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1. A wide open channel with a plane sloping bed has a water depth h =2 m, slope I = 0.

5 
10-3, bed material characteristics d50 = 0.002 m, d90 = 0.005 m, sediment density s =
2650 kg/m3, water temperature Te = 20 0C, and water density w = 1000 kg/m3. Is there
movement of bed material according to the Shields curve shown in Figure 1?

2. A wide open channel has a water depth of h = 5 m. The bed is covered with
sand dunes. The bed material characteristics are d50 = 0.0003 m, d90 = 0.0005
m, sediment density s = 2650 kg/m3. The overall Chezy coefficient, C = 50
m0.5/s. The water temperature is 20 0C. The kinematic viscosity coefficient,
v = 10-6 m2/s. The water density w = 1000 kg/m3. What is the depth-averaged
current velocity at initiation of motion at the up-sloping part of the dunes and
what is the overall bed-shear stress (use Shields curve in Figure 1)?
3. The channel has a sand bed and cohesive banks. The channel-forming discharge is 600
ft3/s. Use 2H:1V side slope and manning coefficient,n = 0.022. Design a stable
trapezoidal channel (Figure 2) Using Simons and Albertson’s regime method. Therefore
compute the channel stable:-

4. A wide open channel has a mean water depth h = 3 m, a mean bed slope I =
1.5  10-4, a mean velocity 𝑢̅ = 1𝑚/𝑠 , the bed material characteristics are
sediment median size d50 = 350 m, d90 = 1000 m, sediment density s =2650 kg/m3, fluid
density w = 1000 kg/m3, fluid temperature t = 200C, kinematic viscosity of water v = 10-6
m2/s. Use Figure 3 or Figure 4 or equations from chapter 1 to get particle fall velocity, which
is intermediate step value in the analysis. Determine:

a) Type of bed forms generated using Liu (1957), Simons-Richardson (1966), and Van Rijn

b) Dimensions of bed form using Gill (1971), Yalin (1972), Allen (1968), and Van Rijn methods
5. A wide channel with a water depth h = 8 m has a bed covered with dunes. Ripples are
superimposed on the dunes. The dune dimensions are d = 1 m, d = 50 m. The ripple
dimensions are r = 0.2 m, r = 3 m. The bed material characteristics are d50 = 300 m, d90 =
500 m, what is the effective bed roughness and the Chezy-coefficient?

6. A wide channel has a water depth h = 5 m. The depth-averaged flow velocity𝑢̅ = 1𝑚/𝑠. The
bed material characteristics are sediment median size d50 = 500 m, d90 = 1000 m. The
sediment density s = 2650 kg/m3, fluid density w = 1000 kg/m3, kinematic viscosity of water
v = 10-6 m2/s. Using the method of Engelund and Hansen determine:

a) The Chezy-coefficient (C)

b) Surface slope (I)
7. A wide channel has a water depth h = 3 m. The depth-averaged flow velocity 𝑢̅ = 1𝑚/𝑠. The
bed material characteristics are sediment median size d50 =300 m, d90 = 500 m. The
sediment density is s = 2650 kg/m3 and fluid density is w = 1000 kg/m3. The kinematic
viscosity is v = 10-6 m2/s.

a) What type of bed forms is present?

b) What are the bed form dimensions?

c) What is the effective bed roughness?

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