BSB Task-2

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BSB Task-2

1. Choose two key business activities and/or resource areas from your workplace or
training environment. Complete the data collection plan for the two business
activities/areas using the table provided.

What Indicato How When Data Who Report to

r recording

water  supplier bills,  month/  Spreadshee  Environme  Annual

t nt officer sustainabilit
used sub meter to year
  litres y report 
monitor peaks Quaterly

 Wast d per full  waste       environme  quarterly
 KPI tracker
 quarterly nt waste
e time audit spreadsheet
coordinator report

2. Use the tools you selected in Task 1 and the data collection plan from Task 2, Q1, to
monitor resource usage for the designated period. Submit a copy of your completed
data tools to your assessor. 
How to
Progress last Progress this How will it be
KPI KPI Target monitor
month month reported
water 1200 L per 1230 L per Monthly
1100 L per FTE per Water meter,
consumption FTE per FTE per sustainability
month utility bills
per FTE month month report
Landfill per 30%decrease sustainability
waste audit 80 tonnes 60 tonnes
FTE from last June report

3. What benchmarks would you use when analysing the data collected in Task 2, Q2?

Performance measures used as a management tool need to be broadened to include input and
process measures. I will use internal benchmarking as it will help our company assess which is
the best practice or methodology for waste management and water usage. The Balanced
Scorecard is one such approach that assesses an organization and its programs from four
different perspectives: customer, employee, process, and finance.


I will use internal benchmarking as it will help our company assess which is the best practice or
methodology for waste management and water usage. Performance measures used as a
management tool need to be broadened to include input and process measures. The Balanced
Scorecard is one such approach that assesses an organization and its programs from four
different perspectives: customer, employee, process, and finance.


KPIs are quantifiable metrics that reflect the performance of a business in achieving its
wider goals 
They should align all levels of an organization with clearly defined targets and

4. What baseline would you measure results against?

The baseline is the standard against which you will measure all subsequent changes
implemented by your program. Baseline data should be current, i.e., no more than two
years old. Baseline data is used to measure improvements and could be obtained by
examining supplier bills, monitoring equipment usage, measuring usage under different
conditions, etc.
5. For the activities you’ve monitored, estimate the resource use and/or waste generation for the
next month.

From what I have gathered from  the waste audit, it is likely to lessen as it has gradually
dropped from 2 months ago.As for the water usage, it didn't make any significant changes in the
past two months.

Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Choose two key business activities and/or resource areas from your workplace or
training environment. Complete the data collection plan for the two business
activities/areas using the table provided.

What Indicator How When Data Who Report

recordin to

  water  Supplier   month  spreadshe  environme   Annual

et nt officer sustainabili
used bills, sub ly
Litres ty report
meter to
monitor energy
peaks report
t head

  energ   smart  monthly  Pie charts  environme  annual

y use   greennhouse gas emis meters Suppl spreadshe nt sustainabili
ier bills et coordinato ty report
sion r Quarterly
t head


What Indicator How When Data Who Report

recording to

 Supplie  LTR  Suppli  monthly   spreadsh  environm  departm

eet ent officer ent head
r bills, er bills,
sub- sub-
meter to meter
monitor to
peaks monito

  Energy  greennhouse gas em  month  Pie  environme  annual

ly charts nt sustainabi
monitori ission
spreadsh coordinator lity report
ng eet Quarterly
nt head

Question 2

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Use the tools you selected in Task 1 and the data collection plan from Task 2, Q1, to
monitor resource usage for the designated period. Submit a copy of your completed
data tools to your assessor. 
Appliances             Hourly usage per day          Consumption per day       Consumption
per month               Monthly cost
Air conditioner                5.0                                       0.75                                         
22.5                                               16.88 
Wifi modem                    24                                        0.24                                          7.2 
Microwave                      0.5                                        0.3                                            1.5 
Toaster                            0.5                                        0.3                                           
1.5                                                   6.00 
Coffee maker                 1.0                                         0.6                                            12 
 Washing machine        1.0                                         0.5                                               3 

The spreadsheet is used for keeping records of waste monitoring and A resource efficiency
audit is used to record energy consumption.


Question 3

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
What benchmarks would you use when analysing the data collected in Task 2, Q2?
KPIs are quantifiable metrics that reflect the performance of a business in achieving its
wider goals 
They should align all levels of an organisation with clearly defined targets and
They should focus on ‘key’ measures, i.e. those most important to assessing
The spreadsheet is used for keeping records of waste monitoring and A resource efficiency
audit is used to record energy consumption.


Question 4

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
What baseline would you measure results against?
The current baseline

 Records from the last audit.

 Energy/Electricity bills

An energy and water usage baseline 

Question 5

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
For the activities you’ve monitored, estimate the resource use and/or waste generation
for the next month.
Mass and energy should balance. This will identify unaccounted for water/energy use
and opportunities for improvement
Air conditioner               5.0                        0.75                                             22.5             
Try to keep it shut and keep clean 
Shut down wifi modem when out of business time
Wifi modem                   24                         0.24                                               7.2             

The resource use and waste generation for the next month will decrease compared to this
month based on the data collection plan.

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