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Name: Rhea B.

Year/Block: BEED-2B


1. Discuss the elements of teaching profession. Present the elements of teaching profession in a
graphic organizer and then discuss.

The 6 Elements of Teaching Profession

Content Knowledge
Professional behaviors Quality of Instructions

6 Elements of
Teachers beliefs Teaching Teaching climate

Classroom management

Discussion: 6 Elements of Teaching Profession

1. Content knowledge- This occurs when teachers have a thorough understanding of the
subject they teach and are able to effectively transmit content to their students. Teachers
must comprehend how students think about the information, be able to analyze the
rationale behind students' own techniques, and detect students' typical misconceptions, in
addition to having a thorough mastery of the material being taught. There is substantial
evidence that this has an impact on student results.
2. Quality of instructions- There's also conclusive evidence that the quality of instruction
has an impact on learning. This includes teachers who know how to ask good questions
and how to use assessments effectively. Good teachers also use tactics like reviewing past
learning and allowing enough time for pupils to practice, ensuring that skills are firmly
established. Teachers that do their job successfully scaffold students' learning by
gradually presenting new skills and knowledge.

3. Teaching climate- It's also crucial to consider the quality of teaching and learning
connections between teachers and students. Good teaching fosters a culture that
continuously expects more from students and encourages them to succeed. A good
teaching climate pushes students, fosters competency, emphasizes work over ability, and
honors resiliency in the face of failure. The study discovered that the teaching climate in
the classroom has a minor impact on student results.

4. Classroom management- There is moderate evidence that efficient use of lesson time,
organizing classroom resources and space, and managing students' behavior with clear
rules that are consistently followed have an impact on students' learning. These variables
may be important for effective learning, but they are insufficient on their own. A well-
organized classroom with a poor lesson will have little influence.

5. Teachers beliefs- There is some evidence to suggest why teachers use certain
approaches, and the purposes or goals they have for their students are also significant.
According to studies, primary school teachers' ideas about the nature of mathematics, as
well as their assumptions about how children learn – and their involvement in that
learning – matter more to student outcomes than their level of mathematics degree.

6. Professionals behaviors- Effective teaching also includes developing professional skills

and practice, participating in professional development, helping colleagues, and the
broader responsibility of interfacing and communicating with parents. There is some
evidence that this influences student results.

2. Why does a profession like teaching long years of initial professional education and
continuing professional development after that long initial professional education?

Answer: In order for prospective teachers to obtain appropriate information and skills
that they may employ in their teaching profession, the teaching profession necessitates
many years of initial professional education and continued professional development
following such arduous beginning professional development. Initial professional
education is the foundation on which they can build their skills, abilities, and potential. It
is also significant since it aids in the development of their confidence and strength, both
of which are required for effective teaching. To obtain a certificate and be eligible to take
the BLEPT, you must first complete initial professional education. It is critical to
continue professional development after passing the licensure examination and
completing the lengthy and arduous initial professional education because it assures that
the teacher remains competent in their field. It's also a continuous procedure that lasts the
duration of a professional's career.

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