Experimental Investigation of Stability of Water in Oil Emulsions at Reservoir

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Fuel 243 (2019) 15–27

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Experimental investigation of stability of water in oil emulsions at reservoir T

conditions: Effect of ion type, ion concentration, and system pressure

Yousef Kazemzadeha, Ismail Ismailb, Hosein Rezvanic, Mohammad Sharifia, , Masoud Riazib,d
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Iran
Department of Petroleum Engineering, School of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Department of Mining Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Research Centre, IOR/EOR Research Institute, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran



Keywords: Different ions present in formation water (FW) and aqueous phases injected into the oil reservoirs can affect the
Emulsion stability formation and stability of water-in-oil (W/O) emulsions. Previous studies regarding this issue devoted attention
Cation to the chemical compounds of the oil and water with a partial focus on different parameters at ambient pressure
Anion and temperature. However, pressure can multilaterally control the formation of emulsification phenomena. One
important factor of emulsion stability is the asphaltene that is present in the crude oil. These particles are
Interfacial tension
subjected to instability when they encounter a change in chemical composition and pressure, which affects the
formation and stability of the emulsion. In this study, emulsification at various pressures and salinity were
analyzed to determine the role of affecting factors, including asphaltene and various ions in the aqueous phase.
The apparatus used for monitoring the emulsification was a HP-HT Emulsion Analyzer, designed and constructed
by our research group. According to the results, the type and concentration of cations present in the aqueous
phase govern the stability of the emulsion. At low salinities (i.e. up to 10,000 ppm), the emulsion stability
increases and then decreases with increasing salt concentration in the water phase. At high pressures (i.e. from
4000 to 6000 psi), divalent cations form a more stable emulsion in comparison with monovalent ones. In ad-
dition, among divalent cations, Mg2+ introduces a more stable emulsion than that of Ca2+. Based on the results,
the thermodynamic conditions affect the precipitation and deposition of asphaltene. Since dead oil was used in
this research, the emulsion stability decreases with a decreasing asphaltene content at the interface at high
pressures (i.e. 4000–6000 psi). This is due to the considerable reduction in the number of emulsifiers at the
interface. Therefore, at high pressures, pressure increase reduces the emulsion stability. However, at low pres-
sures (i.e. from 14.7 to 4000 psi), the increase in shear energy and asphaltene adsorption at the interface by ions

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: m_sharifi@aut.ac.ir (M. Sharifi).

Received 28 July 2018; Received in revised form 7 December 2018; Accepted 9 January 2019
0016-2361/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Kazemzadeh et al. Fuel 243 (2019) 15–27

overcomes the decrease in asphaltene due to its increased solubility. Therefore, at low pressures, pressure in-
crease raises the emulsion stability.

1. Introduction on their results, when there is a kosmotrope cation, water dipole keeps
out, while in the case of a kosmotrope anion, there is an attraction
Emulsion is a two-phase system in which liquid droplets are dis- between anion and water dipole [35]. Depending on the type of re-
persed in another immiscible liquid [1–5]. It is kinetically stable and servoir, the method includes at least one of the following variations
thermodynamically unstable, and this instability separates it into two [36–40]:
phases over time [6,7]. In-situ formation of water-in-oil (W/O) emul-
sions in the heavy oil wells is regarded as a significant challenge during i. Significant reduction in the salinity of the injected water relative to
oil production [6,8]. The emulsions increases the viscosity of crude oil the reservoir’s formation water (FW), such as seawater or Low-Sal
to a higher, abnormal value, which has been observed several times in water
heavy and ultra-heavy oil reservoirs [9–11]. The problem is mainly due ii. Increasing the concentration of active multivalent ions (including
to significant amounts of polar carboxylic and naphthenic groups pre- but not limited to Ca2+, SO42−)
sent in the crude oil; these groups are considered to be good W/O iii. Reducing the concentration of inactive monovalent ions (including
emulsion stabilizers [12]. Due to the low interfacial tension (IFT) of but not limited to Cl−, Na+).
emulsion versus oil, and its high viscosity relative to those of water and
oil, the injection of emulsion results in improved oil production Xubeing Fu (2010) pointed out that emulsions behave as a
[13–15]. Moreover, emulsion injection may increase oil production by Newtonian fluid if the fraction of water is < 40 wt%. However, beyond
decreasing the fingering and early breakthrough during enhanced oil that range, the emulsion displays a shear decreasing behavior [41].
recovery (EOR) processes [16–20]. Umar et al. (2016) examined the stability and behavior of W/O
The separation of emulsion phases is influenced by the thermo- emulsions at various water fractions. They concluded that the stability
dynamics of the system, since the oil/water interface and the Gibbs free of emulsion reduces at high water volume fractions (50 vol%), whereas
energy of the system are reduced when the oil and water form two Newtonian behavior was observed for those at low water volume
separated phases [2,21]. As a result, the emulsion characteristics, in- fractions [42].
cluding particle size distribution, average particle size, etc. cannot be Kumar et al. (2012) declared that an increase in salinity in the
maintained over time [17,22]. Therefore, the emulsion stability refers presence of the anionic surfactant in the solution reduces the IFT va-
to the ability of the dispersed phase to maintain its properties within a lues. They found the oil/water IFT as a function of salt concentration
specified time interval. The stability of the emulsion is due to the pre- and the type and amount of surface active agents present in the solution
sence of particles located on the fluid-fluid interface that postpone the [18]. Jan Czarnecki and Kevin Moran (2005) presented a new me-
tendency of the two fluids toward phase separation [23]. These parti- chanism regarding the formation of W/O emulsions, based on at least
cles usually consist of molecules with polar and nonpolar chemical two types of chemicals. The first is the asphaltene adsorption with a
groups in their structures, and are known as surface active agents. It is slow and irreversible process that leads to the formation of a stable film.
important to note that the dispersed phase in an emulsion is usually The second is the rapid adsorption of low molecular weight materials
present as spherical droplets [24]. such as surfactants. Moreover, their results showed that there are two
The formation and stability of emulsion generally depend on the IFT different mechanisms regarding emulsion stability at high concentra-
of W/O and is facilitated by lower IFT values [25–27]. Therefore, the tions and below infinite dilution point, which shows the competition of
stability of the emulsion is essentially associated with the oil/water asphaltene adsorption at the oil/water interface [43]. Lashkarbolooki
interfacial film. Acidic components present in the crude oil reduce the et al. (2016) showed that increasing the concentration of asphaltene
W/O IFT and aid the emulsification process. On the other hand, the molecules reduces the oil/water IFT. They used a water/crude oil/as-
high surface activity of asphaltene particles available in the crude oil phaltene system for surface analysis in the presence of asphaltene
are capable of moving to the interface and increasing the W/O inter- molecules. As another part of the study, the presence of asphaltene at
facial film and the stability of the emulsions [28,29]. In fact, asphaltic the oil/water interface was investigated. Based on their results, the
compounds of the crude oil act as natural surface active agents. They presence of asphaltene at the fluid-fluid interface disturbs the balance
deploy at the interface and form W/O emulsions, which can be further of the forces and, as a result, reduces the IFT of the two phases [44].
stabilized by the salts present in the aqueous phase of the emulsions This IFT reduction sometimes improves the stability of the emulsion. In
[30–32]. The possibility of formation of W/O emulsions increases, line with our research, Cuiying Jian et al. (2016) showed that by in-
when considering the lack of water resources there is a necessity of creasing the concentration of asphaltene, the hydrogen bond developed
using seawater as the injected fluid into the oil reservoirs. Therefore, between asphaltene and water molecules reduces the IFT of oil/water
experimental investigation of the stability of these emulsions stabilized [45].
with various ions present in the seawater would pave the way for ac- As previously described, thermodynamic properties such as pres-
cessing useful information about the behavior of natural emulsions sure, asphaltic sediments, and ions present in the water affect the for-
formed in the reservoirs [33,34]. Modifying the ion composition of the mation and stability of W/O emulsions. Injection of W/O emulsions into
injected water usually leads to the improved oil recovery. In the pre- the oil reservoirs can increase the oil production, which is mainly due to
sence of some specific ions in the aqueous phase, the behavior of the the low emulsion/oil IFT and high emulsion viscosity, as compared to
molecular aggregates is governed by these ions. Actually, counter ions that of water and oil. That is why the behavior of W/O emulsions in the
penetrate into the diffuse layer as well as to the micelle surface of presence of various ions was monitored in this research. In previous
charge. Specific ion effects play a key role in bulk solutions when there studies, the effect of asphaltene and ionic compounds present in the
is a varied IFT or differed solubility of monovalent and divalent salts, in water phase on the formation and stability of emulsions has been in-
terms of order of magnitude. Dispersion forces are of great importance vestigated, although the thermodynamic conditions governing on the
when it comes to determining the interactions at interfaces and be- oil reservoirs were disregarded. In contrast, this research studied the
tween particles in colloidal systems. Lukanov and Firoozabadi (2014) effect of pressure on the stability of asphaltene and the formation and
studied the specific ion effects and dissolution of salts in water. Based stability of W/O emulsions. In addition, the role of monovalent and

Y. Kazemzadeh et al. Fuel 243 (2019) 15–27

divalent cations/anions and the concentration of different ions in the Table 2

formation and stability of emulsions have been addressed by a new HP- SARA analysis performed on the dead crude
HT Emulsion Analyzer, designed and constructed by our research oil used in this research
group. Type wt%

2. Materials, devices, and methods Saturates 41

Aromatic 49
Resin 2
2.1. Materials Asphaltene 8

2.1.1. Crude oil

The dead crude oil used in this research was obtained from one of o The secondary interchangeable chamber, as a supporter of rock thin
the Iranian southern oil reservoirs, with a gravity of 21°API. The section
compositional and SARA analyses performed on the crude oil are pre- o HD digital microscope
sented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Regarding SARA analysis, the o High-pressure inlet and outlet valves.
Colloidal Instability Index (CII) of the crude oil was calculated as 0.94,
indicating that the asphaltene particles in the crude oil are unstable and As indicated in Fig. 2, two different cylinders with separate lines
on the edge of deposition [46]. were used for oil and water injection. After injecting first water, then oil
The Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) of the crude into the main chamber, the fluids were completely mixed via strong
oil is shown in Fig. 1. As indicated, the peak at 2993 cm−1 is assigned to magnetic coupling with a maximum rotational speed of 4000 RPM. To
ReCOeOH functional group. The peaks at 1365 cm−1 and 970 cm−1 prevent a direct influence of the magnetic forces on the oil and de-
are attributed to S]O and NeO stretches, respectively. The presence of position of solid (asphaltene) particles in the crude oil, the magnetic
ReCOeOH, NH2, RSOOR, NeO, and PeO functional groups are evident coupling was designed outside of the chamber. As the engine starts, the
from the peak at 1226 cm−1. In addition, the peak at 1026 cm−1 is propeller in the fluid chamber begins to rotate as the power is trans-
indicative of RSOOR and ReCOeOH functional groups. Based on these ferred to its upper rod. During mixing the two phases, the inlet valve
results, the crude oil contained both acid and base components. How- between the main chamber and visual chamber is kept closed to prevent
ever, the number of acidic species seems to be greater than that of the pressure drop and dead volume in the system. Prior to increasing the
basic species, which is why one can observe more COOH groups than pressure and temperature of the chamber to the desired values, the two
NH2 in the analysis. It should also be noted that when the oil phase is in fluids in the main chamber must be completely mixed. Afterwards, one
contact with water phase, the altered polarity of the oil components can open the intermediate valve for the sample to flow from the main
such as asphaltene could introduce different behaviors in the system, chamber to the visual chamber. To sufficiently illuminate the visual
depending on the components present in the aqueous phase and their chamber, a type of SMD LEDs with a power of 36 W was embedded
interactions. inside it. In addition, the chamber was elaborately designed to bring a
thin fluid layer into the visual chamber for light to pass through dark
2.1.2. Ions fluids. The visual chamber was also equipped with an HP drain valve
In this research, different salts were utilized to synthesize various for draining the fluid from the chamber. A pressure safety valve (PSV)
brines that were used as the water phase in water-in-oil emulsions. The was contrived Installed to avoid extremely high pressures in case of a
properties of these salts are indicated in Table 3. rapid rise in temperature. This would ensure the user’s safety during
working with the device. The microscopic imaging technique was used
2.2. Devices and methods to monitor the distribution of water droplets dispersed in the emulsion,
and the Image J software was used for the analysis of the pictures. The
2.2.1. High pressure-high temperature emulsion formation and stability repeatability error with mean droplet area calculation was ± 2 µm2.
analyzer During image analysis, the outlier data were removed for more accurate
The HP-HT Emulsion Analyzer apparatus was designed and con- evaluation. Also, in case of observing a different distribution of droplets
structed by our research group and consisted of several parts as follows: at various points, the analysis was repeated for different pictures taken
from various points of the sample. The size of dispersed droplets in the
• The main cell emulsion increases with an increasing volume of water. As a result, the
• Water inlet valve thickness of surface film decreases due to the presence of polar com-
• Oil inlet valve ponents of the crude oil. In this situation, the repulsive forces between
• High-pressure PT-100 thermometer droplets decreases and the thin surface film begin to rupture, which is
• High-pressure heater why the droplets rapidly coalesce and form larger ones. However, low
• High-pressure fluid isolating valves for minimizing the dead volume volume fractions of water do not considerably affect the emulsion be-
in the system havior due to the decreased dispersed water. In this research, the vo-
• Pressure gauge lume percentage of water was fixed at 30 vol% in all prepared emul-
• Magnetic coupling sions.
• Easy to screw and unscrew connections for cleaning
• Electrical panel 2.2.2. Interfacial tensiometer
• The visual investigating tool of the device, which included: The setup of IFT measuring is illustrated in Fig. 3. As indicated, the
o The primary interchangeable chamber, as a supporter of high- apparatus is composed of an injection pump, an HD camera, and a
pressure optical glasses quartz cell. First, the syringe is filled with crude oil and placed on the

Table 1
Compositional analysis of the dead crude oil used in this research.
Components C2 C3 iC4 nC4 iC5 nC5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12+

Mole % 0.49 0.73 0.47 0.94 0.55 0.55 7.64 6.18 5.44 4.90 4.71 4.14 63.26

Y. Kazemzadeh et al. Fuel 243 (2019) 15–27

Fig. 1. FT-IR analysis of the crude oil.

injection pump. The quartz cell is filled with the different solutions, software. Fig. 4 shows the average area of water droplets formed in the
which are meant to be a surrounding fluid in the quartz cell. The oil oil phase at various pressures related to the aqueous phase, containing
droplet is slowly injected upward through the needle with an injection 10,000 ppm MgCl2 salt.
volume of 3 µl. The equilibrium IFT was imaged and analyzed by the As shown in Fig. 4, with an increase in pressure up to 4000 psi, the
software. The repeatability error with IFT measurement was ± 0.3 average area of water droplets in the oil phase decreases, while beyond
mN.m. 4000 psi, the average area increases. The reduction in the area of water
droplets with increasing pressure may be because of two reasons:
2.2.3. Phase separation of emulsions
After imaging analysis in the visual chamber, a 40 mL sample was i. An increase in shear energy applied by the homogenizer at high
taken from the main chamber and was used for measuring the IFT be- pressure
tween water and emulsion and also investigating the phase separation ii. An increase in asphaltene adsorption onto the ion surfaces due to the
of emulsions based on the centrifugal force needed for complete se- increased pressure.
paration of the two phases. Phase separation is dependent on various
factors, including separation time, RPM, etc. Make it easy for com- In this research, emulsification process was performed via a pro-
paring all cases, the separation process began at 2000 RPM and in- peller at certain RPMs. The propeller transfers the rotational movement
creased gradually by adding to 500 RPM until reaching the ultimate as a shear energy to both dispersed and continuous phases. In fact,
value. In addition, in each experiment, the centrifugation took 5 min rotational movement applies bidirectional forces (vertical and hor-
and the water content was measured 3 min after separation. izontal) to the surface of static droplets. The vertical force is shear
energy and is defined as the transferred energy to the droplet to become
3. Discussing the results smaller and smaller. As the pressure goes up, the shear energy increases
and in turn the energy transferred from propeller to the droplets in-
3.1. The effect of pressure creases, too [47,48].
Asphaltene particles act as emulsifiers in this system. Regarding the
The thermodynamic conditions of the system govern the mor- dead oil used in this research, an increase in pressure improves the
phology of water in oil emulsion. The average droplet diameter of the solubility of asphaltene in the oil phase, which in turn reduces the
dispersed phase (i.e. water) in the continuous phase (i.e. oil) is influ- number of emulsifiers at the interface. This would subsequently reduce
enced by the system pressure. The stability of emulsions in this case is the droplet stability due to the coarsening of the dispersed phase. As a
expressed by the frequency of smaller areas. To study the effect of result, the number of water droplets in the oil phase decreases. That is
pressure on the morphology of water droplets, the formation and sta- why there are two different behaviors in the system as the pressure
bility of the emulsions were compared at different pressures. For this increases. Increasing pressure below optimal pressure introduces
purpose, crude oil and 10,000 ppm MgCl2 brine were injected sequen- smaller water droplets in the oil phase, owing to the predominance of
tially into the main chamber to prepare an oil/water emulsion at a the increased adsorption and shear energy applied to the system,
specific pressure. The emulsification itself was performed by the ro- compared to the decrease in asphaltene content. Beyond optimal
tating propeller of the device. The average area of water droplets in the pressure, the amount of emulsifier (asphaltene) at the oil/water inter-
oil phase in the visual chamber was ultimately calculated using Image J face significantly reduces with an increased pressure. Therefore, the

Table 3
Properties of salts used in this study
Type of Salt Chemical Formula Purity (%) Molecular Weight (gr.mol−1)

Magnesium Chloride, Hexahydrate MgCl2·6H2O > 99 203.30

Calcium Chloride CaCl2 > 99 110.98
Magnesium Sulfate, Heptahydrate MgSO4·7H2O > 99 246.48
Sodium Sulfate Na2SO4 > 99 142.04

Y. Kazemzadeh et al. Fuel 243 (2019) 15–27

Fig. 2. The schematic view of the HP-HT Emulsion Analyzer apparatus, designed and constructed by our research group.

stability of the emulsion and the average area of the water droplets ions in the presence of asphaltene. This effect comes directly from the
decreases and increases, respectively, with the coarsening of water size of calcium and magnesium. With regard to big asphaltene mole-
droplets (Fig. 5). cules, the development of calcium cations with asphaltene molecules
In case of low concentrations of salts in the aqueous phase, as- for creating a complex is much easier. Therefore, complexes resulting
phaltene molecules can play the role of polydentate ligands and create from the interaction of asphaltene and divalent cations lead to their
chelate with present cations. This would intensify asphaltene aggrega- adsorption at the oil/water interface.
tion, which itself instabilizes asphaltene. By definition, ligands are To ensure the effect of pressure on the emulsions formed with
molecules with an electron pair and may be negative or neutral. They 10,000 ppm MgCl2 brine, the IFT between emulsions formed at dif-
are known as electron pair donors connected to central metal ions ferent pressures and DW has been measured at 25 °C (Fig. 6).
(electron pair acceptors) in complexes. Ligands usually bind with metal According to Fig. 6, pressure presents a bilateral effect on the IFT of
ions and resultantly develop chelate. In other words, at low salt con- emulsion/DW. By increasing the pressure of the emulsion preparation,
centrations, the movement of asphaltene molecules towards oil/water the shear energy applied to the water and oil phases breaks down the
interface is governed by available ions in the aqueous phase. Cations water droplets and brings an analogous governing condition on droplets
can create chelate when taking contact with asphaltene molecules and with a lower average area, as already investigated in food engineering
act as a bridge. This would connect several asphaltene molecules to- [49]. This reduction in the average area of droplets increases the
gether and increase asphaltene clustering. In previous studies, it was emulsion stability and subsequently reduces the IFT of emulsion/DW.
found that there is an inverse relationship for calcium and magnesium On the other hand, increasing pressure intensifies the asphaltene

Fig. 3. Schematic view of pendant drop method for measuring IFT.

Y. Kazemzadeh et al. Fuel 243 (2019) 15–27

Fig. 4. The average area of water droplets in the oil phase at various pressures related to the aqueous phase, containing 10,000 ppm MgCl2 salt.

Fig. 5. Schematic view of dominant mechanisms at pressures below and above optimal pressure.

adsorption by the electrically charged ions at the oil/water interface. In the oil phase. This increase in the average area of droplets ultimately
this situation, the increased number of asphaltene particles at the in- increases the IFT of the emulsion/DW. Therefore, one can observe that
terface results in a more stable emulsion and a lower IFT value. This the IFT of emulsion/DW increases to 6.31 mN/m for the emulsion
situation prevails for pressures up to 4000 psi. The IFT between emul- formed at the pressure of 6000 psi.
sion formed at 4000 psi and DW was measured as 5.43 mN/m. Beyond To re-examine the effect of pressure on the formation and stability
4000 psi, the amount of emulsifier decreases due to the increased of the emulsion, different samples were taken from emulsions prepared
pressure. Increasing pressure also amplifies the solubility of asphaltene at different pressures. The samples were evaluated by the RPM needed
in the dead oil. Therefore, the decrease in the number of asphaltene for the centrifugal force to separate the phases of emulsions. Fig. 7
particles at the interface reduces the stability of the emulsion, which shows the required RPM for phase separation of different emulsions
results in water droplets with a higher mean surface area dispersed in prepared at various pressures.

Y. Kazemzadeh et al. Fuel 243 (2019) 15–27

Fig. 6. Ambient IFT values of emulsion/DW with the pressure of emulsion preparation (aqueous phase of the emulsion is 10,000 ppm MgCl2 brine).

As shown in Fig. 7, increasing the pressure of emulsion preparation number of free ions in the solution, and as a result, the ions’ ability to
up to 4000 psi increases the required RPM for phase separation of adsorb asphaltene as well as the frequency of water droplets in the oil
emulsions up to 11,000 RPM. In fact, an intensification of the required phase decreases. The stability of emulsions is expressed by considering
energy for phase separation is the indication of the formation of stable the frequency of water droplets with smaller areas. According to the
emulsions with smaller droplets. At 6000 psi, the required RPM for results obtained from the distribution of water droplets related to each
phase separation once again decreases. As previously discussed, this salt, one can observe an optimum concentration for which the fre-
decrease in separation RPM at higher pressures than at the optimal quency of droplets for each salt is at a maximum. In other words, the
pressure is due to the reduced stability. stability of the emulsion increases with salinity below a specific con-
centration; beyond this concentration, the stability decreases. Fig. 8
3.2. The effect of ion concentration shows the average area of water droplets in the oil phase in the pre-
sence of MgCl2 salt in its aqueous phase at different concentrations. The
In this research, different concentrations of organic salts have been thermodynamic conditions of emulsion preparation are 25 °C and
studied to monitor their behaviors, including their solubility in water 4000 psi.
and their ability to release ions. With increasing salt concentration, As shown in Fig. 8, an increase in the MgCl2 concentration below
more anions and cations are released into the solution. Each salt has the the optimum concentration partially reduces the average area of water
highest number of free ions at a particular concentration, which is droplets. Increasing stability at low concentrations indicates the dom-
known as the optimum concentration. Beyond this concentration, the inance of a salting-in effect by which the solubility of a substance
salt crystals are dissolved into water as a molecular form [44]. During containing hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds is improved with
the formation of emulsions, ions released into the water phase during an increase in ionic strength of the solution. This effect is usually ob-
dissolution interact with polar components of oil, including asphaltene. served in aqueous solutions with a low ionic strength. The solubility of
However, molecular dissolution of salts in the water phase reduces the the compounds here is a function of the properties of the substance, pH,

Fig. 7. RPM required for phase separation of emulsions formed at various pressures at 25 °C (aqueous phase of the emulsion is 10,000 ppm MgCl2 brine).

Y. Kazemzadeh et al. Fuel 243 (2019) 15–27

Fig. 8. The average area of water droplets in the oil phase for the aqueous phase containing MgCl2 salt. The pressure and temperature of the emulsion preparation
were 4000 psi and 25 °C, respectively.

temperature, salt concentration, and salt type present in the solution. other words, with increasing ion concentration at high salt concentra-
The salting-in effect can be described by the Debye-Huckel theory [36]. tions, the polar components of nonelectrolytes are less soluble in the
Based on this theory, the charged compounds are surrounded by the electrolytes.
oppositely charged ions. In fact, this phenomenon reduces the electro- If these materials are in contact with water, the hydrophobic com-
static free energy of these materials and increases the activity of the pounds form a hydrophobic region in the water, while the hydrophilic
solvent medium to dissolve these compounds. Increasing the con- compounds react with water molecules. These reactions are mainly
centration of ions in the aqueous phase leads to the formation of more responsible for the development of the hydrogen-bonded compounds
water droplets in the oil phase as stability also increases. With an in- surrounded by water molecules. If the substance holds enough hydro-
crease in the free ions in the system, the ability of polar components of philic compounds on its surface, it will dissolve in water. Increasing salt
the crude oil (asphaltene) for the formation of a more stable emulsion is concentration in the water phase results in the adsorption of some
improved by deployment of the polar components at the oil/water in- molecules onto the ions [50]. This would reduce the number of mole-
terface [37]. Regarding the decreased deployment of the asphaltene cules available for charged hydrophilic compounds. Consequently, the
particles at the interface with the increase in pressure, the number of strength and reactivity of the molecules of the substance would be
asphaltene particles at the interface at high pressures is of great im- higher than that between the hydrophilic parts of the substance and
portance. Thus, the stability of the emulsion increases with an increase water. As a result, the molecules of the substance accumulate as the
in the salt concentration to 10,000 ppm. hydrophobic reactions occur in the system. Therefore, increasing the
It should be kept in mind that if the ion concentration in the solvent salt concentration beyond a specific concentration (i.e. 10,000 ppm)
is high, the solvation of the ions decreases and as a result, the salting- decreases asphaltene deployment at the oil/water interface due to the
out effect occurs. With this, the solubility of the compound reduces, salting-out effect and subsequent reduction in available charged ions,
leading to considerable deposition. The salting-out effect is based on the which ultimately weakens the stability of the emulsions. In oil re-
reaction between the molecules of electrolytes and nonelectrolytes. In servoirs, the salting-out effect increases the tendency of organic

Fig. 9. The average area of water droplets in the oil phase at different concentrations of salts in the water phase of emulsions prepared at 4000 psi and 25 °C.

Y. Kazemzadeh et al. Fuel 243 (2019) 15–27

compounds toward the oil phase or the solid surface with increasing The ionic bond is a type of chemical bond that forms between oppo-
salinity. By contrast, the solubility of organic polar components of the sitely charged ions. It is proportional to the charge and has an inverse
crude oil in the water phase improves with an increase in salinity due to relationship with radius. Surface charge density represents the ratio of
the salting-in effect. With this effect, organic polar components in the ion charge to ion surface. By increasing the surface charge of an ion, the
water form hydrophilic structures under the influence of hydrogen enthalpy of hydration also increases, which leads to the hydration of
bonding when contacting water [51,52]. Inorganic ions such as Ca2+, ions. If the ions have the same charges, then the smaller the ion radius,
Mg2+, and Na+ tend to break up such organic structures formed around the better the ion hydration. As a result, hydration reaches its maximum
water molecules to reduce their solubility in the water phase. These number of ions with high charge densities that breaks down the hy-
ions are consequently known as structure breakers. The ability of such drogen bond and releases free anions and cations. Asphaltene is a polar
ions to break down the structures depends on their hydration energy. As molecule with a negative charge, which may interact with released
a result, divalent ions have a much greater effect on the solubility of cations resulting from the dissolution of salt crystals in water. On the
organic compounds in the water. As noted earlier, the increased ten- other hand, if asphaltene contains polar functional groups such as OH−
dency of organic components towards the oil phase or the solid surface and S, it reacts with a cation with greater charge density. The inter-
owing to the salting-out effect would reduce the asphaltene deployment action of asphaltene with ions in the water phase causes a more stable
at the oil/water interface and hence decrease the emulsion stability. emulsion, which results in droplets with a lower average area. Among
the ions investigated in this research, the divalent cations (Mg2+ and
3.3. Effect of ion type on the formation and stability of the emulsions Ca2+) introduced droplets with a lower average area at different con-
centrations, which is mainly due to the cation-asphaltene interactions
To investigate the effect of the type and concentration of salts [36]. For the same reason, comparing optimum concentrations of MgCl2
present in the water phase on the formation and stability of the emul- and CaCl2 shows that the cation valence does not affect the charge
sions, four salts including MgCl2, CaCl2, MgSO4, and Na2SO4 were density. According to the Mendeleev’s periodic table of chemical ele-
added to the water phase to monitor the emulsion behaviors. ments, the atomic radius of Mg2+ is less than that of Ca2+, which
As highlighted in Fig. 9, at low concentrations, all prepared emul- means that its charge density is greater. As a result, Mg2+ has a greater
sions are stable with increasing concentrations from 1000 to tendency towards the adsorption of polar asphaltene molecules.
10,000 ppm. While from 10,000 up to 50,000 ppm, the stability de- Therefore, the efficiency of MgCl2 in IFT reduction and emulsion sta-
creases with increasing salt concentration. As noted, the stability im- bility is relatively higher.
provement at low salt concentrations comes from the salting-in effect The effect of mono- and di-valent anions on the formation and
and the decrease in stability at high salt concentrations is due to the stability of emulsions was studied through the addition of MgSO4 and
salting-out effect. Comparing all salts at different concentrations in- MgCl2 salts to the aqueous phase. Divalent sulfates anions are bigger in
dicates that the maximum and minimum emulsion stabilities are related size in comparison with chlorides; this transports lower asphaltene into
to emulsions containing MgCl2 and Na2SO4 brine, respectively. The the aqueous phase. On the other hand, the presence of heteroatoms like
average droplet area in the emulsion containing MgCl2 brine varies O2−, S2−, and N2− (with the same charge value with sulfate) in the
from 48.2 to 63.4 µm2, while for the emulsion containing Na2SO4 brine, structure of asphaltene molecule restricts the presence of asphaltene in
the average droplet area varies from 66.62 to 83.12 µm2. the aqueous phase, which reduces asphaltene reactions with cations.
The solubility of salts consists of three steps: (1) separation of solute This indeed reduces the deployment of asphaltene at the oil/water in-
molecules, (2) separation of water molecules, and (3) spreading and terface and in turn the emulsion stability. With the same argumenta-
diffusion of solute molecules into the water phase (hydration of solute tion, Lashkarbolooki et al. (2014) concluded that the development of
molecules). The ions of the dissolved substance are adsorbed by polar asphaltene complex by magnesium ions in the presence of sulfate an-
water molecules, i.e., negative ions are attracted by positive poles and ions is more restricted, as compared to chlorides. They explained this
positive ions have a tendency toward negative poles [53]. This ion- phenomenon by anion charge and size, declaring that if the anion
dipole attraction causes the ions to separate from the crystals and charge increases, the emulsion stability decreases as the stabilizer (as-
spread into the water. The salt dissolution occurs when the hydration phaltene) at the oil/water interface decreases.
energy provides the required energy for breaking the crystal network. The emulsion/DW IFT values measured for prepared emulsions

Fig. 10. IFT values of DW/emulsion measured for different concentrations of salts in the water phase of an emulsion.

Y. Kazemzadeh et al. Fuel 243 (2019) 15–27

containing different brines are presented in Fig. 10. components and the IFT decreases considerably because of OH– de-
As shown in Fig. 10, the IFT decreases with increasing salt con- velopment of the system, which finally disperses water phase in the oil
centration in the water phase of the emulsion at low concentrations. phase. Owing to the strong polarity of asphaltene, it is dissolved in the
However, beyond 10,000 ppm, there is an ascending trend observed for aqueous phase and its ability to move toward oil/water interface de-
IFT values with concentration. The IFT of emulsion/DW related to the creases. Strong ionization of oil polar components in a basic solution
MgCl2 brine in the water phase of the emulsion varies between 4.08 and intensifies the reaction of asphaltene with the aqueous phase. That is
12.76 mN/m, while it changes from 8.1 to 18.68 mN/m for the emul- why the performance of asphaltene as a bridge between oil and water
sion water phase containing Na2SO4 brine. decreases and the film formed around the droplets is not stable.
Brines used as the aqueous phase of emulsions were different in pH. The amount of asphaltene adsorption at the oil/water interface is
The pH of the MgSO4 solution was 5.6, which indicates an acidic con- greater at higher pressures compared to other pressures, since the
dition. Actually, MgSO4 can be dissolved in water as follows: pressure increase amplifies the adsorption. The performance of divalent
cations of Mg2+ in the asphaltene adsorption, IFT reduction, and sta-
MgSO4 → Mg 2 +− + SO42 −
bility improvement at low and high pressures is schematically illu-
As the hydrogen bonds between water molecules break down, the strated in Fig. 11.
solution will contain H+ and OH−. Mg2+ is a weak base and SO42- is a Fig. 11 shows that the increase in the number of asphaltene particles
strong acid. Since the conjugate ion of a weak acid is a strong base and at the oil/water interface results in smaller water droplets. As the
the conjugate ion of a strong acid is a weak base, Mg2+ (weak base) pressure increases, the molar volume of asphaltene (Vas) decreases and
reacts with OH− and produces Mg(OH)2. Therefore, the concentration the amount of adsorbate for interaction with cation Mg2+ increases. An
of H+ in the environment goes up, which results in an acidic condition. increase in the asphaltene adsorption at the oil/water interface pro-
As noted earlier, the crude oil used in this research contained more motes the stability of the emulsions.
acidic than basic species, with more CO2H than NH2 groups. With the Fig. 12 compares the required RPM for separating the two phases of
contact of oil with water, the polarity alteration of crude oil compo- the emulsions prepared at 4000 psi and 25 °C. The figure depicts RPMs
nents results in different behaviors based on components in the aqueous for different concentrations of salts in the water phase of the emulsions.
phase and the subsequent reactions. In case of MgSO4 salt in the aqu- As shown in Fig. 12, two distinctive behaviors at two concentration
eous phase, oil takes a contact with the MgSO4 solution with acidic pH intervals are observed for all salts as added to the water phase of the
and high H+. This increases the asphaltene polarity with a gentle slope emulsion. At low concentrations, an increase in free cations promotes
through the reactions of oil components with NH2. As asphaltene moves the stability of the emulsion and the required RPM for phase separation.
towards the oil/water interface, it acts as a bridge between two phases However, at high concentrations, the required RPM has been reduced
and reduces the oil/water IFT; therefore, water droplets are dispersed in due to the decreased stability of W/O emulsions.
the oil phase. In this condition, an oil film is created around water The intermolecular forces involved in the interaction between par-
droplets and emanates them from coalescence by applying repulsion ticles include attractive (i.e. van der Waals) and repulsive (i.e. elec-
between droplets, ending up with stabilization of emulsions. trical) forces. These forces are of greater importance than hydration
When a basic brine is in contact with oil, it reacts with acidic oil forces. When an emulsion is formed at the oil/water interface, an

Fig. 11. Schematic view of asphaltene adsorption by Mg2+ cation at low and high pressures and its role in the stability of the emulsions.

Y. Kazemzadeh et al. Fuel 243 (2019) 15–27

Fig. 12. Required RPMs for phase separation of emulsions prepared at 25 °C and 4000 psi in the presence of different salt concentrations in the emulsion water phase.

electrical layer is developed due to the presence of free cations and Therefore, organic ions are known as structure breakers. Low salinity
anions [44]. Salt crystals establish electrical charges when dissolved in accelerates the movement of surface active agents of the crude oil from
water, which increases the ionic strength of the water phase. These ions the oil bulk to the oil/water interface. Regarding the salting-in effect,
adsorb onto the emulsion droplets and develop electrical charges during monovalent ions introduce a further improved stability at lower sali-
the formation of water in oil emulsions, developing a second electrically nities than divalent ions. The distance between the droplets is higher
charged layer with electrostatic repulsion. The tension of the second because of the repulsive electrical force, which prevents them from
layer depends on two factors: (1) electrolyte concentration and (2) coagulating. This is why emulsions prepared by monovalent ions shown
electrolyte capacity [50]. Low capacity and concentration extend the in Fig. 12 require lower RPM for phase separation.
second layer. In other words, increasing electrolyte concentration re- Comparing Figs. 9 and 10 shows that the stability of the emulsions
duces the expansion and repulsion of the second electrically charged in the presence of MgCl2 and CaCl2 salts in the water phase is higher
layer. The emulsion stability depends on the repulsive forces that exist than that of other salts. Since both salts are composed of the chloride
between droplets [16]. The greater the charge density of an ion, the anion with divalent cations, their performance in the formation and
lower the length of the electrical layer. Comparison of different ions stability of the emulsions at the optimum conditions (i.e. 25 °C and
reveals that divalent cations present a higher charge density than 4000 psi) is different.
monovalent ones. This would develop a surface film around water Breaking the hydrogen bonds existing between water molecules
droplets containing electrically charged asphaltene particles. In this creates H+ and OH− ions in the water phase. Mg2+ and Ca2+ are the
situation, the existing ions tend to adsorb asphaltene at the oil/water cations of a weak base and Cl− is the anion of a strong acid. Since the
interface. Moving asphaltene to the fluid/fluid interface reduces the IFT conjugate ion of a weak acid is a strong base and the conjugate ion of a
and promotes the emulsion stability. Inorganic ions can break the strong acid is a weak base, Mg2+ and Ca2+ react with OH− and pro-
structure of water network formed around the organic molecules and duce Mg(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2. As a result, H+ concentration increases in
thereby reduce the solubility of organic molecules in the water phase. the water phase, which makes it acidic.

Fig. 13. Schematic view of the emulsion formation and stability by Mg2+ and Ca2+ cations.

Y. Kazemzadeh et al. Fuel 243 (2019) 15–27

The crude oil used in this research contains acidic and basic com- those emulsions with high stability.
ponents with more acidic species than basic species. Therefore, one can
observe more COOH groups than NH2 groups. When the oil phase Acknowledgement
makes contact with the water phase, the altered polarity of oil com-
ponents such as asphaltene leads to the different behaviors depending Authors also sincerely thank Miss. Zahra Etemadan and Miss.
on the components present in the aqueous phase and the consequent Sepideh Palizdan for their collaboration in this work.
reactions. With the contact of the oil phase with MgCl2 and CaCl2
brines, an acidic pH is developed in the system with the releasing of H+ References
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