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Assignment N°3

Fourth year

Teacher: Laura Elsener E-mail:

E.E.S. N°3 Lola Mora

Imagine you are a journalist (Imagina que sos un o una periodista)

Write an article about a famous person for a magazine (Escribí un artículo sobre una persona
famosa para una revista)

A. Choose a celebrity and write at least 10 lines about him or her (Escribí por lo menos 10 (diez)
líneas sobre él o ella) No transcribir un texto de internet, escribí uno vos mismo

B. Interview him or her. Make 10 questions or more. Include greetings. (Entrevistalo/la. Hacele
10 (diez) preguntas) Incluye los saludos de bienvenida y de despedida que correspondan)
Junji Ito. There, i said it all. This man is one of the most terrorific artists in the world, and
no one can say other thing, imagine a piece of work that shows so much pain and
sadness in the same place, THAT is Junji Ito's work in his maximum potential. It's pretty
interesting to have an interview with him in person and know what is behind his
corrupted pictures. I am a personal fan of his work in all aspects, there is nobody better
than him and the influence he had in a whole generation of artists with his famous
manga "Uzumaki" it's a proof. There is a man behind the artist always, but now the man
behind it's way more interesting to actually know him personally and talk to him about
his inspirations for such piece of art and honestly, i feel pretty weird to know him this
well now and in some aspects this interview went fluid but in others it was......awful.
This interview was made in Japan before the Covid-19 strikes the world.

Me: Hello everybody! I am here with Junji Ito, a manga artist and the living symbol of
horror, please introduce yourself Mr Ito.

Ito: Hello argentinian fans! My name is Junji Ito, i am the creator of the manga
"Uzumaki" and director of the animated series by the same name in Adult Swim.

Me: Well i don't want to make you lose your time, maybe you are busy now and im being
annoying or something. Let's start with a easy question, What is fear for you Mr Ito?

Ito: Fear is just other kind of pain, more personal. For example, fear is knowing that you
can't do one thing and accepting it for the rest of your life. Like pain, it's emotions that
lead to that.

Me: Pretty interesting. Other question, Your opinion on depression?

Ito: Depression is serious, everyone has depression or had, it's related with fear and
pain, no self confidence and some hate. But like i said it before, everyone has
depression because that makes us humans and makes us understand our limits in life
and how it's not fair at all.

Me: That is very deep Mr Ito, it's pretty inteligent too. Other question, Did you expect so
much success in your life?

Ito: Im not succesful at all, im just lucky, lucky that people are stupid and they hurt
themselves for fun, my mangas are not supposed to be fun, they are deep and sad, they
show the real nature of humans and it's not funny at all. Success goes for others, i was
just lucky.
Me: Well....that is ALSO interesting, let's go with other question, What inspired Uzumaki?

Ito: What inspired Uzumaki? Feelings inspired Uzumaki. That's all.

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