Physical Education Quarter 2

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TEAM COMPOSITION 10 players per team (5 players to play per quarter)
DURATION OF THE GAME 8 minutes quarter (32 minutes per game)
TIME-OUTS 2 time-outs per quarter excepts in the last quarter which is 3
SUBSTITUTIONS 5 maximum substitutions per quarter
 Blocking foul - occurs when an attacking player makes contact with an opposing player
causing the defender to lose his balance and then fall over.
 Charging/Offensive Foul - occurs when an offensive player makes significant contact
with a defensive player who has established their position with both feet on the ground
REGULAR FOULS and their torso square facing the opponent
 Illegal Use of Hands Foul – This is a foul called when a defender slaps, hacks,
or smacks an offensive player with the ball.
 Holding - occurs when a defender holds, grabs, or pulls an offensive player (it doesn't
matter if the offensive player has possession of the ball or not)
 Goaltending - an illegal play in which a player deflects a ball that is on the downward
path to the basket or that is already on the rim of the basket, carrying the penalty of an
automatic score when committed by the defense or nullifying the field goal when
committed by the offense
 Travelling violation - a penalty in the sport of basketball and occurs when an
offensive player in possession of the basketball takes an extra step or
makes an otherwise illegal movement with their established pivot foot.
 Backcourt violation – Any part of the ball or player that touches the midcourt line or
back court is deemed to be in violation.

 Stepping on the line

 Loose ball - a foul committed while both teams are contesting possession of the ball, or
a foul of any kind that is committed while the ball is loose.
TIME VIOLATIONS  3-second violation - when an offensive player stands in the lane (free throw lane)
for more than three seconds without guarding an opponent

 5-second violation - called against an offensive player with the ball when that
player is guarded closely for five seconds or more, and does not pass, shoot,
or dribble within that time.
 8-second violation – this is a violation, and possession would be awarded to the
opposing team. The offensive team must advance the ball over the midcourt
line before 8 seconds has passed.
 Shot clock violation (24-second violation)- The attacking team has 24 seconds to
attempt a field goal, from the moment they take possession of the ball. If by
the end of the 24 seconds, the team still hasn't taken a shot, the referee will
whistle and turn the ball over to the other team.
SERIOUS Assault to an opposing player Disrespect to officials
OVERTIME In case of tie, 5-minute overtime is given
OFFICIALS OF THE GAME Referee, Umpire, Timekeeper, Scorer

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