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441 The PR & SM blend is about understanding markets, the needs of people

and how to reach them.

442 The value of a 3rd party endorsing your brand publicly – as in media
coverage – is a form of branding.

443 The way you deliver your message is as important as the message itself.
The media needs to understand AND react.

444 There’s nothing more attractive than self-confidence.

445 Things change constantly in the media world. Do your own backup
research to find the most updated contact info.

446 Think w/a plan. Identify what you want to promote, your target audi-
ence & the tools you’ll need to reach them.

447 To determine which words sparkle & which are duds in your copy, read it

448 To find your target media, think about the demographics of your ideal
client: age, gender, income, geography.

449 To ‘test the water,’ a quick phone call or email to a journalist outlining
what you’re selling never goes amiss.

450 Train your employees well. Teach them to be able to take over your job,
if need be. It will make you look very good.

451 Treat yourself & others w/honor. When someone reaches out to you,
respond in kind. Karma.


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