with himself. This
condition can eventually lead to suicidal ideation.
9. Different sexual orientation

Sexual orientation deviation is one of the causes of people committing suicide. Generally, this action
occurs because they do not feel supported by the people around them. Moreover, people with
sexual orientation are often ostracized by society. This treatment can lead to depression and lead to

Signs of wanting to commit suicide

There are several signs that can be shown or shown by someone who has suicidal thoughts,

•Frequently talking or thinking about death

•Mood changes frequently, for example, quick to anger or irritability

•Have you ever thought about or even tried to hurt yourself

• convey or even threaten suicide

Withdraw from the people around him

Frequently feeling anxious or restless

•Appears uninspired or gloomy

Loss of interest in doing things you used to enjoy


Feelings of helplessness, shame, guilt, or no future

Start looking for information about how to kill yourself

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