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Hydrol. Process. 29, 4068–4082 (2015)

Published online 1 April 2015 in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10463

Stemflow and throughfall contributions to soil water recharge

under trees with differing branch architectures
R. Bialkowski1 and J. M. Buttle2*
Environmental and Life Sciences Graduate Program, Trent University, Peterborough, ON, Canada, K9J 7B8
Department of Geography, Trent University, Peterborough, ON, Canada, K9J 7B8

Trees whose branches slope towards or away from the bole differ in the spatial pattern of water delivery to the soil surface
beneath their canopies. This study examines the implications of these differences for soil water recharge below 1 m depth in a
managed forest on the Oak Ridges Moraine in southern Ontario. Throughfall and vertical profiles of soil water content at varying
distances from the boles of a sugar maple and two red pines of differing ages (36 and 57 years old) were measured during rainfall
inputs in the summer of 2009 and in the spring/early summer of 2010. Stemflow fluxes were estimated using measurements on
nearby trees with similar morphologies. A water balance approach was used to estimate recharge at each distance from the bole,
as well as for the entire sampled area beneath each tree’s canopy. Throughfall was more than 1.3 times above-canopy rainfall
within 0.5 m of the bole of the sugar maple, and stemflow volumes were at least an order-of-magnitude greater than those for the
pines in both 2009 and 2010. These focused inputs resulted in greater near-bole soil water contents and soil water recharge in
excess of above-canopy rainfall within 0.3 m of the sugar maple bole. In contrast, both young and old pines showed no
significant trends in throughfall with distance from the bole, and minor stemflow volumes made insignificant contributions to
recharge near the pine boles. Recharge was significantly greater than 0 beneath the canopy of all three trees in both years and was
generally similar between trees. The exception was recharge beneath the sugar maple in 2010, which exceeded that of the young
red pine as a result of the former’s large stemflow fluxes. Results suggest the transition from red pine plantations to mixed
hardwood-conifer stands will not alter total soil water recharge during spring and summer rainfall inputs; nevertheless, it will
generate marked changes in the spatial pattern of sub-canopy recharge in this forest landscape on the Oak Ridges Moraine.
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

KEY WORDS throughfall; stemflow; soil water content; recharge; red pine; sugar maple; water balance
Received 28 August 2014; Accepted 16 February 2015

INTRODUCTION focussing towards the bole (Sato et al., 2011). Species

whose branches slope away from the bole particularly in the
Precipitation reaches the forest floor via diffuse
lower canopy (common for conifers – Steinbuck, 2002)
(throughfall, TF) and point (stemflow, SF) inputs.
focus TF towards the edge of the tree crown (Johnson,
Throughfall can be highly heterogeneous beneath a single
1990). The spatial distribution of TF may also change as
tree (Johnson, 1990; Sato et al., 2011), partly as a result
trees age. Thus, TF was greatest close to tree stems in a
of variations in canopy coverage and branch architecture
young conifer stand, with little or no TF close to the bole and
(Herwitz, 1987; Johnson, 1990; Staelens et al., 2006).
no relationship between total TF and distance from the bole
Studies report increasing (Ford and Deans 1978; Herwitz,
for older conifers (Keim et al., 2006).
1987), decreasing (Johnson, 1990; Beier et al., 1993;
The amount of SF generated by a tree is controlled by
Whelan et al., 1998) and inconsistent (Loustau et al., 1992;
several factors, such as projected crown area, bark
Keim et al., 2006) relationships between TF and proximity
smoothness and storage capacity, and branch orientation
to the tree bole, which may partly reflect inter-species
and inclination. Greater projected crown area is associated
differences in branch geometry. Species whose branches
with increased interception and, thus, with SF production
slope towards the bole (common for deciduous trees –
(Ford and Deans, 1978). Species with smoother bark have
Steinbuck, 2002) promote water movement (Carlyle-Moses
reduced bark storage capacity and resistance to flow and,
and Price, 2006; Alexander and Arthur, 2010) and TF
therefore, produce greater quantities of SF (Alexander
and Arthur, 2010). Branching systems which slope
towards the bole funnel water towards the stem,
*Correspondence to: J M Buttle, Department of Geography, Trent
University, Peterborough, ON, Canada, K9J 7B8. increasing potential for SF generation (Herwitz, 1986;
E-mail: Carlyle-Moses and Price, 2006; Alexander and Arthur,

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


2010; Xiao and McPherson, 2011). Conversely, de- and R at the individual tree scale during rainfall. A mature
creased SF may accompany the tendency for branches sugar maple (Acer saccharum – branches slope towards
to sag away from the stem as many coniferous species age the bole) is compared with two red pines (Pinus
(Voigt, 1960; Johnson, 1990; Steinbuck, 2002). resinosa – lower branches slope away from the bole) of
Soil water balance studies in forest ecosystems may different ages, and the following hypotheses were tested:
assume spatially-uniform TF inputs (e.g. Buttle et al.,
2014) and can ignore SF completely (e.g. Dripps and 1. TF and R will increase with proximity to the bole of the
Bradbury, 2010) because of its generally small fraction of sugar maple and SF will be maximized as a result of its
above-canopy precipitation (Liang et al., 2009). Never- branch architecture.
theless, spatial variability in TF results in uneven soil 2. TF and R will not vary with proximity to the boles of
wetting and heterogeneous soil moisture distributions and the pines and SF will be minimized as a result of their
soil water recharge (R) in forests (Guswa and Spence, branch architecture.
2012). This heterogeneity may be more pronounced in the 3. Contributions of SF to R will be less in the older
case of SF, which infiltrates a relatively narrow ring of relative to the younger pine, as branches increasingly
soil surrounding the bole (Buttle et al., 2014). Inputs may slope away from the bole with greater tree age.
subsequently follow preferential pathways created by tree 4. The importance of spatially-focussed SF and TF inputs
roots, resulting in heterogeneous soil moisture patterns to R will decrease in the order: sugar maple → younger
and infiltration dynamics (Durocher, 1990; Taniguchi red pine → older red pine.
et al., 1996; Johnson and Lehmann, 2006; Liang et al.,
2009; Germer, 2013). Macropores can quickly channel
water deep into the soil, creating the opportunity for SF to
be an important contributor to R in forested ecosystems
(Chang and Matzner, 2000; Johnson and Lehmann, 2006; This study was conducted in the Ganaraska Forest (GF)
Liang et al., 2009), as well as an important water resource on the Oak Ridges Moraine (ORM) in southern Ontario
for tree growth (McKee and Carlyle-Moses, 2010) and (44°05′N, 78°30′W; Figure 1). The ORM is an important
nutrient cycling (Levia and Herwitz, 2000; Alexander and hydrogeological feature composed of a complex strati-
Arthur, 2010). graphic sequence of Quaternary sediments deposited
The objective of this study was to examine the during a series of glacial and interglacial periods (Gerber
influence of differences in branch geometry on TF, SF and Howard, 2002). The water table along the crest of the

Figure 1. The Oak Ridges Moraine, the central and western portions of the Ganaraska Forest and locations of the study stands (see Table I for details)
and rain gauges used to measure above-canopy rainfall (Pg). Air temperature was measured at the open site indicated with *

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 29, 4068–4082 (2015)

beech (%)
moraine is 35–50 m below the ground surface (Funk,

1977). Topography in the GF is hummocky (maximum

elevation of 384 m asl), consisting of sand and gravel hills
and high ridges that comprised interlayered gravels,

maple (%)
sands, silts, clays and minor diamictons (Buttle and


Farnsworth, 2012). The GF has a humid mid-latitude

climate (K ppen Dfb). Annual average precipitation at
Peterborough airport ~20 km northeast of the GF is
840 mm, 19% of which is snow (Environment Canada,

oak (%)

2011). Mean daily air temperatures in January and July

are 7.2 and 20.5 °C, respectively (Buttle et al., 2014),
while mean annual evapotranspiration is 540 mm (Brown

pine (%)
et al., 1968). The sandy to sandy loam soils are brunisolic


grey brown luvisols, belonging to the Pontypool sand and

Minimum and maximum leaf area index and mean canopy density ranges for the mixed hardwood stand represent the leaf off and leaf on extremes.
Pontypool gravelly sand series [see Hoffman and Acton
(1974) and Greenwood and Buttle (2014) for more

Mean canopy
detailed descriptions].

density (%)

The GF is a mosaic of mixed hardwood-conifer stands
and red and white pine (Pinus Strobus) plantations.
Approximately 42% of the GF was covered by deciduous
forest before reforestation [mainly red oak (Quercus
rubra L.), with smaller amounts of white birch (Betula

index (m2 m2)

Table I. Study stand characteristics

0.28 – 2.64
papyrifera Marsh.), sugar maple (Acer saccharum

Leaf area
Marsh.) and other hardwoods] (Buttle and Farnsworth,

2012). Reforestation began on a large scale in 1948 to
control soil erosion in gullies and prevent wind blowouts
of sandy soils. Plantations consist of purely red and white
pine, as well as combinations of the two, with red pine
Basal area
(m2 ha1)

being the main species planted (60% of plantations as of
1998). Planting density was ~2100 trees per hectare. Red
pine stands are thinned when basal areas reach ~28–32 m
ha1 (~every 10–12 years); one-third of the trees are
Trees ha1

removed to achieve a basal area of approximately



20–22 m2 ha1. Live and dead branches are pruned up

to 7.4 m height to produce knot-free sawlogs. Thus, there
is no progressive increase in leaf area index and basal area
Mean height

with age in the red pine plantations (Buttle, 2011), which

(±SD) (m)

20.3 ± 4.9
15.0 ± 0.7
26.5 ± 0.4

are characterized by alternating rows of trees and skidder

trails used during forest management. Skidder trails
produce large openings in young red pine stands, which
close with canopy expansion as stands age. Red pine
stands are managed to encourage a transition to a mixed
Age in 2009

hardwood-conifer forest.

Mixed hardwood-conifer

Three stands representing the forest management gradient

in the GF (young red pine → old red pine → mature mixed
hardwood-conifer) were selected (Table I). A level site in
each stand underlain by either Pontypool sand or
Young pine
Study stand

Old pine

Pontypool gravely sand was selected. Areas with minimal

undergrowth were chosen to limit its effects on
interception and increased soil permeability associated

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 29, 4068–4082 (2015)

with its root networks. Stands were characterized in terms St  S0

Z ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (3)
of species, basal area, height, density, leaf area index and σSt 2 þ σS0 2
canopy density (Buttle and Farnsworth, 2012). Vertical
profiles of bulk density, porosity and soil texture were where σS is the error in S at the respective time:
determined at the mixed hardwood stand from horizontal qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
cores (6 cm long, 4.8 cm i.d.), taken from the face of a  2
σS ¼ ∑m i¼1 σ i (4)
1.5 m deep pit dug in the centre of the level site at 0.1 m
intervals beginning at 0.1 m depth to 1 m depth. These and
profiles were taken from a vertical core extracted to 1 m
depth at the centre of the pine stands and sectioned every σ i ¼ ðSWC i zi Þ0:15 (5)
0.1 m. Analytical methods are described in Buttle et al.
(2014). A single ring infiltrometer and a Guelph where 0.15 is the average range in SWC about the
Permeameter (Reynolds and Elrick, 1985) were used to calibration relationship given in Buttle et al. (2014). Non-
determine saturated hydraulic conductivity (KH) at the significant ΔSt values from Equation 3 were set to 0;
surface and at depth (every 0.1 m to a depth of 0.8 m), otherwise, ΔSt was determined from Equation 1.
respectively. Above-canopy precipitation (Pg) was measured using
One tree in each stand was used to assess variability in standard rain gauges at three open sites (Buttle and
water inputs, soil water storage and R below 1 m depth Farnsworth, 2012, Figure 1) and at the Meteorological
with proximity to the tree bole. A sugar maple was Service of Canada station at Tapley (ID 6168525, 44°10′N,
selected at the mixed hardwood-conifer stand because this 78°30′W, 270 m asl, 7.7 km north of the GF). Estimated Pg
was the most abundant species (Table I). Characteristics for a stand was taken from the nearest open site (<2 km
of the selected trees are presented in Table II. A Delta T distant). TF was measured within 0.3 m of each access tube
PR2/6 Profile ProbeTM was used to measure soil water with a rain gauge placed at corresponding distances from
content (SWC) at depths of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6 and the tree bole. Johnson (1990) found that TF did not vary
1.0 m. The probe was calibrated as described in Buttle with direction for a given distance from a bole, so direction
et al. (2014). Each tree was instrumented with a transect of the sampling transect from the bole was randomized
of six ATL-1 access tubes (1154 mm × 28 mm i.d.), between trees. SF was measured at four trees in each study
installed at varying distances from the bole using a PR- stand (Table III) using clear tygon tubing (25.4 mm i.d.) slit
AUG4 auger (Table II). Access tubes were spaced at least longitudinally, stapled to the bole in a spiral beginning
0.2 m apart to avoid sampling overlapping volumes of ~1.5 m above the ground surface and sealed to the bole with
soil. Temporal changes in soil water storage in the upper silicone caulking. Collars drained to a collector; no
1.0 m of soil (ΔSt, mm) were determined as: overtopping of collars or flow beneath collars via the tree
bark was observed during events.
ΔSt ¼ St  S0 (1) Canopy interception (I) was estimated as:
where S is water depth in the upper 1.0 m of soil (mm), St I ¼ Pg  TF w þ SF (6)
is depth on the day of measurement and S0 is the initial
depth (23 June 2009 or 4 May 2010). Soil water storage where TF w is the weighted mean TF and SF is mean SF
was calculated as: for the stand. TF w was calculated as:
S ¼ ∑m
i¼1 ðSWC i zi Þ (2) n
TF w ¼ ∑i¼1 TF i
where SWCi is soil water content (m3 m3) at the
midpoint of soil layer i with a thickness zi (mm). Values where TFi is TF for distance interval i, Ai is the area of
of ΔSt significantly different from 0 (p = 0.05) were distance interval i and Atotal is the total area assessed. Ai
determined using Z-scores: was calculated as:

Table II. Characteristics of trees used to estimate soil water recharge

Bole diameter at Bole diameter at Height Mean canopy Projected canopy Distances from tree bole to
Tree breast height (m) ground level (m) (m) radius (m) area (m2) PROFILE PROBE access tubes (m)

Sugar maple 0.38 0.48 23 5.04 80 0.10, 0.30, 0.50, 0.86, 1.10, 2.13
Young pine 0.14 0.17 15 1.26 5 0.17, 0.37, 0.57, 0.87, 1.07, 2.00
Old pine 0.37 0.46 26.5 3.04 29 0.16, 0.36, 0.56, 0.86, 1.06, 2.06

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 29, 4068–4082 (2015)

Table III. Characteristics of trees used to monitor SF in the three stands

Mixed hardwood - conifer Young pine Old pine

2 2
Tree DBH (m) Height (m) PCA (m ) DBH (m) Height (m) PCA (m ) DBH (m) Height (m) PCA (m2)

1 0.48* 26 163.9 0.14 15 3.0 0.25 26 18.3

2 0.22* 22 40.7 0.13 16 2.8 0.29 27 20.3
3 0.35* 25 60.6 0.08 15 3.2 0.36 26 22.2
4 0.09 16 8.2 0.20 14 7.2 0.43 26.5 39.2

All monitored trees in the mixed hardwood-conifer stand were sugar maples, while all trees monitored at the pine stands were red pines. DBH is diameter
at breast height and PCA is projected canopy area. The bolded tree in the mixed hardwood-conifer stand was used to derive SF inputs for the sugar maple
used to estimate soil water recharge (Table II). Trees marked with asterisks were used to assess the error in SF input for the sugar maple used to estimate
soil water recharge

area (PCA) (Table III). SF for young and old pines was
Ai ¼ πr 2o  πr2i (8) the average of the four trees monitored in each stand.
Canopy-scale ET in 2009 was estimated from the
where ro and ri are the radii of the outer and inner edges
MOD16 global evapotranspiration product (Mu et al.,
of the distance interval, respectively. ri equalled the edge
2011), which combines remotely sensed and modelled
of the tree bole for the innermost distance interval at all
inputs to estimate spatially-distributed 8-day ET at 1 km2
sites, while ro of the outer most distance interval was
resolution using the Penman–Monteith equation. The
equated to the canopy edge for the sugar maple and the
MOD16 grid was overlain on LANDSAT 7 imagery to
old pine and to the distance to the outer-most TF gauge
identify MOD16 pixels that best represented each land
for the young pine. Volume of SF was converted to a
cover type in the GF. Only those pixels composed
depth by dividing by projected crown area for use in
predominantly of a single land cover type were selected to
Equation 6.
minimize convolution resulting from mixed pixels. One
Measurements of Pg, SF, TF and SWC were made nine
pixel was suitable for mixed hardwood-conifer ET
times between Day of Year (DOY) 174 (23 June) and
estimates. Nine MOD16 pixels covering a 3 km × 3 km
DOY 244 (1 September) in 2009 and five times between
area and dominated by red pine were examined. It was not
DOY 124 (4 May) and DOY 193 (12 July) in 2010. The
possible to differentiate between young red pine, old red
2009 study period was during the leaf-on period, while
pine and white pine stands, so pixels likely contained a
the transitional leaf-out period was included in 2010.
mix of the three types. Pixels with a total ET in 2009
Soil water recharge below 1 m depth (R, mm) was
more than one standard deviation above the mean were
calculated for six concentric rings around each bole. The
excluded as outliers, and eight-day ET values for the
boundary of each ring was the midway point between
remaining pixels were averaged to estimate ET for the
two successive access tubes. The bole was used as the
young and old pines. Mixed-hardwood and red pine ET
inner edge of the ring for the access tube closest to the
estimates were divided by eight to obtain daily ET.
bole, and the outer edge of the ring for the outermost
Canopy I was subtracted from MOD16 ET to estimate
access tube was at the access tube itself. Cumulative
direct soil evaporation plus transpiration used in
recharge at time t (Rt) at the access tube closest to each
Equations 9 and 10. MOD16 data were unavailable for
bole was calculated as:
2010 and were derived by regressing 2009 MOD16
Rt ¼ ∑nt¼0 ½TF t þ SF t  fET t  I t g  ΔSt (9) estimates against potential ET from the temperature-
based Hamon model (Dingman 2002; Table IV).
and as follows at the other access tubes: Temperature data for ET estimation were obtained from
  a BML-TS-7 Thermilinear Air Temperature Sensor at
Rt ¼ ∑nt¼0 ½TF t  fET t  I t g  ΔSt (10) one of the open sites (Figure 1). Estimated ET was
adjusted by I as for 2009.
where ET is evapotranspiration (mm) and TFt, SFt, ETt,
Total R (Rtotal) beneath each tree was calculated as:
It and ΔSt are cumulative values to time t.
All SF was assumed to reach the soil at the tree base   
n Ai
and was input to the inner-most ring only. SF volume was Rtotal ¼ ∑i¼1 Ri (11)
converted to a depth (mm) by dividing by the area of the
innermost ring. The SF input at the sugar maple was where Ri is R for distance interval i and Ai is defined in
assumed to be the same as that from a sugar maple with a Equation 8. Error estimation for Rtotal is described in
similar diameter at breast height and projected canopy Appendix A. Rtotal values and associated errors were used

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 29, 4068–4082 (2015)

Table IV. Best-fit relationships between 8-day evapotranspiration either as a total volume or a depth. All but two events (of
(ET) values estimated by MOD16 (y) and 8-day potential ET from 14 recorded) for both years generated SF for the sugar
the Hamon model (x) for 2009
maple, and funnelling ratios (Table VI) showed it to be
Forest type Best-fit relationship r2 much more effective at generating SF than either pine in
both years. Mean funnelling ratios >1 for the young pine
Mixed hardwood-conifer y = 0.0043x3 + 0.1896x2 0.87 for both years indicated greater ability to generate SF and
–1.0756x + 1.9171 deliver it to the bole relative to the old pine. SF was
Red pine y = 0.0059x3 + 0.2481x2 0.91
–1.4247x + 1.8328 produced less frequently from the young and old pines
(9 and 10 events, respectively), and total volumes and
depths were consistently less than those for the sugar
in Z-scores (Winkler and Hays, 1975) to assess the maple. SF was significantly correlated with Pg across both
statistical significance of any differences in Rtotal and years for all three trees (p < 0.05), and linear regression
Rtotal:Pg, with and without the inclusion of SF inputs for a relationships between SF volume and Pg (not shown)
given tree, as well as between trees. indicate that the sugar maple produced SF volumes
The funnelling ratio (Herwitz, 1986) was used to almost two orders of magnitude greater than those from
assess the efficiency of SF production for the different the pines for a given increase in Pg. Total I (both as a
trees: depth and fraction of Pg) was greatest for the sugar maple
and least for the old pine for both study periods.
SF volume
Funelling ratio ¼ (12) Nevertheless, SF was a minor fraction of Pg for all trees
Pg Basal Area for both years (Table V).
The funnelling ratio treats each tree as a TF Below-canopy TF for the sugar maple showed similar
collector, with a diameter equal to that of the tree trends with distance from the bole in 2009 and 2010, with
trunk. Greater ratios indicate an increasing percentage generally greater TF with increasing proximity to the bole
of Pg converted to SF and more efficient generation for all events with Pg >14 mm (Figure 3a). In many cases,
of SF. TF near the bole exceeded Pg for the stand. This trend
was not apparent for two smaller events (13 July and 19
August 2009) that did not generate SF. Conversely, there
RESULTS was generally no trend in TF with distance from the bole
Soil characteristics for most events for the young and old pines. There was a
slight increase with proximity to the bole for events with
Soil porosity at all three stands was similar to large Pg and measureable SF (Figure 3b and c); however,
elsewhere in the GF (Buttle et al., 2014) and showed a this increase was not as pronounced as that for the sugar
slight decline with depth at all stands (Figure 2a). maple. TF adjacent to the sugar maple bole usually
Saturated hydraulic conductivities at all stands were exceeded that near the pine boles (Figure 4a); conversely,
greatest at the surface and exhibited marked variability TF at ~2 m from the bole was often greater for the pines
with increasing depth (Figure 2b). Soils were dominated relative to the sugar maple (Figure 4b).
by sand (Figure 2 c–e), and the large KH values at the soil Total TF with distance from the bole for 2009 and 2010
surface and often at depth in the profile at each stand for the three trees supported trends for individual events
(Figure 2b, KH often > 5 × 105 m s1 or 180 mm h1) (Figure 5). There was greater total TF for the two gauges
suggest surface runoff is unlikely and all water inputs closest to the sugar maple bole in 2010 compared with
would infiltrate into the soil profile. 2009; nevertheless, the slightly lower TF recorded at
more distal gauges in 2010, combined with the greater
Above canopy precipitation, throughfall, stemflow and surface area that these gauges represented, led to smaller
interception weighted mean total TF beneath the sugar maple in 2010
Total Pg for the 2009 study period ranged from 317 to (Table V). The gauge at 0.86 m from the bole was
382 mm between the stands (Table V). Rainfall in June was frequently disturbed in 2010 and was not used to estimate
below the 1981–2010 normal for Peterborough Airport total TF inputs beneath the sugar maple canopy; TF at this
~20 km northeast of the GF, while July was above normal location was interpolated from adjacent gauges. In 2009,
and August was slightly above normal. Total Pg for the total TF at the three innermost gauges (0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 m)
2010 study period was more similar between the stands and was 146, 159 and 155% of Pg, respectively, while TF at
was below normal in May, well above normal in June and the outermost gauges (0.86, 1.10 and 2.13 m) was 74, 64
slightly above normal in July. and 66% of Pg, respectively. In 2010, TF at the 0.1, 0.3,
The sugar maple had the smallest total weighted mean 0.5, 1.10 and 2.13 m gauges was 179, 185, 129, 60 and
TF for both years (Table V) but significantly more SF, 59% of Pg, respectively. Conversely, total TF at all

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 29, 4068–4082 (2015)

Figure 2. Vertical profiles of (a) porosity and (b) saturated hydraulic conductivity. Soil texture of (c) mixed hardwood-conifer, (d) young pine, and (e)
old pine) for the study stands

distances from the bole was less that total Pg for both c), which agrees with the smaller amount of TF at this
pines. Total SF, expressed as a depth over a 0.2 m wide distance under the sugar maple canopy relative to the pines
ring surrounding the sugar maple bole, was similar in (Figures 4 and 5). There were no significant differences in
magnitude to TF recorded at the innermost gauge and mean soil water storage near the bole relative to the most
represented 180 and 230% of Pg in 2009 and 2010. The distal location for either pine.
addition of SF to TF near the bole of the sugar maple
resulted in total near-bole water inputs 3–5 × greater than Soil water recharge below 1 m depth
those for the pines (Table V and Figure 5). Estimated total ET for the pine stands was 245 and
226 mm in 2009 and 2010, respectively (Table V), and
Soil water storage total ET as a fraction of Pg ranged from 0.64 (old pine,
Soil water storage was consistently greater near the sugar 2009) to 0.71 (young pine, 2010). Estimated total ET
maple bole relative to greater distances from the bole in both for the mixed hardwood-conifer stand was 240 and
2009 and 2010 (difference-of-means t-test; p <0.05; 208 mm, representing 76 and 65% of Pg for 2009 and
Figure 6a). This reflects greater water inputs near the bole 2010, respectively. Mean daily ET for the pine stands
relative to distal locations beneath the canopy. Larger near- was 3.5 ± 0.2 mm (range = 3.2–4.0 mm) and 3.3 ± 0.6 mm
bole inputs in 2010 (Figure 5) led to greater storage near the (range = 1.8–3.6 mm) for 2009 and 2010, respectively, while
sugar maple bole compared with that in 2009 (p <0.05). Soil mean daily ET for the mixed hardwood-conifer stand was
water storage at 2.13 m from the bole was slightly less than 3.2 ± 0.6 mm (range = 2.3–4.4 mm) and 3.0 ± 0.6 mm
those at similar distances from the pine boles (Figure 6b and (range = 1.5–3.3 mm) for 2009 and 2010, respectively.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 29, 4068–4082 (2015)

Assumes SF infiltrated within a ring surrounding the bole, the width of which was the mid-point between the closest and second closest Profile Probe access tube to the bole (sugar maple: 0.2 m; young
(mm) (mm) TF+ (mm) (L) by PCA* (mm) SF:Pg I (mm) I:Pg of tree (mm)# base of tree (mm)# (± estimated error, mm) (± estimated error, mm)
Table VI. Mean and range in funnelling ratio for the study trees
for the 2009 and 2010 study periods

RTotal with SF

121 ± 24
114 ± 29
135 ± 35
161 ± 35
82 ± 41
112 ± 53
Year Tree Mean funnelling ratio Range

2009 Sugar maple 6.7 (7.9)+ 0.1–13.8 (3.5–13.8)+

Young pine 1.3 0.1–4.1
Old pine 0.3 0–0.7
2010 Sugar maple 8.5 3.3–13.0
Young pine 1.2 0.4–2.4
Old pine 0.3 0.2–0.4
RTotal without SF

107 ± 23
114 ± 29
134 ± 35
143 ± 33
82 ± 41
112 ± 53 +
Excludes events where Pg was less than 0.5 mm or which did not
generate stemflow from the sugar maple.

Figure 7 presents the monthly MOD16 mixed hardwood-

Pg,, above-canopy rainfall; ET, evapotranspiration; TF, throughfall; SF, stemflow; I, canopy interception; RTotal, soil water recharge below 1 m depth.

conifer and red pine ET values, along with ET for a

5 km × 5 km pixel covering much of the central and western
Table V. Pg, ET, TF, SF, I and RTotal for the 2009 and 2010 study periods

SF input at base TF + SF input at

portions of the GF that is largely forested and contains the

sugar maple and young pine sites. Monthly ET in this pixel



was estimated from the Ecological Assimilation of Land and

Canopy Observations (EALCO) model, which simulates
various components of ET (e.g. canopy transpiration,
evaporation of intercepted precipitation and soil evapora-
tion) and has been calibrated and validated using tower flux
estimates of ET at sites across Canada (Wang et al., 2013).



Good agreement between MOD16 and EALCO ET for 2009

suggests the former provides reasonable estimates of ET for
the study sites. Because MOD16 ET includes water

evaporated from the canopy, total ET was reduced by I at

each site to estimate water loss from the soil column via


evaporation and transpiration. The combination of smaller

ET and greater I for the sugar maple relative to the pines
(Table V) leads to greater ET – I for the young and old pine

stands relative to the mixed hardwood-conifer stand in both

years as follows: 188 mm and 192 mm versus 144 mm in
SF SF weighted

2009 and 131 mm and 174 mm versus 89 mm in 2010. These

values were assumed to be uniform with distance from the



bole for all three trees.

Variations in soil water recharge below 1 m depth at
each distance interval (Rt; Equations 9 and 10) beneath



the trees partly reflect spatial patterns in water delivery to

the soil surface (Figure 8). Thus, Rt near the sugar maple
Areally-weighted mean TF. See text for details.

bole was much larger than at distal locations, particularly


when SF contributions were considered. In 2009, Rt as a

fraction of Pg at the 0–0.1, 0.1–0.3 and 0.3–0.5 m

intervals was 1.01, 1.14 and 1.09 (when TF was assumed


to be the sole water input to the soil surface), and was

pine: 0.27 m; old pine: 0.26 m).
*PCA, projected canopy area.

2.81 for the innermost distance interval when SF


contributions were included. Conversely, Rt:Pg was less

2009 Sugar maple

2010 Sugar maple

than 0.29 at greater distances from the bole. Recharge

Young pine

Young pine
Old pine

Old pine

patterns beneath the tree in 2010 were comparable with


2009, with Rt:Pg values of 1.51 and 1.57 for the 0–0.1
and 0.1–0.3 distance intervals, and ratios ≤1 for greater
distances, assuming TF was the sole water input.

Inclusion of SF contributions for the innermost distance


Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 29, 4068–4082 (2015)

Figure 3. Changes in throughfall (TF) with distance from the tree bole for two rainfall events in 2009 at the (a) sugar maple, (b) young pine and (c) old
pine. Above-canopy rainfall (Pg) and the volume of stemflow (SF) generated for each event for each tree are indicated

Figure 4. Throughfall (TF) proximal to (a) and distal from (b) the boles of the young and old pines versus TF at corresponding distances from the bole of
the sugar maple

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 29, 4068–4082 (2015)

Figure 5. Total throughfall (TF) and TF plus stemflow (SF) depths measured at various distances from the boles of the (a) sugar maple (b) young pine and
(c) old pine in the 2009 and 2010 study periods. SF depth was obtained by dividing SF volume by the area of a ring around the bole, the width of which was
the mid-point between the closest and second closest Profile Probe access tube to the bole (sugar maple: 0.2 m; young pine: 0.27 m; old pine: 0.26 m)

Figure 6. Depth of water stored in the upper 1 m of soil at sites that are proximal and distal to the boles of the (a) sugar maple, (b) young pine and (c) old
pine in the 2009 and 2010 study periods. Throughfall (TF) and TF + stemflow (SF) depths recorded for intervals between soil water content
measurements are also indicated for distal and proximal sites, respectively

interval gave a Rt:Pg of 3.82. All of the Rt values minus

the estimated error in Rt (Appendix A) for all distance
intervals for the sugar maple were greater than 0 in 2009
and 2010. Slightly smaller Rt at distal locations beneath
the sugar maple relative to the pines reflects greater mean
TF beneath the red pine canopies in both 2009 and 2010
(Table V). Estimated Rt for various distance intervals
from the young and old pine boles was also greater than 0
in 2009 and 2010, but showed only a minor increase near
the bole. Thus, the maximum Rt:Pg ratio for the 0–0.1
distance interval when SF inputs were included was 0.48
for the old pine and 0.42 for the young pine, both in 2009.
Total recharge below 1 m for the sugar maple was
significantly greater than 0 for both years (Table V), both
Figure 7. Monthly total evapotranspiration for 2009, estimated by the with and without the inclusion of SF contributions.
Ecological Assimilation of Land and Canopy Observations model for a Inclusion of these contributions increased RTotal by 13%;
5 km × 5 km pixel covering western and central portions of the Ganaraska
Forest and by MOD16 for 1 km × 1 km pixels in the Ganaraska Forest however, this increase was not statistically significant. Total
dominated by mixed hardwood-conifers and red pine recharge was also greater than 0 for the pines in 2009 and

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 29, 4068–4082 (2015)

Figure 8. Total soil water recharge (R) below 1 m depth estimated assuming inputs of TF and TF + SF at various distances from the boles of the (a) sugar
maple (b) young pine and (c) old pine in the 2009 and 2010 study periods

2010, and adding SF contributions to TF inputs increased little insight into how different tree species partition incident
RTotal for both the young and old pines by less than 1 mm. rainfall and influence soil water dynamics beneath tree
Z-scores showed no significant difference in either RTotal or canopies. However, standardization of SF volumes relative
RTotal:Pg between trees in either 2009 or 2010. The to a focussed infiltration area adjacent to the bole, as in the
exception was the sugar maple relative to the young pine cylindrical infiltration model of Tanaka et al. (1996),
in 2010, where both RTotal and RTotal:Pg were greater at the resulted in marked differences between the trees. The
sugar maple (with and without SF inputs, p <0.1). assumption that SF infiltrated over a relatively narrow area
(0.2–0.27 m wide ring) around the bole is supported by other
studies (e.g. Voigt, 1960; Navar, 2011; Buttle et al., 2014),
DISCUSSION and the addition of SF to TF inputs to the innermost distance
interval around the sugar maple bole resulted in values
Hypothesis 1: Throughfall and R will increase with
3–4 × greater than Pg.
proximity to the bole of the sugar maple and SF will be
This enhanced water input around the sugar maple bole
maximized as a result of its branch architecture.
led to consistently larger SWCs relative to more distal
Our results provide strong support for this hypothesis. TF locations beneath the canopy (cf. Tang, 1996) and greater
at 0.1 m and 0.3 m from the bole regularly exceeded Pg, Rt near the bole, as reported elsewhere (Tanaka et al.,
while TF beyond 0.5 m was consistently less than Pg. This 1996; Taniguchi et al., 1996; Chang and Matzner, 2000).
reflects a branching system promoting the flow of Greater water storage near the sugar maple bole was
intercepted water towards the tree stem. Previous studies likely not the result of inter-stand differences in soil
of the heterogeneity of TF beneath deciduous trees properties, which were similar between sites (Figure 2).
(Carlyle-Moses and Price, 2006; Alexander and Arthur, Ratios of recharge to Pg for comparable forest types
2010; Sato et al., 2011) also noted increased values near the (Bent, 2001; Dripps and Bradbury, 2010; Rosenqvist
bole. This study sampled TF beneath the inner 40% of the et al., 2010) are similar to those found here for the outer-
sugar maple canopy radius, and TF quantities may most distance intervals beneath the sugar maple canopy
continue to decrease with greater distance, suggesting that (≤0.3). However, the larger sugar maple RTotal:Pg values
I for the sugar maple (Table V) may be an under-estimate of reported here (0.38 and 0.50 in 2009 and 2010,
the whole-tree value. respectively) partly reflect inclusion of focussed TF and
Total SF depths as a fraction of Pg for the sugar SF as water inputs in water balance estimates of RTotal.
maple were consistent with values reported for hard- This suggests that neglecting the water-focussing effect of
woods (e.g. Buttle and Farnsworth, 2012), and SF tree species with branches sloping towards the bole may
volumes from the sugar maple were an order of magnitude lead to underestimation of R in these forest types.
greater than those from the pines. The sugar maple had the
largest mean funnelling ratio of the three trees, although it Hypothesis 2: TF and R will not vary with proximity to
was considerably less than other values reported for maple the boles of the pines and SF will be minimized as a result
trees (Carlyle-Moses and Price, 2006; Alexander and of their branch architecture.
Arthur, 2010). Nevertheless, it indicates efficient channel-
ling of water towards the bole. Expression of SF volumes This hypothesis was also supported. No distinct patterns
relative to projected canopy area indicates much smaller in TF with distance from the bole were observed for either
differences between the three trees (Table V) and provides pine in 2009 and 2010, suggesting their canopy

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 29, 4068–4082 (2015)

architecture does not preferentially redirect and redistrib- This hypothesis was not supported. Focussed SF and TF
ute TF to the same extent as the sugar maple. This agrees inputs resulted in increased RTotal for the sugar maple, but
with Loustau et al. (1992), who found no consistent these changes were not statistically significant. Total R and
variation in TF with distance from the bole or the tree RTotal:Pg for the sugar maple were not significantly greater
rows in an 18-year-old red pine plantation. Nevertheless, than values for the pines with or without the inclusion of SF
branch orientation away from the pine boles combined inputs, with the exception of the young pine in 2010.
with their smaller canopy density (Table I) appeared to Focussed inputs near the tree bole also had minimal effect
promote greater TF at distal locations from their boles on soil water recharge for either pine. This contrasts with the
compared with TF at a similar distances from the sugar marked contribution that SF made to recharge beneath
maple bole (Figures 4 and 5). Japanese red pine (Tanaka et al., 1996) and 28-year-old red
Both pines produced significantly less SF than the sugar pine in the GF (Buttle et al., 2014). Further study of younger
maple, while SF, expressed as a depth relative to the PCA, red pine in the GF is needed to determine the age threshold at
was almost an order of magnitude greater for the young which SF no longer makes a significant contribution to R.
compared with the old pine. Buttle and Farnsworth (2012) Other studies have noted greater recharge from
also found greater SF depths from the younger red pine, hardwood relative to coniferous stands (Wattenbach
the result of similar SF volumes divided by much smaller et al., 2007; Komatsu et al., 2008; Rosenqvist et al.,
PCAs for younger pines. However, the similar SF volumes 2010), and Schwärzel et al. (2012) suggested that this
from the young and old pines in 2009 and 2010 resulted in may partly reflect greater SF fluxes from hardwoods
comparable inputs around the tree boles (Table V). compared with conifers. Our inability to detect enhanced
These SF contributions relative to a 0.26–0.27 m wide recharge under the sugar maple canopy relative to the
ring around their boles resulted in SF depths 12 and 55× pines partly reflects larger interception for the former,
larger than SF relative to PCA for the young and old such that less TF reached the forest floor under the canopy
pines, respectively. The ratio for the young pine agrees relative to the young and particularly the old pine
with Voigt (1960)’s observation for a 35-year-old red (Table V). Greater SF and TF inputs near the sugar
pine stand. Nevertheless, these focussed inputs did not maple bole failed to compensate for the reduced water
produce appreciably greater Rt near the bole of either pine delivery to the larger sub-canopy area that only received
or increased RTotal. Soil water recharge estimates for both TF. Nevertheless, RTotal and RTotal:Pg for the sugar maple
pines in 2009 and 2010 were similar to other growing- exceeded those for the young pine in 2010, likely as a
season estimates for conifer forests (Taniguchi et al., result of increased SF from the sugar maple. Maximum
1996; Dripps and Bradbury, 2010; Rosenqvist et al., and mean rainfall intensity were slightly greater in 2009
2010; Buttle et al., 2014). (13.1 ± 9.3 mm h1 and 2.8 ± 1.8 mm h1) compared with
that in 2010 (10.2 ± 6.5 mm h1 and 1.9 ± 1.1 mm h1),
Hypothesis 3: Contributions of SF to R will be less in the while mean rainfall duration during storms was slightly
older relative to the younger pine, as branches increas- less (11.8 ± 9.6 h vs. 17.5 ± 12.1 h). While these results are
ingly slope away from the bole with greater tree age. not statistically significant, they are consistent with studies
for sugar maple showing a decrease in SF with increasing
Stemflow funnelling ratios for the pines were much less than rainfall intensity (Carlyle-Moses and Price, 2006), and a
for the sugar maple. Nevertheless, a mean ratio greater than potential increase in the proportion of the tree’s stems and
1 for the young pine (Table VI) indicates focussing of branches contributing SF to the bole during longer-
intercepted water towards the bole. Funnelling ratios less duration storms (Hutchinson and Roberts, 1981).
than 1 for the old pine suggest red pine branches bend away Other factors influencing our ability to discern any
from the stem and SF contributions to R around the bole differences in RTotal between the trees are the use of the
decline between tree ages of 36 and 57 years in the GF. This water balance approach to estimate recharge and the large
agrees with studies of temporal changes in conifer branch errors associated with recharge estimates (Appendix A).
architecture (Johnson, 1990; Steinbuck, 2002). However, Recharge was estimated as the residual of the water
the minor contribution of SF to estimated R for both pines balance (Equation 9), where ET was the only component
observed here does not permit a conclusive test of not measured directly. There is good correspondence
Hypothesis 3. Buttle et al. (2014) also failed to observe a between ET estimates for the mixed hardwood-conifer
consistent change in the role of SF contributions to R with stand and values reported for daily ET (Papakyriakou and
increasing age in red pine stands in the GF. McCaughey, 1991; Sun et al., 2008), annual total ET
(Buttle, 1994; Liu et al., 2003) and annual ET : Pg (Sun
Hypothesis 4: The importance of spatially-focussed SF and et al., 2008) for hardwoods. Estimated mean daily ET,
TF inputs to R will decrease in the order: sugar annual total ET and ET : Pg for the pine stands were
maple → younger red pine → older red pine. similar to those reported for conifers (Kelliher et al.,

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 29, 4068–4082 (2015)

1993; Liu et al., 2003; Restropo and Arain, 2005; Sun the bole for both young and old red pines. However, there
et al., 2008) and slightly exceeded those for the mixed was no significant difference in total recharge beneath the
hardwood-conifer stand used to represent the sugar maple canopies of the three trees, which likely reflected the
ET. Sun et al. (2008) reported similar ET from mixed greater interception efficiency of the sugar maple canopy
hardwood and red pine stands using eddy covariance combined with the large errors associated with the
measurements, while Mackay et al. (2002) found that red recharge estimates. Nevertheless, our results suggest that
pine transpiration rates generally exceeded (by up to 2×) the spatial pattern of recharge below 1 m depth during
those for maple trees. Wattenbach et al. (2007) also noted spring and summer rainfalls may change at the tree and
a 3.4% decline in ET as pine forests were succeeded by stand scales in the GF as red pine plantations undergo the
hardwoods in Germany, comparable with sugar maple– transition to a mixed hardwood-conifer forest, with
red pine ET differences found in this study (2% in 2009 implications for water availability to trees and soil
and 8% in 2010). Nevertheless, further examination of ET biogeochemical processes in this forest landscape.
in the GF is required to verify the ET values used to
estimate R and to reduce the error associated with ET and
other water balance components. Some of these errors were ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
considerable (Appendix A), such as the relative error in ET
values estimated for 2010 (>0.4) and the mean standard This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and
error of SF (0.56–0.60). Narrowing the uncertainty Engineering Research Council of Canada. We thank the
associated with water balance fluxes will increase our Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority for their
ability to detect significant differences in soil water continued support; Peter Lafleur, Andrew Farnsworth,
recharge between trees of differing species and ages. Clément Le Saux and Alexandra Ryland for their
Future studies of the contributions of SF and TF to soil assistance; Ken Hill and Marie and John Toon for
water recharge as forest cover in the GF changes from permission to install instrumentation on their property;
pine plantations to mixed hardwood-conifer stands must Qiaozhen Mu (University of Montana) for provision of
also address any changes in the spatial variability in these the MOD16 data; and Shusen Wang (Canada Centre for
fluxes for different tree species and a greater range of tree Remote Sensing) for provision of the EALCO data. We
ages. This study assumed TF and SF inputs were uniform also thank two anonymous reviewers for their construc-
over the distance interval to which they were applied. TF tive comments on an earlier version of this paper. The
does not appear to vary with direction at a given distance authors state that they have no conflict of interest to
from the bole (Johnson, 1990). However, greater SF fluxes declare with respect to this submission.
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boles (Liang et al., 2007), resulting in increased SWC and
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error in SF (σ SFt ) on day t was estimated as:


The error in Rtotal ðσ Rtotal Þ was calculated as: where SE is the mean standard error in SF from all days of
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi measurement. Three trees were used to assess SE for SF

ffi for the sugar maple studied for soil water recharge
σ Rtotal ¼ ∑i¼1 σ 2Ri (A1) (Table III), while four trees in each of the young and old
pine stands were used to estimate SF SE for the pines
where σ Ri , the error in Ri, is: studied for soil water recharge. The SEs of SF at the
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σ Rt
σ Ri ¼ Ri (A2) were 0.59, 0.56 and 0.60, respectively.
Rt The σ ET t for day t in 2009 was estimated as 25% of ET
where σ Rt , the error in Rt, at the proximal access tube to based on the mean absolute bias in MOD16 estimates
each bole is: reported in Mu et al. (2011). The σ ET t for day t in 2010
was calculated as:
σ Rt ¼ σ 2TF þ σ 2SF þ σ 2ET þ σ 2I þ σ 2ΔS (A3) qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
σ ET t ¼ σ 2ET Hamont þ σ 2ET rel (A11)
where σ ET Hamont is the error in the Hamon ET estimate and
σ Rt ¼ σ 2TF þ σ 2ET þ σ 2I þ σ 2ΔS (A4)
σ ET rel is the mean relative error in the regression estimates
at the other access tubes, where σ TF, σ SF, σ ET, σ I and σ ΔS of ET (Table IV). σ ET Hamont was estimated to be 20% of the
are errors in TF, SF, ET, I and ΔS on day t. These error Hamon ET estimates, while σ ET rel was taken as 48 and
terms were calculated as: 42% for the mixed hardwood-conifer and pine stands,
respectively, based on the average range in MOD16 ET

values about the respective lines of best-fit.
σ TF ¼ ∑nt¼0 σ 2TF t (A5) The error in I for day t (σ I t ) was calculated as:

ffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
σ SF n
¼ ∑t¼0 σ SFt 2
(A6) σIt ¼ σ 2Pg t þ σ 2TFt þ σ 2SFt (A12)

sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where σ Pg t , the error in Pg on day t, was assumed to be

σ EF ¼ ∑ σ 2ET t (A7) 20% of Pg (the average coefficient of variation in Pg from
t¼0 all of the open sites).
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi The error in storage (σ ΔSt ) on day t was assumed to be

15% of storage on day t, based on the relative variability
σ I ¼ ∑nt¼0 σ 2I t (A8) in measured SWCs about the calibration relationship
given in Buttle et al. (2014).

σ ΔS ¼ ∑t¼0 σ ΔSt 2

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 29, 4068–4082 (2015)

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