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Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Title: Engineering Drawing Academic year: 2018/19
Course Number: MEng 1011 Semester: I
Credit Hours: 3 (2 hrs Lecture & 3 hrs Lab) Pre-requisites: None
Course Coordinator Name: _________________ Office No.: Block ___Room _____

The course Engineering Drawing covers introduction and importance of engineering drawing,
drawing instruments, drawing standards and conventions; theories of projection: types and
systems of projections, projections of points and lines; multi-view drawings; pictorial drawing;
auxiliary viewsand sectional view.

Course objectives
The objectives of this course are:
 To enable students to acquire and understand engineering drawing skills as a means of
accurately and clearly communicating ideas, information and instructions.
 To provide an ability to engineering students to produce and use engineering drawings
within engineering activities.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO): At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CLO1 Apply knowledge of drawing conventions and standards in engineering drawing.
CLO2 Sketch letters in accordance with standards and techniques in engineering drawing.
CLO3 Draw point and line projections in accordance within drawing conventions and
CLO4 Produce multi-view and pictorial drawings using engineering drawing
tool,techniques and conventions.
CLO5 Create auxiliary and sectional views as a supplement of multi-view drawings.
Mapping of the course learning outcomes to the program outcomes, Teaching methods and
Course Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO)
Learning Teaching
Outcome PLO Methods
s (CLO) 4
CLO1 X Lec.
CLO2 X Lec/Pra
CLO3 X Lec/Pra
CLO4 X Lec/Pra
CLO5 X Lec/Pra

Course Content CLO

1. Introduction to Engineering Drawing
 History of Engineering Drawing
 Objective of Engineering Drawing
 Lettering
 Drawing Instrument
 Types of lines
2. Theory of Projection
 Types of Projections
 Classifications of Projections CLO1,CLO3
 Projection of Point
 Projection of a line (Normal, Inclined, Oblique)
3. Multi-View Drawings
 System of Projection
 Choice of Views
 One view, two view, and three view Drawings
 Laying Out Drawings
 Width, Height, and Depth relation ships
 Projection of Planar and Non-Planar Surfaces
 Projection of Fillets, Rounds and Run-outs
 Projection of Solids (3D object)
 Precedence of Lines
4. Pictorial Drawing
 Comparison between Multi view and Pictorial drawing
 Types of Pictorial Projections CLO1,CLO4
 Isometric Drawings
 Oblique Drawings
5. Auxiliary Views
 Primary Auxiliary Views
 Secondary Auxiliary Views
 Complete and partial Auxiliary Views
6. Sectional View CLO1,CLO5
 Making Sectional views
 Types of Sections
 Conventional Representations
 Sectional Auxiliary Views
 Sectional in Pictorial Drawing (optional)

Course Learning Outcome

Assessment Tasks Values
1 Individual Assignment 1 10% CLO2,CLO3
2 Test 1 10% CLO2,CLO3,CLO4
3 Individual Assignment 2 10% CLO4,CLO5
4 Quiz 5% CLO1
4 Test 2 15% CLO4,CLO5
5 Final Examination 50% CLO2,CLO4,CLO5

Text Book:
1. Cecil Jensen and Jay D. Helsel, Engineering Drawing and Design, McGraw-Hill, New York,
7th Ed, 2008.
1. Thomas French, Charles Vierck, and Robert Foster, Engineering Drawing and Graphics
Technology, 1993.
2. Warren J. Luzzader and Jon M. Duff, Fundamentals of engineering drawing, Prentice Hall,
New Jersy, 11thed, 1983
3. R.S.Vaishwanar, Engineering Drawing and Graphics, Kumar Offset Press, New Delhi, 1993.
4. Voland, Gerard G.S., Modern Engineering Drawing and Graphics and Designs, West
Publishing Company, 1987.

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