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Decision Support System for Selection of Dog


Phie Chyan
Department of Informatics
Faculty of Information Technology –
Atma Jaya University of Makassar
Makassar, Indonesia

Abstract—This research has produced a Decision Support variety of problems both to the animal itself and to other
System (DSS) that can assist in decision making with the ability living things around it. In addition it is certainly still a lot of
to analyze the compatibility assessment of dog breeds with other things that must be considered by prospective dog
respect to its prospective adopters. This decision support owners in choosing the breed type of pet dogs in accordance
system uses The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) modeling with the needs and supporting conditions, among others,
which each criterion was based on dog breeds attributes. The large size dog's body, level of intelligence, the ability to be
process of using AHP model is a). Make pairwise comparison trained, the type of care needed, behavioral characteristics,
matrix, b). Calculate priority value for each criterion, c). Make life span and so on.
pairwise matrix of subcriterion respected to its criterion, d).
Calculate the priority value of each subcriterion and form The purpose of this study is to build decision support
calculation using AHP. The combination between criterion, system using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model to
subcriterion, and intensity based on official dog breeds data help solve the unstructured problem like dog breed selection
from the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) as the that suits the needs and preferences of prospective adopter
World Canine Organization and prospective adopter [4]. The benefits of this research for kennel owners and pet
preferences will allow the system to produce a ranking for each stores is to help customers who want to adopt a dog. With the
dog breed based on compatibility with the adopter’s decision support system, the kennel and pet stores can more
preferences. This ranking can be used as a basis of the
easily help the customers to choose the type of breed that is
recommendation for the decision maker to choose what kind of
compatible for adoption based on their preferences.
breeds that match with their preference and needs.

Keywords—dog breed, Decision Support System (DSS), II. METHODOLOGY

expert system, dog adopter, dog kennel
The primary data sources in this study are coming from
the internal and external source. Internal data is data that
I. INTRODUCTION comes from official organizations that oversee breeding and
Dogs are mammals that have been domesticated from research in dog breeds, namely the Fédération Cynologique
wolves since 15,000 years ago or may have been since Internationale (FCI) and the American Kennel Club (AKC).
100,000 years ago based on genetic evidence in the form of The data is obtained by accessing the literature and website
fossil discoveries and many studies involved DNA tests of the organization which includes data on every purebred of
reveal the history of the domestication of dogs in the many dog breed that has been recognized and many other attributes
human culture and civilization. The dog has developed into including its physical aspects and personality [5]. External
hundreds of races with different variations, ranging from the data is data that comes from surveys conducted on dog
dog's height a few tens of centimeters as the Chihuahua to experts, dog lovers community, dog kennel and care shop
the Irish Wolfhound whose height is more than one meter owner and experienced dog breeders from dog kennels. The
[1]. Dog hair color can be varied, ranging from white to data obtained include their individual preferences for certain
black, also red, gray (often called "blue"), and chocolate. In dog breed and what criteria they use in choosing to maintain
addition, dogs have different hair types, ranging from very or breed certain breeds of dogs. All data collected then
short to the length can reach several centimeters. Dog hair analyzed to form data structures and then the database
can be straight or curly, and coarse-textured to soft like wool. system will be generated, which is also called the database
The study of matters related to canines or domestic dog is management system. This database management system is
called cynology (from the Dutch language, kynologie). used to support the decision support systems. This data is
then accumulated and analyzed to be used in determining all
Dogs are social animals like humans. The closeness of the criteria that are generally used by dog lovers in choosing
the relationship between humans and dogs as pets can be dog breed and the data will then be stored in the system as
seen in these animals a variety of roles in society [2]. Certain criteria and sub-criteria in the decision support system for
species of dogs have their respective roles, among others, are dog breed selection.
trained as sniffer dogs to help the task force, which helps
owners of hunting dogs in hunting, helping shepherd dog The collected data is used to build a decision support
breeders in animal herding, guard dog, guide dog up as a pet system. Modeling used in decision support systems as in
to accompany their owners [3]. Selection of dog breed for Figure 1 with the support of data and model management
various purposes needs knowledge from prospective dog with AHP model able to do mathematical calculations so as
owner to know the nature and characteristics of the dog to produce outputs that can provide an overview and
breed. Selection of an incompatible dog breed can cause a consideration to prospective dog adopters in choosing a dog
breed that matches their preferences [6].

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modeled in a hierarchical structure using the AHP (Analytic

Hierarchy Process) model used in management model of this
decision support system.
Data is entered into the system through data input form
breed. The data included in the dog breed with the pure breed
and registered in AKC or FCI, currently, there are 175 breed
types recognized by FCI. The results of the entry of dog
breed data are presented in Figure 2.

Fig. 1. Decision Support System Model of Dog Breed Selection

Assesment analysis of the breed selection is done by
classifying dogs variables that determine decision-making,
which in this study based on a purebred dog literature studies
and survey within the observer and dog breeder. Within this
study were obtained and determined 8 criterion and 7
subcriterion used in choosing a breed that consists of:
• Intelligence criteria - how dogs can obey orders and
learn to understand new commands [7]. This criterion has 2
subcriterion which is compliance (obedience) and potentially Fig. 2. List of Dog Breeds
to be trained (trainability).
Criterion, subcriterion and intensity data entered via data
• Hygiene criteria - the frequency of a dog produces input form criteria, sub-criteria, and intensity respectively, in
waste that is natural or out of control of itself, namely this research, there are 8 default criteria used for selecting
shedding and drolling. This criterion has 2 subcriterion dog breed. The three criterion have a total of 7 subcriterion
which is loss-free (non-Shedding) and Saliva free (non- by default, and last, the intensity has 3 default levels as
drolling). shown in figure 3. After the system got the default data from
the data entry process by the system administrator, then the
• Ease of maintenance criteria - how much need for a
system is ready to be used to assist users in the decision
specific dog according to the breed type requires special care
making process. An example of a case study in a pet shop, a
outside of daily care, the special care referred here is
prospective dog-adopter customer is looking for two of pet
grooming (dog hair care) and nail trimming (dog nail care).
dogs, the first dog is intended to help to herd and guarding
• Friendliness criteria - how much the level of livestock, and the second dog is planned as to be a pet in a
aggressiveness of a dog naturally have to the subject house that is expected to have the clean criteria and friendly
(humans and other animals) that it just recognized, the mild to the owner’s family member and guest and also can
aggressive behavior is characterized by barking to severe accompany with other pet animals in the house like cat and
aggressive behavior characterized by the tendency to attack rabbit. Based on the analysis carried out on the needs of
the subject it just knew. prospective dog adopters, the following formula is obtained.
• Adaptability criteria – how well the level of dog The first dog breed choice that is intended as prospective
adaptability to other species and new environment. This herders and cattle keepers, it is necessary to have a dog that
criterion has 2 subcriteria which is the adaptation to humans / is easily trained, able to live in the open, independent (not
other animal and adaptation to a new environment. too dependent on humans), and finally has a vigilant nature
and regional domination. Based on these characteristics,
• Popularity criteria - Popularity is rated based on the required weight criteria must be set to place the criteria of
ranks of the most popular race dogs issued by FCI / AKC, intelligence as the highest priority and adaptability as the
this ranking is released and updated annually based on second highest priority while the friendliness criteria are not
registration of genealogy and surveys. prioritized (minimum).
• Long life expectancy (longevity) criteria - the long life The second dog breed choice that is intended as ordinary
expectancy of a breed dog, according to study, every dog has pets whose main function is channeling hobbies or playmates
a life expectancy that varies between 5 years - 15 years for a prospective adopter, usually prospective adopter choose
depending on the breed type [8]. a dog based on their impression of the dog (physical beauty)
• Impression criteria - adopter-oriented criteria that subjectively, other than that the criteria of cleanliness and
explain the level of the impression of prospective adopters on friendliness are also a priority, so based on desirable traits,
the type of breed to be adopted (usually physically). we can set the required weight set criteria to place
impression criteria as a criterion with top priority followed
Each criterion and subcriterion has the same degree of by hygiene criteria and friendliness criteria as the second and
intensity which is High, Medium, and Low so that it can be third highest priority respectively.




Fig. 6. Criterion Priority Rank for Smart Dog Breed

Fig. 3. Default Data of Criterion, Sub-criterion, and Intensity

After recognizing the dog breed criteria desired by the

Fig. 7. Criterion Priority Rank for Hobbies Dog Breed
prospective adopter. System users in this case the pet shop
manager can use decision support system assistance to
The next process after all the criterion’s weight priority,
choose the appropriate dog breed. System users can choose
sub-criteria, and intensity have been obtained in the previous
one from many available preset categories of dog breed on
process are calculating all of these weights to dog breeds
the system. Each preset selected has each weighting set for
alternatives to get the total value and percentage of the dog's
criteria and subcriteria. In figure 4 and figure 5 presented a
compatibility against the certain preference set by user
pairwise criteria matrix for each weighting preset for the
preset. The system will then provide recommendations
smart dog category and the hobbies dog category and then
according to the category preset selected based on the total
along with pairwise matrix from its subcriterion (if any) and
accumulative value of each dog breed and as a result, three
pairwise matrix for intensity, we can get criterion’s priority
dog breed with the highest compatibility score will be
ranking with weighting value for each of criterion as shown
recommended to the user as shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9.
in figure 6 and 7.

Fig. 8. Smart Dog Recommended by the System

Fig. 4. Pairwise Matrix for Smart Dog Preset

Fig. 5. Pairwise Matrix for Hobbies Dog Preset Fig. 9. Hobbies Dog Recommended by the System




IV. CONCLUSION [1] Barnard, S., Passalacqua, C., Capra, A., Marshall-Pescini, S., Previde,
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT [6] Saaty, T. L., “Fundamentals of Decision Making and Priority Theory
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The author would like to thank DRPM of Indonesian [7] Coren, S., “The Intelligence of Dogs: A Guide to Thoughts,
ministry of research, technology and higher education Emotions, and Inner Lives of Our Canine Companions”. Atria Books.
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