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Kentucky Colleges
and Universities
The Association of
Partners for the
Annual Report
Alice Lloyd College
Asbury College
Cover Photo: Thomas More College
Learn more. Visit AI I
The AssoCIATIon of IndependenT
Kentucky Colleges and Universities
partners for the Commonwealth Annual Report
At a Glance 2
public Benefts 3
Affordability 8
Academics 10
Map 14
Athletics 16
spotlight on eon Us 18
funding partners 20
Business partners 22
About AIKCU 24
2 Learn more. Visit AI
A tremendous return on a
small state investment
only about 4 percent of Kentuckys total
postsecondary spending goes to students
attending Kentuckys independent colleges
and universities, all in the form of student
aid In return, these institutions:
enroll 29,000 students 75 percent are
Kentucky residents
produce 22 percent of Kentuckys
bachelors degrees
produce more than 5000 total degrees
produce high percentages of bachelors
degrees crucial to Kentuckys future
like math and science, education, and
provide bachelors degrees in many
underserved parts of the state
have a combined annual total economic
impact of more than $14 billion on the
Kentucky economy - $705 million through
operations and another $780 million in
capital expenditures
Kentuckys Independent Colleges and Universities:
Focused on Kentucky
Committed to working with the public
universities and KCTCs to achieve Cpes
double the numbers initiative have
established aggressive 2020 degree
production and enrollment goals
high bachelors degree production in math,
science, and technology areas Many specifc
initiatives in sTeM areas
developing the graduates that Kentucky
employers need by combining liberal arts
education with career preparation
Transfer agreements and collaborative
partnerships with KCTCs to increase access
to and completion of bachelors degrees
serving growing numbers of adult
students through traditional programs
as well as through degree completion,
fexible scheduling, online, and extended
campus offerings More than 20 percent of
undergraduates are 25 or older
Average tuition is 35 percent lower than
national independent college average and 25
percent lower than the southern average
Institutions provide signifcant fnancial aid
- about $3 for every $1 provided by the state
Virtually all students qualify for some form
of fnancial aid Qualifying students may
participate in state and federal fnancial aid
students represent all income levels - 40
percent of all undergraduate students qualify
for pell Grants, the federal program reserved
for the most economically at-risk students
AIKCU institutions serve large numbers of
frst-generation college students
21 percent of undergraduates are 25 years
old or older 30 percent of all students,
including graduate students, are 25 or older
89 percent of students are minorities 64
percent are African-American
students come from all 120 Kentucky
counties, from states all over the Us, and
108 countries

Committed to student
small classes, personal attention, study
abroad, internships, and experiential
programs prepare students for success in
life and work
offer a great variety of degree programs for
traditional undergraduates as well as a num-
ber of fexible delivery models for working
focused on retention and graduation -
students are more likely to graduate in less
time from an independent college
at a glance
Learn more. Visit AI 3
public Benefts
The public benefts provided
by Kentuckys independent
colleges and universities cannot
be overstated The 20 AIKCU
institutions are major employers
and have a tremendous economic
impact on the state of Kentucky
Campuses facilities are estimated
to be worth more than $11 billion;
many of these are open to the
general public for services, events,
and cultural opportunities at no
or little charge Their 29,000
students and more than 5,000
faculty and staff of Kentuckys
independent colleges and
universities provide countless
hours of community service and
expertise to civic organizations,
schools, nonprofts, small
businesses, and individual citizens
throughout Kentucky This ethos
of service follows AIKCU alumni
into post-graduate life Most
AIKCU graduates stay in Kentucky
where they continue to volunteer,
assume community leadership
roles, or pursue careers in public
for more on the economic and
cultural benefts, download the
2006 report Private Colleges,
Public Benefts: The Economic and
Community Impact of Kentuckys
Independent Colleges and Universities
on the Commonwealth of Kentucky,
by human Capital Research
Corporation, (at
Economic Impact
$705 million annual economic impact
of independent sector in Kentucky from
institutional expenditures creating 8,629
jobs in Kentucky
produce another $780 million annually in
economic impact and 3,733 jobs through
capital expenditures
Replacement value of the sectors
campus buildings and facilities exceeds
$11 billion
In just the last few years AIKCU
campuses have committed more than
$65 million to construct or renovate
campus science facilities, primarily from
private donations
The independent sector would rank
eleventh in employment and eighteenth
in revenues among the Commonwealths
25 largest publicly held corporations
students, employees, and workers in jobs
created in other industries related to the
independent college sector contribute
$331 million annually in Kentucky taxes
overall, the 100,000 alumni of Kentuckys
independent colleges and universities
generate $4 billion in annual earning
and generate $416 million in state tax
Stewards of Place
AIKCU students provide more than
250,000 hours of community service
annually through federal Work study
community service programs
students, faculty and staff provide
countless hours of community service
and expertise to civic organizations,
schools, nonprofts, small businesses,
and individual citizens These are just
a few examples of ways Kentuckys
independent colleges serve Kentucky:
offering free tax preparation for low
income Kentuckians
providing free physical and
occupational therapy services to youth
offering free community health
Building and renovating housing
for rural low income families one
campus outreach program has built
more than 120 homes for families
living in poverty in southeastern
Kentucky since 1982
Collaborating with local school
districts to provide student services
(tutoring, after school programs,
mentoring, etc) as well as faculty
expertise to improve school
Working with local economic
development agencies to develop
retraining strategies and solutions for
displaced workers
AIKCU institutions serve as cultural
centers in both large and small
communities across the state, providing
citizens access to world-class arts and
entertainment opportunities
Pikeville College
Thomas More College
Over the past several years AIKCU campuses have
committed more than $65 million, primarily from
private donations, to construct or renovate campus
science facilities.
4 Learn more. Visit AI
public Benefts
Miranda Li 08 a Brescia
University graphic arts
senior from China
she designed a new logo for the
Western Kentucky Regional Blood
Center (WKRBC) The blood center
is a not-for-proft organization and
did not have the funds to hire a
design frm to produce a new logo
Instead they contacted the art
department at Brescia and asked
david stratton, associate professor
of art, to coordinate a competition
among art majors on campus Many
students submitted their work but,
in the end, Lis design was chosen
We were very pleased with the
ideas submitted by all the students,
said Vicki ellis with the WKRBC,
but in the end, Lis logo was
chosen because it kept the integrity
of our original design and brought it
forward into this millennium Lis
winning logo depicts a hand holding
a drop of blood which represents
the helping hand of blood donors
Rev. John E. Chowning
Rev John e Chowning, Vice
president for Church and external
Relations and executive Assistant
to the president at Campbellsville
University, was honored with the
second AIKCU for the Greater
Good Award for his commitment
to AIKCUs public policy and
government relations efforts The
award recognizes a staff person from
an AIKCU member campus who
has demonstrated an extraordinary
commitment to the organization
and to independent postsecondary
education in Kentucky
Chowning has extensive experience
in government and public policy,
politics, civic engagement, economic
development, and the private
business sector he holds degrees
from Lindsey Wilson College,
Transylvania University, and eastern
Kentucky University and studied at
Memphis Theological University
Campbellsville University, along
with the other AIKCU members,
provides quality and affordable
education to an increasingly diverse
Centre College
Campbellsville University, along with
the other AIKCU members, provides
quality and affordable education to an
increasingly diverse group of students
from all over Kentucky and the world
group of students from all over
Kentucky and the world, said
Chowning These institutions are
individually and collectively very
important components of our
states educational system Its very
rewarding to work with dr Gary
Cox and other AIKCU colleagues in
making certain that the perspectives
of our sector of the higher education
community are carefully articulated
in frankfort and Washington
Rev. John F. Chowning
Vice president for Church and
external Relations & executive
Assistant to the president
Campbellsville University
AIKCU for the Greater Good
Learn more. Visit AI S
Assistant Secretary of State Allen Eskridge,
Transylvania University 94, speaks to Fayette
County elementary school students about
the importance of education, voting and
participating in a democracy.
J. Allen Eskridge, III
Kentuckys independent colleges
provide academic and social
environments that foster the
growth of the whole individual
Through small class sizes, individual
attention from professors, civic
and community engagement, and
opportunities to become involved
in campus activities, the value of an
education at Kentuckys independent
colleges cannot be overstated In
my continuing educational pursuits
as well as my professional career,
I would not be nearly as prepared
to meet each days challenges
were it not for my experience at
J. Allen Eskridge, III
Transylvania 94
Assistant secretary of state,
Commonwealth of Kentucky
Larry Hayes
Larry hayes, st Catharine College
72, has had a distinguished
career in public service and the
private sector he currently serves
as secretary of the Governors
executive Cabinet for Governor
steven L Beshear, the highest
appointed position in the executive
branch Most recently, hayes served
as both deputy mayor and secretary
of the finance and Administration
Cabinet in the City of Louisville he
served as the frst president of what
is now Greater Louisville, Inc from
1987-1988 In state government,
hayes served as secretary of the
executive Cabinet and state Budget
director from 1983 through 1987
in the administration of Governor
Martha Layne Collins prior to that,
he was the executive Assistant to the
Kentucky state senate president for
six years
You might say that you can trace
hayes success in public service
back to his time in springfeld and
at st Catharine College he played
for one of the frst sCC basketball
teams and earned his degree from
st Catharine in 1972 he served as
springfeld city administrator from
1971 to 1973
Im not a native of Washington
County but springfeld is kind of
my Kentucky home They gave me a
chance there, said hayes
While at st Catharine College,
hayes also found a home away from
home It was a great nurturing
environment there You were treated
like a special person
Throughout his public service career
hayes has kept an eye on what was
happening at his alma mater I
know that Martha Layne was able
to stabilize the situation when a lot
of small colleges were struggling,
he said And now president Bill
huston (current st Catharine
president) really has things going in
the right direction he is the right
guy at the right time and place
he is a great ft for st Catharine
Larry Hayes
st Catharine 72
Cabinet secretary for Kentucky
Governor steve Beshear
It was a great nurturing
environment there You were
treated like a special person
6 Learn more. Visit AI
public Benefts
Mary Mosley
Mary Mosley earned a bachelors
degree in human services &
counseling from Lindsey Wilson in
2004 through LWCs partnership
with southeast Kentucky Community
& Technical College-Cumberland
Campus, and shes working on a
master of education in counseling
and human development from LWC
at the Cumberland Community
A harlan native, Mosley has seen
how drug use especially abuse
of marijuana and prescription pills
has crept into the regions schools,
torn families apart and ruined
young lives Mosley helps young
people avoid drug use through
prevention efforts in the schools
and communities and also by
intervening with young people who
are suspected of using drugs
I want to see students succeed in
society, and I want to do whatever
I can to help them overcome their
problems, she said Its often a
very long process and very tiring, but
its worth it when you see the impact
you have made on one students
My professors in the Lindsey Wilson school of
professional Counseling have been a huge infuence
on me and how I work with students, Mosley said
They pushed me and helped me realize what I could
do and accomplish And thats what I want to do for my
students help them realize what they can become
Kentucky Christian University
Mary Mosley
Lindsey Wilson College 04
substance Abuse Counselor
for operation UnITe/harlan Co
harlan, KY
Learn more. Visit AI 7
Donna Russell Moore
donna Russell Moore is a 1962
graduate of Midway College, with
an associate degree in education
she continued her education at the
University of Kentucky and received
a Bachelor of Arts in Business
Moore has played an active role
at Midway College since her
graduation, and currently serves on
the Colleges Board of Trustees, as
well as the Alumni Board
Moore worked with Kentucky
education Television for 30
years, and she retired as a deputy
executive director in 2004 she
recently served as chair of the
education Cabinet Transition
Team In January of 2008, Governor
steve Beshear appointed Moore
to be a member of the Kentucky
Council on postsecondary
Donna Moore
Midway College 62
Midway College Board of
Trustees, Alumni Board
Member, Kentucky Council on
postsecondary education
Lisa F. Osborne
Lisa f osborne was recently
appointed to the Council on
postsecondary education osborne
graduated from Cumberland College
(now University of the Cumberlands)
in 1986 with a bachelors degree in
secondary education, majoring in
english and minoring in computer
science osborne earned a masters
degree in library science from the
University of Kentucky she was a
dedicated high school teacher in
Whitley County for years, developing
an Advanced placement program
before going back to school to
obtain a law degree from the
University of Louisville
An entrepreneur as well as a true
lifelong learner, osborne has
managed her own law frm and
insurance agency she is an attorney
in Carrollton
Lisa F. Osborne
University of the Cumberlands 86
Member, Kentucky Council on
postsecondary educations
Thomas More College
Thomas More College
8 Learn more. Visit AI
Kentuckys independent colleges
and universities are affordable.
Theres a common misperception
that rich kids go to private
colleges In reality, diverse students
from all socioeconomic backgrounds
whether right out of high school or
adults returning to school attend
Kentuckys independent colleges
and universities This is due in
large part to the strong emphasis
that Kentuckys independent
institutions place on affordability
and fnancial aid
AIKCU institutions have a long
history of providing affordable
access to higher education They
do this by keeping tuition costs
low and by providing generous
institutional fnancial aid to their
students in the form of grants and
scholarships AIKCU campuses are
the largest source of aid to their
students; these twenty campuses
provided more than $147 million in
institutional fnancial aid in 2005-06
(source: Ipeds)
AIKCU Student
Participation in KHEAA
Student Aid Programs,
Total state aid to AIKCU students
College Access Program (CAP)
5,390 awards
totaling $8,920,271
Average award: $1655
Kentucky Tuition Grant (KTG)
need-based for private college students
10,327 awards
totaling $ 26,501,538
Average award: $2566
Kentucky Educational Excellence
Scholarship (KEES) Merit-based
9,182 Awards
totaling $ 14,911,226
Average Award: $1624
source: Kentucky higher education Assistance
Authority; note award totals not cumulative
40% of AIKCU Undergraduates
receive a federal Pell Grant,
awards reserved for students
with high fnancial need
$0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000
2006-07 2007-08
AIKCU Average Tuition is 1/3 Lower than
national independent college average
source: AIKCU survey, College Board
Thomas More College
Learn more. Visit AI 9
Kyle Longton
Centre College 08
Louisville, Ky.
When I began my college search,
I made myself the promise that
I would go to the school of my
choice regardless of the cost
scholarships, grants, loans, and
working while attending school
no option was off the table
After the months of searching, I
decided on Centre The cost of
a Centre education was outside
my familys resources however,
the College, the state and federal
governments, and countless
others were waiting to help
All of the scholarships, loans,
grants, and hours of work-
study have given me a great
college experience Ive been
able to travel abroad twice
and participate in a leadership
weekend in new York City not
having to work off campus,
Ive been able to devote the
necessary time to my school
work, earn good grades, and
seriously consider graduate
studies after graduation perhaps
most importantly, Ive also
been able to participate in the
campus life at Centre through
student government, student
activities, honor societies, and
the orientation process
Qualifying students may also use
federal and state student fnancial
aid awards at Kentuckys private
colleges and participate in federal
student loan and work study
programs This public-private
partnership is invaluable in helping
thousands of students obtain an
independent college education
About 40 percent of AIKCU
students receive a pell Grant, the
federal program for students with
high fnancial need Kentuckys three
signature student aid programs, the
need-based College Access Program
(CAP) and Kentucky Tuition Grant
(KTG) and the merit-based Kentucky
Educational Excellence Scholarship
(KEES) provided more than $50.3
million to AIKCU students during
the 2006-07 academic year
Did you know?
Two of the nations six work
colleges, where students receive
full tuition in exchange for
working on campus, are located
in Kentucky Many other AIKCU
students participate in federal,
state or campus work study
programs to help fund their
Did you know?
The average student loan debt
of students who graduate from
Kentuckys independent colleges
is lower than the average debt
of students who graduate from
public Kentucky institutions
(source: projectonstudentdebtorg)
source: Ipeds 2005-06
Average fnancial aid
awards by source to
qualifying students

Average federal
Grant Amount: $3,068

Average state
Grant Amount: $3,507
Average Institutional
Grant Amount: $6,891

Average AIKCU Tuition
(2005-06) $14,196

for first Time, full-Time
freshman 2005-06 receiving aid
source: Ipeds
*Awards not necessarily additive.
Alice Lloyd College
I0 Learn more. Visit AI
Kentuckys independent colleges
and universities play a key role
in the production of a skilled
workforce They produce 22
percent of all bachelors degrees in
Kentucky, with higher proportions
of graduates in sTeM and other
disciplines that are key to Kentuckys
success in the modern global
economy AIKCU is committed to
working with the Commonwealths
public postsecondary institutions
to achieve Kentuckys ambitious
goals to double the numbers of
baccalaureate degree holders by
AIKCU members range from highly
selective to open admissions, from
rural to urban campuses, from
traditional residential programs
to workplace-based and online
course offerings These institutions
enjoy long histories of academic
excellence and commitment to
students Yet theyre all focused
on Kentuckys future: meeting the
needs of todays students and
tomorrows workforce by combining
the values of a liberal arts education
with the skills and experiences
students need to compete and thrive
in the 21
century global economy
Kentuckys independent colleges
excel at helping students prepare
for life They challenge students to
grow intellectually and personally
They help students develop as
leaders and thinkers And they
provide outstanding career and
life preparation through hands-on,
experiential learning opportunities
whether through internships,
applied research, service-learning,
study abroad, or some other means
Collectively the twenty independent
colleges and universities that make
up the association offer more than
150 majors, spanning programs
from certifcate to doctoral level
Arts & Sciences:
Academics at Kentuckys
independent colleges are rooted in
the arts and sciences, sometimes
referred to as the liberal arts, which
infuse all the other majors and
programs that these institutions
offer These broadly encompass
everything from classical language
studies to social sciences students
at Kentuckys independent colleges
do more than just explore academic
areas and build a broad range
of knowledge under the close
guidance of top faculty they learn
to innovate, think critically, and
communicate effectively These skills
that students develop at Kentuckys
independent institutions are crucial
to workplace success in todays
knowledge economy
In an economy that is dependent on innovation and
global savvy, liberal education outcomes have become
the keys to economic vitality and individual opportunity
College Learning for the New Global Century
The national Leadership Council for Liberal education & Americas promise, 2006
By the Numbers:
With more than 150 different
majors and programs, Kentuckys
independent colleges and universities
offer something for everyone
In addition to the wide range of
programs in the arts and sciences,
there are a number of specialized
programs directed at meeting the
workforce needs of Kentucky schools,
businesses, healthcare providers, and
social service agencies These include:
20 elementary education programs
45 Masters programs in education
(including 6 in special education)
15 Computer science programs
13 Accounting programs
6 MBA programs
8 Adult degree Completion programs
3 equine studies programs
10 nursing programs
1 osteopathic Medical school
18 different Allied health programs
1 occupational Therapy school
1 physical Therapy doctoral program
8 social Work programs
5 Counseling programs
1 doctoral program in Clinical
For a detailed list of academic programs by institution, visit
Learn more. Visit AI II
J. David Grissom
As a graduate of Centre College
and as the chair of Centres board
for more than 20 years, I obviously
have strong feelings about the value
of a liberal arts education But, I
think there is evidence to support
the value of liberal education by
pointing to two examples that may
surprise The world-wide investment
banking frm, Goldman sachs,
recruits graduates of liberal arts
colleges with no advanced degrees
They want people who are very well-
rounded and who are willing to go
down every path intellectually My
second example is Google, probably
the most innovative company in the
world, which hires only graduates
of liberal arts colleges A liberal arts
degree will take you anywhere you
want to go
J. David Grissom
Centre College 60
Chairman of Mayfair Capital
Louisville, Ky
Centre Life Trustee, Chairman of
the Board from 1986-2008
Gail Henson, Ph.D.
sit and listen to lectures for 50
minutes at a time? I dont think so!
Class time with me might be very
noisy and interactive for example,
in an intercultural communication
class, you might fnd yourself in a
grocery store frequented mostly by
immigrants from many nations
The sights, smells, and languages
youll fnd there will demonstrate
the changing faces of Us culture
in ways no lecture could Tutoring
refugees in english as a second
Language can bring you into contact
with stories and realities that put a
human face on the stories you have
heard about in the news
Its important to me that my
students learn the so what
lessonI want you to learn the real-
world value or lasting impact behind
each topic
Gail Henson, Ph.D.
professor and Chairperson of the
department of Communication
Bellarmine University
Did you know?
Kentuckys independent colleges
have produced two nobel prize
Dr. Phillip A. Sharp, Union
College 66, won the nobel
prize in Medicine in 1993 for
discoveries in gene splicing dr
sharp currently serves as Institute
professor at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT),
where he has been a leader in
cancer research and molecular
Dr. John Fenn, Berea College 37,
was a 2002 nobel prize Winner in
Chemistry he currently serves as
professor of Analytical Chemistry
at Virginia Commonwealth
Asbury College
Thomas More College
I2 Learn more. Visit AI
Joe Qualls
The Biology program at Thomas
More impressed Joe Qualls when
he visited Thomas More as a
high school senior, especially the
success rate at which students were
obtaining jobs or being accepted
to graduate schools I now know
that it was the personal attention
students receive from the Biology
faculty that led to this success rate,
said Joe The faculty let us know up
front, if we asked, what sort of jobs
would be available to us with various
levels of educational degrees, and
they would further direct us on
which path to take to best reach our
Joe Qualls
Thomas More College 02
phd, Microbiology, Immunology
and Molecular Genetics,
University of Kentucky
postdoctoral fellow and Research
st Judes Childrens Research
STEM Science, Technology,
Engineering and Math
With the increasing public
recognition of the vital role of sTeM
(science, technology, engineering
and math) education in todays
global economy, its important to
note that Kentuckys independent
colleges and universities have
always valued sTeM and made these
courses are integral components of
the liberal arts curriculum AIKCU
institutions produced 21 percent of
Kentuckys sTeM bachelors degrees
in 2006-07 (Cpe Comprehensive
database) each year they produce
disproportionately high percentages
of bachelors degrees in critical felds
like biology, physics, chemistry,
and mathematics What makes an
independent college education in
the sTeM disciplines so effective is
the combination of these courses
with courses in the arts, philosophy,
literature, writing, and social
sciences that help students develop
a broad understanding of the world
Kendra Smith
A pikeville College education can
defnitely take you anywhere It took
me from a small town to one of
the best high schools in Kentucky
My degrees are very unique I
actually have a degree in secondary
education and a full chemistry
degree Three of my professors
greatly infuenced my success as
a teacher They served as advisors
and advocates They also shared a
wealth of knowledge and challenged
me to think outside the box Because
of them, I can now challenge my
students to do the same
Kendra Smith
pikeville College 04
Chemistry Teacher, paul L dunbar
high school
AIKCU produces high percentages of
KYs bachelors degrees in key felds
Thomas More College
Learn more. Visit AI I3
Health Sciences:
AIKCU institutions are meeting
critical Kentucky workforce
needs by preparing students
for high-demand careers in the
health sciences fourteen AIKCU
institutions offer health science
programs, from radiography to
nursing to an osteopathic medical
school Many of these are located
in medically underserved regions of
the Commonwealth and the majority
of their graduates stay in these
communities after graduation other
AIKCU institutions that do not offer
formal health sciences programs
produce many graduates in other
majors who go on to graduate and
professional schools in health and
medical felds
Non-Traditional Delivery
Models for Working Adults
and Extended Campuses:
A number of AIKCU institutions are
constantly evolving and innovating
to meet the needs of working adult
students Today more than 20
percent of AIKCU undergraduates
are 25 or older They are being
served through traditional on-
campus programs as well as
through degree completion, fexible
A Pikeville College School of
Osteopathic Medicine (PCSOM)
student examines children during a
medical mission trip. 90% of PCSOM
graduates who have fnished residence
are practicing in primary care. 79%
of PCSOM graduates are practicing
in medically under-served areas in
Rhonda Perry
I couldnt believe that any school
would truly be this adult oriented,
but it has been I completed both
my associates and bachelors
degrees through Mid-Continent
University My children are very
proud of my accomplishment, and I
am pleased that I have been able to
set the example for them
The work environment is very
competitive, and you need to
have an edge The AdVAnTAGe
program provides a supportive and
encouraging learning environment
to continue your education and get
your degree I am a proud graduate
of Mid-Continent University
Rhonda Perry
Mid-Continent University
AdVAnTAGe Graduate
Ups Louisville
Teacher Preparation:
All 20 AIKCU institutions offer
teacher preparation programs
More than 25 percent of the new
teachers in Kentuckys public
schools each year are AIKCU
graduates and about 35 percent of
all teachers in Kentucky have at least
one degree or rank change certifcate
from an independent institution
AIKCU education programs range
from traditional undergraduate and
graduate programs to masters
programs with initial certifcation to
online graduate degrees in special
education to a doctoral program in
educational leadership
In addition to producing high
quality teachers, Kentuckys
independent colleges and
universities are partnering with
school districts across the state
on a number of programs to
strengthen the education pipeline
and improve transitions from p-12 to
postsecondary education
scheduling, online, and extended
campus offerings some of these
extended campuses are campus-
controlled centers, others are
community-based in partnership
with Kentucky businesses, and still
others are through partnerships
with the Kentucky Community and
Technical College system (KCTCs)
I help inspire the leaders
of tomorrow all because
of the education I received
at Alice Lloyd College
Coy Samons,
Alice Lloyd College 87
superintendent of paintsville,
KY schools
I4 Learn more. Visit AI
Eastern Kentucky

Kentucky Christian
founded 1919
dr Keith p Keeran
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 542
fall 2006 Graduate
enrollment: 18

Pikeville College
founded 1889
harold h (hal) smith
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 795
fall 2006 osteopathic
Medical school enrollment:

Alice Lloyd College
pippa passes
founded 1923
dr Joseph A stepp
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 613
Western Kentucky

Mid-Continent University
founded 1949
dr Robert J Imhoff
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 1,172

Brescia University
founded 1950
Rev Larry hostetter
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 568
fall 2006 Graduate
enrollment: 29

Kentucky Wesleyan
founded 1858
dr Cheryl King
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 948

Lindsey Wilson College
founded 1903
dr William T Luckey, Jr
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 1580
fall 2006 Graduate
enrollment: 212

Campbellsville University
founded 1906
dr Michael V Carter
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 1,997
fall 2006 Graduate
enrollment: 379

St. Catharine College
founded 1931
William d huston
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 641
Central Kentucky

Centre College
founded 1819
dr John A Roush
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 1,147

Midway College
founded 1847
dr William B drake, Jr
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 1,321

Asbury College
founded 1890
dr sandra C Gray
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 1,201
fall 2006 Graduate
enrollment: 65

Georgetown College
founded 1829
dr William h Crouch
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 1,407
fall 2006 Graduate
enrollment: 503

Transylvania University
founded 1780
dr Charles L shearer
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 1,116
Northern Kentucky

Thomas More College
Crestview hills
founded 1921
sr Margaret stallmeyer
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 1,324
fall 2006 Graduate
enrollment: 75

Bellarmine University
founded 1950
dr Joseph J McGowan
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 2259
fall 2006 Graduate
enrollment: 630

Spalding University
founded 1814
dr Jo Ann Rooney
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 1,001
fall 2006 Graduate
enrollment: 705

Berea College
founded 1855
president: dr
Larry d shinn
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 1,576

Union College
founded 1879
edward de Rosset
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 693
fall 2006 Graduate
enrollment: 736

University of the
founded 1889
dr James h Taylor
fall 2006 Undergraduate
enrollment: 1,525
fall 2006 Graduate
enrollment: 359
Learn more. Visit AI IS
Thomas More College
Bellarmine University
Spalding University
Kentucky Wesleyan University
Brescia University
Mid-Continent University
St. Catharine College
Campbellsville University
Lindsey Wilson College University of the Cumberlands
Union College
Alice Lloyd College
Pikeville College
Kentucky Christian University
Berea College
Georgetown College
Transylvania University
Midway College

Asbury College
Centre College
502-695-5007 502-695-5057 (fax) wwwaikcuorg
I6 Learn more. Visit AI
Athletics are a major component of the independent
college experience in Kentucky AIKCU institutions provide
opportunities for student athletes in 19 different sports They
compete at high levels in the the national Intercollegiate
Athletic Association (nAIA), the national Christian College
Athletic Association (nCCAA), and all three divisions of the
national Collegiate Athletic Association (nCAA)
All college sports programs profess to serve student
athletes But at Kentuckys independent colleges and
universities there is a sincere focus on the student side of that
equation Very few AIKCU athletes will go on to professional
athletic careers They are students frst and foremost These
students play for the love of the game and represent their
institutions as students, leaders, role models, community
members, and competitors with character and class
Melissa Phillips
former Asbury College
volleyball star Melissa
phillips wants to
develop treatments
for cardiovascular
disease, especially for women now a
doctoral student in the University of
Kentucky College of pharmacy, she credits
the research skills she developed as an
undergraduate for putting her on the road
to success
I was completely prepared in the
academic sense, she said I attribute that
all to Asbury College We may not always
have the newest equipment, but we have a
low faculty/student ratio, smaller classes
and we have had contact with professors
We are always allowed to work with all
equipment and we always know what is
going on
In addition to the guidance and mentoring
phillips received form Asbury faculty, she
was able to further expand her research
skills through off-campus opportunities
while an undergrad Between her junior
and senior year she participated in the
Kentucky Young scientist summer at the
University of Kentucky and during her
senior year completed an independent
study project in UKs College of pharmacy
phillips said her professors showed her
that there was more to advanced science
that attending medical school I came
into Asbury thinking I would go to medical
school Then I got here and my professors
showed me the different options I have
with graduate school and careers in
research, which suits my interests better
Melissa Phillips
Volleyball All-American and Two-Time
Academic All-American
Biochemistry, Asbury College 07
student in University of Kentucky College
of pharmacy
Brescia College
Georgetown College
Pikeville College
Learn more. Visit AI I7
AIKCU By the numbers:
Average tuition
is 1/3 lower than
private college
4 percent of state
spending (all in
student aid)
cost to the state
to import 7000
billion dollars in
teacher education programs
million dollars
in institutional
grants and
I8 Learn more. Visit AI
Vic Stafferi
Kentuckys business
leaders clearly
understand that
education is a critical
economic development
issue our ability to
attract and maintain
well paying employers
is based, in large part,
upon the readiness of
our population to fll
knowledge-based jobs
Vic Stafferi,
Chairman, Chief
executive offcer and
president of eon Us
eon Us is a diversifed energy services company headquartered in Louisville
eon Us owns and operates Louisville Gas and electric Company, an electric
and natural gas company serving Louisville and 16 surrounding counties,
and Kentucky Utilities Company, an electric utility based in Lexington, serving
77 Kentucky counties and fve counties in Virginia Together LG&e and KU
serve 908,000 electricity customers and 318,000 natural gas customers over a
transmission and distribution network covering some 27,000 square miles They
provide some of the lowest-cost energy in the Us to industrial, commercial and
residential customers eon also owns Western Kentucky energy
eons commitment to corporate social responsibility and improving Kentucky
communities is refected throughout the organization eon Us is a strong
supporter of economic development, cultural, and educational efforts in
Kentucky perhaps most notable is eons longtime commitment to improving
education in Kentucky at all levels
In 1952 Kentucky Utilities became one of the founding supporters of the Kentucky
Independent College foundation, one of two independent college organizations
that would later merge to form AIKCU Kentucky Utilities recognized early on that
an investment in independent college students is an investment not only in the
futures of those individuals, but also in the future of the Commonwealth
Today eon Us continues to grow this legacy of support for the public benefts
of independent higher education E.ON and its subsidiaries have contributed
nearly $1.4 million in support of independent college students over the last 55
years through their foundation giving to AIKCU and its predecessors. AIKCU,
its member campuses, and all of the students who have benefted from this
generosity express their gratitude to eon Us and its subsidiaries for their
sustained commitment to improving education and the lives of all Kentuckians
through their generous investments in independent college students
Featured Scholarship Partner
Learn more. Visit AI I9
It is my hope that
Kentucky business men
will see the wisdom of
continuing to invest
substantially in the
foundation no fner, more
diversifed investment will
be found than the men
and women who attend
our liberal arts colleges To
the communities to which
they return, their better
education and increased
earning power will return
broad dividends
Robert M. Watt
Robert M Watt, president of
Kentucky Utilities, writing in the
inaugural Kentucky Independent
College foundation (KICf)
newsletter in 1955, during his second
term as KICf Chair Watt began
his career with KU in 1912 as one
of the companys twelve original
eon and its
have contributed
nearly $14 million
in support of
independent college
students over the
last 55 years through
giving to AIKCU
Evan Kuhl
With the rising cost of a college
education, scholarships are a
necessity for this reason, I wanted
to say thank you for my scholarship
Your contribution is greatly
appreciated and is the reason I am
able to attend a private liberal arts
institution such as Bellarmine
As a biology major I dont have a
whole lot of time on my hands, but
when I am not in class I am still
busy I work at norton suburban
hospital in the eR as a technician
and am a nationally certifed eMT
I also work with the emergency
Response Team at the Red Cross to
supply frst aid at many area events
Besides working, I also enjoy
shadowing and helping out in
University hospital (UofL) in the
eR and Trauma Center To me, its
exciting to learn about healthcare
and the medical feld, especially
since what I learn can be used in the
future to help others
Although I have just begun my
journey through my education, I feel
competent I have the tools and the
drive to succeed I hope you will feel
secure in your investment I know I
will utilize my college experience as
much as possible
Evan Kuhl
Bellarmine University 11
eon Us named scholar
E.ON U.S. Vice President Chip Keeling
poses with E.ON Named Scholars at the
2007 AIKCU Donor Recognition Banquet
after presenting E.ONs Named Scholar
20 Learn more. Visit AI
Ashland, Inc.
Ashlands named
scholarships provide
fnancial support for AIKCU
education Ashland has
supported AIKCU students
since the late 1980s

funding partners
In addition to direct gifts to campuses, giving through the Association is an effcient way for donors to invest
in independent higher education in Kentucky donors can contribute to multiple institutions supporting
multiple students with a single donation The partners listed here made a signifcant investment in the
future of the Commonwealth through their support of scholarships for AIKCU students and AIKCU programs
delta natural Gas Company, Inc
east Kentucky power Cooperative, Inc
eM ford & Co
hnI Charitable foundation
The MacLean foundation, Inc
The Mansbach foundation Inc
pACCAR foundation
Rosenthal foundation, Inc
Whayne supply Company
Wood & Marie hannah foundation
Named Scholars Partners ($20,000 or more)
The Gheens foundation,
one of the largest private
foundations in Kentucky, is
a longstanding supporter
of Kentuckys independent
colleges and universities
Keeneland supports higher
education, research, health
and general welfare with a
portion of its racing and sales
profts through the Keeneland
foundations charitable
contributions program
Other Corporate and
Individual Partners
1,000 to 20,000
Up to 1,000
Charles A Bringardner
Robert L Caummisar
Baylor Landrum
McBride fund
peoples Bank & Trust Company
Ao smith foundation
AIKCU recognizes and appreciates
the continued individual fnancial
support of member presidents and
AIKCU staff
Learn more. Visit AI 2I
AIKCU President Gary S. Cox puts the
new AIKCU license plate on his car.
new, campus-designed Kentucky
Independent higher education
license plates went on sale in
January 2008 at County Clerks
offces across Kentucky Ten dollars
from the sale of each plate goes
directly back to the campus to
support student scholarships
The frst independent college and
university plates hit Kentucky
highways in 2002 AIKCU member
colleges and universities had to
share a common plate background
and color scheme, with individual
campuses differentiated by
their logo stickers and taglines
Advances in license plate printing
technology and close cooperation
between AIKCU and the Kentucky
Transportation Cabinet made it
possible for campuses to design
their own plates in 2007
The old plates have proven
extremely popular among supporters
of Kentuckys independent
colleges and universities, raising
more than $162,000 dollars from
2002-2007, including $33,600 in
calendar 2007 Centre College is the
reigning champion in the AIKCU
Battle of the Bumpers, a friendly
competition to see which campus
can sell the most plates in a year

To learn more and see all the new
plates, visit
Toyota Motor Manufacturing,
Kentucky Inc proves
its commitment to the
community, as well as to the
state, through both monetary
contributions and personal
involvement of TMMK team
members in a variety of
organizations that improve
the quality of life across the
Commonwealth Toyota has
supported AIKCU students
since 1986
UPS Foundation
each year, through the
foundation for Independent
higher education (fIhe),
Ups supports scholarships
at each of the nations
independent colleges

E.ON Foundation
see page 18
22 Learn more. Visit AI
AIKCUs offce of Business services helps campuses collaborate to increase
effciencies and help control costs in areas ranging from information
technology to insurance to offce products AIKCU works with campus
business offcers to identify, develop, and manage business partnerships that
help campuses realize cost savings and increase effciencies participation
by AIKCU members in these programs is strictly voluntary and endorsement
by the Association does not imply individual campus affliation In some
cases, AIKCU may receive modest support from these agreements to defray
administrative costs These partnerships beneft AIKCU students, parents,
and families, because they keep costs low and free up campus resources
that can be devoted to what our campuses do best providing high quality,
affordable and personalized education
for detailed information about each of these partners visit wwwaikcuorg/
Bell Industries
Microsoft software pricing consortium
agreement, other software and IT services
Commonwealth Risk Solutions
student health insurance program
Cook Systems
student information technology job
placement program
Creative-image technologies
Multimedia instructional technology
systems, including projectors, sMART Class
Rooms, plasma and LCd televisions, and
other hardware
online bookstore for textbooks and stuff
Business partners
Kentucky Bankers Association Award for Excellence in Education
heritage Bank, hopkinsville was honored with the AIKCU Award for
excellence in education during the Kentucky Bankers Associations
2007 Annual Convention AIKCU is proud to partner with the KBA to
annually recognize a Kentucky bank that has shown exceptional support
of postsecondary education in Kentucky
heritage Bank, hopkinsville, has been an active supporter of nonproft
colleges and universities in Kentucky since 2004, when the bank sought
to give back to the many communities it serves Management decided
that one of the best ways to support the growth and development of
the western Kentucky communities was to support and encourage local
students to earn a college degree; consequently, the heritage Bank
scholarship fund was created
each year the bank provides a series of $500 scholarships to students
at over 25 high schools in its communities To date, the bank has
contributed more than $66,000 to more than 130 deserving college-
bound students
Learn more. Visit AI 23
First American Equipment
financial services, including leasing and
fnancing plans for capital equipment
Information technology hardware vendor and
service provider
JP Morgan Chase
no-fee procurement card (p-card) campus
purchasing management program
Kentucky Recycling
environmentally responsible disposal
options for electronic and other campus
Kentucky School Boards
property, casualty and liability insurance
products provides training to all AIKCU
campuses regardless of affliation
The Learning House, Inc.
Complete eLearning solutions provider that
focuses on meeting distance learning needs
of small colleges and universities
Marathons SuperFleet
fuel purchasing management program
that simplifes tax-exempt purchasing and
Matrix Integration
network products, design, hardware,
software, and services Manages AIKCU
pricing agreements for Cisco products and
Bradford networks
New Horizons Lexington
Training solutions in a wide range of areas,
from business skills and offce productivity
to network and operating system
Offce Depot
offce product discount agreement that
takes advantage of a nationwide higher
education purchasing program
Siemens Building Technologies,
environmental, energy, and facilities
management solutions provides energy
management-related training to all AIKCU
campuses regardless of affliation
St. Ives US Division
printing and marketing services provides
print services and strategic marketing
training opportunities to AIKCU members
regardless of affliation
Tech Depot
AIKCU discounts on technology products,
built upon offce depot relationship

The Student Loan People
Kentuckys public, nonproft student loan
24 Learn more. Visit AI
AIKCU is committed to
strengthening the Commonwealths
vibrant independent, not-for-proft
college and university sector while
striving to assure that students of
all ages and backgrounds have an
opportunity to enroll and succeed
We serve to sustain the unique
educational qualities and societal
contributions of our members by
identifying and building on their
shared interests
Value Statement
AIKCU embraces the unique
qualities of independent higher
education including: the value of
student choice in higher education;
the combination of tradition with
the ability to adapt and innovate in
response to changing educational
and societal needs; the advantages
of immersion in the liberal arts; a
commitment to student-centered
education for diverse student
populations, traditional college
age as well as adult, that prepares
them for rewarding personal lives
and successful careers; and an
abiding belief in the importance of
service We further recognize that a
quality system of higher education
is dependent upon successful public
and independent institutions
The Association of Independent
Kentucky Colleges & Universities
serves as the collective voice
of independent sometimes
referred to as private colleges
and universities in Kentucky
AIKCU represents its member
institutions in public policy issues
related to higher education at the
state and federal levels, raises
funds for student scholarships
and collaborative programs, and
facilitates information sharing
and collaboration between our
members to help them contain
costs and provide the highest quality
education to their more than 29,000
students AIKCU is committed to
promoting high quality, affordable
and accessible choices for students
and families AIKCUs diverse
members include Kentuckys twenty
nonproft, non-tax supported,
four year colleges and universities
accredited by the southern
Association of Colleges and schools

AIKCU consolidated the missions
of two earlier organizations: the
Kentucky Independent College
foundation, a fundraising
organization founded in 1952,
and the Council on Independent
Kentucky Colleges and Universities
AIKCU is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3)
nonproft organization funded
primarily by member dues The
Association also receives some
support from revenue generated by
business services activities AIKCU
is governed by a board of directors
comprised of the presidents
of its member institutions and
representatives from the Kentucky
business community
AIKCU frankfort semester Internship
program: state Auditor Crit Luallen (a Centre
College alumna), meets with the 2007
AIKCU Administrative Interns during an
evening seminar class each spring AIKCU
interns work full-time (30 hours/week) while
taking two seminar classes in the evenings
In even years the AIKCU frankfort semester
Internship program places students in
offces within state government In odd years
students work directly for legislators for
more information on the AIKCU frankfort
semester Internship program, visit www
The AIKCU Chief Academic offcers meet
with phil Rogers, executive director of the
Kentucky educational professional standards
Board AIKCU coordinates regular meetings
of a number of campus groups to foster
collaboration and information sharing
among members
Pikeville College
Learn more. Visit AI 2S
AIKCU aspires to continually
improve the condition of the
independent college and university
sector by listening closely to its
members, by responding to their
needs and by identifying innovative
opportunities to better serve
members and their constituents
To serve as the public policy voice of
member institutions and maintain
favorable state and national
governmental support and oversight
of independent higher education,
with special emphasis on positive
student fnancial aid policy;
To play a positive role in meeting
local, state and national educational
and economic development needs,
consistent with member missions;
To secure resources to assist
students, to promote institutional
collaboration and to help the
independent college and university
sector respond to changing
educational and societal needs:
To facilitate cooperative efforts
among member institutions to
enhance services and reduce
To collect and disseminate
data and information to better
inform members, policy-makers,
prospective students and
the public about the value of
independent higher education;
To build a sense of community,
common purpose and
understanding of the value of
inter-institutional collaboration;
To enhance the visibility of
the independent sector and
convey the public benefts of
independent higher education at
the state and national level
AIKCU serves as the public voice
of Kentuckys independent colleges
and universities in a number
of venues, including before the
General Assembly and the Council
on postsecondary education
AIKCU sits on a number of state
and national groups relating to
education, student fnancial aid,
and workforce development AIKCU
convenes regular meetings of key
campus groups, works to develop
business partnerships that help
campuses save money and/or take
advantage of specialized training
opportunities, and sponsors
collaborative programmatic
initiatives AIKCU also raises
funds for student scholarships and
collaborative initiatives

spotlight Job & Internship fair: An AIKCU
student (R) speaks with a prospective
employer during the 2007 spotlight &
Internship fair at the Lexington Civic Center
More than 200 students and 57 employers
participated in the annual collaborative
career fair
In february, 2007, AIKCU students gathered
in Lexington to flm a television commercial
The commercial was part of AIKCUs
collaborative sponsorship of the fox 56
Making the Grade program honoring high
school seniors in Central Kentucky (see
the commercial at wwwyoutubecom/
Alice Lloyd College

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