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507 Say thank you. Show appreciation for your customers.

Showcase a Face-
book Fan, congratulate a Twitter follower, customer of the week on your

508 Find your balance. Integrate your online campaigns with offline initia-

509 Your primary focus should always be creating content for your users, not
for page rank.

510 Know your numbers. Know traffic details, repeat visitors, retention.
Gain insights and identify opportunities.

511 Even if you are a local business, you’re competing globally. Your pres-
ence matters beyond your geographic location.

512 When pitching a blogger, research. Know what they cover, types of
products reviewed, reader interest. Only pitch if there is a good fit.

513 You are your own brand & you must always sell yourself. It’s a full time
job to become a recognizable brand.

514 You can’t sell something if it doesn’t excite you. Fall in love.

515 You have control over advertising. You have no control over PR. This is
part of the PR process.

516 You will have the highest success rate when pitching via phone first, and
then sending written info.

517 You’re a walking billboard for your biz. Everything you say & do commu-
nicates a message.


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