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Learning strategies for moving from B2 to Cl:

Speaking: To become a good oral comm unicator, you need to know the right vocabulary, use the correct grammar
and pronounce the language correctly. Always involve the listener and remember to say how you felt at the moment,
this wil l help you to personalize the story in a meaningful way.

Reading: Before you read a text, predict as much information as you can
• Read the title of the text Can you guess what it means?
• Look at the pictures. What people, places and things do they show?
• Read the headings of the different sections. What do you th ink they are about?

House the world

Grammar: Quantifiers, countable / uncountable
Vocabulary: Houses, homes, furniture

Speaking & Reading

1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
1 Which is the most similar to houses in your country?
2 Wh ich countries do you think the houses are in? Why?

2. Match the texts (a - d) to the houeses (1 - 6). Two

of the houses are not mentioned.

a) A round hut in Cameroon made of mud and straw.

It has a steep thatched roof, one door and no
windows. It is very dark inside.

b) A small house in a southern Spanish town. It has

whitewashed walls and a small balcony with flowers.
There are wooden blinds to keep the house cool in
summer. It is in a quiet backstreet and is very peaceful.

d) A traditional English semi-detached house in the

c) An apartment in Hong Kong city centre. It is on the
suburbs, made of red brick. It is spacious and
57 th floor of a high-rise building. It is very cramped.
The windows are tiny and the ceilings very low. comfortable and has a large garden. It has five
bedrooms, two bathrooms and a loft with a skylight.

Vocabulary & Speaking


1. Find words in the texts and put them into these categories.

types of houses rooms in a house materials parts of a house

hut loft mud roof

2. Put these words into the categories. Add some more of your own.

chalet cellar lo unge terrace staircase chimney tin cottage concrete houseboat study

3. Underline any adjectives in the texts. Are they positive, negative or neutral?

positive negative neutral

spacious cramped steep

4. Work in pairs. Take turns describing a house you know well using the vocabulary above.
1. Answer the questions. 3. Read the article again. Match the
1 What do you know about IKEA? headings to the paragraphs (1-5).

2 Do you have any IKEA furniture at home1 a) IKEA for all

3 Why do you thin k IKEA is so popular? b) Getting around the shop
2. Read the article and check if any of your ideas are c) Lookalike homes
mentioned. d) Ordering your mess
e) You're on your own
Tue gos:peL etccoY~~V\f1 to 4. Decide whether each of the following
statements is true (T) or false (F).

Correct the false statements.
1 At IKEA ...
a) you have to follow a certain route. T
b) you can wander around the store as
you like. F
It started as a young man's dream in rural Sweden. Now IKEA is the c) you have to see the whole of the
world's largest furniture retailer with 283 stores in 36 countries and an store.
annual turnover of billions of euros. How do they do it? Daniel Monk 2 Prices are kept low at IKEA because ...
went to a superstore to investigate. a) the staff don't give you a lot of help.
1 Firstly, IKEA stores are not really stores at all: in a traditional shop you b) you have to assemble the furniture
enter and search for a particular prod uct. At IKEA, you have to do a yourself.
tour of the whole store until you arrive at the products you're looking c) you have to design the furniture
for. This is a brilliant trick to get you to spend more money! yourself.
3 IKEA specialises in ...
2 At IKEA the customer does the work: you shop with little help from
a) cheap quality furniture that looks
the staff, take your furniture home and assemble it yourself. All this
helps to keep costs down. That's great in theory, but don't you just
hate fiat-pack furniture when you get home and find a few important
b) contai ners and boxes for storing
parts are missing?
c) items t hat help you organise your
3 The IKEA philosophy is optimistic. It encourages you to take control life.
and that's incredibly clever - you just need a little imagination. With 4 The author likes the fact that...
IKEA's help you can fight the chaos in your home. There are dozens
a) IKEA has become so popular.
of bookcases, shelving and multi-purpose cupboards, because
b) all kinds of people shop there.
everything must have its home. Order and classification are at the
heart of the IKEA ideology. c) you assemble your own furniture.
5 In general, the author. ..
4 Judging by their sales figures, that ideology is spreading. Few
a) is very positive about IKEA and its
households in Europe these days contain nothing from IKEA. In some
ways, it's great: IKEA have made stylish furniture affordable. The
b) is quite impressed by IKEA's
danger, of course, is that our homes are all starting to look alike.
5 On the positive side, IKEA is pretty classless. Almost everybody c) likes some things about IKEA and is
has enough money to shop there, and it's popular with one-parent sceptical about others.
families and single people. So, while traditional British institutions
- the Crown, Parliament, Marks and Spencer - have become less
popular, there's plenty of evidence that IKEA will keep going strong.



7 SOCIETY AND • Past Modals: Should • Rules & behavior 0 An online forum • Past modals
You have/Could have • Bureaucracy • Herd Mentality • Intonation: sounding
page 2 • Past Modals: • Collective nouns Q Dress codes frustrated
Speculation & • How to deal with bureaucracy

8 (RIME AND • If Sentences: Imagined •Crime 0 Let the Punishment Fit the Crime • Wish & if only
PUNISHMENT Situations (1) •Scams Q Conversations about crime • Intonatio n: changing
page12 • Wishes & Regrets • On trial • A radio show about scams topic
• If Sentences: Imagined • A courtroom report
Situations (2), Mixed
Time Frames


9 LUCK AND • Adding Emphasis: Cleft •Luck 0 Good luck charms •Modifying
FORTUNE Sentences with is • Sports • "The more I practice, the luckier I comparisons
page 22 • Making Comparisons • Verb collocations get" • Intonat ion:
• Modifying Comparisons Q Lucky rituals contradicting
• Working in television and movies


page 32 REVIEW C, UNITS 7-9 page 35 BRING IT TOGETHER 7, 8 & 9



1 '.it Work in pairs. Look at the images and answer the 4 '.it Work in pairs. Complete A and B in the KEY

• What rules about dress codes do the signs in a and b show?

• In what situations would you follow these dress codes? 5 a Choose an adjective from A or B in the KEY
VOCABULARY PANEL to describe behaviors 1-6. More
2 a >))1.1 Listen to three people talking about dress than one answer may be correct.
codes. Match speakers 1-3 to images a-c. unacceptable 1 stealing money from the collection tray in church
inappropiate 2 showing a violent movie to a class of 11-year-olds
b How did the speakers feel in each situation? impolite
3 talking in class at the same time as the teacher
trustworthy 4 being someone people can always depend on
3 a Answer the questions. 5 insisting t hat a friend of yours go on vacation with you
Who ... childish
and your boyfriend/girlfriend
1 2b
1 wasn't in a different country? irresponsable 6 forgetting to lock the front door at night
3 2 obeyed the local rules? 1 c
3 felt he/she had been given bad advice? 3a b Which adjectives could you use to describe the
people in the audio and their attitudes toward dress
b Do you have any similar rules in your country? codes?
In what situations do they apply?

Rules & behavior

A Prefixes
• Use the prefixes in the box to make words 1-10

dis- ii- im- in- ir- un-

...!:!.Q__acceptable 6 un
2 __in _appropriate in accurate
7 ___
3 _ dis_honest dis respectful
8 ___
4 im moral 9 ___i legal
5 ___ responsible 10 in polite
• Check your answers in Transcript 7.1 on page 43.
Can you think of any more words with these

B Suffixes

• Match suffixes 1-5 to meanings a-e.

d -able/-ible flexible

a -ish
2 ___ childish

e -less
3 ___
k useless

4 ___
c -ful helpful

b -worthy
5 ___ trustworthy

a like/similar to this
b deserving this thing
c full of/very
d can do this
6 ~ Work in groups. Read the text and discuss the e without
• Use suffixes 1-5 to make adjective forms of the
words in the box. Are the adjectives positive or
In 2010, the Swiss bank UBS sent a 44-page negative? Write them in the chart above.
dress code to its employees. The document
told employees what to wear when doing
rely note fool care (x2)
business; it even included rules for reliable noteworthy foolish careless careful
• Check your answers in Transcript 7.1 on page 43.
Which word has a spelling change?
• Why do you think UBS did this?
• Do you think it was a good idea? Why/Why not?
• How do you think UBS employees felt when they
received this document?
• Does your workplace/college have a dress code?
What does it include? Do you agree with it?



Messages Status Photos Videos Links

Xi-feng, China
I was in Yantei Park recently and finally found a free bench to sit
down on. Suddenly I heard a very strange sound and felt spikes
shooting into my pants. I jumped off the bench and looked down
in horror at rows of metal spikes. It turns out that the bench was
originally designed as an art exhibit by a German sculptor, but
the park authorities in Yantei adapted the idea for its benches ! I
now know that I should have put money in a meter to operate
the bench. When your money runs out, an alarm sounds and the
spikes return. They're harmless but very uncomfortable to sit on.
The authorities introduced the idea because the park suffers from
severe overcrowding on weekends when everyone escapes the
busy cities. This idea helps share facilities more fairly and prevents
people grabbing a bench and staying there all day. This is the most
bizarre way I've ever heard of for controlling behavior! Has anyone
out there heard of anything similar?
lil' Like I Post a comment

Showing first 10 comments I View all comments I Go to latest comments

Joo-eun, Seoul
Here in South Korea-and in Japan, too-it's a legal requirement
that every cell phone make a distinctive noise when taking a
picture. The noise is a warning to prevent people from being
photographed in inappropriate situations. I was in NewYork last
year when the wind blew my skirt up. A complete st ranger took
3 a photo with his phone, and it probably ended up on the Internet!
He couldn't have done this in South Korea. I think more
countries should adopt this law.
comment #1 posted 20:49

1 a 'i.p Work in pairs. Look at the images and discuss 3 Match the people to questions 1-5: Xi-feng (X),
the questions. Joo-eun (J), Charles (C) or Elvira (E). More than one
• Where do you think the photos were t aken? answer may be correct.
• What rul es do you think people have to follow in Who...
each photo? 1 approves of th e ru le/law? j
2 doesn't approve of t he rule/law? x
b Read the online forum. Check your answers in la. 3 had a lucky escape?
4 was alerted to a problem by a noise?
2 a 'i.pWork in pairs. What is the significance of 1-4 5 had a problem because there wasn't a noise?
in the forum?
1 an art exhibit 3 a short-term parking zone 4 'i.p Work in groups. Answer the questions.
2 a stranger 4 dirty puddles 1 What is your opinion of th e rules discussed in the
b Read the online forum again and check. 2 Which is t he strangest?
3 What kinds of rul es are there in public spaces in your
country? Do you think t hey're good ones?
3 Complete conversations 1-4 with a form of should/could have
and an appropriate verb.
Showing first 10 com ments I View all comments
1 A We finally took the ferry to Venice.
could have taken
Charles, Senegal B You ·- - - - - - - - - - the t rain, too.
I'm taking a language course in the UK, and I That was another possibil ity.
came across this sign at a train station. The idea
is to prevent long, romantic farewe lls in front of 2 A Oh no, it's raining! We're going to get wet.
should have brought
the station because apparently they cause traffic B I told you we · - - - - - - - - - - an umbrella.
jams and delays. If couples want to kiss good- You never listen!
bye, they have to go to the designated "Kissing
Zone" in the short-term parking area, where they 2 A My leg hurts. I think I've pulled a muscle.
shouldnt have practiced
can stay for up to 20 minutes! Some people think B You ·- - - - - - - - - - so long in the gym. It's
they shouldn't have put the sign up, but I think not good for you.
it's romantic and kind of fun.
comment #2 posted 20:53 4 A She never took a driving test; she just bought a license!
couldnt have done that
B She ·- - - - - - - - - - that in my country. It's
Elvira, Moscow illegal!
If there's one place you're likely to be stopped
by the police, it's behind t he wheel of a car. Here 4 a Think of something in the last year that you ...
in Moscow, this is even more likely now that it's 1 shouldn't have done.
illegal to drive a dirty car! Unfortunately, there 2 didn't do, but should have.
are no clear specifications to explain how dirty is 3 could have done, but decided not to.
"dirty." Recently I was stopped by the police. I 4 couldn't have done in different circumstances.
hadn't washed my car for three months, but they
just gave me a warning. They could have fined b ~ Work in pairs. Compare you r answers. Ask follow-up
me up to $100! This law is completely insane! questions to find out more information.
So watch out for muddy puddles if you're driving
comment #3 posted 21 :04
We use should+ have + past participle to express regret or
<>e,raise I
criticize a past action:
I should <2 l _have
_ _ _ visited my grandmother yesterday.
(= I didn't do it, but it was th e right thing to do)
/ <3>_ _ _ _ _ have left my job.
(= I did it, but it was the wrong thing to do)
We use could+ have+ past participle to talk about...
<4>e_ossibility /
obligation in the past:
GRAMMAR We could have gone to Dubai, but we went to Florida instead.
(= we had the possibility, but we didn't do it)
1 Read the phrases in bold in the online forum We couldn't have <s>_____
gone to Florida without my raise.
and answer the questions. (= we did it, but it was only possible because of my rai se)
1 Do the sentences talk about a) the present,
See page 3 6 for grammar reference and more practice.
b) the past, c) the future?
2 Did the police fine Elvira? Was it a possibility? nop
3 Did Xi-feng put money in the meter? nop
4 Did they put the sign up at the stat ion? Do some SPEAKING
people think it was the wrong thing to do? nop 1 ~ Work in groups. Think of a time when you or someone
5 Did someone take an inappropriate photo of you know broke a rule. Discuss the questions.
Joo-eun in New York? Would this be possible in
• What rule did th e person break? Why?
South Korea? nop • Is it a rule that often get s broken in your country?
2 Choose the correct option or complete 1- 5 in the • Do you t hink the person should have broken the rul e?
• What finally happened?


1 '-P Look at images a-c. Where do you think the people
are? What is happening? How do they feel? Why?

2 a '-P Work in pairs. Read the definition and answer R RESEARCH

the questions. A ACCEPT
red tape the documents and procedures associated 1 >))1.2 Listen to a talk about how to deal with
with bureaucratic systems such as applying bureaucracy. Answer the questions.
for a passport, a bank account or registering a
1 What does th e acronym RACE stand for?
2 Which two images a-c are referred to as examples? A B

1 What's the connection between the definition and 2 a Listen again and take notes on what Sanjay says
image c? about each word in the acronym in 1.
2 What do you think the people are lining up for?
Choose from the options in the box. Use a dictionary b Work in pairs. Compare your notes. What mistakes
to help you. did the people make in the two situations?

application for a d river's license 3 Do you disagree with any of Sanjay's tips? Which ones?
enro llment form formal com plaint fo rm Why? Are there any suggestions you would add?
job appl ication tax return
visa or passport application GRAMMAR

b What documents might be necessary for the 1 a Look at sentences a-e from Transcript 7.2. Underline
procedures in 2a? Can you add any more to the list in the modal verbs.
the box? a He might have forgotten an important document.
b He could have made a mistake on his form.
a birth certi ficate an ID card a medical certi ficate c He couldn't have read the form carefully.
a passport proof of add ress a resident's certificate d He must have found something suspicious in his case.
e He may not have fulfilled all the requirements.
3 '-P Work in groups. Discuss the questions. b Answer the questions about sentences a-e in 1a.
• Have you had to fill out any official forms recently?
• Was it a complicated procedure? Did you have to provide 1 Are they talking about the past or the present?
any extra documents? If so, whi ch ones? 2 Is the speaker certain that w hat he says is true/not true?
• Do you often have to deal with paperwork like thi s? 2 Complete 1- 5 in the GRAMMAR PANE with sentences
• What problems do people usually face when dealing a-e from la.
with bureaucracy, in your experience? R : RESEARCH FID OUT ANY PROCESS, PAPERS, MAKE A LIST O DOCUMENTS YOU
3 Rewrite bold phrases 1-6 using past modals. PRONUNCIATION: Past modals
p CW ► COW +w
1 a >))7.3 Listen and circle the words you hear.
I'm writing about a package that was sent from Austra lia
1 I suppose I could put/ have put my keys in
a month ago. <1>rm sure something has gone wrong because your bag.
it still hasn't arrived. <2 >-rhere's no way I missed the mailman 2 Her parents might not let/ have let her come!
because there's always someone in the house. <3>1t's impossible 3 Careful! You could hurt I have hurt yourself!
it couldnt have gotten lost
that it got lost beca use packages are tracked electronically. 4 Don't worry, he may not have come I come.
<4 >Perhaps the mailman delivered it to the wrong address. s They couldn't have closed I closed the pool.
the mailman may have delivered
Or <s>it's possible he left it with a neighbor. I reported the Lots of people go there!
he might have left 6
problem a week ago, but <>it's possible you haven't tracked
b How is have pronounced in the sentences
down the package yet. you might not have tracked
in la?

2 ~ Work in pairs. Take turns reading out loud

4 ~ Work in pairs. Look at the image of the car. What do you one of the options for the sentences in la.
think has happened? Use the ideas in the box and your own Listen and identify t he option you hear.
break down have an accident park illegally
pay a parking fine have a valid license 1 Think of a time you had a problem or
misunderstanding in one of the situations in
The driver might have had an accident. the box.

with a gas/ water/ electric company

at the bank/ post office
at a passport office/ embassy/ tax office

Prepare notes about...

• what happened
• why you th ink it happened
• how you fe lt
• how you resolved the situati on.

2 a ~ Work in groups of three. Talk about

each problem, using your notes from 1.

b Share ideas about why each situation

PAST MODALS: SPECULATION & DEDUCTION • For your problem, do you agree with your
group's ideas about your situati on?
We use must/could/might/may/couldn't+ have+ past participle
• For other people's problems, do you think
to speculate and make deductions about th e past.
they resolved the situation well? Why/ Why not?

A speculation about a past event or situation we ...

1 are sure happened. <1>_He_ _have
must _found
__ _ _suspicious
something ___ _
in his _

He could have made a mistake on his form.

2 think possibly (2)

happened. -------------
He may have brought the wrong form.
(3) He might have forgotten an important document.

3 think possibly He may not have fulfilled all the requirements

didn't happen.
He might not have known about the law.

4 are sure didn't <s> He couldn't have read the form carefully.

See page 3 6 for grammar reference and more practice.


1 a '-tWork in pairs. Rank statements a-d 1 Read the definitions and answer the questions.
according to how strongly you agree with them. 1 What's the connection between the definitions?
2 How do you think they relate to images a-d?
1 = st rongly agree 2 = agree 3 = not sure
4 = d isagree 5 = strongly disagree
herd a group of animals of the same species that travel
3 I hate crowds. I usually avoid going to or are kept together
a ___
herd mentality the way that large numbers of people
busy shopping malls, large concerts or
behave in the same way at the same time
sporting events.
4 I love big cities. I love the buzz and
b ___
excitement of a crowd.
2 a Read the article. What is the connection to images a-d?
c 5 I could never live alone or work from
home. I like being surrounded by b Match headings a-f to paragraphs 1-6.
people; I feel miserable by myself. 3 1
2 a Safety in Numbers d Anything for a Bargain
d ___ We always go out in a large group. It's b Machines to the Rescue 5 e Follow your Neighbors 2
important to invite everyone; you can't 6
c The End of Mob Rule? f The Smell of Success 4
leave anyone out.
~ 3 a Complete statements 1-6 using your own words.
b ....,.. Work with another pair. Compare your
responses in la. Then answer the questions 1 The writer didn't go into the department store because ...
about the last time you were in a crowd. 2 Starlings don't collide when they move in formation because ...
3 Animals are safer in groups because ...
- - .............,m..-.111'-ttr.i;.f",F,f e.¥0 ........_
7 _ _ ...,_............- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
, 4 A trucking company saved thousands of dollars by... •
5 Robots can help people in disaster areas by... ,
6 Crowds are often unruly because people ... rather than ..'.

b Reacf the article again and check.

4 '.iP Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. SPEAKING
• Do you agree that people have a herd mentality? Why/Why not?
• In what situations do people behave badly in groups?
1 a '.iPWork in groups of four. Your team
members in the company where you work are
• Have you had a similar experience to the one in the department
unhappy and do not work well together. You
store? What happened? How did you feel?
have decided to do a team-building activity.

VOCABULARY: Collective nouns Student A, turn to page 41.

Student B, turn to page 42.
1 a Find the collective nouns in the box in the article in READING Student C, turn to page 42.
2a. What do they describe? Student D, turn to page 41.
a group of birds group of reindeer wolves
crew flock gang herd horde mob pack
shoppers swarm b '.iP Work with a partner with the same
rescue workers role card from a different group. Discuss the
teenage girls shoppers ants
advantages and disadvantages of your activity.
b '.iP Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
1 Which nouns in la usually describe a) people? b) birds? c) insects?
crew, gang, mob, horde flock
2 a '.iPExplain your activity to your group.
d) mammals? herd, pack swarm Decide together which activity will be best for
2 Which words can have a negative meaning? Why? bringing the team together.
gang, horde, mob, swarm
2 a Which of the words in la can you use to describe 1-8? b Report back. Which activity did you choose?
1 cows herd 4 seagulls flock 7 dogs herd Why?
2 soccer fans horde,mob 5 criminals gang 8 sailors crew
3 bees swarm 6 protestors horde, mob

II a
Las , year I was standing outside a New York Staying in large groups keeps animals safe. Scientists have also developed search-and-
depr rtment store the day the sales started. Take a herd of reindeer. If there is a pack rescue robots that work in the same way as
As roon as the doors opened, a mob of of wolves following the herd, it will be in ants. The robots work in disaster areas to
shoppers rushed in. Everyone was elbowing danger. Wolves can hide from one reindeer, map an affected area and transmit reliable
onej another out of the way. A gang of but if hundreds of reindeer are watching information to rescue crews.
tee age girls started fighting over T-shirts. at the same time, one is bound to spot the
Eve though I had waited over an hour, predators. Alone, the reindeer are helpless,
I couldn't bear to go in. I was disgusted to but together they are strong. Miller also shows how we can learn to
see ~eople acting like animals. But recently manage groups of people by studying
I'velrealized that they weren't behaving like II animal behavior. In certain situations,
· als---quite the opposite, in fact. Miller describes how scientists are applying such as at an airport, people develop
some of the principles of swarms to solve a herd mentality. They all do the same
human problems. For example, a trucking thing, following the leader. Crowds are
Thi k ofbirds. In autumn, you see enormous company was inspired by a swarm of only intelligent if individual members act
flocks of starlings in an astonishing, natural ants. When ants look for food, they leave responsibly and make their own decisions.
dis lay of formation flying. Thousands fly chemicals called pheromones to record By observing animal movements, it may be
tog ther, but they never collide. They move the most successful routes for finding possible to organize public spaces better
as a single organism. How does this happen? food. The company created a computer and prevent crazy situations like the rush
Pet r Miller discusses it in his best-seller The model for routing its trucks inspired by during sales. So next time you're fighting
Sm rt Swarm. He explains that each starling the ants' behavior. This saved the company with hordes of shoppers, you'd better
onl watches the six birds closest to it. It thousands of dollars. grab a copy of this book, alongside those
trac s those birds at all times and copies designer sunglasses!
thei[ movements. This way, the birds keep
o~ng as one large flock.
4 ~ Work in pairs. Choose two appropriate expressions
from 3a to use in each situation 1-3.

Situation 1
Your bank has made several administrative
errors with your personal information. When
they correct one mistake, another one appears.

- ---
_:_~ - -"""!:.... ~ - ~ = ....
ar-.. . Situation 2
The service in a restaurant was terrible. You
waited over an hour for your main course.
The management says you don't have to pay
the service charge, but you think they shou ld
TUNE IN discount more from the bill.

1 ~ Work in groups. Discuss the questions.

• Have you ever had a bus/flight/train canceled or Situation 3
seriously delayed? Why? What happened? The train you are waiting for has been canceled
• What usually happens when a flight is delayed or due to bad weather. It was the last train of
canceled? the day to your destination and now you are
• What does the airline do for passengers? stranded.

2 a >))1.4 Listen to a man complaining about a canceled

flight. What three pieces of advice is he given?
add more flies, you should had better plans, ' ' SOUNDING FRUSTRATED , ,
b Listen again and correct false statements 1-6. ~•>) 1.s Listen to five sentences. How does the speaker
1 The man is at the airport information desk. no sound? How do you know?
2 His flight will leave later this is cancelled
Look at Transcript 7.5 on page 43. Underline the words
3 He's traveling alone. he is with his wife and kids
that the speaker says slowly and loud ly.
4 He's booked another flight on his iPad. he couldnt
5 He's traveling on business. they are on vacation Practice saying the sentences with the same intonation.
6 He'll have to pay for dinner. no

3 a Match sentence halves 1-8 to a-h to make 5 a ~ Work in pairs. Choose one of the situations in 4
expressions from the audio. to act out.
1 I want to know d
2 The problem is h
3 What are we supposed __ a _ Student A
4 Do you have any idea e
You a r e the customer . You are n ot ha2py
5 I'm afraid that f
b with the help you are being offered .
6 All I'm asking
7 You should have c
8 This isn't the g
Student B
a to do now? You work for t he company. You are
b for is a flight home. t rying to he lp the cus t omer a n d o ff er
c better plans in place. sugges t ion s .
d what's going on.
e how difficult that is?
f just isn't good enough! b Switch roles and act out a different situation.
g first time it's happened.
h no one's telling us anything. 6 ~ Report back to the class. Which situation was
more successful? Did the company respond to your
b Check your answers in Transcript 7.4 on page 43. criticism? Why/Why not?

1 a '.it
Work in groups. What signs do the images show?
What problems are they trying to prevent? Do you think
they will be effective?

b Do you have any of these problems in your local

community? What other social problems are common?

2 >))1.6 Listen to two people discussing the issues in

images a-d. Number the images in the order they are

3 Listen again and answer the questions.

1 Where do the speakers work? they work at a school
2 What idea do they have? talk to people in school Twenty's
3 What are their opinions on graffiti? many of them are very impressive
4 What is a problem for people with children? Plenty
5 Why are noise, graffiti and dog waste not at the top
of the list? because they are not a priority


4 '.it Work in pairs. Complete sentences 1-7. Then listen
again and check.
1 What concerns me most is __ graffiti
_ __
2 Surely the top priority has to be __ _ __
3 Something else that really bothers me is __ _ __
4 We should focus on __ _ _ _ more than
5 Another thing people feel strongly about is dog
__ _ __
6 I think it should go at the __ _ _ _ of the list.
7 So speeding is . top of the list, followed by
7 a '.it
Work in pairs. List the social problems in
your community. How do they affect people?
_ _ _ _ , then .
noise graffiti and dog waste last.

5 Look again at the phrases in 4 . b Choose four problems. Work together to rank
them in order of priority. Use the expressions in 4 .
1 Which three phrases can you use to say that something
is most important?
2 Which two phrases can you use to say that something is
8 '.it Work with another pair. Agree together on the
top four problems and on a final ranking.
less important?

6 Do you agree with the order the speakers decide on? REPORT BACK
Why/Why not?
9 a '.it
In your groups of four, present your top four
problems and their final ranking to the class.
The issue we feel most strongly about is vandalism ...

b Discuss as a class.
• Did any group agree on the same fou r problems?
• Which problem was at the top of the most lists?
• What are the best suggestions for dealing with this

~ Go to Review C, Unit 7, p. 32 ~ Go to Writing Bank 4, p. 39 Ill


1 '.it Work in pairs. Look at the images and answer the 3 a Listen again and answer the questions.
questions. 1 What did Sarah see in the store? a girl taking a air of sunglasses
1 What crime does each one show? 2 Why do schoolchildren shoplift according to Sarah? they want to look
2 Are these crimes common where you live? 3 What's Jim's attitude toward shoplifting? there should be tougher penalties
3 Why do you think people commit these crimes? 4 What's Alex doing? dowloading music from an iligal website
5 Why is the woman annoyed with him? because he is stealing
2 a '.it Work in pairs. Complete A in the KEY 6 What's the problem for the music industry?
VOCABULARY PANEL . Use a dictionary to help you.
b '.it Which opinion in conversations 1 and 2 in the
sales have gone down

b >))s.1 Listen to two conversations. Which two audio do you agree with most? Why?
images do they relate to?



A Types of crime
• Put the words in the box in the correct column.

arson burglary fraud illegal file sharing

kidnapping looting mugging murder
rioting robbing shoplifting tax evasion
terrorism t respassing vandal ism

Against property Against a person

arson ilegal file sharing
kidnapping burglary
rioting murder
robbing terrorism
tax evasion

B Penalties

• Which crimes would the punishments in the box

be appropriate for? Are there any that you think
should not be used at all?

capital pun ishment commun ity service

corporal punish ment a fi ne
life in prison a prison sentence

c Collocations
• Complete collocations 1- 6 with the words in the
4 a '-t Work in pairs. Complete B and C in the KEY
VOCABULARY PANEL . Use a dictionary to help you. arrested a bank a crime (not) guilty
money murder
b Complete sentences 1-6 with the correct form of
words from B or C. steal ._ _ __

2 rob ._a _
1 Tim had to pay a huge fine
_____ for speeding.
3 commit _a_ _
crime _
2 Someone ·-stole - - - $200,000 from the bank.
4 get ·-arrested
- - - for (trespassing)
3 One of my colleagues was .____ with tax evasion, 5 charge someone with __ murder
__ aa crime
but he insisted it was a mistake.
6 find someone · - - - - of (arson)
4 She got .____
arrested for disorderly conduct on Friday
night. • Think of two other words you can use with the
5 I think the penalty for murder shou ld be life ·- in prison
--- verbs in 1-3.
6 Our managing director has been ·- - - - guilty


We use steal+ the thing that is taken. We use
5 '-t Work in groups. Discuss the questions. rob + the person or place it is taken from:
• Which crimes are common in your country? She stole my bag. They stole $1,000.
• What penalties are usually given? Do you agree with them? She robbed me. They robbed the bank.
• Has anyone you know been a victim of crime? If so,
what happened?


1 '-' Work in pairs. Look at the images. They both show public
humiliation being used as a form of punishment. Do you think
this kind of punishment can be effective? Why/Why not?

2 a Read the online article about "shame punishment" and the ol: co.u.9kl:
comments that follow. How does the writer of the article feel skofLtfl:t111-9
about public humiliation? How do the writers of the two o.l:
comments feel about it?

b Read the article and comments again. Match sections 1-6 to

topics/questions a-f.
a In favor of "shame punishment"
b A fairer type of punishment?
c The return of "shame punishment"
d 4-
Are things better than in the Middle Ages?· -
e Arguments against "shame punishment" ·- 6 -
f Punishment in the past 1

3 ' - ' Work in pairs. Compare your answers in 2b. Then answer the questions.
1 What three arguments are given in support of "shame punishment"?
2 What three arguments are given against it?

4 ' - ' Work in groups. Discuss the questions.

• Do you think Andrew Perry's actions were fair? Why/ Why not?
• Which of the comments (5 and 6) do you agree w ith more? Why?

:-Jews Sport Comment Culture Business Money Life & style Travel Environment 1V Biogs Data Mobile Offers Jobs

Local I Wo rld I Health ► Crime I Education

Let the Punishment Fit the Crime

Comments in chronological order (Total 2 comments)
D In medieval times, people accused of a minor crime such as theft,
Post a comment
trespassing or even drunkenness were often locked in a wooden
frame called " stocks" in the town square. Passersby could throw We need more of t his kind of
garbage and rotten food at them while they served their sentence.
The aim of the punishment was to cause public humiliation and
warn other people that crime doesn't pay.
thing! Public humi liation really
works, as many people can't
imagine anyt hing worse . Offenders
accept responsibil ity and t hink twice about
IJ But this kind of punishment disappeared with the Middle Ages, didn't committing anot her crime. Others are deterred
it? Not so. It would seem that "shame punishments" are making
from committing the same crime as they don't
a comeback in some parts of the USA. If you had driven through
w ant to experience this embarrassment. And
Charlottesville, Virginia last week, you would have seen a strange
societ y is given t he satisfaction of seeing that
sight. A young man dressed as the character Bert from children's
crim inals are being punished. If this type of
show Sesame Street was standing outside a store holding up a sign. punishment were more common, we might

It wasn't an ad but a form of punishment-for a teenage shoplifter. not need so many pri sons.
II Store owner Andrew Perry caught the 18-year-old stealing from Spongebob I Post ed 09 Oct ober 6:26 p.m.
his store and offered him a choice: either he called the police or
the boy could stand outside the store for two days holding a sign Why don't we go one step further
saying "I got caught shoplifting at Halloween Express:· Mr. Perry and bring back the stocks? Public
says that he was trying to be generous. If he had reported the crime, humiliation is an attack on human
the boy would have ended up with a criminal record, which could dignit y. And it is counterproductive-
have affected him for the rest of his life. No one wants to employ it wouldn't reduce crime if we used this form
someone with a criminal record. of punishment more. On the contrary, it would
trigger anger and anti social behavior. It would
II This is one of many recent cases of offenders being given the choice just be a form of entert ainment for t he masses
between a short-term prison sentence or carrying a sign advertising their and could even encourage mob just ice.
crime. But is this any different from putting people in stocks? It seems
DustyDan I Posted 10 October 10 :04 a.m.
distasteful in this day and age to use public humiliation as punishment.

1 a Choose the correct options to complete the extracts. SITUATIONS (1)

a It would I wouldn't reduce crime if we used this type of We can use if+ past simple or past perfect to describe
punishment more. imagined situations.
b If this type of punishment were more common, we might I a)Use if+ past simple to describe situat ions in the
might not need so many prisons. <1> _ _ _ _ or <2>__future
present _ __
c If he had reported the crime, the boy would I wouldn't If we used this punishment more frequently. .. (but we don't)
have ended up with a criminal record, which could I
b)Use if+ past perfect to describe situations in the
couldn't have affected him for the rest of his life. (3) past
b Check your answers in the text in SPEAKING & If he had reported the boy to the police... (but he didn't)
READING . NOTE: Some people prefer to use were instead of was with
I/he/she/it to describe an imagined situation in the present
2 a Look at the sentences in l a and answer the questions. or futu re. Were is more formal than was:
1 Which sentences talk about a) the present or the future? If he were older, he would get a prison sentence.
b) the past? C AB
Describing imagined consequences
2 Are the situations real or imagined?
To describe the consequence of the imagined situation, we
3 Look at the verbs in italics. Which describe a) a definite
use the modal verbs would, could or might.
consequence? b) a possible consequence?
Would, wouldt might(not), could(not) a)To talk about an imagined consequence in the present or
b Underline the verbs that follow if in la. Then future, we use would/could, etc., + <4 >__ _ __
complete 1-8 in the GRAMMAR PANEL with the b)To talk about an imagined consequence in the past, we
words in the box. use would/could, etc., + <s>__ _ _
_ + pp

could have + past participle infinitive Would , could or might?

future might past present would We use <6>_ _ _ _ to say that this is the definite
consequence of the imagined situation.
3 a Rewrite sentences 1-4 so the meaning is the same. We use <7>_might
_ _ _ or (Bl _ could
_ _ _ to say that the
Use might/could where appropriate. consequence is possible, but not definite:
1 I don't use the subway after 10 p.m. because it's too He would have ended up with a criminal record, which could
dangerous. have affected him for the rest of his life.
I would . use it if it wasn't __
too_ _ __
dangerous See page 37 for grammar reference and more practice.
2 I left my laptop in the car and someone broke into the
car and stole it.
If I __ __
hadnt left _
my _ _ , the thief __
laptop __
wouldt _stolen
have __ it SPEAKING
3 I got a parking ticket because I stayed five minutes
longer than I paid for.
shouldnt have gotten
If I _____
had left five minutes earlier, I __ _ _ _ __
4 There's a lot of crime in my neighborhood because
unemployment is high.
There wouldnt
___ be_ _ _ _ so much crime in my
neighborhood if.____________
the unemployment werent high
b Are any of the sentences in 3a true for you or the
area where you live?
1 a ~ Work in groups of four. Turn to page 41.
Read about the crimes and rank them 1-4 in order of
4 a Complete sentences 1-4 so they are true for you. how serious you think they are (1 = the most serious,
4 = the least serious).
1 If I had more ... I would ...
2 If I ever..., the first person I would tell is ... b Imagine you are judges. Discuss the crimes
3 If I hadn't... , I might not have ... and choose an appropriate punishment. Choose a
4 I might not have ... if... hadn't helped me. different punishment for each crime.

b ~ Compare your answers with a partner's. Ask 2 ~ Share your ideas with the class. Which
follow-up questions to find out more information. punishment is the most common/unusual/severe?



1 a ~ Work in pairs. Read the definition. The people in the images b Match the words in bold in 3a to
are about to become victims of a scam. What kind of scam do you definitions a-f.
think is going to take place? authority figure
a a person in a position of power, such as a
police officer or government official
scam (n) a dishonest way to obtain money from naive
people by tricking or deceiving them, for example, b showing lack of experience, childlike
using a false identity (see also confidence trick) c someone who steals something thief
low abiding d following society's rules
bogus e fake, not genuine
b >))s.2 Listen and check your ideas. What happened in each tricked f tricked
situation? What was stolen?
4 a Complete the text with the words in bold
2 Listen again. Why were the scams so successful? Mark the correct in 3a.
options a-c for each person. 1:]'1

Nicky We're often very <•>_____naive and

a The person who approached her was a fr iend.
complain that "they didn't look like
b The person only took $10.
c The person pretended to help her. x criminals" after being < >_taken
__ in _
by a scam. Most < >__ _ __
3 law-abiding
members of society usually trust an
a He had lost his passport.
<4 >___ figure
are easily tricked by
b The people were wearing uniforms. x
c The people showed false ID cards. a <s>_____
bogus w ho pretends to be a
lawyer, banker or other official. If you
3 a Complete the extracts with the words in the box.
are not sure if someone is genuine,
argue camera city passport police situation uniform always ask for ID. If they can't
produce proof of identity, you can be
1 Almost everyone will have been taken in by a scam of some kind at pretty sure they're <5>_thief _ __
some time, especially if we live in, or travel to, a big ·-city
2 While you 're trying to make sense of the _____ , you don't
notice what the thief is doing.
- - - and my wife's ·- camera
3 They grabbed my wallet and ·-passport --- b ~ Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
and ran off. I can't believe how naive we were! • Do you think you would have been taken in
4 Well, the bogus tourist _____ trick is very common. by the scams described by Nicky and Andy?
5 You'd be amazed what most law-abiding citizens will hand over to a Why/ Why not?
person in __ _ __
uniform • Do you know of any other scams or
6 I don't think I'd _____
argue with an authority figure either! confidence tricks? Tell the class.

1 a What is the difference in meaning between a and b 1 a >))s.3Listen to sentences 1-4. Underline the words
in sentences 1 and 2? that are stressed most.
1 a If only I covered my PIN number, but I never 1 I wish the world were a safer place.
remember to do that. present 2 He really wishes he had listened to your advice.
b If only I'd covered my PIN number, but I forgot. past 3 If only I could help you.
2 a I wish there had been some real police officers 4 Sam w ishes she hadn't told him the t ruth now.
around to stop them. past
b I wish there were more police officers around here. b Listen again. Why are these words st ressed?
b What are the verb forms in bold in la? Do they refer 2 '-t Work in pairs. Practice saying the sentences in 1.
to the past or present?

2 Choose the correct option or complete 1- 6 in the

GRAMMAR PANEL 1 a '-t Work in pairs. Imagine you have both been the
victims of a scam. Student A, turn to page 41. Student
3 Complete sentences 1-6 with an appropriate form of B, turn to page 42. Then act out two conversations.
the verbs in parentheses.
1 I wish I _____
could (can) dance, but I have two left feet!
2 If only there . werent (not be) so many dishonest
people in the world.
3 If only I had
_____learned (learn) another language when I was
a child, I'd be bilingual now.
4 My parents wish they _____ would lived (live) in a country with
a better climate-they hate the cold.
5 Pierre wishes he _ __
hadnt _ (notout
dropped drop out) of college
before graduating.
didnt work (not work) from home every day. I get
6 I wish I _____
really lonely.

4 a Make a list of five regrets about your present and past.

I didn't learn to speak Japanese when I lived in Japan. Student A

b '-t Work in groups. Discuss your regrets and say Tell your p a r tner a b out the scam . Where
were you ? What happened? How did you
why you wish things were different.
feel afterward?
I wish I could speak some Japanese. I'm sure it would help
me find ajob.
Student B
Listen to you r part ner talking about a
I wish .../If only... scam . Do you think he/she was naive , or
was the scam very clever? Respond to
We use I wish/If only+ the past simple to talk about a
what your partner says .
<>e_resent /
past situation that we want to be different:
Nicky doesn't cover her PIN number.
She says: If only I <2>_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ my PIN number. b Switch roles and act out the other conversation.

A present fact with can/can't changes to <3>could(n't) I

would(n't) when we want things to be different:
2 '-t Decide which scam was the worst. Share you r
ideas with the class. How many people agree with you?
Nicky can't turn back the clock.
She says: I wish I <4 >_could
_ _ _ turn back the clock.
We use/ wish/ If only+ the past perfect to talk about wishes
The verb grab means "to take something very quickly
and regrets about <5>e_resent I past situations:
with your hand":
Andy didn't leave his valuables in the hotel safe.
As soon as we opened our bags, they grabbed my wallet.
He says: If only I <5 >__had
_ left
_ _ _ _ _ _ my valuables
We also use grab to mean "to get something quickly":
in the hotel safe.
Is the meeting starting now? I'll just grab a cup of coffee
See page 37 for grammar reference and more practice. and join you there.

1 a '-tWork in pairs. Look at the images. What do
they show? Who are the people? What are their roles?

b Read th e information about courtrooms. Check

your answ ers in la. Then put the word s in bold in the
correct column.

Article Discussion

A trial normally takes place in a courtroom. A
criminal is considered innocent until proven
guilty, so during the trial, this person is called
the defendant. The lawyer and legal advisers
who represent him/her are called the defense.
The defendant pleads guilty or not guilty.
The lawyers who accuse the defendant are the
prosecution. Both sets of lawyers interview
witnesses-people who saw the crime or
have specialized information . The defendant
and witnesses give evidence. A jury of 12
members of the public decides if the defendant
is innocent or guilty. A judge oversees the trial.
When the jury delivers a verdict, the judge
passes sentence-he/she decides whether
the defendant goes to prison, pays a fine, does
community service or goes free.
2 '-t Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
• Is the informati on in the text in lb the same in your
country? If it's different , explain how.
courtroom guilty jury proven gulty give evidence
• Do you enjoy watch ing courtroom dramas? Why/Why
defendant pleads guilty not? Do you think t hey give a realistic picture of real-life
delivers veridict
the defense passes sentence courtrooms?
not guilty
prosecution, witnesses, judge

isten to the
t ·s then
2 a 'iit Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 3 a Write notes on how your life would be different if...
• the Internet hadn't been invented
1 What kind of relationship did Marvin have with his
• you didn't speak English
mother? How do you know? not a good one
• you lived in a different country.
2 How did his mother know he was vandalizing the
railroad tracks? she read the messages of his phone b 'iit
Work in groups. Compare your ideas. Share the
3 What evidence was there to connect Marvin to the most interesting ideas with the class.
crime? the fingerprint on a screwdriver
4 Why didn't the police believe his grandmother? because mny family members lie to protect each other
5 Do we know the result of the trial? Why/Why not?
b Check your answers in Transcript 8.4 on page 43. FRAMES

3 a 'iit Work in groups. What do you think of the if sentences can contain more than one time frame.
actions of these people? Past & Present
• Marvin • his friends An imagined situation in the past can have an imagined
• his mother • his grandmother consequence in the present:
(1) if Mrs. Duthie hadn't contacted the police, Marvin Wouldn't be on trial here
b What punishment (if any) do you think Marvin today.
should receive for his crime? Present & Past
An imagined situation in the present can have an imagined
GRAMMAR consequence in the past:
(2) if it wasn't so common for family members to lie to protect each other, the
1 a Match the sentence halves from the audio. police might have believed her.
1 If Mrs. Duthie hadn't contacted the police, c Notice the verb forms that we use:
2 If Marvin and his friends had stuck to graffiti, Imagined situation in the present: past simple
3 If it wasn't so common for family members to lie to past perfect
Imagined situation in the past: <3>_ _ __
protect each other, a
Imagined consequence in the present: would/could/might+
a the police might have believed her. infinitive
b things might not have turned out so badly. Imagined consequence in the past: would/could/
c Marvin wouldn't be on trial here today. might + have + <4 >__p+p
_ __

b Answer the questions in pairs. Then complete 1-4 See page 37 for grammar reference and more practice.
1 Look at sentence parts 1-3 in la. Which describe
a) an imagined situation in the present? b) an imagined
situation in the past? What verb forms are used? past and present
2 Look at sentence parts a-c in la. Which describe a) an 1 a Think of a situation where you made a major
c imagined consequence in the present? b) an imagined decision. Answer the questions.
consequence in the past? What verb forms are used? 1 What was the decision?
might would
2 Why did you have to make it?
2 Complete sentences 1-5 with the correct form of
3 Who was involved?
the verbs in parentheses. Use could/might where
4 Whathappened?
5 How did you feel?
1 If Marvin had more respect for his mother, he 6 How did your life change afterward?
__ not_ _ gotten
have _ (not get) into trouble with the
police. b 'iit
Work in groups. Explain your decisions.
2 I would have gone to the party last night if I Then discuss the questions.
__ _ _ _ (not have) so much work at the
have • Do you think it was it a good decision?
moment. • How would your life be different if you had made
could have helped
3 If I spoke Spanish, I _ _ _ _ _ _ (help) you a different decision?
translate that letter yesterday.
4 If we hadn't missed the bus, we __ __
would be _ _ __
(be) there by now.
5 I wouldn't feel so upset if they _______
hadnt destroyed _
(destroy) my favorite painting when they broke in last
1 a '-t
Work in pairs. Look at the images. What is
happening in each one? Have you, or has anyone you
know, experienced any of these things? If so, what

b >))s.s Listen and match conversations 1-3 to

images a-c.

2 Listen again. How many different topics are there in

each conversation?

3 a Match topics a-j to conversations 1-3.

a a TV show __ 3_ 0
-- □
b a crime at a soccer game
C a new model of phone --

d a car crime --

e writing a report --

f a meeting -- □
g the weekend __
1 IT]
-- □
h ID cards and office security 2

-- □
a crime in th e office
borrowing something --
□ 2. PURSE.
b Listen again and check. Number the topics in the OVER TO You WHAT A NIGHTMARE
order they are mentioned.
5 a Choose five different topics from the box. Prepare
PISHING notes on what you could say about each topic.
4 a Complete the extracts from the audio. • a t rip you've just ret urned from
• a trip you're going o n soon
1 Before I _ _ _ _ , have you e-mailed Shane about
• good news at work
the finance meeting?
• good news about your fam ily
2 By the _WAY_ _ _ , have you heard about the new ID
• a movie you've seen recently
cards we're getting?
• a book you're reading
_ _ _ about security, did you hear that Anita had • some m usic you bought last week
her iPhone stolen yesterday? • a concert you went to
4 That _____
REMINDS me, have you seen the new Blackberry • th e weather
touchscreen phone? • gossip about a mut ual friend
5 _ _ _ _ the subject, did you hear about Marcela's
• some local news
car? • an important sporting event
6 _ _ _ _ , she borrowed my GPS the other day.

_ _ _ then, I have to catch the bus in five b '-t Work in pairs. Act out a conversation about
minutes. several topics. Continue until you have talked about all
your topics.
b >))s.6 Listen and check. Why do the speakers use
these expressions?
Student A
Start a conversation with your first topic .

Listen again to sentences 1- 7 in 4 a. Underline the

main stress in the expressions for changing the Student B
Discuss the topic with your par t ner.
1 Before I forggl_ ...
Then change the s u b j ect and talk about
Listen again and repeat with the correct stress. one of your toeics, etc .


1 ~ Look at the image and read the blog post. What
happened exactly?

Status update IView all comments (1) I Go to latest comment

I've invested months of time in the virtual

world NewUniverse. Yesterday a gang of
animated characters invaded my virtual
home and stole all my virtual belongings,
which took me months of work and a lot of money to
obtain. These things can now be sold to other people.
Isn't it time the police were called in to investigate
this kind of crime?
posted by Francesca at 20:36

2 Read Margarita's reply to the blog post. Are sentences 1-4

true or false according to her reply? PREPARE FOR TASK
1 Margarita can't understand why Francesca is upset.
4 Find phrases in Margarita's reply that...
2 Virtual property should be treated the same as property in
1 express agreement. (1 phrase)
the real world.
3 Psychologists say that virtual crime does not affect victims as 2 express absolute certainty. (2 phrases)
3 add an extra point to an argument. (1 phrase)
much as real-life crime.
4 refer to official research. (1 phrase)
4 Real people don't commit a crime, only their avatars.
5 ~ Work in pairs. Choose one of the posted
Comments IView status update

I'm real ly sorry to hear about this, Francesca! I

couldn't agree with you more! You've invested
.- comments. Do you agree with it? Prepare
notes on why/why not.

Comments IView status update

time, emotion and real money in your virtual home
and belongings, so I'm not surprised you're upset.
There's now a full range of crimes taking place We need CCTV cameras everywhere.
in virtual worlds, and the consequences can be They're a very successful crime
very real. In fact, psychologists have found that deterrent. Preventi ng crime and
for people who invest hours a day in their online catching criminals is all that
characters, these crimes can be just as difficult to matters.
deal with as the real-world version. --------------------------------------------------------------------
File sharing is not a crime. People
And, of course, virtual items often have a real-world
just want to share and experience
value. Criminals can make thousands of dollars by
more, and now we have the
stealing online identities and belongings, and then
technology to do this.
selling them to other people. There's no question that
virtual property should enjoy the same protection as
tangible property! In addition, the people who create
avatars to commit these crimes have stolen users'
passwords to access their accounts. So there are
actually two crimes being committed here! I strongly TASK
believe that these criminals need to be punished.
6 Write a blog post reply giving your opinion on
posted by Margarita at 22:47
the comment you chose in 5. Use the reply in 2

- as a model. Include some expressions from 4.

3 ~ Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
• Do you disagree with any of Margarita's arguments? Which
7 ~ Read each other's replies. Did anyone
have similar arguments? Who had the most
ones? Why?
convincing arguments?
• What do you think should be the penalty for crimes
like this?

_. Goto Review C, Unit 8, p. 33 21


1 Look at the images. They show lucky charms from around the world. What
countries do you think they come from?

2 a Work in groups of three. Student A, turn to page 41-42. Student B,

turn to page 42. Student C, turn to page 42. Read about the lucky
symbols. Complete the chart for your symbols.

• . .:
: Where you find
thailand they will bring yu good luck
Elephants temples - rub
heads for luck
b terracotta bulls peru luck and fertility for houselhold The bull figures are often accompanied
by a cross and a bunch of flowers.
maneki neko japan entrance to
d it attracts good luck and money
protect you from in home and offices, in jewelry
e the evil eye turkey, greece cars and tacis
bad energy
f ladybugs worldwide lucky, fortune

g lucky pigs Germany fortune, financial

between christmas and new year houses
prosperity and
b 'iiJ
Exchange information about your symbols to complete the rest of
the chart. What lucky charms are common in your country?


A Nouns related to luck

• >))9.1Try to complete the quotes in 3 with the

words in the box. Use one word twice. Then
listen and check.

chance destiny failure fate

fortune prosperity success wealth

• Answer the questions.

1 What do the quotes in 3 mean?
2 Do you agree with each quote? Why/Why not?

B Expressions with luck

• Match expressions 1-6 to meanings a-f.

1 with any luck a unfortunately not
2 a stroke of luck b have no more luck
3 run out of luck c try too hard to get
3 ' - ' Work in pairs. Complete A in the KEY VOCABULARY
4 wish me luck something and risk losing
5 push your luck what you've achieved
1 6 no such luck d if things go well
"The difference between ·failure
· - - - - and e say that you hope things
____ is doing a thing nearly right and go well
doing a thing exactly right." f something fortunate and
(Edward Simmons) unexpected

2 • Do you use similar expressions in your own

"We create ourfate
. every day-most language?
of the ills we suffer from are directly
traceable to our own behavior. "
(Henry Miller)
4 a '-' Work in pairs. Complete B in the KEY
VOCABULARY PANEL . Use a dictionary to help you.
3 chance
"A wise man turns · - - - - into good
b Complete sentences 1-6 with the expressions from B.
(Thomas Fuller) 1 I have my driving test this afternoon . . Wish me luck!
2 A: Did you get tickets to the concert?
B: · no
-- such
- -luck
- - - - . They were all sold out!
4 prosperity in the form of _____ works exactly
____ wealth 3 I was given an upgrade on my flight to Buenos Aires.
the same as everything else. You will see it coming That was ·-a- stroke
--- of -
into your life when you are unattached to needing it." 4 He usually wins the tennis match, but he didn't this
(Wayne Dyer) month. I think he's ·-run
-- out
5 The interview went well, so _________
with ay luck they'll
5 destiny is not a matter of · -
offer me the job!
____ - - - . It
6 I think you should accept the offer. Don't
is a matter of cb oice. It is not a tl1ing to be ________ and ask for more.
push yourluck
waited for, it is a t hing to be acl1ieved."
(William Jennings Bryan) 5 ' - ' Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
• Do you consider yourself lucky? Are some people born
• To what extent do you think we make our own luck in life?
• Do you believe that lucky charms work? Have you or has
anyone you know experienced this?


1 '-t Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
• Look at the images. What reasons might the
people have for feeling nervous?
• Which situation would make you feel most
nervous? Why?

2 a Match statements 1-4 to images a-d.

1 "It's hard trying to imagine what they're
going to ask you." a
2 "My mind goes blank as soon as I start
reading the questions."
3 "I'm always worried I've forgotten
something important." b
4 "Just before the performance starts,
I get butterflies in my stomach." c

b Have you been in one of these situations

recently? How did you feel?

1 >»9.2Listen to a radio program about lucky
rituals. Number the images in the order the
situations are mentioned.

2 a Listen again. Take notes on each part of

the program. 2 1
1 >))9.3 Look at the pairs of sentences. Which sentence in each
Partt pair was used in the radio program? Listen and check.
Its an special action, something that we carry with us
I What is a luc/<Jj ritual? 1 a Fear of the unknown makes us develop lucky rituals.
2 Whij do we develop luc/<Jj rituals? we fear on the unknown b It's fear of the unknown that makes us develop lucky rituals.
3 How can thelj help us?they make us feel that we havemore control
2 a Performing on stage causes me the most anxiety.
Part2 b What causes me the most anxiety is performi ng on stage.
4 Whatrirual(s)does Teresa menhon for 3 a Exams cause the greatest stress.
each siruahon;, b The thing that causes the greatest stress is exams.
Traveling sit on their bag luggage 4 a Job interviews also stress people out.
Job interviews they wear specific underwear b Another situation that stresses people out is a job interview.
Exams they dont cut their hair, they dont wash their hair
2 a Look at the pairs of sentences in 1. Underline the main topic
Performing on stage uncluky , the last
line of the pay. in each sentence.
They dont say ir
until the opining
Part3 b Notice the position of the main topic in the b sentences in 1.
5 How does Teresa believe luckq rituals work? Which word comes directly before the main topic? Complete a-d
of course, our minds are powerful. The act of in the GRAMMAR PANEL with sentences 1b-4b.
believing something psitive make us feel secure

3 a Put the words in order to make cleft sentences.

b '-t Compare your notes with a partner's. 1 the most/ speaking in public/ is/ anxious/ what/ makes me
Listen again to check or add information. 2 prepares you / not/ that / exams/ for/ it's / lucky rituals/ studying

3 '-t Work in groups. Discuss the questions. 3 interviews/ about/ hate / is/ I /what/ unexpected questions/
• Which of the rituals in the audio do you think
4 is/ most/ the / I / Judi Dench / admire/ stage actor/ who
is the strangest? Why?
5 stressed /why/ the/ I'm /can't / reason / I / is/ that/ at work/
• Has a lucky ritual ever helped you or anyone
you know? How did it help?

4 3



We use cleft sentences to emphasize the topic

of a sentence. The normal word order in the
sentence changes.
We can form cleft sentences usi ng:
1 It's... that...
Use it's to introduce the main topic. Add
information about the topic after that:
(a) its fear of the unkwen that makes us develop lucky rituals

2 The thing that I The reason why... is ...

The main topic comes at the end of the
sentence. We use is to introduce the main
(b) the thing that causes the greastes stress is exams

We can also use other words instead of

thing, e.g., situation, place, person:
(c) aother situation that stresses peuple out is a job interview

3 What... is...
The main topic comes at the end of the
sentence. Use is to introduce the main topic:
(d) what causes me themost anxiety is performing on stage

See page 38 for grammar reference and more


b 'iit
Do you agree with sentences 1-5 in 3a? If not, change
them so they are true for you. Compare your sentences with a
partner's. NOTICE WHAT I REALLY...
We often use really+ a state verb (e.g., like,
4 Complete the conversation using cleft sentences with the words love, hate, enjoy, want, need) with What clauses
in parentheses. in cleft sentences:
A Are you ready for your trip to Asia? I bet you're looking forward
What I really love is exploring new places.
to visiting all those countries! What I really need is a good night's sleep.
im lookibg forward is lyig on a beach
B Actually, <1 > what... (lying on a beach)
A But it'll be great to visit Thailand!
B Well, <2> the place I really want... (Vietnam) to visit is vitnam

A Are you nervous about the flight? I know flying makes you 1 a 'iit Work in pairs. Make a list of other
anxious! situations that commonly cause anxiety.
B Not really. <3> It's only... (turbulence) its only the turbulance that makes me feel anxious
b Choose one situation from la or images
A And crowded airports are stressful. a-d. Write notes on how you can prepare for
B I know, but <4> what I find ... (going through security) the situation in order to reduce anxiety.
A I suppose it'll be challenging using local transportation. What I find helpful before an interview is ...
B Yes, but <s> it's ... (trying to speak the local languages) 2 'iit Work with a pair who chose a different
challenging tryng to speak the ocal languages situation. Listen to their advice. Do you think
5 a 'iit Work in pairs. Rewrite the conversation in 4 about they gave good advice? Why/Why not?
another situation, e.g., a job interview or exam.

b Act out your conversations with a partner from another pair.



1 'iiit Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
• Who is the greatest athlete in your country?
• Why do you think he/she is so successful?

2 a Match the words in the box to images a-e.

Use a dictionary to help you. Which four items
are not shown in the images?

bat cap club course court field

goggles helmet knee pads racket
skates stadium track

b Put the words in 2a in the correct column.

Then add three more words to each column.

Equipment Places

3 a 'iiit
Work in pairs. Match sports to some
of the words in 2a to make collocations.
baseball bat swimming/baseball cap

b What sports do you play? What equipmen

do you use?

1 Read the article. Which athletes ...
1 are successful due to a physical advantage over
competitors according to the media?
2 are successful due to the amount of practice they
put in according to the writer?

2 Correct these false statements.

1 Journalists claim that Phelps is faster than other
swimmers because he has longer legs.
2 In the past, successful sprinters were usually tall.
3 Natural ability is the most important quality for
a successful athlete.
4 Ochoa's success was due mainly to talent.
5 Successful athletes only need to train physically
to perform at their best.

3 Find words in the article that mean ...

1 having unusually flexible joints (adj) (para. 1).
2 the processes and functions of an organism (n) (para. 1).
3 having a short, solid build (adj) (para. 2).
4 getting more of (v) (para. 3).
5 to continue trying to do something despite
difficulties (v) (para. 5).

4 'iiit Work in pairs. Do you agree with the article?

What do you think makes a successful athlete?

1 Read sentences a-c from the article. Match them to 3 a Complete the sentences so they are true for you.
1-3 in the GRAMMAR PANEL 1 ... is the ... athlete I've ever watched. He/She gets ... er
a Many believe he is the finest sprinter the world has and ... er every year.
ever seen. 2 ... is becoming more and more ... all over the world.
b The more determined and motivated you are, the 3 The older I get, the less ... I become.
more successful you will be. 4 Whenever I think of ... , I get ... er and ... er.
c Ochoa spent hours practicing to become more and 5 The farthest I've ever ... is ...
more accurate.
b '-t Compare your answers in groups. Ask follow-up
2 Complete the text. Use the correct form of the questions to find out more information.
adjectives in parentheses where given.

Boxer Jm: WALCOTT was born in British
Guyana in 1873. Some experts say he Comparatives with and
was <1>_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (great) We link two comparatives with and to show that
fighter of his weight that the boxing something becomes progressively greater in
ring <2>_ _ _ _ ever known. quality or quantity:
Walcott coined the phrase, "The (1)
C3l _ _ _ (big) they are,
(4) _ _ _ _ _ _ (hard)
We use more and more... I less and less ... or -(i)er
and -(i)er:
they fall. " Despite his short
more and more difficult I less and less energetic I
stature he went on to beat
happier and happier
Cs> _ _ _ and ·- - - ( /a,ge)
opponents, whose punches usually landed on his shoulders. Comparatives with the... the ...
Between 1901 and 1904 he became <6>,_ _ _ _ and We use the+ two comparatives with more/less
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( powe1ful), until he accidentally shot or -(i)er to show that the second part of the
himself in the hand. <7>_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( weak) his hand sentence is the result of the first:
got, the cs>._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (successful) he became, until (2)

he finally retired from boxing in 1911 . Superlative + present perfect

We use the superlative+ present perfect to
"The more I practice, the luckier I get." This is very compare a person/event to our experience up
true. Along with a commitment to hard work, the to now:
more determined and motivated you are, the more (3)
successful you will be. Bolt does three hours of
intensive training every day. It's also a lesson well See page 38 for grammar reference and more
learned by Mexican golfer Lorena Ochoa, who is one practice.
of the most successful female golfers ever. While
piling up trophies, Ochoa spent hours practicing to
become more and more accurate. Discipline and SPEAKING
structure were the key to her success. The style,
flair and creativity she showed on the course were
1 a '-t Work in pairs. Choose an outstanding
athlete. Write notes under these headings.
a direct result of her strict adherence to a training
Use the article to help you.
and practice regime.
Name, age, nationality, sport
4 In addition, athletes repeatedly visualize Achievements
themselves being successful in order to get into Physical characteristics
the right frame of mind. Mental preparation is Mental characteristics
essential for producing maximum performance.
b '-t Work with a different partner. Discuss
s All these athletes have risen above the crowd simply your athletes. Compare their achievements
because their teammates are less dedicated than and characteristics.
they are. No one comes into the world able to use a
baseball bat or kick a football or soccer ball. The true 2 '-t Report back to the class. Which athlete
secret to being lucky is to see yourself as you would is the most successful/ determined/powerful?
like to be, to visualize the result you really want and Why?
to work hard and persevere until you achieve it.


camara man, movie maker


1 a ~ Work in pairs. What jobs are the people in the 4 ~ Work in pairs. Take notes on what the podcast says
images doing? about the reasons in 3a. Listen again to check or add
b How would you usually get each job? What qualities
do you need to do each one? 5 ~ Work in groups. Do you think the reasons in the
podcast apply to other industries as well? If so, which
2 >))9.4 Read the summary. Then listen to a podcast. ones?
What is the link between images a-band the podcast?
Today we discuss working 1 a Read the sentences. Underline the words that modify
in the television and movie the comparisons. quiet

industry. Most people think this 1 This month's podcast topic isn't quite as serious as
profession is impossible to get the last one.
into unless you have the right 2 Living costs are far higher than in other parts of the
family or connections. "Good country.
luck with that," your friends say 3 It's slightly easier if your parents help you.
with a smirk when you tell them 4 Creative industries are nowhere near as open as other
of your intentions. "It's not what professions.
you know; it's who you know." ) 5 Training is just as important as contacts.
6 Bollywood isn't any less competitive than Hollywood.
3 a Which two reasons for getting a job in the television
and movie industry are not mentioned in the podcast? b For 1-6 in la, do the underlined words show...
1 knowing the right people • a big difference? far nohere near
2 having relevant work experience • a small difference? not quite slihjty
3 having a rich family • no difference? just not any
4 being the best candidate for the job x
5 having the right skills and training 2 Complete 1- 6 in the GRAMMAR PANEL with
6 going to a good school modifying words in la.
7 applying for hundreds of jobs x
8 being in the right place at the right time

b Listen again and check.

3 a Complete the text with the words in the box. Some PRONUNCIATION:
can go in more than one blank.
Modifying comparisons
a little bit far just much nowhere near slightly 1 >))9.s Listen and underline the words that are stressed
most in each sentence.

much, far more 1 Life is much easier if you have rich parents.
I really enjoyed the podcast! It was(,>_ _ __
interesting than last week's. The program was about 2 Living costs in capital cities are far higher than in other
getting into the best universities in England. Apparently, parts of the country.
it's really hard-it's <2 >_ _ _ just_ _ as difficult as working 3 The media is nowhere near as open as other professions.
in movies or TV. It's <3>_____
much , far easier to get into a 4 The right training is just as important as contacts.
top university if you go to an expensive school first. 5 It's a little easier to get into a top university than it used to be.
nowhere near
Students from state schools are <4 l as likely
to go to top universities as those from private schools. 2 Practice saying the sentences in 1 with the correct stress.
Five elite private schools send more students to Oxford
and Cambridge than 2,000 other schools combined! The VOCABULARY: Verb collocations
a little
situation is <s> _ __ bit_ better than in the past, though

not much. The universities now accept students from

1 a Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

state schools who show promise in the interview, even

slightly care low mind rid sight touch
if their grades are <5>_ _ _ _ lowerthan those of
keep in mind
private school students.
1 Bear in _mind
_ _ _ that you may need to work wit hout
lf\-~ ~b~~. "
pay for a year or more to get work experience .
.- p, I 2 You could always take out a bank loan if you're running
_ _ _ on cash.
3 If you have a re lative in the industry and you want a job,
they'll take _care
_ _ _ of it for you.
4 I lost · touch
- - - with him for a wh ile, but I got an e-mail
from him last week.
s A photographer was taking pictures ... when he caught
b '.itWork in pairs. Is the situation similar in your _sight
_ _ _ of one of the workers.
country? Why/Why not? 6 She got __rid_ _ _ of her factory job and became a very
successful model.

MODIFYING COMPARISONS b Check your answers in Transcript 9.4 on pages 43-44-

We modify comparative adjectives to show there is... 2 a Replace the words in bold with the correct form of a
have lost touch
verb collocation from 1a. with
1 a big difference between two things. Use much, a lot or
1 Is there a school friend or family member that you haven't
far + comparative adjective + than:
spoken to for a long time and would like to see again?
Tokyo is a lot more expensive than Mumbai.
nowhere 2 What should people remember to do when they write a
bea in mind
Use <2 >_ _ _ near or not nearly+ as+ adjective+ as: CV in your country?
quite My university isn't nearly as exclusive as people think. 3 Have you ever briefly seen an ad that changed your life
2 a small difference between two things. Use a little bit (e.g., for a job or apartment)? caught sight of
slightly 4 What do you usually do if your energy is almost used up?
or <3l _ _ _ _ _ + comparative adjective: running
My sister is a little shorter than me. 5 Have you ever thrown something away and then low
discovered that you needed it? gotten rid of
Use not <4 l__ quite
_ _ _ +as+ adjective+ as:
6 Who usually organizes paying the bills in your home?
The exam wasn't quite as difficult as last year. take care

3 no difference-one thing is equal to another. b '.itWork in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
Use <s>_ just +as+ adjective+ as: 2a. Find out as much information as you can.

I'm just as angry about it as you are!

Use <5>__ _ _ _ in questions/negatives+ comparative
adjective: 1 '.it Work in groups. Discuss how you've been lucky or
Is the train any cheaper than flying? unlucky in life. Do you think your successes are due to

See page 38 for grammar reference and more practice. • belief? • hard work? • t iming? • good fortune?
• determ ination? • other reasons?

ish = a little bit

5 Which expressions in 4 ...
1 show disagreement?
2 concede a point in an argument? 4 5.7.8
3 are appropriate for a formal situation?

1 a 'iiJ
Work in pairs. Look at the images and discuss the
• Where are the people? What's happening?
• What do you think they're arguing about?
• What kinds of things usually cause arguments a) at home?
b) at work/school/college? Make a list. a b
b 'iiJ
Compare your list with another pair's. How many topics
do you have in common?

2 a Match sentences 1-5 to image a orb.

1 It's still not quite what we're looking for.
2 No wonder you lose everything! b
3 Just because I work from home doesn't mean I watch TV b
all day!
4 We've been working to a very tight schedule. a 6 'iiJWork in pairs. Read the role cards. Discuss
a what you think the two people would say to
5 Can I ask everyone to send their final comm ents by Friday?
each other. Then act out the situation using
b >))9.6 Listen to two conversations and check your answers in 2a. appropriate phrases from 4 .

3 Listen again. Are the statements true or false? Correct the false Student A
You' ve been waiting for a fr i end
Conversation 1
for over hal f an hour. You 've tri ed
1 The woman hasn't been working in the garden recently. t he doesnt think its fair
texting and phoning to f ind out
2 The man is happy to do more housework because he works from home. f
where he/she is , but t here's no
3 The man thinks the woman works harder than him. f answer . This isn't the f irst time
he works as hard as the woman
this has happened . You ' re not happy !
Conversation 2
4 The woman isn't satisfied with the revised website. t
5 She thinks there are too many photos on the site. f there are too many text
Student B
6 The man doesn't agree that the site should be more colorful. t
You got held up at home when a friend
called you . Then the battery in your
phone ran out. You know you're l ate,
4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. but you don't really think it's a
problem . You know your friend will
case come exaggerate joking wait for you, as he/she a l ways does .
point suppose there understand

1 Oh, __come
_ __ on! 5 That may be the . case 7 a Look back at the list of topics you made in
2 Don't _ _ __
exaggerate but... la. Choose one of the situations and write two
3 You must be joking 6 I'm not sure I agree with you role cards for it.
41 _understabd
_ __ what you're there
saying. 7 I get your . point but... b 'iiJ Exchange your role cards with another
8 I suppose you're right. pair. Act out the new situation.


1 'iiit Look at the images. What are the people doing? What are the similarities
between the two situations? What are the differences?
2 a >»9.s
Listen to a short talk. Who is
giving the talk, the speaker in image a orb~

b Choose the best option 1-3 to reflect

the speaker's opinion.
1 She doesn't believe in luck.
2 She thinks luck plays an important role
in life.
3 She thinks luck exists, but other factors
are more important.

3 a Listen again. Number the three main

points of the talk, a-c, in the order you hear them.
Lucky people ...
a learn from bad experiences.
b are optimists; they deal with failure unti l they experience success.
c get involved in lots of different situations to increase their opportunities.

b 'iiit Work in pairs. What other factors do you think influence success in life?


4 Quickly read Transcript 9.8 on page 44. Choose the best option a-c to 7 a 'iiitWork in pairs. Choose one of
describe the style of the talk. the topic questions. Prepare a short
a informal and friendly talk. Follow main sections a-c in 5
b semiformal and concise and stages a-g in 6. Use some of
c formal and complex expressions 1-8 in 5.

5 Look at the main sections of a talk a-c. Match phrases 1-8 to the sections.

to begin a talk and introduce the topic

Is platpng the lotter':! a
waste of mone1?
to introduce or discuss the main points 1
•- - I •- - I •- - / ·- -

to end a talk
Do the wov-k.ev-.s
1 Another important point is that... 9et the l:> jol:>.s~
2 Let me start by saying that...
3 In this talk I'm going to argue that...
4 In conclusion, ... Wht'lt' ,-., the /:;.e'1 fl> "'
5 My final point is that...
h"'f>P'1 l,fe?
6 The first of these is...
7 Today I'm going to discuss the question: ...
8 It's important to remember that...
b 'iiitWork in groups. Take turns
6 a Number the stages of preparing a talk a-gin a logical order. giving your talks. Take notes on
a Practice the talk to check that it flows easily. the main points of each talk as you
b Research your subject. listen.
c Write an outline.
d Choose your topic. REPORT BACK
e Write key points on separate cards as prompts.
f Choose two or three main ideas.
8 'iiit
Discuss the questions with your
g Decide on the purpose (to inform, persuade, entertain).
• What improvements would you
b Compare your answers to 6a with a partner's. Were there any suggest for each talk?
differences in the order you decided on? • Who gave the best talk? Why?

~ Go to Review C, Unit 9, p. 34 ~ Go to Writing Banks, p. 40 D


VOCABULARY Past modals: Speculation & deduction

Rules & behavior 3 a Work in pairs. Write three sentences about what
must/might/can't have happened in each image.
1 Work in pairs. How many adjectives can you think of
for each negative prefix? There may/might have been an earthquake.

dis- ii- im- in- ir- un-

dishonest, disrespectful ...

2 a Add a suffix to each root word in the box to make

an adjective.

care help flex fool self trust

b ~ Compare your answers in pairs. Think of

someone/something that each adjective describes.
My sister is the most trustworthy person I know-you can tell
her anything.
b Compare your sentences with another pair's. Who
Collective nouns had the best ideas?

3 a Work in pairs. How many things can you describe

with the words in the box? Make a list.
fl ock herd hord e mob pack swarm
1 a Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
b Compare your list with another pair's. How many
different answers did they have? supposed to any idea going on us anyt hing

A The library's closed! It's always open at this time.

GRAMMAR What's <1>_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
Past modals: Should have/Could have B I'm sorry, but it'll be closed for a while.
A But why? We've been waiting ages to go in. No one's
1 a >))R12 Listen and answer the questions.
telling <2 >·- - - - _ _ __
1 What country are the people in? r-;;::=-----=--■-■-■-■-■-----,
2 What's the animal on the sign? 1 B There's a problem with the electricity.
3 What does the sign say? A So what are we <3> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ do now?
4 What problems does this animal B I'm afraid you'll have to wait until the problem's
cause? straightened out.
b Complete the sentences with A How long? I need to fi nish my final project. Do you
could(n't) have or should(n't) have <4 > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ how annoying this is?
have. Listen again and check.
1 I _ _ _ _ _ brought you b ~ Work in pairs. Student A, you left your car in a
here last month when the parking lot, but now it's closed. Student B, you work at
cherry trees were in bloom. the parking lot. Act out a similar conversation to the
2 There were some outside our house ast mont one in la.
_ _ _ _ _ attacked someone.
3 We · - - - - - avoided it. My mother
_ _ _ _ _ left food out for the boar. LOOKING BACK
4 She ·- - - - - done that if we lived in Kobe... • Which phrases from this unit do you think are most
because there's a law banning the feeding of wild boars. useful? Why?
• Which reading/listening text did you find most
2 ~ Work in groups. Have you, or has anyone you
interesting? Why?
know, ever been in danger from an animal? What
• Tell a partner five different ways to talk about past
happened/could have happened? What should/
regrets, possibilities and speculations.
shouldn't the person have done?

UNIT 8 [
VOCABULARY Wishes & regrets
Crime 2 a Order the words to make sentences.
1 '.it Work in groups. Why do you think people commit 1
him/ only/ if/ that / sent/ I / hadn't/ text message
late/ only/ show up / if / didn't/ all the time/ Josh
these crimes? What other crimes can you add to the
list? 3 never / wish / I / come / here / we / had
4 names/ I / remember/ could / wish / more easily/ I
• arson • rioting • shoplifting
• trespassing • vandalism b '.it
Work in pairs. Have you ever felt like the
speakers in sentences 1-4? Tell your partner about it.
2 a Complete the news story with one word in each blank.
If sentences: Imagined situations (2)
James Vernon is awaiting trial after he
<1> _ _ _ _ a bank and <2 >_ _ _ _ one 3 a Complete the sentences so they are true for you.
dollar. He committed the <3>_ _ _ _ last 1 I'd be happier now if I had/hadn't...
week. He <4 >__ _ _ _ arrested a few minutes 2 If I could ... , I might have been ...
later and was charged Cs>__ _ _ _ robbery. Mr. 3 If I'd learned ... , I might ... now.
Vernon, 59, isn't too unhappy, though. He is very 4 I would ... really well now if I had/had n't...
sick, but he's unemployed and has no medical
insurance. In the USA, that means he can't be b '.it Compare sentences with a partner's. Report
treated in a hospital. However, prisoners get his/her most interesting sentence to the class.
free health care, so if he is found <6 >_ _ __
and given a prison <7>__ _ _ _ , he can get the FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE
medicine that he desperately needs.
Changing the subject
1 a Complete the conversations with the phrases in
the box.
b >»Rn '.it
Listen and check. What do you think of
James Vernon's actions? by t he way speaking of exercise
that reminds me changing the subject
On trial
1 A Bye t hen, have a nice evening.
3 Work in pairs. Explain the role of these people in a
courtroom. B Bye! Oh, __ _ _ _ _ , are you going to Kim's
party on Friday?
• defendant • defense • judge
• jury • prosecution • witness 2 A I bought a new suit for the interview.
The defendant is the person on trial... B _ _ _ _ _ , I need to pick my clothes up from
the dry cleaner's later.
4 a Complete the questions with the correct form of
an appropriate verb. 3 A I can't be bothered to go to the gym this evening.
1 Do you think he'll __ _ _ _ guilty or not guilty? Why? B _ _ _ _ _ , did I tell you I've taken up Pi Iates?
2 What verdict do you think the jury will _ _ _ _ ?
3 What sentence do you think the judge will __ _ _ _ ? 4 A I'd recommend it, it's the best book I've read
b '.it Work in pairs. Answer the questions about James B Great, I'll read it! _ _ _ _ _ , did you hear
Vernon in 2a. that Yoli's house was broken into yesterday?

GRAMMAR b '.it
Work in pairs. Begin a conversation with "What
If sentences: Imagined situations (1) are you doing after class?" How many times can you
change the subject using the phrases in la?
1 '.it Complete the sentences so they are true for you.
Then compare them with a partner's.
1 If I could live anywhere in the world, _____
2 If I didn't have to work/study, __ _ __ LOOKING BACK
3 If I'd lived 100 years ago, __ _ __ • What was the most surprising thing that you learned
4 If I'd received better advice when I was younger, in this unit?
• Which listening activity did you find most difficult?
b Add two more sentences about yourself using if+ Why?
past simple or past perfect. • Use the images in the unit to remember as many
words and phrases as you can in five minutes.

VOCABULARY Making & modifying comparisons

Luck 2 a >)J R1s Listen to three people arguing about sports.
Which three sports do they talk about? Take notes on
1 Complete the conversations with the words in the box.
a) the good points and b) the bad points of each one.
any such stroke wish
b Complete the sentences. Then listen again and check.
1 Soccer isn't ____ as exciting ____ a good
1 A I got the last two seats to see the movie!
B That was a _____ of luck. 2 Rugby's not . as as soccer.
2 A What time does your meeting finish? 3 Soccer's as physically
B With ____ luck it'll be finished by five.
4 Soccer players are . as . as rugby
3 A When's your interview? players, if not more so.
B Tomorrow afternoon. _ ____ me luck! 5 Basically, . you are, .
you play...
4 A You didn't go to the party?
B No _____ luck-only Anna and Michaela were 3 ~ Work in pairs. Do you agree with the statements in
invited. 2b? Why/Why not?

2 a Work in pairs. Choose two expressions with luck 4 '-P Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
Then discuss them with a partner.
from 1. Write two short conversations that end with
these expressions. 1 Sports celebrities are becoming _ _ __
2 By far the most ____ sport is _____ because
b ~ Work with a different partner. Read the first
lines of your conversations from 2a. Your partner 3 The _____ sport I've ever played is __ _ __
guesses the second line. because _ _ __


3 a >))R14 Label the sports equipment in the images.

Arguing & making concessions
Then listen and check. 1 a Look at the expressions in 4 on page 30. Read the
conversation and add as many expressions as you can.

A Sorry I'm late, Natalie. I missed the bus.

B You're always late, Dan.
II Oh, come on!
A Ji1t's only 10 minutes.
B We said we'd meet at 5:00 and it's 5:30 now.
Well, I'm not always late.
El A
B We've been friends for ages, and you never arrive on
b Work in pairs. Where would you use each object in time for anything.
3a and for which sport(s)?
A OK. Can I buy you coffee?
a golf club: on a golf course
B Oh, alright then.

b ~ Compare your conversation with a partner's.
Cleft sentences with is Choose the best one and act it out.

1 a Circle an option and complete the sentences so they

are true for you.
1 What I love I hate most...
2 A place that I really like I don't like ...
3 The situation that makes me most nervous/ excited ...
4 It's... that really annoys I bores me ... LOOKING BACK

b ~ Work in pairs. Tell your partner about the things • Which lesson did you enjoy most in this unit? Why?
in la. Do you have anything in common? • Think of five new expressions you have learned for
comparing things.
• Compare your most and least favorite activities with
a partner's.
5 a Work in groups. Make a list of reading resources in English
that are available to you.
Newspaper articles (copies of The Independent at school)

b '.it Evaluate the texts in Sa using these questions.

Is the content of the texts interesting to you? Why/Why not?
How much time would you need to read each one?
Could you enjoy the texts without the frequent use of a

6 a Choose a text from Sa to read this week. When you have
finished, complete the chart.

1 '.it Work in pairs. Ask and answer the Title of text

questions about reading habits. Type of text
• Do you enjoy reading in your own language? Reason for choosing it
• What kind of materials do you normally read?
• Where and when do you read? Level of language difficulty
• Do you enjoy reading in English outside the Would you recommend it?
classroom? Why/Why not?
• Do you find it easy? Why/Why not?

2 )J)R16 Listen to a radio interview with writer b '.itReport back to the class. Which texts would you be most
Jessica Perkin. Choose the best summary 1-3. interested in reading next?
1 Reading can improve all your language skills.
2 Reading can help you improve your QUICK CHECK
3 Reading can help you communicate more Complete the checklist below.
Can you ... Yes, more I need to
3 a Take notes on what Jessica says about... Yes, I can. k .
or 1ess. 1oo again.
1 why reading is a good way to improve
1 talk about rules and appropriate
language skills.
behavior? □ □ □
2 reading accessible texts.
3 dealing with difficult vocabulary. 2 speculate about past events and
possibilit ies? □ □ □
b Compare your notes with a partner's. Then
3 discuss different crimes and
listen again to check or add information.
punishments? □ □ □
4 )J)R17 Complete the extracts from the audio. 4 talk about imagined situations in
Then listen and check. the past, present and future? □ □ □
1 After that, _ _ _ _ more I read, the
_ _ _ _ it became.
5 talk about wishes and regrets? □ □ □
2 This is __ _ _ _ as effective for improving 6 discuss the influence of luck on
speaking accuracy _ _ _ _ studying success and achievement? □ □ □
grammar is.
3 If you _ _ _ _ read English, you _ _ __ 7 compare things in different
be able to read more than half of what's on the ways? □ □ □
Internet. 8 make and concede points in an
4 I really want to read literature, but my English is argument? □ □ □
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ good enough.
s You probably _________ started
with an easier text.
'.it Compare your answers with a partner's.
• What else do you know now after studying units 7-9?
• Do you need to look again at any of the sections?
• Do you need any extra help from your teacher?


7.1 PAST MODALS: 7.1

SHOULD HAVE/COULD HAVE Complete the sentences using should(n't) have/could(n't) have
We form past modals with a modal verb + have+ and the prompts.
past participle. 1 I wanted to invite Tom to the party, but he was away on a
We use should(n't) + have+ past participle trip.
1 to criticize a past action: _Tom
__ couldn't
__ have
__ to the
_ party
_ _ (Tom I come I to the party)
You shouldn't have complained to your boss. 2 I argued with my sister yesterday. Now I regret it.
2 to express regret about a past action, or suggest a better ___________
I shouldn't have argued with her (I I argue I with her)
3 I parked my car on the sidewalk, and now I have a parking
We should have stayed at the Continental Hotel, not the
Atlantic. I should have parked in the parking lot
___________ (I I park I in the parking lot)
We use could(n't) +have+ past participle to talk about
possibility in the past: 4 If you hadn't helped me study, I wou ldn't have passed the
I didn't know you were coming to the station, too. I could have exam.
given you a lift. ___________ (II pass
I couldn't have passed the exam with your help I the exam I without

Nick couldn't have gone on the trip last week because he your help)
had the flu. s If I'd known you needed t o borrow $20, I would have helped
I could have lend you 20
__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (I I lend I you I $20)
7.2 PAST MODALS: 7.2
Choose the correct options to complete the conversation.
We can use past modals to speculate or make guesses about
past events or situations.
When we are sure something happened, we use must+ have+
past participle:
The streets are soaking wet. It must have rained last night. Marti Hi Lola!
When we think something possibly happened, we use could/
Lo99 Hey!
may/might+ have+ past participle:
There's a broken cup on the floor. Someone could have dropped it. Marti How are you?
The cat might have knocked it over. It may have fallen off the I wanted to tal kF==:;;::;===~
shelf to you yesterda ,__ _ _ ___,,,,
When we think something possibly didn't happen, we use may/ but you (,>can't I might not
might not+ have+ past participle: have been online-I didn't
Jim didn't come to the meeting. He may not have known about it. see your name on the website.
Leticia hasn't phoned me yet. She might not have read my e-mail. Lo99 No, I had a crazy day! When I woke up, there
Do not contract may not have: was a strange smell in the house. I went into
NOT H e ~ have had time to go. the kitchen and the gas was on. I thought Pete
When we are sure something didn't happen, we use can't+ 2
< >must / may have forgotten to turn the stove
have+ past participle: off, but I wasn 't sure.
I just passed Bernie in the street. He can't have seen me
Marti But that's really dangerous!
because he didn't say hello.
We can also use couldn't have+ past participle when we are Lo99 I know! I was really angry! But he said it was
sure something didn't happen: ill¥ fault- that I <3>can't / must have left it on.
Karen couldn't have been at the party last night. I was there all Marti You? Is that possible?
evening and I didn't see her.
Lo99 No! I <4 >couldn't / might not have done it
because I didn't cook yesterday.
Marti There's another possibility-your stove
<s>might / must have been broken.

Lo99 Well, finally we called t he gas company...

an hour later, someone came to repa ir it. It
was all so quick-they (Glmust / could have
thought it was an emergency!

Marti Hmm ... 8 Sounds like you had a lucky escape!



Use if+ past simple to describe imagined situations in the present or a Match the two halves of the sentences.
future. Use would/could/might+ infinitive for the imagined consequence: 1 lfwe had remembered (remember) to lock the
If unemployment wasn't so high, there might be less crime. (present) windows,
If I found $100 in the street, I'd (I would) hand it to the police. (future) 2 His life . would be very (be) very different
We can use was or were with I/she/he/it to talk about an imagined situation 3 Downtown . would look (look) much better
in the present or future. Were is usually used in more formal situations: had learned
4 If I (learn) some karate,
If I was you, I'd phone the police.
5 If someone . had seen (see) the attack,
If he were older, he would receive a prison sentence.
6 If she didnt tell (not/ tell) so many lies,
Use if+ past perfect to describe imagined situations in the past.
Use would have/might have/could have+ infinitive for the imagined would have felt
a I. (feel) much safer walking home
If I hadn't left my wallet on the train, it wouldn't have been stolen.
(believe) her story about last
b we wouldnt have beliebved
They could have stolen more if they'd had more time.
C if he hadnt joined (not/join) t hat gang.
8 .2 WISHES & REGRETS d the burglar . couldnt have gotten(not/get) into the house.
I wish .../lf only... e if there . (not/be) so much graffiti.
f t hey .would have caught (catch) the mugger.
Use I wish/If only+
b Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
a situation in the present that we want words in parentheses. Use could (have) and might (have)
past simple to be different: at least once. More than one answer may be possible.
to talk about
I wish/If only I had a car. (= I don't have a car.)
8 .2
a situation in the past that we want to be
Correct the mistakes in the sentences. One sentence
past perfect different:
is already correct.
to talk about I wish/If only I hadn't forgotten my key.
(= I forgot my key.)
If only we had know that our tour guide was a fraud!
a present fact with can/can't that we want
could to be different:
2 I wish there aren't so many pickpockets working in t he
to talk about I wish/If only I could go out tonight! (= I can't go
out tonight.)

3 I wish you weren't so naive sometimes.

We can also use I wish/If only+ would when we want something to
change, or when we want someone to do something: 4 I wish I can help you, but there's nothing I can do.
If only it would stop raining! I want to go out for a walk. had told
I wish Laura would turn the TV down. It's so loud! 5 If only Jeff told us the truth last week.
Read the sentences. Rewrite them using a mixed
conditional sentence.
1 I didn't sleep well last night, so I feel terrible today.
If sentences can have mixed time frames. This means that the time in
the if clause can be different from the time in the result clause.
! I

Past & present 2 Someone stole my wallet. Now I have to cancel my

An imagined situation in the past (if+ past perfect) can have an imagined credit card.
consequence in the present (would/could/might+ infinitive): .I m
If he hadn't made friends with the wrong people, he wouldn't/might not
be in court today. 3 Fran didn't know the e-mail was a scam because she
doesn't speak the local language.
Present & past
.I Fran
An imagined situation in the present (if+ past simple) can have an
imagined consequence in the past (would/could/might+ have+ past
If he had more respect for authority, he wouldn't/might not have gone
to prison.



We use cleft sentences to emphasize the main topic of a sentence. a Read the paragraph aboutJason'sjob interview. Put t he
The normal word order of the sentence changes: words in the correct order to complete t he sentences.
Public speaking makes me nervous.
My Interview Nightmare!
It's public speaking that makes me nervous.
Once, I was half an hour late for a job interview because
We can form cleft sentences using:
my train was delayed. Unfortunately, my cell phone
1 It's+ main topic+ that+ information about topic: battery had gone dead, so 1couldn't call the company to
I'm not afraid of spiders. It's snakes that really frighten me! tell them! When I fi nally arrived, the i nterviewer was very
2 The thing that I The reason why+ information about topic+ is+ understanding. I couldn't believe it when they told me I
main topic: had gotten the job!
The thing that annoys me most is being interrupted.
The reason why I hate interviews is that I have to wear a suit. 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (was I it I a I
We can replace thing with other words or phrases: with transportation I that I problem) made Jason late.
The part of the exam that I hate the most is getting started! 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (reason I Jason I why I
3 What+ information about topic+ is + main topic: couldn't I was I the I call I that I company I the) his cell
What makes me nervous is public speaking. phone's battery had gone dead.
We can also use cleft sentences with was: 3 ____________ (surprising I what I is I
The worst interview that I've ever done was the one for my first job. that I is) Jason got the job!
b Write five sentences describing an interview nightmare.
Include at least two cleft sentences.
To make comparisons, we can use ... 9 .2
1 comparative+ and+ comparative: Complete the dialogue using the correct comparative form
Fatima works out every day. She's getting slimmer and slimmer. of the adjectives in parentheses.
2 the+ comparative... + the+ comparative ...
A Hi Carl. I didn't know you were a member of this
We use this structure when one thing (in the second part of the gym.
sentence) is dependent on another thing (in the first part of the
B Well, I'm training for a charity marathon and it's the
<1>_ _ _ _ (good) gym I've found in the area.
The more I train, the faster I run. (= I can run faster because I have
done more training.) A That's great. I'm just starting, but the <2 >__ _ __
3 superlative+ present perfect (long) I exercise, the <3>_ _ _ _ (tired) I get!
We use this structure to compare a person or event with our B OK, but you'l l get used to it. You'll get <4 >__ _ __
experience up to now: (fit) and <s>__ _ _ _ (fit) if you keep co ming here.
The furthest I've ever run is 25 kilometers. (= I have never run A Before now, my only exercise was wal ki ng t he dog.
further than this.)
B Well, the more you exercise, the <6 >__ _ _ _ (good)
you'll feel!
We can use modifiers like a little, much, etc. with comparative adjectives
9 .3
to show the level of difference between the things we are compari ng.
a Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
If there is a big difference between the things, use much, far more or
a lot: I'm 22 and unemployed. I think having a degree means it's
Living in a big city is a lot more expensive than living in a small town. only (,) slightly / much easier to find a job. So is what you
We can also use nowhere near/not nearly+ as+ adjective + as to know <2 >as I any more important than who you know?
show a big difference:
Sandra Posted 11:14 a.m.
Living here is nowhere near as expensive as living in New York. (= it's
a lot cheaper to live here) Personally, I th ink it's all about meeting t he right
If there is a small difference between the things, use a little bit, a people. Contacts are <3>far I a little more important
little or slightly: than qualifications.
My house a little bigger than the one next door. A college degree is nowhere <4 >near I nearly as
We can also use not quite as+ adjective+ as to show a small difference: important as you m ight think. Employers are <s>quite
My house isn't quite as big as the one next door. (= it's nearly the I just as interested in relevant work experience.
same size) Qualifications may not be <6>any I quite as important in
If there is no difference between the things, use just as+ adjective+ the creative industries, but that's not true for doctors.
My house is just as big as the one next door. (= they are the same size)
In questions and negatives, use any+ comparative adj ective: b Write a reply to Sandra's question in a. Use
Is this house any cheaper than that one? comparative adjectives and modifiers.
This house isn't any cheaper than that one.


4 A MESSAGE BOARD r- r□ rx1

Comments inchronologicaforder (Total 6 comments)
1 '-t Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
• Do you ever read or post messages on online message Is Society Becoming More Antisocial?
boards or forums? When? Why?
• Why do you think people use anonymous names on BigED Hi, guys. I thought I'd open up a new
onli ne forums? How do they choose these names? f"'::-?iillllli• thread after my trip to work today.
• Are people nicer when they post messages online or - ~- - I was on a packed subway, and a pregnant
when they talk face to face? Why? woman got on. I was shocked because
no one gave up their seat for her! What I
2 a '-t Work in pairs. Read BigED's posting to the
want to know is: is society becoming more
message board. Discuss what you think people will
write in reply.
JohnStordy I totally agree that people's behavior is
b Read the replies. Did anyone mention your ideas in 2a? getting worse. People eat fast food and
play loud music on public transportation.
3 a Answer the questions. Who ...
' Teenagers especially are to blame; they
1 feels positive about modern society? 1
have no respect for anyone.
2 criticizes another posting?
3 complains about an increase in crime? Lola @JohnStordy I think your comment is
4 complains that people are more unfriendly nowadays? really unfair. How can you generalize like
5 claims that young people are disrespectful? that about teenagers? You're also assuming
that the subway was full of young people !
b Whose opinions do you a) agree with? b) disagree
How do you know that?
with? Why?
Momoftwo Based on people I know, I think people
4 Complete each sentence with one word from the are *more* socially minded today. A lot of
message board.
my friends are members of charities, and
1 You shouldn't __ _ _ _ by saying that everyone is my kids try to raise money for endangered
rude! species. That's not antisocial. People never
2 I _ _ _ _ agree that salespeople are really rude
did things like that in the past.
these days!
3 Your comments about the unemployed are outrageous. KC I think a lot of people here are missing
You're __ _ _ _ that everyone on benefits is lazy! the point. Society is getting worse and
4 __ _ _ _ on young people I know, I'd say that worse. You can't put your bag down for
teenagers read all the time, mostly online. one minute these days. There were four
s We don't know if the people on the subway were young burglaries in my town last week. For
or old, but that's _____ the point. No one helped the same reason, many elderly people
the pregnant woman! are afraid to leave their own homes. My
6 I know graffiti is a crime, but I __ _ _ _ to say that
grandmother never locked her front door.
for me it's a kind of art form .
Imagine that today!
5 a Open a message thread about one of these topics, or Ro99 Everyone is talking about bad behavior.
about a topic of your choice.
But I have to say that for me, the biggest
1 The worst thing about working/studying is ... ' problem is that people don't talk to you.
2 The stupidest rule I've come across is ...
When I go to the mall these days, nobody
3 The best movie/book set in my country is ... chats or tries to help you. They're not
b Pass your message to the student on your right. interested in you as a person. That's
Write a reply to the message you receive. antisocial to me.

6 a Repeat Sb until each message has six replies. Return

the message and replies to the message writer.

b '-tRead the replies to your message. Which is the

best? Why? Tell the class.
Keep your message board posts short. If you want to reply
to a specific message, you can use "@" and the poster's
name. You can express strong opinions and disagree, but
be careful that disagreement doesn't become a personal
attack on another poster.


1 '.it Work in pairs. In what situations would you write a formal e-mail?
to apply for a job...

2 a Read Marika's e-mail and answer the questions.

1 Who is she writing to?
2 Why is she writing to him/her?
3 How does she know him/her?
4 What does she want to know in particular?
5 Why does she want to work on a master's degree?

Dear Professor de Witt,

I am writing to ask for information about the Master's Degree

in Sports Psychology at Southern University. I heard about the
degree through your colleague Dr. Sourav Baksi at a un ivers ity visitors' day last month.
He advised me to contact you to find out more about the program and in particular the
admissions requirements.

I am currently completing a four-year degree in biology at Osaka Un iversity and would

like to move into the area of sports science. While studying here, I have represented
Japan in lacrosse in under-21 category and have become very interested in t he role of
psychology in sports. I would like to work as a psychologist with athletes participating
in team sports to improve their performance and team dynamics.

In addition to my sports training and academic studies, I am also fluent in English,

having passed the CAE exam last year.

I would be very grateful if you could tell me whether my degree would be accepted as a
relevant qualification for the master's program.

I look forward to your reply. Thank you in advance for your help.

Sincerely yours,

Mariko Sato

b Match a-e to paragraphs 1-5. 4 a Think of a course you would like to take. Prepare
a asking a specific question notes on ...
b ending an e-mail 1 your relevant experience.
c outlining qualifications and reason for interest in 2 your reasons for wanting to do the course.
the program 3 your qualifications.
d explaining the reason for writing 4 what you would like to do after the course.
e information about additional qualifications
b Write a formal e-mail asking for information about
3 Rewrite the informal sentences with formal equivalents the course. Use some of the phrases from Marika's
from Marika's e-mail. e-mail. Follow the paragraph headings in 2b.
1 Is my degree in the right subject for your master's
program? 5 Exchange e-mails with a partner. Underline any mistakes
2 Someone you work with, Mike Jones, told me about and return the e-mail to your partner to correct.
the degree.
3 Right now, I'm just finishing a BS degree in biology. TIP
4 Can you give me some information about the program? Keep formal e-mails brief and to the point. Organize the
5 I'll tell you something else, I also speak really good different points you want to make logically and separate
English. them into paragraphs. Use formal vocabulary (e.g., advise,
6 Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks for everything! currently) and avoid using contractions.


7.3 Speaking, page 9, Exercise la 9.0 page 22, Exercise 2a

Student A Student A

You want to organize a competition. The whole

Maneki Neko
department will form teams and take part.
Team members have to work with two people Maneki neko figures are very popular in Japan and are
they don't know very well. The competition believed to bring good luck to the owner. Maneki neko
in Japanese means "beckoning cat." The cat always
could be anything, e .g. , find two English words
has one paw raised. Tradition says a raised right paw
for every letter of the alphabet. The first team attracts good luck and money and a raised left paw
to finish is the winner. attracts customers. For this reason, people usually
display the figures at the entrance to their home or
8.1 Speaking, page 7 5, Exercise la

A group of young people A local politician was

7.3 Speaking, page 9, Exercise la
had an illegal party in elected because he Student D
the park last night. They promised to address
played loud music all
night, and there was
a lot of shouting and
youth crime. Now he has
been found guilty of tax
evasion, with $700,000
You want to organize a dinner for the
whole department, but instead of going to a
noise. The neighbors hidden in offshore bank restaurant, you are going to hold it in t he office
were unable to sleep. accounts. cafeteria. Everyone has to prepare a dish, and
they must cook it themselves (they cannot buy
one). All the dishes are placed on the table
A burglar was targeting A fight started at a soccer anonymously, and people have to guess who
the homes of elderly stadium between two cooked each one. Then everyone sits down to
people to steal TVs, rival groups of fans. One enjoy the meal together.
money and jewelry. He fan pushed a rival, who
didn't hurt anyone or fell from the top row
carry a weapon, but in the stadium. He was
people were terrified seriously injured and is
when they heard him in now recovering in the
their house. hospital.

8 .2 Speaking, page 7 7, Exercise la

Student A

You were visiting a city, admiring the architecture,

when a man came toward you waving a piece of
string. You w ere curious, so you stopped to see
what he was doing. As soon as you slowed down,
he insisted on tying the string around your finger.
He started to twist it, making a friendship bracelet.
When you tried to w alk away, he got angry and
asked you to pay for the bracelet. He wouldn't let
you go until you had given him $20.


9.0 page 22, Exercise 2a 7.3 Speaking, page 9, Exercise la

Student A Student C

The Evil Eye You want to set up an anonymous bulletin board

at the entrance to the office. Everyone can write
This is a photo of a nazar or "evil eye" bead hanging
a message and put it on the board without their
on someone's front door. These amulets are meant to
protect you, your loved ones, your home or business name. They can write about anything related to
against the "evil eye" -or bad energy. They are very work, especially things that make them happy
common in Turkey, Greece and parts of the Middle or unhappy about working on a team. At the
East. They're made of colored glass. You can find end, people choose the best two messages.
them in homes and offices, in jewelry, on cars or
taxis, baby clothes and even cell phones.

8.2 Speaking, page 1 7, Exercise la

7.3 Speaking, page 9, Exercise la Student B

Student B
You were walking your dog in the park when a
Get the whole department together in one big
room. Invite people to walk around the room
l couple ran out of the bushes saying that a swan
had attacked their child. The woman pointed
and talk to everyone to see if they can find one to the lake, where what looked like a baby was
floating face down in the water. They were very
connection between them. The connection must
distressed and said they couldn't swim. You
be something that isn't obvious (not e.g., "We
took off your jacket and ran into the water. But
both have blond hair."). The people with the
when you got to the baby, you realized it wasn't
most unusual connection win.
real-it was just a doll! You looked around, and
the couple were taking your phone and money
9.0 page 22, Exercise 2a out of your jacket. They took $70 and your cell
Student B phone, which was very expensive.
Lucky Pigs
In Germany it is believed that pigs bring good
9.0 page 22, Exercise 2a
fortune, financial prosperity and health. This dates Student C
back to hard times in the past when you were
considered lucky if you had a pig to feed your family II Ladybugs
and survive the winter. People often make pigs
out of marzipan and give them to friends between Ladybugs are considered lucky in almost all cultures.
Christmas and New Year to bring good luck for the In particular, it is thought to be bad luck to kill a
coming year. ladybug. The superstition might have evolved as a way
to protect ladybugs because they eat many pests that
destroy farmers' crops. It is widely believed that if you
see a ladybug, or if one lands on you, you will have
Lucky Bulls
good fortune.
Not many people have heard of lucky bulls. But in the
south of Peru, you often see pairs of terracotta bulls
on the rooftops of houses. The bulls are considered
to be symbols of luck and fertility for the whole Elephants
household. The bull figures are often accompanied Asian elephants are regarded as symbols of good
by a cross and a bunch of flowers. fortune in Thailand, where they are a national
symbol. They represent loyalty, wisdom, elegance
and a long life. Some people even pay to walk under
an elephant three times because they believe this will
bring them good luck. Statues of elephants are found
in many temples. People often rub their head for luck.

B: Yes, I can see it's due to bad weather. didn't dare catch Marvin's eye because they
~ IQ 7.1, p. 2, Ex2a But the problem is, no one's telling us both knew that if she had not contacted
Speakerl anything. There are enormous lines at al l the police, Marvin wouldn't be on t rial here
the information desks. today.
Oh, I read about this story in the
A: That's to be expected in this situation, Marvin had been having trouble at school.
newspaper... This woman tried to
sir. You need to wait for further When his favorite teacher and mentor,
go shopping in her pajamas, but the
announcements. Mr. Glasby, took early retirement and left
supermarket staff told her that her clothes
B: Look, I know it's not your fault, but this the school, things got worse. Who knows,
were unacceptable! It was very funny,
is really frustrating! if Mr. Glasby had stayed on another year,
really. She must have felt very foolish. The
supermarket said that it wasn't illegal or Flight AA234 to Chicago has been canceled Marvin might still be in school instead of
immoral to shop in pajamas, they were due to poor weather conditions. in a courtroom. Marvin got involved with a
just worried that allowing people to shop gang at school. He started hanging out with
B: Oh great! First they said the flight was his new friends and spraying graffiti around
dressed like that might offend some
delayed, and now they're saying it's the town. When his mother found out, she
customers. I think their decision was fair... I
canceled. tried to talk to him, but he just laughed at
mean, dress codes in the USA are generally
A: I'm very sorry to hear that sir. her. She wasn't happy with t he situation,
pretty flexible, but you have to draw the
B: I'm waiting here with my wife and kids. but she wasn't too worried either-after all,
line somewhere! Otherwise people will
What are we supposed to do now? there are much worse crimes than painting
just become more and more careless about
A: You should be able to book another flight graffiti. And if Marvin and his friends had
things like this.
online. stuck to graffiti, t hings might not have
Speaker2 B: Book another flight online? Do you have turned out so badly. But soon painting illicit
We made a big mistake when we were on any idea how difficult that is? I looked messages on trains and railroad property
vacation in the Dominican Republic. We on my iPad, and there are no flights lost its excitement. The boys had moved on
wanted to visit the famous Higuey Basilica, available for the next two days! to something new, something much more
one of the most noteworthy cathedrals in A: I'm very sorry sir, but that is the present dangerous.
Latin America. Unfortunately, the man at situation regarding flights.
the door refused to let us in. He wasn't Mrs. Duthie told the court how she had
B: Well, I'm afraid that just isn't good
impolite or anything, but he explained started checking the messages on Marvin's
enough! You need to add more flights!
that we were dressed inappropriately. phone and how she found out that the boys
We don't live here. We're on vacation. All
We both had shorts on, and I had bare had been vandalizing the local railroad
I'm asking for is a flight home.
shoulders. Although they can give you a tracks. She was terrified. Not only was
A: If you are unable to fly, you should be
scarf to cover your shoulders, we couldn't Marvin putting his own life in danger by
able to get vouchers for a hotel for
cover our legs so we weren't allowed to wandering onto the tracks, but t he damage
go in. I was really disappointed. According they had caused could have resulted in a
B: Oh I see. We can get vouchers for a
to my guidebook it was OK to wear shorts catastrophic accident. If a train had been
hotel, can we? We stay there for free?
anywhere in the country. It turned out to derailed, Marvin and his friends could have
How do we go about that?
be full of inaccurate information, really been responsible for multiple deaths and
A: If you go to the information desk, you
kind of useless. I'll get a more reliable one injuries. She phoned the police in a panic
can get the vouchers.
next time. and did something no mother ever wants
B: And the hotel provides dinner?
to do: she reported her son. The police
Speaker3 A: Yes, the voucher covers the cost of your
investigated and found some damaged
Last year, I was on vacation in Thailand. meal.
tracks and a screwdriver with Marvin's
On my first day, I went to visit a Buddhist B: That's something, I suppose. But I really
fingerprints on it.
temple. The woman at the gate was really think you should have better plans
in place. This isn't the first time it's When Marvin was arrested, his grandmother
helpful, but just as I was about to go in,
happened. claimed that he had been w ith her all day
she asked me politely to take my shoes
A: I'm sorry, but that's the best we can do. when the crime was committed. If it wasn't
off. Wearing shoes in a Buddhist temple
The weather has surprised everyone. so common for family members to lie to
is considered disrespectful. I was a little
B: Yes, I understand that. Thank you. protect each other, the police might have
embarrassed because I'm always really
believed her, but her evidence was confused
careful when I go abroad and read up on
local customs and dress codes, things like
IJJ 7.5, p. 10, Sounding frustrated and contradictory. Marvin was put on trial
Oh, finally, a human being! along with three of his friends.
that. I think it's irresponsible to arrive
somewhere without doing any research. 2 Yes, I can see it's due to bad weather. Today Marvin pleaded guilty and said that
Anyway, my shoes were expensive, but I 3 First they said the flight was delayed, he truly regretted what he had done. The
didn't worry about leaving them outside. I and now they're saying it's canceled! court has heard all the witnesses, including
know there are dishonest people around, 4 Do you have any idea how difficult his former mentor, Mr. Glasby, and the jury
but most of the people I met while traveling that is? is currently considering its verdict. Marvin
were very trustworthy. S That's something, I suppose. could receive a fine of up to $1,000 or
even be sent to a reform school or j uvenile
'JJ 7.4, p. 10, Ex 2a 'I) 8.4, p. 18, Ex 1 detention center. But as it is his first
A: Good afternoon, Helpline, how can I help Today a very real courtroom drama is playing offense, he is more likely to be sentenced
you? out before our eyes. Sixteen-year-old Marvin to community service and given a second
B: Oh, finally, a human being! My flight's Duthie is sitting in the dock at the county chance.
been delayed, but no one has given us courthouse. He has been charged with
any information. I want to know what's vandalism and attempt to damage public ,J/ 9.4, p. 28, Ex 2
going on. property. A: In our podcast last month we had a
A: I'll do my best to help you, sir. I'm afraid This morning Marvin's head hung low as discussion about youth unemployment.
a lot of our flights have been delayed his mother testified in the witness box. Her This month's podcast topic isn't quite
today due to bad weather. face was pale and her voice t rembled. She as serious as the last one. Today we'll


discuss working in the television and B: But that's not the norm in Bollywood. But there's also "small-scale" luck, such
movie industry. Most people think He must have had a lucky break. The as a chance encounter with an influential
this profession is impossible to get Indian movie industry runs along similar person. In this talk I'm going to argue that
into unless you have the right family lines- it's about who you know more success in life is not limited to luck. While
or connections. "Good luck with that," than your skills. Bollywood isn't any less there's little we can do to influence
your friends say with a smirk when you competitive than Hollywood, and even big-scale luck, it's ultimately our attitude
tell them of your intentions. "It's not talented people have a lot of trouble and behavior that influence small-scale luck.
what you know, it's who you know." So getting into the industry. And your
In my opinion, there are three main factors
how much of an advantage do the right cousin still had an advantage that many
contacts give you in this industry? that influence our success in life. The
don't- he went to film school. How
B: Well, it's certainly very competitive and first of t hese is being open to new ideas
do you know the right college to go to
jobs are always scarce. An important and experiences. Lucky people regularly
and how to apply? I bet he went to a
factor is having relevant industry expose themselves to new experiences
good school, so it was easier to get into
experience. However, it's very difficult to and environments and build and maintain
find paid work experience. In addition, A: Yes, I think he did ... So it all comes back
diverse networks. They are more likely
television and movie companies are to having the right connections? to create, notice and act upon chance
usually in capital cities, where living B: Well, not always. There are plenty of opportunities in life. Because of this, more
costs are far higher than in other parts of examples of rags-to-riches stories, too. opportunities come their way.
the country. Bear in mind that you may For example, in 1945, a photographer Another important point is t hat lucky
have to work without pay for a year or was taking pictures at a factory, when he people have a more positive outlook on
more to get work experience... so who's caught sight of one of the workers. Her life. Positive people can deal with setbacks
going to pay your bills in the meantime? job was to spray plane parts and inspect and challenges better than negative or
wealthy parents might come in handy parachutes. The photographer thought pessim istic people. They don't give up at
here. she had a very interesting look and the first obstacle and continue to persevere
A: But it's not the only way, surely? You
encouraged her to contact a modeling in the face of failure. They also expect their
could always take out a bank loan if
agency. She took his advice. She got rid good luck to continue in the fut ure, and
you're running low on cash, or work
of her factory job and became a very because of this, they take more calculated
part-time for pay?
successful model, which eventually risks in life.
B: Yes, of course, but it's slightly easier if
led to a career as a movie actress. She
your family or friends help you. And to My final point is that lucky people are
changed her screen name to Marilyn
continue, how do you get that important able to change bad luck into good fortune
work experience placement in the first by learning from past experiences. They
A: From factory worker to star of the silver
place? Creative industries are nowhere change how they behave to reduce the
screen-talk about a lucky break!
near as open as other professions. You chances of bad luck in the future. It's
B: Yes, luck can play an important part, too,
need contacts. If you have a relative in important to remember that lucky people
though you might not become quite as
the industry and you want a job, they'll are more likely to view a disaster as an
famous as Marilyn Monroe!
take care of it for you.
opportunity for learning and growth,
A: But surely training is just as important as ,,1 9.8, p. 31, Ex 2a whereas unlucky people in the same
contacts? My cousin works in Bollywood
situation would complain and blame
in India. I lost touch with him for a while, Today I am going to discuss the question:
someone or something else.
but I got an e-mail last week saying he How much does luck contribute to success
just got a job as an assistant director. in life? Let me start by saying that luck In conclusion, luck can affect us positively
He didn't have any industry contacts. does play an important role in life. There's or negatively in life. However, in most cases
He went to film school and got the right "big-scale" luck such as being born into there are other factors that are far more
training. a wealthy family or winning the lottery. important in making a success of life.



be was. were been let let let
beat - beat beaten lie lay lain
become became become lase lost lost
be&ln began begun make made made
bend bent bent , 1118111 meant meant
bite bit bitten meet met met
bled bled pay paid paid
- bleed
blow blew blown _put put put
bralc broke broken - read/rid/ - re.Im!/ re.Im!/
bring brought brought ride rode ridden
build built built ring rang rung
buy bought rtse rose risen
- bought
catch caught caught - run ran run
choose chose chosen say said ~
mme came come see saw seen
cost cost cost sell sold sold
mt aJt aJt send sent sent
set set set
do did done
dram dreamed dreamed shake shook shaken
shine shone shone
drink drank drunk
shoot shot shot
drive drove drtven

eat ate eaten
shut shut shut
fall fell fallen
sing sang sung
feed fed fed
sit sat sat
feel felt felt
sleep slept slept
fl8ht Tfuu&ht fought
smell smelled smelled
find I found found __spoke
fly flew flown
speak -- ~
spend spent
forbid forbade forbidden _spilt split split
foqet forgot forgotten
stand stood stood
fcqlve forpve forlfven steal stole stolen
freeze froze frozen stick stuck stuck
~ got gotten swim swam swum
lfve gave given take took taken
80 went gone, been teach taught taught
_lffNI grew grown I tear tore tom
- -
have had had tell told told
hear heard heard think thought thought
hide hid ·--
hidden throw threw thrown
hold held --
held understand understood understood
keep kept kept upset upset upset
know knew known wake woke woken
learn learned learned wear ,... worn
- WOle
leave left left I wfn won won
lend lent lent Witte wrot.e written


The Vowels of North American English and Their Phonemic Symbols

/iy/ beat, see, machine /uw/ boot, blue, shoe
- - - --
/1/ bit, him /u/ book .full

fey/ bait, made, they /ow/ boat, home, blow.

/£/ bet, leg, head /:>/ bought, saw

/re/ bat, has, apple /a/ box, car, father

/A/ but, mother fay/ bite, sight

-sofa, until, combine /aw/ about, cow

-boy, noise

The Consonants of North American English and Their Phonemic Symbols

/bl ~.c.ab /zl zoo,buzz,'10'5 IV lonl,full

/p/ ple,llp Is/ see, c:ICY, bus, tlllnlcs Jr/,au

- - r-- - -- - - -
Id/ dog.bed 131 lelsule, beige /w/ win, swim,~

/ti toe,cat Ill shy, dish, spedal /y/ ,oo,layal

- - -


(Jhw/) (whldl,whaf)
go.beg hJs,ahead.
cat, lclt, bact

14v PJ, giant, budge

(Most speakers of
bolh American and
Brttlsh do not use
/VI MeW,kNe If I cheelc, Mddl, adlo /ftw/ as a separate
--- phoneme. They use
/fl Jtll, phone, life /ml me,seem /w/ Instead)

ta/ the, bathe /n/ no,sun

/8/ tllln, bath fol sll'IQ, singer, tlllnk



Below each sentence you will see four words or phrases marked A, B, C, or D. Choose the one word
or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. Jenny told me to be precise when shopping for my 7. Do you remember the lady's name _ _ _ mother
mother-in-law because _ _ _ _ _ _ are rare was a really popular model?
glass dolls.
a. which
a. what she knows b. who
b. what she says c. that
c. what she likes d. whose
d. what she hates
8. I scored a 20 out of 20 on my exam but imagine if
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ Sandra nor Paul has any idea what _ _ _ _ _ _ _ only scored 15.
the teacher is talking about.
a. I have
a. Either b. I had
b. Neither c. I had scored
c. Both d. I has
d. Nor
9. If the situation had been safer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to
3. He will have to wait before he can ride on the roller go by myself.
coaster because he _ _ _ _ _ __
a. I ought to decide
the minimum height level indicates he should be.
b. I might decide
a. is not as tall as
c. I may decide
b. is not as fast as
d. I might have decided
c. is as tall as
d. is not as old as 10. He makes me so angry. I am _ _ _ _ _ _ with
his behavior.
4. It is hard to stay motivated when there is _ _ __
a. lit up
apathy throughout the office.
b. torn up
a. so
c. fed up
b. such
d. sped up
c. much
d. many 11. To Kill a Mockingbird _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by Harper
5. You better be _ _ _ _ because punctuality is a
a. was written
sign of respect.
b. written
a. on time
c. written by
b. in time
d. has been written
C. the time
d. a time 12. Paula is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jake when it
comes to selling products. She will not take no for an
6. Mark _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Daniel answer.
a. is shorter a. as amiable as
b. is shortest t han b. as bad as
C. is shorts c. as persistent as
d. is shorter than d. as aggressive as

Each sentence has four bolded words or phrases. The four bolded parts of the
sentence are marked A, B, C, and D. Identify the one bolded word or phrase that
must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

1. A. In order to synchronize the calendar year B. and how long it takes the Earth to
rotate C. around the sun, an extra day D. is added every 4 years.

2. A. According to the most recent Peruvian census, B. there are 10,102,849 private
homes C. of that 9,218,299 are occupied and 884,550 are D. abandoned.

3. The octopus A. lays 56,000 eggs at one time B. after which it spends six months so
C. devoted to protecting them D. but it does not eat.

4. A kakapo, one of the A. most bizarre animals B. founded in New Zealand,

C. barks like a dog, emits a distinct smell and D. is nocturnal.

5. A. An Dutch Post-impressionist painter Vincent Van Gogh B. struggled with mental health
C. problems including psychotic episodes, depression and D. delusions.

6 . A. With an unusual voice and B. an incredible 8-octave register, Peru's Yma Sumac
C. showcased her talents in multiple Hollywood movies D. on the 1950s.

7. Tim Storms A. uses his vocal chords B. that are twice C. as longer as the average person's, to sing 8 octaves
D. below the lowest G on a piano.

8. Tropical cyclone winds A. have to reach 74 kilometers B. per hour and be sustained for a minute
c. in order for to be classified as a category, D. hurricane.
9 . Cats A. only have 4 toes on B. its back paws C. that are thought to help D. them run faster.

10.A. Despite popular belief, peanuts do not B. belong to the nut family and instead C. is considered legumes
D. along with alfalfa, chickpeas and lentils.

11. A. Property rights and taxation have B. long had talking points C. for republicans D. in the United States.

12. A. To combatting anemia B. in children under two years old, the government
C. has issued free micronutrient packets to parents D. who desire them.

13. A. During hibernation B. an animal's body temperature C. lessens to match the temperature outside while
its heart rate and respiration slow D. too.

7 SOCIETY AND You page 48



PROGRESS TEST 3, UNITS 7-9 page 66




[]I Richmond

■ VOCABULARY Bureaucracy
Rules & behavior 3 Complete the sentences with the correct
phrases from the box.

b irt h certi fi cat e enrol Iment fo rm

form al com plaint fo rm j ob appl icati on
passport applicatio n proof of address
tax return

1 Your _ _ _ _ _ shows when and where

you were born and who your parent s are.
2 If you want to open a bank account, you have
to provide _ _ _ _ _ to show where you
3 I was very unhappy with the service I received ,
so I asked for a _ _ _ __
4 It can take a long time to fill out a _ _ __
1 Complete the words in the conversation. because there are usually a lot of questions
about your work experience.
A What does that sign say?
5 To find out how much money you owe the
B It says that it's <1>i _ I _ g _ I to release animals into the river. government, you need to fill out a _ _ __
A Why would someone do that? 6 When I started at the college, I had to fill out
B Lots of people get the wrong pet. They buy a baby turtle, for an _ _ _ __
example, and they don't realize that it's a completely 7 I need to complete this _ _ _ _ _ because
<2 >__ ap __ op ___ te pet for a city apartment. It soon I have to go abroad later this year.
grows very large, and they don't have the space for it, so they
put it in a river. It's really <3>i _ r __ p _ ns _ b _ e. Collective nouns
A But putting it into the river doesn't do any harm, does it?
4 Which words from the box can you use to
B Yes, it does! The animal could destroy the entire habitat.
describe 1-7?
Dumping pets in the river is completely
<4 >u _ a _ c __ t _ b __ . People should find other homes
for them instead. It's really <s>u _ r _ as _ n _ b _ e to think crew fl ock gang herd
that a pet will be able to survive in the wild. ho rd e mob pack swarm
A That's true. I know my aunt's cat wouldn't survive a minute
1 A large group of pigeons _ _ _ __
without her!
2 A large group of people protesting violently in
the st reet _ _ _ __
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in
parentheses. 3 A group of children or teenagers who spend
time together _ _ _ __
1 You shouldn't use your credit card on that website. It doesn't look
4 An enormous number of mosquitoes flying
very _ _ _ _ _ . (trust)
together _ _ _ __
2 This GPS is _ _ _ _ _ ! It can't find any of the add resses I
5 A group of wolves or wild dogs _ _ _ __
need! (use)
6 The people who work together on a plane
3 If you can be _ _ _ _ _ , you can often get cheaper flights by
changing the day you leave or arrive. (flex)
7 A group of buffalo _ _ _ __
4 Jimmy was being really _ _ _ _ _ when he said he wouldn't
obey the dress code. (child)
5 Do you know a _ _ _ _ _ builder? We need someone to redo
our kitchen . (rely)
6 I'm always very _ _ _ _ when I wash these glasses because
I don't want to break t hem. (care)

Further prefixes
7 Complete the posts with words from the
5 a Read the definitions. Then complete the words in 1-5. Use the box. There are two words that you don't
same prefix for both a and b need.

inter- between two things careful disrespectful fl exible

mis- wrongly, badly flock helpful ID card illegal
over- too much, more than usual intercontinental gang ove rcon fident
re- again, repeated pass port app lication unacceptable
under- not enough, less than usual

a Our team was _ _confident. We thought it would be easy to win

the football game, so we didn't play hard enough and we lost!
b Your vacation plans are completely _ _ambitious. You can't
travel all around Mexico in a week!
2 a The suffix -Jul is frequently _ _ spelled "f-u-I-1."
b He was often understood because he didn't communicate
very clearly and he was very shy.
3 a The store wouldn 't sell my cousin the DVD because it was for
over-18s and she was _ _age.
b The vegetables are a little _ _done. Let's put them back in the
oven for twenty minutes.
4 a Synonyms are words that are _ _changeable. They mean the
same thing.
b We're going on an _ _continental flight between the U.S. and
5 a These are the _ _designed business cards. Do you like them
better than the original ones?
b Those jam jars are __ usable, so don't throw them away. I'll use
them when I make my own jam.

b >»1.1 Listen and check.

6 Complete the sentences with words from Sa.

1 The _ _ _ _ _ website is much easier to use than the old one,
and it looks better, too.
2 My name was _ _ _ _ on my boarding pass, so they wouldn 't
let me on the plane.
3 It's important that we have _ _ _ _ _ products for all our cell
phones. If a gadget works with one phone, it should work with all of
4 Kerry failed his driving test because he was _ _ _ _ and didn't
prepare enough for it.
5 This steak is really _ _ _ _ _ ; it's red! I can't eat that!
6 Most plastic bags are _ _ _ _ , so I don't know why we throw
so many away.
7 There are lots of _ _ _ _ _ airlines operating between
Amsterdam and destinations in Asia.
8 The government has these really _____ plans. They won't be
able to do everything in just five years!
9 Frederick is writing a book, but nobody likes it. He doesn't care
because he thinks he's a _ _ _ _ _ artist and that people will
recognize his talent in the future!
10 They wouldn't let us into the nightclub because they thought we were
_ _ _ _ -and we didn't have our ID cards!

GRAMMAR Past modals: Speculation &
Past modals: Should have/could have deduction
1 a Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 4 a Look at the photo and responses 1-4. What
do you think the man looking for?
your you should you passport have with

2 for a asked formal could have complaint you form

3 fined having they a for him car have could dirty

4 shorts worn have temple to shouldn't I visit the

5 if she photos Iris was to should have allowed take asked

6 we problem have could a

b Which sentences in la are in

Are you sure you packed it? You might
the present?

2 the past?

Complete the conversations with the correct form of the words in 2

have left it at home.

Oh no, it must have fallen out of your bag!


A I didn't get the job. 3 You couldn't have lost it. I saw you put it in
B Well, you more time on your your bag after we went through passport
application. You did it too quickly. (should/spend) control.
2 A That man was driving much too fast! This is a busy street!
B I know! He someone. (could/hurt) 4
--- y

Check your bag again. You might not have

3 A I've just discovered my passport's expired! looked carefully.
B Oh no! We the expiration date before I

we booked our flights. (should/check)

b Look at the words in bold in responses 1-4.
4 A They wouldn't let me in the cathedral because I was Match them to uses a-d.
wearing shorts.
a a speculation about something we are sure
B Oh dear! I you they don't allow you
in if you're in shorts. I went there last year. (could/tell)
b a speculation about something we think
5 A I can't believe the airport staff charged me $40 for excess happened
baggage! c a speculation about something we think didn't
B Well, you so much luggage. You'll happen _ _ _ __
never wear all those clothes in two weeks! (should/bring) d a speculation about something we are sure
6 A Did you finally finish filling out your tax return? didn't happen _ _ _ __
B Yes, finally! Thank you so much. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it
without your help. (could/finish)

3 Correct the sentences. Mark (✓) one correct sentence.

1 You should have check the form before you sent it in.
2 We should changed our clothes before we went to visit the temple.
3 You shouldn't have downloaded that movie.
4 You couldn't went to work yesterday; you were too sick.
5 We could park in front of the station, but we parked in the parking
lot instead.
6 Anton should have driven as much as possible next week to
prepare for his driving test.

5 Rewrite the sentences using the words in bold. Keep the
same meaning.
1 I'm sure they liked my job application because I have an 7 Complete the text with the correct form of the
interview next week. must words in parentheses.
They must have liked my iob application because I have an
interview next week.
2 I don't believe that Lucas went to Chile. couldn't The Year of the Locust
As thousands of locusts descended on
3 I think my job application got lost in the mail because I
haven't received a reply. must
homes and villages in Senegal, Morocco,
Mauritania and Egypt in 2004, people
4 Maybe Jack didn't know about the dress code. have c,i _ _ _ _ _ (must/be) terrified. Experts
estimate that the swarm c,i____ (may/
5 His visa application was rejected. It's possible that he be) the size of London and the swarm
made a mistake on the form. might (might/include) up to 50
million insects. The only good news is that
6 Perhaps Mika didn't read your e-mail. may the locusts <4 >_ _ _ (could/cause) much
more damage by entering the main food-
producing areas of the countries. Fortunately,
6 Which responses are correct? Mark(✓) the correct box: a, b
or both a and b.
d espite their "swarm intelligence," they
<s>____ (couldn't/know) about the
1 I heard about this strange new chewing gum on the radio,
and I think it was from Singapore. location of the main corn-producing fields
a It must have been from Singapore because chewing of Senegal, or they would have devastated
gum is illegal there. these areas. That <6 >_ _ _ _ (could/create)
b It couldn't have been from Singapore because chewing a huge food crisis across the continent.
gum is illegal there.
As for how the swarm happened, scientists
a D b D both a and b D believe that good rains had created plenty
2 Do you know who put that sign up yesterday?
of food for the locusts, and this <7l_ _ __
a It could have been Dino because he's responsible for
(must/lead) to the sudden explosion in their
safety here.
numbers. Some people think that scientists
b It couldn't have been Dino because he's on vacation
this week. cs>____ (should/predict) the swarm,
a D b D both a and b D but others say that it was just a natural
3 His application for an ID card has been turned down. phenomenon. Either way, the swarm made
a Really? He might have filled out the form incorrectly. 2004 "the year of the locust" for the victims
b Really? He must have filled out the form incorrectly. of this terrifying plague.
a D b D both a and b D
4 I have a photo of you driving a purple car, but I can't
remember what year it was taken.
a It must have been 1988 because I borrowed my mom's
purple car that summer.
b It couldn't have been 1987 because I didn't get my
driver's license until 1988.
a D b D both a and b D
5 I spoke to someone at the front desk yesterday. A tall man
with a mustache.
a Ah! That must have been Gerhard . It sounds like him.
b That might have been Gerhard because he has a
a D b D both a and b D
Criticizing Inferring relationships
1 Complete the words. 1 Look at the words for addressing people. Are they formal (F)
or informal (I)?
A Hello. City Water Service.
B Hello. I contacted your department
1 darling F/ I
weeks ago about a problem with 2 dear F/ I
water coming into our house. Since 3 ma'am F/ I
then, nobody has done anything. I 4 officer F/ I
want to know what's 5 sir F/ I
< >0-- - - - on! My reference
code is A91-0R. 2 a >))1.2
Listen to four short conversations. Number the
A Mr.... Jackson. I have a record of words in 1 in the order you hear them. There is one word
calls from you on June 16 and 21. that you don't need.

B That's right. The last time, a lady

b Match conversations 1-4 to photos a-d .
said you would look into it. But the
problem is, no one is telling us
< >a._ _ _ _ _! Have you any
<3>i_ _ _ _ _ how much

damage has been done to my

A Well, we have arranged for
someone to visit you within the
next three weeks.
B Three weeks! I'm afraid that just
isn't good <4 >e_ _ _ _ _ ! The
water is damaging my house now!
All I'm asking (S)f _ _ _ _ _ is
someone to come and look at it.
A And they will come, within three
B So what are we < >5- - - - -
to do now? Nothing? Three weeks
is too long. You should have better
systems in <7>p_ _ _ _ _ . I've
had problems with the city water
services in the past. This isn't the
<8lf_ _ _ _ _ time this has
happened. I'd like to speak to your
Complaints Department, please.
B I'll put you through to Complaints 3 Listen again. In which conversation (1-4) ...
now, Mr. Jackson. Hold the line, 1 has the speaker not understood something?
please. 2 is the speaker trying to get to work?
3 has the speaker had this problem before?
4 does the speaker want to complain about something? _ _

STRATEGY When you list en to a conversation, think

about the relationship between th e speakers. Are they speaking
fo rmally or informally? How do they address each other? Making
logical deductions about how the speakers know each other can
help yo u understand what they are saying.
READING Skimming
1 a Look at the text. What kind of text is it? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

b Read the text quickly. Who are the people 1-4?

Match them to the words from the box.

a fictional character a journalist a lawyer a parent

Gian Ettore Gassani _ _ _ __ 3 Friday

2 Mara 0 4 Alain Elkann

2 Read the text again more slowly. Answer the questions.

Parents Ordered to Change Child's Name from Friday

By Chris Irvine

Italy's Court of Appeal has banned a couple from Italian journalist Alain Elkann argued that Friday
naming their son Venerdi (Friday) because the was a good name, adding: "It would have been
name could expose the boy to ridicule. Named after different if they'd called him Friday the 13th."
the manservant of Daniel Defoe's famous novel Friday joins an ever-growing list of banned names,
Robinson Crusoe, the Cassation Court said the name which are becoming more popular arguably due to
was associated with being a servant. The judges also the celebrity trend of giving unusual names to their
ordered the boy to be renamed Gregorio, named children.
after the saint's day on which he was born. In February, a judge in New Zealand made a young
The boy's parents, known only as Mara O and girl a ward of the court so she could change her
Roberto G, had said they should be free to name name from Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii. The
him as they pleased and said they would continue judge said the name embarrassed the nine-year-old
to call the boy Friday, describing it as "nice." They and could expose her to teasing.
even threatened to call their next child Mercoledi Other names banned include twins called Fish and
(Wednesday). Chips, although Number 16 Bus Shelter was one
The verdict provoked mixed reaction across Italy. of the more bizarre ones allowed. In New Zealand
again, last year a couple was banned from naming
Gian Ettore Gassani of the Italian Association of
their baby 4Real, so they settled on Superman.
Matrimonial Lawyers agreed with the ruling. He
told an Italian news agency that Italian law mandated According to genealogy website,
changes "when the child's name is likely to limit the UK has six boys named Gandalf, 29 Gazzas and
social interaction and create insecurity." even 36 Arsenals.

Why did the court reject the name Friday?

2 What name did Venerdi's parents say they would use for their child now? read a difficult text for the first
time, don't panicl Don't worry
about understand ing every word.
3 What name does a journalist suggest is worse than Friday?
Instead, read th e text quickly and
try to get a general understanding
4 Why are more and more people giving their children unusual names? of it (the gist). Look for facts that
will tell you the main subj ect of
5 Where else have unusual names been banned? the text. Th en read the text again
more slowly.
6 Which unusual names have been permitted?
1 Read the descriptions. Write the name of the crimes. 3 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 The supermarket says that thousands of razors are 1 Someone's stolen my apartment I sneakers!
stolen from their shelves every year. _ _ _ __ 2 My boss has been charged with $70,000 I tax evasion.
2 Five people were almost killed when a car bomb was 3 A boy at my school got arrested for arson I some money.
left near the police station. Police believe it was the 4 Don't do that! You're committing a fine I a crime!
work of a violent political group. _ _ _ __ 5 Last week a man robbed my cell phone I parents' house.
3 They stopped an elderly man while he was walking in 6 The company was found guilty of illegal file sharing I life
the park. They showed him their knives and told him in prison.
to give them all his money. _ _ _ __
4 Someone went into our house while we were on Scams
vacation and stole the TV.
5 Some teenagers set fire to a school in their 4 Complete the words.
neighborhood. _ _ _ __
6 In the novel that I'm reading, a rich businessman is
shot by a rival while he is sleeping. _ _ _ __
7 Some kids broke all those windows for fun.

8 They received a note yesterday saying their 21-year-old

son had been captured and would not be released unless
they paid a ransom of $2 million. _ _ _ __

2 Complete the text with the words and phrases from

the box. There is one that you don't need.

capital punishment community service

corporal fine in prison prison sentence
A Have you ever been a victim of crime, Helmut?

Do Existing Punishments Fit Today's Crimes? B Well, yes. It was a scam really, not a big crime. I was on

The most serious penalty for a crime is vacation, and I wanted to rent a quad bike. The man
< >_ _ _ _ _ , the death penalty. In many countries,
1 asked for my ID card as security. I was a little
this is not a legal punishment and life <2>_ _ _ __ <l n _ ·, __ really because I trusted him.
is given instead for crimes like murder. However, despite
A I suppose if you're a normal, <2 >1__ -ab __ i _ g
its name, this may only mean a <3>_ _ _ _ _ of
citizen, you do trust people.
30 years. The reason is obvious. Too many people
are in jail, and it's expensive to keep them there. B
Yes, exactly. When I returned the bike, the man said it
That's why governments prefer to tell people to pay was damaged and that he wouldn't give me back my ID
a <•>_ _ _ _ _ for minor offenses like speeding
card unless I paid a fine! We had a big argument, and
and why younger criminals can just be warned not
then this policeman appeared. Although I think he was a
to commit the offense again. Another punishment
<3l b _ g __ one because he didn't listen to me at all. I
is <s>_ _ _ _ _ , where criminals have to work
for free in their local area. Some people believe that couldn't be sure if he was real or not, but I wasn't going
these punishments are not serious enough and that to argue with an <4 >a _ th __ i _ y f __ u _ e like
< >_ _ _ _ _ punishment would be more effective
5 that. I just paid, and the man got an extra $100.
because physical pain has more impact on people.
A So the man renting quad bikes and the policeman were
Making the punishment fit the crime is a challenging
both (slc __ a _ t __ ts? Poor you. Well, put it
issue faced by governments around the world. What
do you think? Tell us your opinion by adding your down to experience. You won't be <6>t __ en n like
comments below. that again.

On trial
5 Read the clues. Complete the crossword with words for the law.
Across Down
4 The ... accuses someone of a crime. The ... is the person on
5 The ... speaks for the person who is trial. He/she has been
accused. accused of something.
6 The ... is made up of members of the 2 The ... supervises the
public. They watch the trial and decide trial and makes the final
if the person is guilty or not. decision about what
7 A ... is someone who saw the crime punishment to give.
and who tells the court what he/she 3 The ... is where the trial
saw. takes place.


6 a Read the words and their definitions. Then complete the sentences with the words.

The police identified 4 Gordon's

alibi (n) a piece of information that proves you did not the murderer using is perfect. The robbery
do a crime because you were somewhere else happened at 5 p.m., when
bail (n) before a trial, you can pay this money to the 2 The judge has set your he was on a plane over the
court to be free and not in prison at $10,000 Pacific.
convicted (adj) found guilty of a crime by a court so you can be free while 5 The police put
DNA testing (n) a way of looking at someone's genetic you are waiting for your on the mayor when they
code (DNA), e.g., from blood, to identify them trial. arrested him for corruption.
handcuffs (n) metal rings that the police put around 3 After the bank robbery, 6 The thief was caught by the
someone's wrists when they arrest them the police arrested one police, of
suspect (n) someone that the police think might have man, who they believe is robbery and sent to jail.
committed a crime the main

b >»s.1 Listen and check.


7 Complete the text with the words from the box. There is one word that you don't need.

bail capital commit guilt y judge jury mu rder prosecution suspect testin g witness

The CSI Effect

The TV show CS/ New York is so successful trustworthy. When they investigate a DNA on the victim. But in real life, when
that it's having an impact on real-life crime, the TV characters quickly identify a people accuse someone of a crime such
trials in the courtroom. This is called "the 6
< >_ _ by saying that his DNA matches as <7>__ , the experts can only
CSI effect." Many crimes can be solved say DNA evidence could match. Their
based on normal evidence: if a <1>_ _ information is not really 100% accurate.
saw the defendant <2 >_ _ the crime, However, today, people are suspicious
for example. However, in the USA, the of a case if it doesn't contain this type of
twelve-person <3>__ now expects evidence. It's difficult to believe someone
to see forensic evidence as well. This is is (Bl_ _ of acrime without seeing the
particularly true where the verdict could be same forensic evidence as on TV. Often,
<4 >_ _ punishment. the <9>_ _ says this is unnecessary.
The problem is that when experts on CS/ Nevertheless, the <10>_ _ still have
use DNA <sl_ _ , on blood and hair, to provide this evidence because that's
for example, they say that it is completely what the people on the jury expect!
■ GRAMMAR Wishes & regrets
If sentences: Imagined situations (1) 3 a Order the words to make sentences.
1 Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. a the wish dishes would wash the I he

b would put online they wish I the lyrics

c the Sunday opened only drugstore on if

d knew drive to how if I only

e wish work I have I didn't to

f started classes if the only later

Luke Hartigan's crime blog... Police lineups
If the police <1 >_ _ _ _ _ _ (suspect) you of a crime, one thing b Match 1-6 to responses a-fin 3a.
they would use to test your identity is a police lineup. If real life
1 You can't take this course because you have
were like TV, everyone in the lineup <2 >_ _ _ _ _ (look) more soccer practice at the same time. _ _
or less the same. But, in fact, they often look completely different! 2 Marco doesn't do much housework, does he?
This is not a big problem. If the police <3>_ _ _ _ (put) the
real criminal in the lineup, they would be identified correctly, after 3 There's no public transportation to the festival,
all. Or would they? so we can't get there. _ _
In fact, police lineups are often used to test witnesses. If a police 4 I really can't understand the words of this song.
officer <4 >_ _ _ _ _ (not/trust) a particular witness, they
would show them two lineups, the first one without the suspect. 5 It's a shame you can't come to the beach with
They cs>_ _ _ _ _ (only/show) them a second lineup if the us.
6 I have a terrible headache, but I can't find any
witness didn't wrongly identify a suspect in the first one.
aspirin. _ _
If the police only showed an untrustworthy witness one lineup, he
or she <5 >_ _ _ _ _ (just/choose) anyone. This is because a 4 Choose the correct options to complete the
bad witness thinks the real suspect must be there! If a witness conversations.
<1>_ _ _ _ _ (make) a false identification like this, an
A Rick got caught shoplifting at the local store.
innocent person's life could be ruined. That is why the police need
B Oh no! If only he didn't become I hadn't
to control what happens in a lineup very carefully. become friendly with the wrong crowd!
2 A Someone has vandalized my car again!
B If only we had found out I could find out who
2 Correct the sentences. Mark(✓) two correct sentences. keeps doing it!
1 If you were in the store yesterday, would you have stopped the
3 A I wish we hadn't gone I could go on that
2 If the criminals had go to prison, they wouldn't have committed
B I know. I can't believe that woman accused
any more crimes.
us of trespassing!
3 You might not have gotten that virus last week if you hadn't
downloaded things from that file-sharing site. 4 A The police have said that Internet crime is
4 There hadn't been so much crime last year if there had been rising all the time.
more police officers on the street. B If only they had monitored I could monitor
5 If the jury saw this evidence in last year's trial, they could have everyone's computer to catch the thieves.
found the man guilty of murder.
5 A Veronica's been accused of tax evasion.
6 If there had been a lot of vandalism in the old days, everyone
would have tried to stop it. B I know. She told me that she wishes she had
7 I was mugged! If I didn't hide my credit card in my sock, they filled I filled out her tax return more carefully.
would have taken that, too!
8 If the flight hadn't been delayed, they would arrive five hours

If sentences: Imagined 6 Rewrite the sentences, using the words in bold. Keep the same meaning.
situations (2), mixed time 1 I'm feeling sick, so I didn't go to work this morning. if/weren't
If/ weren't feeling sick. I would have gone to work this morning.
2 Yolanda didn't get the job so she's still working at the same company.
5 Which sentences are correct? Mark (✓) if/wouldn't
the correct box: a, b or both a and b.
1 a If they had found the burglar guilty, 3 You don't watch TV, so you didn't see the news about the kidnapping
they would have sent him to prison yesterday. if/have
b If they had found the burglar guilty, 4 I didn't cover up my PIN number. That's why the thief now has all my
he would be in prison today. money. if/had
a O b O both a and b 0
2 a If the woman had gone to prison, 5 Monica missed the bus, so she's walking home. if/wouldn't
she wouldn't be doing community
service now. 6 They parked their car in the wrong place and now they have a parking
b If the woman had gone to prison, ticket. if/wouldn't
she wouldn't have done community
service now.
7 He visited the doctor. That's the reason why he's in the hospital now.
a O b 0 both a and b D hadn't/might
3 a If I hadn't bought a paper yesterday, I
wouldn't find out about the trial.
8 We put security cameras in the store so shoplifting isn't a big problem for
b If I hadn't bought a paper yesterday,
us now. if/be
I wouldn't have found out about the
a O b O both a and b D BRING IT TOGETHER
4 a We would still have capital
punishment if the government hadn't
7 Complete the text with the correct form of the word(s) in parentheses.
changed the law in the 1960s.
b We would still have had capital
punishment if the government hadn't Miscarriage of Justice In 1990 he was found guilty of
changed the law in the 1960s. In the past, in Britain, criminals murdering his neighbor. Twenty
years later, the courts declared him
a D bD both a and b D could be executed by hanging. This
innocent because of his mental
5 a If they had caught the robber, he ended after a terrible miscarriage of
state. Even if he <4 >_ _ _ __
would be at the police station by justice.
(be) at the crime scene, he could
now. Back in 1950, Timothy Evans was
not have shot the victim. If only
b If they had caught the robber, he executed for the murder of his
the court (s)_ _ _ _ _ (accept)
would have been at the police station daughter after a very short trial. If
this medical evidence back in 1990!
by now. the trial had been longer and more
thorough, Evans(,)_ _ _ __ Fortun ately, Fjell was able to enjoy
a O b O both a and b 0 (not/die) because in 1953 the
his freedom again. If Norway
6 a You wouldn't have lost your money if (G) _ _ _ _ _ (have) the death
police learned that another
you hadn't left your bag open. penalty in 1990, he and other
person living at Evans's house
b You would have some money now if wrongly convicted people
had murdered other people. If the
you hadn't left your bag open. <1> _ _ _ _ _ (not/be) alive
jury <2>_ _ _ _ _ (not/find)
a D b D both a and b D Evans guilty, the police might have
7 a If last night's fire was caused by Many of us wish that
stopped the real killer .---~-.--
arson, there might still be evidence things like DNA testing
earlier. (8)
there. We all wish the police -----
(3)_ _ _ _ (be)
(provide) definite proof
b If last night's fire had been caused by
of someone's guilt.
arson, there might still be evidence perfect. However,
However, there are still
there. mistakes like this
problems, and for this
aO bO both a and b D still happen today.
reason, among others,
Take the case of
the death penalty
Norwegian Age Vidar
remains illegal in many
Changing the subject Listening for detail
1 >))s.2 Listen to three conversations.
Mark (✓) the topics that are

arson burglary court dinner

fraud graffiti judge meeting
mo ney vandalism

2 a Complete the sentences from the

conversations in 1.
No, sorry. _ _ _ _ _ way, have you
heard that she's leaving?
2 Next week apparently. _ _ _ __
reminds me, she borrowed some
money from me last week. I should get
1 a )))s.3 Read Ben's notes about his trip. Listen to an
announcement and answer the questions.
it back before she goes.
3 _ _ _ _ _ , if you do see her, can
you remind her that we're going out
Catch the 9:35 train from Baltimore to New York.
for dinner this evening? Arrive in New York 11:10.
4 _ _ _ _ _ trials, did you see the Change in New York for 11:45 train to Bogton.
report about vandalism on the news Arrive Bogton 12:40.
last night?
5 _ _ _ _ _ I forget, can you come
How will Ben travel to New York now?
in a little early tomorrow? We have a
lot to cover.
6 All right. I'll try to be here by eight. 2 What time will he leave?
_ _ _ _ _ the subject, have you
heard if there's a date for the arson 3 What time will he arrive in New York?
court case?
7 - - - - ~ I should go. I don't 4 How does this affect his trip to Boston?
want to miss my train.

b Listen again and check. b Listen again. Correct six mistakes in the text below.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? Due to

looting on the railway line, trains will not be running from Miami
to New York this morning. Passengers for the 9:35 service to
New York should wait in the ticket office for the replacement
bus service. The buses will depart at about 10: 15 and should
arrive in New York at about 12:00. Trains from Baltimore to
Trenton are also affected. Please see signs in the station for
more information. I'm very sorry for this change in our services,
but the problem was only discovered this morning by the station
staff. We hope that all services will be back to normal by early

STRATEGY When you listen to a difficult audio, don't

panic if you don't understand every word. Try to stay focused and
listen for the key information you need.

Things That Go Bump in the Night

(1) It all happened when I was about 14 years (4) The rain had stopped, and the moon was
old. My parents had gone out to an important shining through the windows. In its light, I saw
dinner, and it was the first time that I had spent a shadow on the kitchen floor. It had four legs
an evening home alone. It was raining hard, and and a tail moving from side to side. It did not
it was very windy, too, and I remember that I look human. Happily, I ran downstairs towards
felt really scared as I lay in bed. Eventually, I the trespasser. It was a cat!
dropped off to sleep. (5) Although we didn't have any pets, the kitchen
(2) Suddenly, I woke up. There was a strange noise door had a cat flap put in by the previous
downstairs! Silently, I lay in bed, listening. At owners. The cat had gotten in, but then it
first, I thought it was my parents coming home, couldn't get out. So it was trapped, and it had
but the clock said it was midnight, and I knew to hit the flap with its paw to try to escape.
they wouldn't be back until two. Nevertheless, That explained the noise. The poor animal was
there was a steady tap, tap, tap. I was not alone! scared, so I quickly opened the door and it ran
(3 ) "It must be burglars," I thought. My heart was out into the night.
beating fast and I didn't know what to do. Even (6) The next morning when I told my parents
if I waited in bed, they might come upstairs. I about our visitor, we all thought it
needed to call for help, but there were no cell was very funny, but it didn't feel
phones in those days, and I needed to go to the like that at the time!
living room to get to the phone. Slowly, I got up
and I started to creep downstairs.

1 a Read the story quickly and 2 Complete the adverbs. Then check your answers in the text.
answer the questions. 1 I felt really scared as I lay in bed. E ___ tu __ ly, I dropped off
1 Why was the author by himself? to sleep.
2 What sound did he hear? 2 S __ d __ ly, I woke up. There was a strange noise downstairs!
3 Why did he get out of bed? 3 S _ I __ tly, I lay in bed, listening.
4 How had the weather changed? 4 S ___ ly, I got up and I started to creep downstairs.
5 How did he solve the problem? 5 H __ p __ y, I ran downstairs towards the trespasser.
6 How did his emotions about the 6 The poor animal was scared so I q __ c __ y opened the door...
incident change?
3 Write a story that ends with one of the sentences below.
b Find words in the story that 1 It's a day that I'll remember my whole life.
mean 2 That's how I met my best friend.
1 fell asleep (paragraph 7). 3 It was the best photo that I have ever taken.
2 regular, repeated (paragraph 2). 4 I was absolutely furious!
3 to move slowly and quietly
(paragraph 3). STRATEGY When you write a story:
4 someone who has entered private • begin with a phrase like Once, One day or It all happened when to
property without permission set the scene, e.g., It all happened when I was traveling around Japan.
(paragraph 4). • use the past continuous to describe what was happening when
s a special door to let a cat come in yo ur story begins, e.g., yo ur work, the weather.
and out of a house (paragraph 5). • use a range of vocabulary to make your story interesting.
Remember to use adverbs, e.g., suddenly, amazingly, strangely to
6 the foot of a cat, dog or similar
describe how actions happened.
animal (paragraph S).
1 Put the letters in parentheses in the correct order to 2 Complete the phrases with luck.
make words. 1 I hoped I'd win the card game but n _
Some people believe in _ _ _ _ _ (stydine)-that s ___ I ___ . Erik beat me again!
our future lives can only happen one way. But I believe 2 I have to do a big presentation at work tomorrow-
_ _ _ _ _(sussecc) or _ _ _ _ _ (afeluri) w mel __ _
depends on how hard you work.
3 OK, you can go to the party, but don't
2 On New Year's Eve in Italy, some people serve lentils to p ___ y __ _ I ___ . Make sure you're home
represent _ _ _ __ (sopiprerty) because lentils look by midnight.
like coins.
4 I left my scarf on the train, but w ___ a __
3 My partner and I met in the supermarket by I ___ , someone will have turned it in to the lost and
_ _ _ _ _(cachen). I think it was _ _(tefa); we found office.
were meant to be together!
s All my exams went well except for the last one. I guess I
4 People say that health, _ _ _ _ _(ehlawt) and had r o of I __ _
happiness are the key to a good life, but I think health
6 I just found $10 inside this library book-what a
and happiness are much more important than money!
s _____ o _ I __ _
5 Last year I had the good _ _ ___(nutfero) to be
offered a new job. I've never been happier!

3 Match 1-7 to a-g.
We wanted to go running today, but a it's probably next to the court where she last used it.
2 Shelia has lost her racket, but b we sat right next to the field!
3 Helen has some knee pads for ice hockey, but c the track's closed .
4 To join the baseball team, everyone needs a helmet and d I rent them when I'm at the course.
S We had great seats for the soccer game- e it's best to wear goggles and a cap.
6 There's a lot of chlorine in the pool, so f their own bat.
7 I don't own any golf clubs- g she needs to borrow some skates to play.

Verb collocations
4 Choose the correct options to complete the conversations.
A I'm running down I low on cash. 4 A I' ll be late home this evening.
B There's an ATM around the corn er. You can get some B Well, bear in head I mind that your grandparents are
money there. coming over ton ight. They want to see you , too.
2 A We're arranging a conference, and we need to find 5 A Did you have a good time in India? Did you see any
hotel rooms for fifty guests! tigers?
B Don't worry, I'll make I take care of it for you. I know B Yes, we caught sight I view of one for a moment, but
lots of hotels. then it disappeared into the jungle. They're very shy,
real ly.
3 A This washing machine is useless! It never works like
it's supposed to. 6 A Do you have Jeremy's phone number?
B Why don't you get I have rid of it and buy a new one? B No, I don't. I've kind of lost I missed touch with
him .

Sport collocations
5 a Match sport collocations a-h to photos 1-8.

a break a record b blow the whistle c hit a shot d make a tackle

e send out (a player) f toss avcoin g take a penalty h warm up

b >»9.1 Listen and check.

6 Complete the two e-mails with the correct form of BRING IT TOGETHER
the collocations from Sa.
7 Put the letters in parentheses in the correct order to complete
Hi Ned the text.
The soccer game last night was a disaster! It was In most jobs, C1l _ _ _ (cussces) doesn't come from luck, but
0-0 after 60 minutes. A player on the other team was sports are different. Hitting a lucky C2>_ _ _ (host) in tennis or
running toward our goal and I <1l_ _ and took the
making a last-minute <3>_ _ _ _ (ket/ac) in football could mean
ball away from him. The next thing I knew, the referee
2 the difference between winning and losing. This means that athletes
< l_ _ and stopped the game. He penalized our
the world over are fond of carrying lucky charms to ensure their good
team. He showed me a red card and <3l me
<4 >_ _ _ (tourne~. One of the most famous was basketball
_ _ . Because the foul was in our goal area, the
other team was allowed to <4 >_ _, so of course it player, Michael Jordan, who always wore his lucky college shorts
won the game 6-0. It was so unfair! underneath his team shorts! He did this for every NBA game he
Aston played, hoping they would bring him a Cs>_ _ _ (oktrse) of luck
t-_J(Q]~ that would win the game.
Scientists in Germany wanted to find out whether using lucky charms
Hey Barry
You won't believe the golf game we had yesterday. I could really change your <5>_ _ _ (sdytne1). They gave golfers a
was <s>_ _ before going to play because I have "lucky" ball and a normal ball. All the players used the same
a bad leg. While I was doing that, this new guy at <7>_ _ (bu/cs), but they all played better with the lucky ball. The

the club asked me if I wanted to play with him. We scientists' explanation is that when people believe in lucky symbols, it
< l _ _ to see who would start, and it was me. So I gives them confidence. When athletes are confident, they play better
<7l_ _ my first _ _ ... and the ball went in the and have a better <s>____ (echanc) of becoming winners. So this
hole! A hole in one! My first ever. We couldn't believe really works!
it! Then I just played brilliantly and I <s>_ _ the Michael Jordan is a classic example. His lucky shorts helped him avoid
course _ _. No one has ever gotten a better score bad luck on the basketball <9 l_ _ _ (cruto). He C10l_ __
than me. It was amazing- such a lucky day I (rekbo) the record for the highest season average score and became
one of the most successful players in history.

Adding emphasis: Cleft sentences with is
1 Complete the words to make cleft sentences. 2 a Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the
first sentence.
I chose this profession because I love performing.
Morning rituals
The reason why _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Jackie OK everyone. Today's question is: 2 Making people laugh is the best thing about this job.
"What's your morning ritual like?" For example, What I really love about this job
<1>w____ I love to do i read
the paper on my way to work. Most people 3 I also like traveling to different places with the show.
don't enjoy commuting, but I find it kind of Another thing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
relaxing. 4 I don't like my costume. It's not very comfortable.
Anwar The <2 >t.____ t._ _ __ The thing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I always do is drink a cup of strong, black 5 Seeing my friends in the audience makes me feel anxious.
coffee. That's a ritual here in Jordan! The It's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
C3>p _ _ _ w_ _ _ I buy it from is 6 Strangely, my girlfriend makes me the most nervous!
a friend of mine, so we always have a chat, Strangely, the person _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
too (normally about soccer!).
b Look at photos a-c. Which job does the person in 2a do?
Leticia I live in Rio and every morning I go
for a run at 6 a.m. The <4 >r- - - -
W_ _ _ _ I go so early is that it's nice and
cool at that time of day. Also, there aren't
many people out-Cs>i._ ___ the peace
and quiet t.____ really clear my

Bruce The first <5 >t·- - - - I do in the

morning is go to bed! I'm a security guard,
and I work night shifts. But before I go to
sleep, I always have a meal with my kids: they
eat breakfast, but for me it's more like an
evening meal!

Making comparisons
3 Choose the correct options to complete the 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in
sentences. parentheses. You may need to add extra words.
That was the more I most difficult tennis match 1 Emmanuel is _ _ athlete we've ever had in this school. (good)
I've ever played! 2 Our swimming team is terrible- and we're getting _ _ and
2 Some athletes believe that training hard and _ _ all the time! (bad)
harder/ harder and harder will guarantee 3 That was _ _ football game I've ever seen ! Our team was awful!
success. (disappoi nti ng)
3 The fast/ faster you drive, the quicker we'll 4 _ _ I spend in the gym, _ _ I get! (long, hungry)
arrive. s I only started playing golf two months ago. But I'm feelin g _ _
4 I think she is the best I better swimmer I've and _ _ each time I play. (confident)
ever trained. 6 Brendon is _ _ baseball fan I've ever met; he never misses a
5 The harder you train, the more successful I game! (dedicated)
most successful you will be. 7 _ _ you skate, _ _ it becomes. You really must wear a
6 Tickets for sporting events are becoming more helmet. (fast, dangerous)
and more/ more and most expensive. 8 I've ever run is twelve kilometers. I was exhausted
afterward! (far)

Modifying comparisons
5 Complete the words in the on line interview. 6 Rewrite the sentences using the words in bold.
Keep the same meaning.
Today's online chat is with 1 Playing soccer is easier than playing golf.
competitions guru Mia Leung. not/ nearly
Join us live from 12:00 EST. Playing soccer is not nearly as hard as playing
Mia, you've won over 200
competitions. How? 2 Golf clubs and tennis rackets are equally
-----·············----···········································-···· expensive. just / expensive
M It's not that I'm a <1>1
luckier than other people, but I do have some strategies
3 Watching golf is not nearly as interesting as
for people who want to become a <2 >1 _ _ _ _ _ better at
watching track and field . nowhere/ interesting
winning competitions.

I Tell us more. 4 My new helmet is slightly bigger than my old

M If you enter lots of competitions, you are __ more <3>f one. not/ quite
likely to win something. And don't forget competitions by
local businesses. Sometimes only a few people enter them so 5 Yellow golf balls are as easy to see as white
your chance of winning is <4 >m _ _ _ higher than in other ones. any / easier
competitions. You're <s>n _ _ _ _ _ _ near as likely to win
a national competition-especially one for a big prize. 6 Volleyball isn't nearly as popular as soccer.
I OK. far/ more

M In national competitions, you often have to answer a

7 Our seats in the stadium aren't quite as good as
question in 25 words. The competition judges see
yours. little/ worse
hundreds of sentences, so if your one is funny, you have
a <5\ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ better chance of winning. If you
can't think of anything funny, then make your entry rhyme. 8 The other players on the team are a little
That's <7>j _ _ _ as good as a joke because the judges can stronger than we are. quite / as
remember it.
9 My racket was cheap, but it wasn't as cheap as
I Any other advice?
my mom's. slightly / mine
M Yes. Sometimes you can enter many times. I once won a
vacation trip like that. It's not (B)n _ _ _ _ _ as difficult
as you think!


7 Choose the correct options to complete the text.

The long jump competition in the 1991 World broken nine times. This was because of improving
Championships in Tokyo was the <1>greater I sports science. The <5 >best/better shape the athletes
greatest competition I've ever seen. The thing
The End were in, the better they performed. However, some
<2>that I what made it special was the rivalry of scientists believe we're now reaching the end of
between Carl Lewis and Mike Powell. These sports records. What they say <1\t's I is that there's
athletes were <3>slightly I far better than all the Records? a limit to how fast or far a human being can run or
others in the competition. No one else jump, and they think that today's athletes are
could jump <4 >near I nearly as far as them. already at that limit.
Lewis jumped an amazing 8.91 meters, This phenomenon is (B~ust I quite as common
but then Powell jumped <s>slight I slightly in women's sports as in men's. In the women's
further- 8.95 meters- to break the world 1500 meters the <9>jaster I fastest time ever
record and win the gold medal. Powell's recorded is 3:50.46, a record set by China's Qu
world record has been unbeaten for over Yunxia in 1993. The reason <10>why I who Qu's
20 years. record remains the fastest and Powell's record
In the past, records were broken all the remains the longest is because that they may be
time. In the 1960s, the longjump record was the absolute human maximum for those events.

Arguing and making concessions 1 a >))9.2 Listen to four conversations. Put a check
1 Choose the correct options to complete the mark (✓) if one of the speakers is angry or a cross
underlined phrases. (X) if neither speaker is angry.

A Matteo's really good at speaking in public, isn't

Conversation 1 D Conversation 2 D
Conversation 3 0 Conversation 4 0
B What? You must be laughing_ Lioking_! I find his b Listen again and choose the correct answer
speeches really boring! a, b or c.
2 A I've told you a thousand times that we can't go Conversation 1
to the game next week. What does the man not have?
B Don't exag_g_erate Loverestimate. I forgot that you a goggles b a cap c a towel
told me, OK? 2 What happens at the end of the conversation?
3 A I'd like to spend the rest of the budget on a The man buys the thing that he needs.
building a skating rink. b The man goes home to get the thing that he
LI'm agreeing_ with you
B I'm not sure / ag_ree needs.
there. How many people will use it? c The man leaves the swimming pool and doesn't
come back.
4 A You want to get a new set of golf clubs? That'll
Conversation 2
cost a fortune!
3 Which of these things does the person offer
B I get your oe_inion Le_oint, but it'll be worth it. It
will really improve my game.
a cheap telephone calls b satellite television
5 A Getting into the movie industry is impossible if c a WiFi connection
your family isn't in the business.
4 How many calls like this has Mariam had today?
B Oh, come on Lof(! Lots of people manage to get a one b three c five
into it without knowing anyone.
Conversation 3
6 A A lot of actors refuse to go on stage unless they 5 Why didn't Sam win any money?
have their lucky charm with them. a He lost his lottery ticket.
B That may be the case Lway, but I'm sure b He changed his lottery numbers.
it doesn't make any difference to their c He forgot to buy a lottery ticket.
performance. 6 What did Sam buy yesterday?
7 A The best athletes are the most dedicated, that's a a lottery ticket b a card c a lucky charm
all. They just train harder than their opponents. Conversation 4
B I e_roe_ose Lsue_e_ose you're right, but don't you 7 Where was Joe's skateboard stolen?
think some athletes are just naturally better a on the street b at school
than the rest? c at the sports center
8 A Isn't Carla a little too old to have that lucky 8 How did Joe get the skateboard?
teddy bear? She's nearly nine. a It was a present. b He won it.
B I understand what Lthat you're saying, but she'd c He bought it with money from his job.
be so upset if I took it away.
STRATEGY When you listen, think carefully
2 Complete the chart using the underlined phrases about how the speakers sound. Are they happy,
from 1. angry or upset? Identifying a speaker's emotion can
Disagreeing Making concessions help you understand what they're saying.
READING Scanning
1 a Each question 1-5 has a word in bold. Find this word b Read the whole text again. Have these
in the text to answer the question. Do not read the parts of the Tajik wedding ceremony changed
whole text. recently? Write a check mark (✓) for yes or a
1 How many things does an American bride need on her cross ()() for no.
wedding day? The ritual that happens when the
guests arrive.

2 What do a Tajik bride and groom eat during the 2 The clothing that the bride wears.

wedding ceremony? 3 The preparation of dough by the bride.

4 The number of guests at the wedding.

3 What ritual does the bride do after the wedding? 5 The number of courses at the wedding.

6 The recipe for plov.

4 What is plov? 7 The length of the wedding.

5 Why is a government official at the wedding?
8 The cost of the wedding.

"Something old, something new,

something borrowed, something performs an ancient
blue" is one of the most famous ritual. She takes oil and
phrases in the English language, flour and mixes them to
representing the four things that make dough, to show
every American bride needs for that she is able to cook.
luck on her wedding day. It's a She even performs this
tradition that goes back centuries ~----,-----------------
simple act in her wedding dress.
as weddings remain an unchanging Meanwhile, outside, the guests enjoy also only allowed to serve a single
part of society. Weddings in other a huge festival of music and dance. course. Most people cook plov, the
parts of the world, like Tajikistan, From the outside, this event traditional dish of Tajikistan, as the
are just as traditional, although seems almost timeless, but in sole dish of the day. This delicious
change is in the air. fact marriages in Tajikistan are dish is a mixture of lamb, rice and
The first thing that happens in changing. There are hard times vegetables.
a Tajik wedding is the arrival of across the country, and the less These restrictions have been a huge
the guests, who have their hands work there is available, the harder departure from the traditional
washed by a member of the family it is to pay for weddings of this size. weddings, which were once among
in the traditional way. The bride will In the past, the family might have the longest in the world, with
appear later, with her face hidden had to spend an enormous amount festivities continuing for over a week.
beneath a veil. Then she will join of money to pay for the big day. To To enforce the law, there is one extra
the groom for the ceremony. Once solve the problem, the government person attending, a government
they have made their promises, the has taken a stand. representative who ensures that the
couple drinks water and eats a little In 2011, they introduced a series rules are being followed. So far, it
meat with a pancake to confirm the of new rules. A wedding can have seems to have been a success, and
marriage. a maximum of 150 guests, and the it's surely good news for the parents
Afterward, the bride says farewell feast eaten by the guests must only of Tajikistan, who no longer fear
to her family and is escorted to her be three hours long. The family is being bankrupted by celebrations.

RATEGV You don't al

t to get the information th at
ticular information, scan ov
GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
words from the box. There is one word that you
(25 points) don't need. (5 points)
1 Complete each sentence with one word in each blank
(isn't, etc. = one word). (5 points) crew club horde jury
stroke success swarm
O The harder you train, the easier it will be to run the
0 Her business has been a great success .
My legs are really hurting. I _ _ have spent so long in
the gym yesterday. Don't go outside! There's a _ _ of bees in the
2 You _ _ have left your sneakers in the gym, Elnaz. You
were wearing them when we left there! 2 My mom has to go to court next month because
she's going to be on the _ _ for a trial.
3 Alex's running is improving all the time; he's getting
faster and 3 We won $600 in the lottery last year; it was a real
of luck.
4 The _ _ I like about running is that you don't need
any expensive equipment. 4 My sister's going to work on the _ _ of a cruise
ship for six months.
5 _ _ I want to know is why the race was canceled .
5 We bought Julia some new golf _ _ for her birthday.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
word in parentheses. (5 points) READING (25 points)
0 Gary's not here. He must have gone (go) home early today.
1 Read the text on page 67 quickly. What kind of text
If I had seen you yesterday, I ____ (invite) you to
is it? (3 points)
the office party.
2 If I'd passed all my exams, I ____ (be) in college now.
a factual report D b magazine article D
3 I wish I ____ (have) a job. I hate being here in the
c travel guide D
unemployment line.
2 a Which five countries are mentioned in the text?
4 I sent my boss a really angry e-mail and then he fired me. (5 points)
If only I _ _ _ (do) that!
a ----- b
5 If I ____ (have) a car, I wouldn't be able to drive to
c d
3 a Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
(5 points) b Match the numbers in the box to the countries in
2a. One country matches two numbers. (5 points)
0 Our manager was charged with money ; @ evasion. No
one was surprised as we all thought he was a dishonest
8 13 17 39 49
(honest) man.
You can trust David to take I have care of any problems 3 Answer the questions. (12 points)
with the project. He's very _ _ (rely).
1 What part of his vehicle did the man change in
2 In some countries, capital I death punishment is used as
a penalty for murder. In other places, this punishment
has been made _ _ (legal).
2 How do the Afghan police feel about this kind of
3 The tour guide seemed really _ _ (trust). We were
completely taken I pulled in by her act. We couldn't believe
it when we found out that she'd stolen our wallets!
4 I was really _ _ (care) when I filled out my tax back/ 3 What is missing from many apartment buildings in
return . Now I have to do it again because I made so many America?
5 Three teenagers were arrested for/ of vandalism on the 4 Why does the author not explain why 13 and 17 are
railway line. The police said their behavior was extremely unlucky?
_ _ (responsible) because they could have caused an
accident. 5 Which number is considered lucky because of how it
is written?
b Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in
parentheses. Add a prefix or suffix. (5 points)
6 Why did the Beijing Olympics start on August 8?

LISTENING (25 points)
Lucky for some ... 1 )) 3 Listen to a radio news report. Which crimes does the
presenter talk about? Number the crimes 1-5. There is one
1 I had been working in Afghanistan for a crime that you don't need. (5 points)
couple of months when, one day, I found arson D mu rder D
my next-door neighbor painting his car burglary D trespassing D
license plate. He was calmly removing illegal file sharing D vandalism D
39 from the end of it by changing the
numbers from black to white. When I 2 Listen again. Answer the questions. (20 points)
asked him whether it was illegal, he just O What were the protestors trying to enter?
told me it was alright "because the police A nuclear power station.
understand." It seems that the number 39 How old were the protestors?
is very unlucky in his country, and people
feel ashamed to be associated with it. 2 When were the protesters allowed to go home?
2 In those circumstances, maybe it's not
unreasonable to change your car license 3 What was damaged in New Town?
plate. This kind of thing happens all over
the world. In the States many apartment 4 What punishment can people now get for this kind of crime?
blocks don't have a thirteenth floor
because it's considered unlucky! It may 5 How many warnings do people get before their Internet
seem foolish and superstitious, but it does service is stopped?
make business sense. If people won't
buy an apartment on the thirteenth floor, 6 How many computers have already been disconnected?
there's no reason to have one!
7 How much will the repairs at Good Hope High School cost?
3 Strangely enough, in Italy, it's the number
17 that you need to be careful about! So
there isn't a row of seats with that number 8 Who was responsible for starting the fi re?
on Alitalia planes, for example. Just like
lucky rituals, it's hard to say where these 9 What job did Bruce Twining use to do?
superstitions come from. There are so
many theories, it would be impossible for 10 What punishment did Roger Churchill receive?
me to explain them all here!
4 In Asia, these superstitions are often WRITING (25 points)
related to language. In Japan, you're
very unlikely to find a hotel room with 1 Complete the words in the blog post. (5 points)
the number 49 because those numbers
together sound like the word for death. 11WtWi41ffil+♦◄NffifiW4¾ffltffii
People don't want to think about such When soccer fans get togelher at the sladlum, they 1Um Into a mob.
negative subjects while they're on Their behavior can become Irresponsible, dlaraspectful and even
vacation. vlolent; they oft8n cause damage and dlarupllon In the local anta. In
5 On the other hand, they love the number
n, they give the sport a bad repulallon. Of
c , rm not saying 1hat1he people who go to soccer
eight because its Japanese character
g111abehM h thlsevary • Thare's no q
shows two expanding lines. The idea is
llat1hatdons dllqe becaJN 1hefre partflallqe gniupflpeapkk
that they mean "prosperity." Across the ~-"lf dllltpl0ple1111111\'9Clfferll)llywtllin
sea in China, people also think of this ..,_Jraowd.taiuliil't -•flll!(lltnu11
number as the key to wealth and success.
It's so popular that organizers decided to ~~-
open the Beijing Olympics at 8 a.m. on
August 8, 2008. Perhaps the number really
is lucky because they were one of the
2 Write a blog post. Reply to th e post in 1, giving your
best Olympics in history!
opinion. (20 points)


B: What do you mean?

~, 7.2, p. 52, Exs 2 & 3 ~, 8.2, p. 58, Exs 1 & 2 A: It's a rule. You have to wear a cap in the
A: Hello there, ma'am. How can I help A: Have you seen Mary? We're supposed swimming pool.
you? to be having a meeting about the B: I don't believe this! I've just walked for
B: Please can you tell me when my visa Jaycott trial. thirty minutes to get here, and now I
will be ready? I've been waiting here B: No, sorry. By the way, have you heard can't get in!
for nearly three hours. that she's leaving? A: We do sell them, sir. You can buy one in
A: I'm very sorry, but I can't answer your A: Really, when? the store.
question. You'll have to wait until one B: Next week apparently... Mm, that B: All right. And how much do they cost?
of the visa officials can see you. reminds me, she borrowed some A: Only $1.
B: I'm afraid that just isn't good enough. money from me last week. I should get B: Fine. I'll do that then.
I need to know what's going on. If this it back before she goes. 2 C: Hello?
isn't straightened out quickly, I'm going A: Good luck with that! She's so forgetful. D: Hello , am I speaking to Mariam ...
to have to make a formal complaint. B: Huh, yeah. Incidentally, if you do see Ahmadi?
A: OK, wait here one moment, please. I'll her, can you remind her that we're C: Yes, who is this, please?
try and find out what the problem is. going out for dinner this evening? D: Do you have Internet access at home,
B: Thank you. 2 C: Guess what? I'm going to be in court Ms. Ahmadi?
2 C: Oh no, I don't believe this! next week. I'm on a jury. C: Look, I'm...
D: What's happened? What's in that D: Oh really? That should be interesting. D: If you are interested in changing your
envelope? C: Yes, I think so. It's a fairly long trial Internet service provider, we can offer
C: They've sent my tax return form back ... though. I had to take two weeks off you a special price for the first six
again! But I'm sure I filled everything work. months.
out correctly. It took me hours to D: Talking about trials, did you see the C: I'm very sorry, but I'm not interested ...
straighten out the problem the last report about vandalism on the news D: We can install WiFi throughout your
time they returned it. I really don't last night? home within 24 hours of signing your
have time for this! Why do they make C: No, what happened? contract.
these forms so complicated? 3 E: OK, I've finished my report on the C: Sorry, but I don't want to change my
D: Look, don't worry, darling. It's probably burglary at the school, so I'm heading Internet service! This is the third call
just a simple mistake. Let's sit down out now. I've had today.
and look at it together. If you get all F: OK, have a good evening. Before I D: Our offer is extremely competitive and
the documents ready, I'll make us forget, can you come in a little early if you would ...
coffee. We'll figure it out. tomorrow? We have a lot to cover. C: I'm sorry. I'm not interested in all these
C: OK, thanks Richard . E: All right. I'll try to be here by 8. deals. Good-bye.
3 E: Good evening, sir. May I see your Changing the subject, have you heard if 3 E: What's up, Sam?
ticket, please? there's a date for the arson court case? F: I just checked my lottery numbers
F: Oh, of course. Here you are. F: Not yet. I'll let you know as soon as I online. I use the same ones every week...
E: Thank you. And sorry, but would you hear anything. E: Oh right. Did you win anything this time?
mind turning your MP3 player off, E: Thanks, that would be great. OK, I F: No such luck. I would have won $50,
please? This is the quiet car, so we ask should go. I don't want to miss my but... I didn't buy a ticket!
passengers not to use cell phones or train. See you tomorrow. E: Oh no! Why not?
listen to music. There is a sign here. F: Bye! F: I went to the store yesterday to buy
F: Oh, OK. I'm sorry, I didn't realize. I a good luck card for my little sister.
didn't know what the sign meant. ~/ 8.3, p. 58, Ex 1 She's taking her university entrance
E: That's no problem at all. If you'd prefer Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your exams next week. I was going to buy
to listen to music, you could move to attention, please? Due to vandalism on a lottery ticket at the same time, but I
another car. It's up to you. the railway line, trains will not be running completely forgot.
F: OK, thanks. from Baltimore to New York this morning. E: Poor you!
4 G: Excuse me, officer. What's going on here? Passengers for the 9:35 service to New York 4 G: Hey Joe, what's wrong?
H: There is a gas leak inside number 24. should wait in the station parking lot for H: Someone stole my skateboard.
It may be dangerous, so we're asking the replacement bus service. The buses will G: Oh no!
everyone to wait outside until the depart at about 10:15 and should arrive in New H: The thing that makes me really angry is
problem has been solved. York at about 12:00. Trains from Baltimore to that it was another skateboarder who
G: What? But my office is inside that Trenton are not affected. Please see signs in took it. I left it in the street to answer
building. I have an important meeting in the station for more information. We're very the phone. It was a place where lots of
an hour. I need to go inside and prepare! sorry for this change in our services, but the us go skateboarding. It wasn't at school
H: I'm very sorry, but I'm going to have to problem was only discovered this morning by or at the sports center or somewhere
ask you to wait here. Engineers from the local police. We hope that all services will like that. It's so annoying!
the gas company are dealing with the be back to normal by late afternoon. G: Was it worth a lot of money?
problem at the moment. I'm sure the H: Yeah, it was very valuable. I won it in a
work will be finished within the next 'I 9.2, p. 64, Ex 1 competition at the skate store.
hour. G: Oh, poor you. That's so unlucky.
A: I'm sorry sir, but I can't let you into the
G: Sure. And what am I supposed to H: Yeah, and now I'll have to get a job so I
swimming pool without a swimming
do until then? Honestly, this is just can save up for a new one.
ridiculous ...

damaged in the last month. A new law has damage caused to its indoor tennis courts,
~, T3, p. 67, Exs 1 & 2 been passed that allows the police to give where the fire was started. The principal
Good evening, and welcome to Police Report anyone committing this type of crime an said that she was "very disappointed" by the
where we keep you up to date with crime in immediate fine of between 50 and 100 irresponsible behavior of the students who
the local area. dollars. Next, a warning to anyone out there started the fire. Finally, a funny story to start
First of all, we have the arrest of four who downloads movies from the Internet. the weekend. An unlucky thief named Roger
protestors who tried to enter the nuclear The government can now stop Internet Churchill chose the wrong house to rob last
power station illegally on Sunday night. The access for anyone using pirate websites. Tuesday night. While Churchill was stealing
protestors, all between 17 and 19 years old, Bear in mind that police will only give a the DVD player and the TV, he was caught
argue that nuclear power is untrustworthy single warning before stopping the Internet by the house's owner, Mr. Bruce Twining.
and dangerous. The police released them on connection. Around 300 connections Mr. Twining is an ex-professional boxer, and
Monday without further charges. have already been closed . Police have he held Churchill in the living room until
Residents of New Town have taken action now confirmed that no one was injured in the police arrived. Churchill has now been
against vandals in their area, following a yesterday's fire at Good Hope High School. sentenced to eighteen months' community
series of criminal acts. Stores, bus stops However, the school believes that it will service. That's all for now from Police Report.
and even apartment buildings have all been need to spend over $10,000 to repair the Keep your eyes open and stay safe.

The Richmond Vodcast Series [ )

---------- ----------
Elvis Presley

I Cleopatra
.. - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - -
I Count Dracula I Princess Diana
.. - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - -
I Nelson Mandela I Elton John
.. - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - -
I Homer Simpson I Princess Leah (from star wars)
.. - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - -
I Barack Obama I Marilyn Mon roe
.. - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - -
I John Lennon I Queen Elizabeth 11
.. - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - -
I Sherlock Holmes I Tina Turner
.. - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - -
I Che Guevara I Mary Poppins
.. - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - -
I Vincent van Gogh I Juliet
(from Romeo and Juliet)
.. - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - -
I Luciano Pavarotti I Paris Hilton
.. - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - -
I Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-Tung) I Madonna
.. - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - -
I Julius Caesar I Thor
.. - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - -
I James Bond I Jane Austen
Traffic congestion
Radio interview
You are going to hear a radio program in which a local councilman is interviewed about solutions to traffic congestion in his city.

D Listen to the beginning of the interview. EJ Listen to the whole interview. Are the sentences true or false?
Complete the text with the words you 1 The delays on the roads w ill continue in t he long term. TRUE/FALSE
2 In Guangzhou, China, 'park and ride' schemes have been introduced. TRUE/ FALSE
All over the world there are people who
3 In a 'park and ride' scheme, commut ers drive around the city center, park their car
find themselves 1 _ _ _ _ _ in traffic,
at a stat ion and take publ ic transport to the suburbs. TRUE/FALSE
wish ing their governments wou ld do
something to 2 _ _ _ _ _ the situation . 4 Buses are fu ll at the moment. TRUE/ FALSE
And right now, I know this feeling is 5 The councilman thi nks more publ ic transport would help. TRUE/FALSE
something that a lot of you listen ing can 6 Some roads are going to have two more lanes. TRUE/FALSE
relate to. We've been flooded with calls 7 The counci lman wants people to share cars. TRUE/FALSE
recently from people complaining about 8 The counci lman wants barriers simi lar to Istanbul's Metrobus system. TRUE/FALSE
severe 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the downtown
area, especial ly at 4 hour. IJ Complete the adjective+noun collocations with the words in the box.
People are saying there has been a
dramatic increase in j ourney times during capacity crit icism delays increase traffic

recent weeks due to road closures and 1 severe

construction work. Different schemes
2 dramatic
and policies are used by governments to
3 heavy
help deal with traffics _ _ _ _ _ and
4 increased
today I'm j oined by Counci lman Mike
Richardson, who's going to t alk about the 5 strong

6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in our city. And it's not

good news is it councilman?

Gesture-based technology: the next big thing?
xperts predict that gesture-based technology, which can be used to gestures to control your music, thus doing away completely with the

E control any system at any distance from a few centimeters to half

the length of a football pitch, is going to be the next major trend in
personal technology worldwide. The basic principle is that gestures are
need for a remote control I You won 't have to get your mobile device
dirty whi le you're reading a rec ipe on it in the kitchen, as a simple
wave of the hand will scroll up, down or take you to a different page.
used as the main input method, rather than a keyboard, mouse or switch. Of course, as well as the practical implications, you might just find thi s
Orders can be given by touching a screen (either swiping or pressing) or by new technology enjoyable to use, using it for example to play a virtual
using physical movement of hands, arms, fingers, the head or even the eyes. tennis match with a friend on the other side of the world.
The emphasis is on a direct interaction between the self and the device or
Wearable technology with tiny displays, like Google Glass and Apple
system, with little or nothing in-between.
iWatch, can also be controlled by gesture-based technology, which is
Recently we have seen the application of gestures in automation technology good news for those of us with fingers the size of sausages. Connect
in factories, where it is enabling people to control systems without actually these to the 'Internet of things' and with a wink of the eye you will
touching them. With a mere movement a worker can command the computer be controlling your central heating at home while you are at work and
to start machinery, and by holding up his hand in a "stop" gesture, halt feeding your cat when you are away on vacation.
the machines. Since the gestures could be the same all over the world, no
matter what language you speak, this universal body language could reduce
the need for companies to write programs in different languages. It would
also reduce training costs by eliminating the need for keyboard and language
It should also prove useful in areas like hospitals, where it is vital to reduce
contamination and the spreading of disease through touching objects. In
education too, it is proving itself to be of utmost importance to children with
special educational needs as each device can be programed depending on
the needs of each individual child. Eye-gaze gestures, for example, offer new
opportunities for students with virtually no independent movement.
What about people like you and me, will we be using gesture-based
technology too? Well, it could make our lives easier at home as well as at
work. If you don't know where the remote control for your music docking
station is, you'll be able to use gestures to find it. Or you'll be able to use

D Read the article quickly and choose the correct answer. What is the article about?
A a mobile phone you can use as a remote con trol
B a technology you can use to control devices
C a type of tablet you can use to control the temperat ure around you

D Match the words to the definitions.

gesture-based technology A portable comput ing systems, such as a mo bile phone, smartphone or tablet
2 automation technology B co mputer programs t hat let you use movement to contro l mach in es and devices
3 remote control C accessories, such as watches and glasses, th at use advanced electronic technologies
4 mobile devices D an object used to cont rol a machine or device f rom a distance
5 wearable technology E electron ic ope rati ng systems used to control mach ines without manual operation
6 Inte rnet of things F devices that are connected and can be co ntrol led t hrough t he worldwid e web

D Which five advantages of using gesture-based technology are mentioned in the article?
A You can use it to co ntrol devices and machines without touching them.
B It provides a f un way to learn.
C If yo u work in an environment w here you have to keep everything clean, it wi ll hel p you to do that.
D It can el iminate language barriers in some workplaces.
E It can help you to locate t hings you need, like re mote controls, when you don't know where they are.
F It enables you to read somethi ng on your mobile device even if yo u're not in the same room as the device.
G You won't be dependent on using t he smal l screen on your wearable device when you want to control w hat it does.

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Music on our doorstep
Radio broadcast

You are going to li sten to a news story about a live music eve nt
that's been taking place recen tly in New York.

D Listen to the first minute of the interview and number the

topics in the order you hear them.

D w hen the event happe ned D the popularity of the event

D the performers' names D the location of the event
EJ Listen to the entire interview and choose the correct option
to complete the sentences.

The event is
A in the street.
B a Frank Sinatra concert.
C going to start on Frid ay.

2 The event started

A when some neighbors got together to help another
neighbor in their building.
B because a neighbor asked another neighbor for help
C when a neighbor asked another neighbor to dance with her.

3 Nick works
A as a DJ in a jazz club.
B as a musician playing an instrument.
C as a singer.

4 The event is unusual because

A it is popu lar wit h everyone.
B it mixes tap dance and jazz with rap mu sic.
D Match the words and phrases from the audio (1-8} to their
definitions (A-H}.
C the organisers managed to get a music licence.
1 neighborly

5 One of the reasons for th e event's success is 2 jam-packed

3 traffic congestion
A the po lice like Frank Sinatra.
4 excl usion
B the singer builds a relationship with hi s audience.
5 qu ality of life
C New York residents are happy with any kind of music. 6 touri sty
7 social cohesion
6 Nick and Laraine are different from normal buskers because
8 a sense of belonging
A they ask for money.
B they don't perform in touristy places A a situation in which people come together in groups
B a situation where a person does not feel, or can not be,
C they as k people to sit down to li sten.
included in a group
7 If you come next Friday, C a situation where there are so many cars on the road that t hey
move very slowly
A it's possi ble that you w ill see them perform.
D a place designed for visitors or full of visitors
B you wil l have to buy ticket s.
E being friendly and helpfu l to people who live near you
C you won't be disappointed.
F a feeling of happiness because you feel that you are part of a
group of people
G the level of happiness you feel from you r home, work, friends,
good health, etc.
H very crowded or full


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Choose from courses in acrylics, oil, watercolor, pastels or Accommodation and all meals provided. We also offer weekend
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