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實驗四 基本力學實驗

班級 : 普通物理實驗(一)AD
組別 : B3
姓名 : 吳忠樹
學號 : 411121248
同組組員 : 黃琥偉(411121250)
實驗日期 : 111 年 10 月 28 日

5. 實驗數據:
A. Instrument weight

砝碼架吊(kg) 砝碼(kg)
0,00515 0,0200
List of Weight :

砝碼 = 0,02g x 3 , 0.05 x 2

B. 虎克 (First Experiment)

  伸長量 mm 伸長量 cm F
1 4.5 0.45 25
2 9 0.9 45
3 13.5 1.35 65
4 26 2.6 115
5 38.5 3.85 165
160 Hooke's
f(x) = 43.9746083751408 x Law
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

experiment , we can know the graph with y = 43,975

C. 力的平衡 (Second Experiment)

  M(g) cm F(gw)   Fx Fy
F1 45   45 170 -44.3163 7.814168
F2 75   75 29 65.59648 36.36072
F3   1.1 48.3725 234 -28.4326 -39.1342
        合 -7.15251 5.040715
          error rate 16%

F1 = 45 N F2 = 75 N F3 = 48.3725 N
Fx = ∑ F i cos θi Fx = ∑ F i cos θi Fx = ∑ F i cos θi
= 45 × cos 170° = 75 × cos 29° = 48.3725× cos 234 °
= - 44.33163 N = 65.59648 N = - 28.4326 N
Fy = ∑ F i sinθ i Fy = ∑ F i sinθ i Fy = ∑ F i sin θ i
= 45 × sin170 ° = 75 × sin29 ° = 48.3725× sin234 °
= 7.814168 N = 36.36072 N = - 39.1342 N

Fx = - 44.33163 N + 65.59648 – 28.4326 = - 7.15251 N

Fy = 7.814168+36.36072−39.1342= 5.040715 N

|F| = √ (F ¿¿ x¿¿ 2+ F y 2)¿ ¿

|F| = √ (−7.15251)2+(5.040715)2 ¿ ¿

|F| = 8.75027 N

= 56.1241667 = 16 %

D. 力矩 (Third Experiment)

M(g) F(gw) r(cm) τ(g x cm) |τ| 誤差

F1 45 45 -3,5 -157.5 157.5 6%
F2 55 55 1.8 99 99
F3 15 15 3,5 52.5 52.5
τ¿ r x F=|r||F| sinθ

∑ τ ∨¿
σ τ =¿ i=1 ¿
−157,5+ 99+52,5
= [|-157.5|+|99|+|52.5|] × 1
= 103 =6%

6. 結果討論
In the second experiment we will prove that total from 2 root of resultant
force from √ Fx2 + Fy 2 = F . In my experiment Fx is force at axis X is F cos A
and Fy is force at axis Y is F sin a. In this experiment I got an error rate of 16%.
We can find the result by using formula.

In the third experiment,the bigger F given the bigger it's τ and if it's r ,
in this experiment its axis is 90° and in this experiment I got an error
of 6%,we can use formula to find the error

∑ τ ∨¿
σ τ =¿ ¿

7. 結論
When all the forces that act upon an object are balanced, then the object
is said to be in a state of equilibrium. . If an object is at equilibrium, then the
forces are balanced. Balanced is the key word that is used to describe
equilibrium situations. Thus, the net force is zero and the acceleration is 0 m/s/s.
Objects at equilibrium must have an acceleration of 0 m/s². This extends from
Newton's first law of motion. If an object is at rest and is in a state of
equilibrium, then we would say that the object is at "static equilibrium." "Static"
means stationary or at rest. the resultant was 0 Newton
In this second experiment, we can see that the force can be broken down
into two mutually perpendicular forces called component forces. Unraveling the
force can be done by projecting the force on the x and y axes. then from this
experiment we can prove that
|F| = √ (F ¿¿ x¿¿ 2+ F y 2)¿ ¿

|F| - √( F ¿¿ x¿¿ 2+ F y 2) ¿ ¿ =0
In the third experiment we can know that the balance of translation = 0 and
from the picture we know that torque to it’s axis. So we can conclude that
τ¿ r x F=|r||F| sinθ

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