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540 Create a FB landing page for your biz.

Use to highlight key info, call to

action, email opt in, promotions.

541 Shareable content sometimes needs a little nudging. Use free press
release distribution, article submission, niche sites to get the message

542 Gut check. Ask yourself: Who is my audience? What do they want/need?
Can I commit to provide this. If you can’t answer, SM is not for you.

543 Share photo’s. Upload, tag, share. Makes you human, shows what you
find interesting.

544 Give people a reason to opt in. Create a giveaway, promo, newsletter.
Have a clear call to action, make it easy to opt in.

545 The old adage that we do business with those we know, like and trust
hasn’t changed even if the technology has.

546 The most powerful words in social networking are “Thank you” and “How
Can I Help You.”

547 Remember, a tweet or post is forever. Ask yourself—is this how I want
to be found & remembered?

548 Create a unique landing pg from your social networks. Offer a unique
greeting, offer, FAQ’s. Gives instant connection w/o having to dig.

549 Meeting w/ a new prospect? Connect on a social network first. Find out
what they find interesting, more about what they do. Instant connection

550 Your marketing efforts shouldn’t focus on what is “new” or what is

“old”–they should focus on what works for your business.


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