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As the field of information technology has been inexorably advancing, the reliability of

artificial intelligence, better known as AI, has emerged as a topic of public interest.
Some argue that AI holds the major key to forming lifestyle of humans in the future,
while a school of thought holds that such technological leap may have an adverse
bearing on humanity. Both viewpoints are justifiable, but I gravitate towards the former.
On the one hand, it is imprudent to deny all the benefits that artificial intelligence has
been bringing to the development of human beings. First, most technologies these days
implement robotics engineering, which was consistently attached with the use of AI. For
example, most of automobiles manufacturers now incorporate automation, which is
supported by robotics workers, into their mass production. Compared to human labor,
robotics engineering ramps up productivity and curtails spending incurred to pay for
actual human workers. Second, with the aid of robotics appliances in increasingly many
households, people’s lifestyles may also see a drastic change in the foreseeable future.
This practice manifests itself starkly in ordinary life in many medium-income and above
households, where robots were responsible for most of the chores.
On the other hand, the fast-paced ever advance of AI has aroused some certain
concerns, and justifiably so. Many would cite that humans would soon be outsmarted
and enslave by robots on the grounds that many used robots these days can conduct
many demanding tasks just as well as humans do, not to mention better. Many others
may also imagine about the doomsday scenario, when robotics dominate the whole
planet eliminating the presence of humanity. However, both these perspectives are
flawed, since humans are superior to robotics with regard to emotion and situational
problem solving, and such thinking of the doomsday is just only confined to implausible
hypothesis. All of robotics today are produced conducting a particular function, and this
system has nothing to do with the self-development.
In conclusion, I still pro the huge benefits brought to humans being by artificial
intelligence whilst many people argue that this technological advance will take a great
toll on humanity, making it inferior to modern machinery.

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