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199 Keep pitches, VM’s short & to the point.

200 Keep up to date w/newspapers, websites, trade & professional pubs,

magazines, etc.

201 Keep your media list updated -- always. NewsLink -- http://www.

202 Know 3 easily recognizable advantages your product has over the com-

203 Learn to work the media. You have 3 choices: invisible, target, ex-

204 Let your customers know that you listen & engage on Social Media. It’s
critical for good customer service.

205 Let your work speak for you. Honor it. Reputation is everything -- in
business & in life.

206 List who you’d like to reach this year & their potential influencers. De-
velop timetable & calendar of outreach.

207 Listen attentively during your pitch. By listening, you’re able to steer
the conversation your way.

208 Quality over Quantity. Identify where quality traffic comes from & site
behavior by monitoring page views, time on site, goals met, bounce.

209 Having a SM strategy is important, but not as important as being flex-

ible. You don’t define success, your customers do.


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