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518 Your brand reflects who you are as a company & the values & principals

that drive your biz decisions.

519 Your brand. What do you want people to think about you? Map out how
you’ll achieve these goals - make a 1-yr plan.

520 Your company’s sales & marketing budget should = at least 10% of its

521 Your current and potential customers look to social media as conversa-
tion. Make sure you’re engaging.

522 Your FB & Twitter photos are your brand’s 1st impression.

523 Your personal brand. What are you doing to strengthen your brand?
What do you want your brand to say about you.

524 Not sure what message works? Use split testing with a URL shortener
like or HootSuite. Track the data to know what sticks.

525 With SM you can monitor, track results and tweak in real time. Monitor
your message, track with your metrics, and tweak til you get it right.

526 Using targeted FB ads? Be prepared to change often. The more segmented
you are, the more the ads are seen. Decreases sensitivity to ad.

527 Use blog search, Social Mention, Twitter Search. Find people talking. Of-
fer your help, solutions & expertise. Relationships will be built.

528 Get ppl talking by developing valuable content. Need ideas? What do
people pull you aside at cocktail parties to ask? There’s your content.


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