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474 What do you offer that competitors don’t offer or promote?

They may of-

fer it, but if they don’t promote it, claim it.

475 Give something away your competition charges for: free phone consult,
free report, free analysis.

476 Be an active participant. Listen to your community, ask questions, solicit

feedback. Be known as the brand that interacts.

477 Tools like FB are built on relationships, not sales. Don’t pitch. Use direct
communication to get to know someone, not sell them.

478 Use referrals, make connections. If a follower/friend looks for some-

thing, recommend another follower/friend. Promoting others pro-
motes you.

479 A dissatisfied customer tells 9-15 ppl about it. 13% of dissatisfied cus-
tomers will tell 20+ ppl about their problem. Spend the time to make it

480 Craft messages around consumer behavior. Create the lifestyle, feeling,
experience of identifying with your brand.

481 What do you offer that is so compelling it drives people to act?

482 What matters in PR is the idea & the presentation.

483 When asked a question, pause for a silent count of 3 before answering.
You’ll appear more thoughtful and intelligent.

484 When building your personal brand, remember your passion and pur-
pose. Express it.


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