550 PR Marketing Social Media 34

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342 Do an audit across your channels.

Consider comments, interactions,

sharing. If you aren’t soliciting a response, reconsider your message.

343 Be a great storyteller. From the about page on your website to your
Facebook posts, don’t sell…tell your story.

344 Determine what your value proposition is. Deliver it. Craft every mes-
sage based on how you are providing a solution for your customers.

345 Have a clear understanding of how you want to be perceived to deter-

mine your brand voice—before embarking on a campaign.

346 List building is important, but retention is key. Provide value. One
clear point, call to action, provide a solution.

347 PR is about follow-up - Reminding your contacts of your message until

one day they realize they need you.

348 PR is about how you interact w/ & represent yourself to the world.

349 PR is also about how your phone is answered to how your employees
present themselves to the public.

350 PR is every outward expression of you. Website, logo, tweets, partner-

ships, what you’re wearing. Everything.

351 PR is extremely cost-effective compared to other marketing tactics. Just

price advertising.

352 PR is soft-sell, subtle visibility. Learn to DIYPR.


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