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Mutah University

The Faculty of Engineering

Department of Computer Engineering - Computer
Security and Networks and department of Civil Engineering

Test of Lab General of Physics (2) Ohm's Law

Prepared by :
Fifth Division , Group (5)
Jana Al-Shawawreh
Dyaa Farrayeh
Rahaf Maaitah
Renad Shawamreh

Supervisor : ENG. Bahia M. Ma’aitah

November 24,2020
The test aims to find the values of two unknown resistors and the
Equivalent value for them when connected in series and when
connected in parallel . When connecting the circuit and making the
power generator at a voltage of 3 volts and the starting point for the
voltmeter on a 5-volt caliber while moving the variable resistor and
taking the voltage and current readings and making the necessary
The value of the two practically unknown resistors,The equivalent
resistance value at conduction, respectively, and in parallel , know
the relative error of the values of unknown and equivalent resistors
in the case of conduction, respectively My experience was
inconsistent with past experiences when the power supply value ,
On the one hand, it agreed that the values of resistors are practically
close to the original value . The electrical resistance is constant, not
dependenton current and the potential difference !
.The conduction in a series is the equivalent resistivity as large as
possible and the conduction in parallel the equivalent resistance is
the smallest possible . (Exp) experiences , (Eq) equation ,
(Fig) Figures , P parallel ,S series.

Dedicated to my fellow students .


Firstly, I will be thankful for Eng. Bahia Ma’aitah

for supporting us and for making this report very
good and for her great teaching about writing it .
Secondly, We will be thankful to my teacher Enas
Horani for giving her ideas of the test to us and
teaching us how to apply it . Also how to connect
devices with each other in the correct way.
Moreover, she helps us get results which are
close to what is required.
Finally, I would like to thank science doctors for
their inventions and experiences that helped us
to reach great results.

List of tables ……………..……………………………………………… v
List of Figure……………………………………………………………. vi
1. Introduction ………………………………………………………. . 1
2. Literature Review………………………………………………… 3
3. Methodology ……………………………………………………….. 3
(3-1) The first part of the test ………………………………. 3
(3-2) The second part of the test ………………………….. 6
(3-3) The third part of the test …………………………..…. 8
(3-4) The fourthpart of the test …………………………... 10
4. Result …………………………………………………………………. 12
5. Discussion………………………………………………………….... 12
6. Conclusion ……………………………………………………...….. 13
7. References…………………………………………………………… 14

(3.1) The value of the current and the potential difference
for( R1)…………………………………………………………………………….4
(3.2) The value of the current and the potential difference
for (R2)…………………………………………………………………………... 6
(3.3)The value of the current and the potential difference
for the R1&R2 on series (RS)……….………………………………….. 8
(3.4) The value of the current and the potential difference
For the R1&R2 on parallel (Rp)…………..…………………………...10

.Fig (3.1.1) & (3.1.2) Conduction R1……………………………… 3
.Fig (3.2) The relationship between the current I &V the
potential difference forR1……………………………………………. 4
.Fig (3.3) The slope of the straight line (R1) Exp ……………… 5
.Fig (3.4)Conduction R2 ……………………………………………… 6
.Fig(3.5) The relationship between the current I &V the
potential difference for R2…………………………………………… 6
.Fig(3.6)The slope of the straight line (R2) Exp……………….. 7
.Fig(3.7) Conduction R1&R2 on series……………………………. 8
.Fig(3.8)The slope represent the equivalent resistance
Rs(exp) ……………………………………………………………………….. 9
.Fig(3.9)Conduction R1&R2 on parallel………………………… 10
.Fig(3.10)The slope represent the equivalent resistance
Rp(exp) ……………………………………………………………………….. 11
.Fig(6.1)Uniting the drawing in one drawing ……………….. 13

.V Electric potential difference .
.R Resistance .
.I Electric current .
.P Resistivity .
.L The length of the conductor .
.A Cross-sectional area .

There are several methods used to find the value of an
unknown resistance. For example: Ohm's law and
Wheatstone bridge can be used. Ohm's law is a basic
principle in electricity. This name was given to its German
physicist George Simon Ohm.
George Simon George Ohm (March 26 -1787-
1854) is a German physicist. He specialty .in
science in general and physics in particular.
He taught in several institutes, most recently
in Munich.
Ohm’s did a test to measure the difference in
voltage applied to simple electrical circuits
and the intensity of the electrical current passing through
them, while changing the length of the wire used,The test
aims to find the values of two unknown resistors and the
Equivalent valuefor them when connected in series and
when connected in parallel .And What do we conclude from
connecting resistors in parallel and series .
Now, according to the simple Ohm's law equation( 1 ), we
can calculate the basic determinants of electrical and
electronic circuits, such as: ( I ) , ( V ) , ( R ) , ( P )

VaI Eq. ( 1 )

V = R* I
Electric potential difference Resistance electric current

Ohm's theory( The current flowing through a

conductor is proportional to the applied voltage at
constant temperature )

The electrical resistance is constant, not dependent on

current and the potential difference !
So ,Ohm's Law depends on the following
Resistivity The length of the conductor

Resistance R = P* L Eq. ( 2 )

Cross-sectional area A

The test aims to find the values of two unknown resistors

and the Equivalent valuefor them when connected in series
and when connected in parallel .

Initiallythe amount of each of the two unknown resistors
will be calculated and then the experiment was conducted by
making the electrical current (5)volts and taking readings
for each resistance and knowing the amount of each of the
current and the difference of voltage for both.

(3-1) The first part of the test : We connect
the circuit as follows in the figures
Fig(3.1.1) Conduction R1

.We make the resistance value ofRheostatas high aspossible

Fig.(3-1.2)Conduction R1

.Then we reduce the value of the resistance in Rheostatand
We record the readings in the table.(3.1)
The value of the current and the potential difference for R1


.We draw the relationship between ( V & I ) Fig(3.2)R1

Fig(3.2)The relationship between the current & the potential difference V R1

.Calculate the slope of the straight line Fig(3.3)

Fig (3.3) the slope of the straight line (R1 Exp).

.Then we calculate the error rate for the values

R1 (Exp) = 25.6 , R1(True) = 25

R1 = R1(Exp) – R1 (True) * 100%


R1 = 2.4 %

-(3-2)The second part of the test :We
change the value of the existing
resistanceFig(3.4) ,
Then werepeat the previous steps ,to
find The value of the current and the
potential differenceand write it on the
table (3.2)Fig(3.4)Conduction R2
The value of the current and the potential difference for R2


The relationship between the currentI &Vthe potential difference (R2)

Fig (3.6) the slope of the straight line (R2 Exp).

.Then we calculate the error rate for the values

R 2(Exp) = 55.9 , R 2(True) = 50

R2 = R2 (Exp) – R2(True) * 100%

R1 (True)

R2 = 11.8 %

.(3-3) The third part of the experiment connects
the two resistors seriesFig (3.7) , And we repeat
the previous steps.

Fig(3.7)Conduction R1 & R2 on series

The value of the current and the potential difference for R2&R1 on
respectively table(3.3)


.Finding the slope (represents the equivalent
resistance)Rs(Exp) Fig (3.8)

Fig(3.8)slope (represents the equivalent resistance)

.Then we calculate the error rate for the values

Rs(Exp) = 83.3 , Rs(True) = 75

Rs = Rs(Exp) – Rs(True) * 100%


Rs= 11%

. (3-4) The fourth part of the experiment we
connect the resistors in parallelFig. (3.9) And we
repeat the previous

Fig(3.9)Conduction R1 & R2 on

The value of the current and the

potential difference for R2&R1 on
parallel table(3.4)


. Finding the slope (represents the equivalent resistance)
Rp(Exp) Fig (3.10)
Fig(3.10)slope (represents the equivalent resistance)

. Then we calculate the error rate for the values

Rp(Exp) = 16.6 , Rp(True) = 16.6

Rp= Rp(Exp) – Rp(True) * 100%


Rp= 0%

.The value of the two practically unknown resistors :
- R1(Exp) = 25.6 - R2(Exp) = 55.9
. The equivalent resistance value at conduction, respectively,
and in parallel:
- Rs(Exp) = 83.3 - Rp(Exp) = 16.6
.Know the relative error of the values of unknown and
equivalent resistors in the case of conduction, respectively
and parallel
R1 = 2.4 R2 = 11.8 % Rs= 11% Rp = 0%

. The results of my experiment were consistent with the
results of other experiments on the one hand, that the values
of the resistors are practically close to the values of the
actual resistorsOn the one hand, it agreed to make the
voltmeter at 5 volts.
My experience conflicted with previous experiences in terms
of making the power supply on the amount of 3 volts in
previous experiments the amount was 5 volts.

. The electrical resistance is constant, not dependent on
current and the potential difference !
So, Ohm's Law depends on Equation (2).
. When uniting the drawings in one drawing, it shows that the
largest inclination is the two resistances in a row, and the lowest
inclination is thetwo resistances in parallel. Fig(.1)

V(volt) Rs



Fig(6.1)uniting the drawings in one drawing

.The conduction in a series is the equivalent resistivity as
large as possible and the conduction in parallel the
equivalent resistance is the smallest possible.

All information from Lab Physics Lab 2 book
Department of Physics.
And from teacher Enas Horani (Laboratory


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