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2) Design an overflow spillway profile for a design discharge of 1200 m²/s.

upstream water surface level is at an elevation of 220 m and the upstream channel
floor is at 180 m. The spillway, having a vertical face, is 40 m long. [3 marks]
3) A spillway needs to be designed for a head of 3.00 m with a length of 250 m.
The discharge coefficient is C=0.46.

(a) Calculate the discharge for this head.

(b) What would be the discharge for heads: 0.50 m, 1.0 m and 1.50 m?

(c) Determine the maximum discharge that could be passed over the spillway
without cavitation. [2 marks] Unsolved question
4) Design a suitable profile for a chute spillway with the following data: spillway
crest level = 220.0 m, level of bottom of flank at which the low Ogee weir is to be
constructed = 190.0 m. Design discharge = 5,500 m3/s Downstream tail water
level corresponding to 5,500 m®/s = 100.0 m. The spillway length consists of 6
spans of 8.0 m clear width each. The thickness of each spillway pier may be
assumed to be 4 m. [2 marks]
5) Determine the minimum slope in the upper reach of a chute section of 30 m
width. The range of discharge is 200 to 2200 m/s. Assume Manning's coefficient n
= 0.02. [1 mark]

It is similar with example 7.4 from water resources (lecture note 07 pdf) page 131

1) Design a suitable profile of an Ogee spillway for a concrete gravity dam which
has a downstream face sloping at 0.8H: 1V. The design discharge for the spillway
is 9,000 m/s. The height of the spillway crest is kept at RL 220.0 m. The mean bed
level at the construction site is 90.0 m. The spillway length consists of 4 spans
having a clear width of 12 m each. Thickness of each pier can be taken to be 2.0 m.
(a) Determine the effective length of spillway.

(b) Determine the downstream profile of spillway.

(c) Determine the upstream profile of spillway.

(d) Provide a sketch of the spillway that you have designed. [2 marks]

As we know for spillway,
Q= C.L.He 3/2
Where , Q= Discharge from the spillway
C=Coefficient of discharge
Le=Effective length of the spillway crest
He = Total head over the crest

9000=2.2 * 72 (He ) 3/2
On solving  He = 14.78m
The height of the spillway above the river bed (h)=
h= 220-90= 130m
Since h/hd ,i.e. 130/14.78>1.33
we can say that it is a high spillway and thus the effect of velocity head can be

Since (hd+ d)/He =(Hd +h)/He =(14.78+130)/ 14.78>1.7;

We can imply that coefficient of discharge is not affected by tail water conditions,
and the spillway remains a high spillway

#Design criteria for effective length:

Le = L - 2[N.KP + Ka ] He
Where Le = effective length of the crest
L= net length of the crest
N= number of piers
Kp= pier contraction coefficient
Ka= abutments contraction coefficient
He = Total design head on the crest including velocity head

Assuming that 90⁰ cut water nose piers and rounded abutments shall be provided,
we have Ka = 0.01 and KP = 0.1
No. of piers = N = 5.
Also assuming that the actual value of He is slightly more than the approximate
value worked out (i.e. 14.78 m), say, let it be 15.5 m

Therefore, Le = 72 -2[5×0.01 + 0.1]×15.5 =67.35m.

Hence Q = 2.2 × 67.35 × He 3/2 or
8000 = 2.2 × 67.35 × He 3/2
on solving, He = 14.285 m ≈ 14.3 m(assumed)

Hence, the assumed He for calculating Le is all right. The crest profile will be
designed for Hd = 14.78 m (neglecting velocity head).

For Downstream Profile

According to water experimental station (W.E.S.) , for a vertical u/s face the d/s
profile is given by:
 x1.85 = 2. Hd 0.85 y
Putting Hd= 14.78 we get

Since the d/s profile of dam is 0.8H:1V

Differentiating the equation of the d/s profile with respect to x, we get

=> x = 20.36m
corresponding y = 13.37m

x y
1 0.050684
2 0.182717
3 0.386854
4 0.658694
5 0.995331
6 1.39461
7 1.854831
8 2.374594
9 2.952715
10 3.588169
11 4.280055
12 5.027571
13 5.829994
13.37 6.140674

For upstream Profile

Y=0.724(x+0.27Hd )1.85 +0.126Hd – 0.4315Hd 0.375 (x+0.27Hd ) 0.625

Putting Hd= 14.78m, we get
Y=0.724(x+3.99)1.85 +1.862 – 1.182 (x+3.99 ) 0.625

which extends upto x = -0.27Hd = -3.99m

-0.5 11.75438
-1 9.69775
-1.5 7.867241
-2 6.265121
-2.5 4.892583
-3 3.747262
-3.99 1.862

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