Angular Momentum

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Angular Momentum:-

It is the property of a rotating body given by the product of the moment of inertia and the angular velocity of
the rotating object. It is a vector quantity, which implies that here along with magnitude, the direction is also


The angular momentum is a vector quantity, denoted by L⃗


It is measured using SI base units: Kg.m2.s-1

Dimensional formula:-

The dimensional formula is: [M][L]2[T]-1



Right-Hand Rule:-

The direction of angular momentum is given by the right-hand rule, which states that:

 If you position your right hand such that the fingers are in the direction of r.
 Then curl them around your palm such that they point towards the direction of Linear momentum.
 The outstretched thumb gives the direction of angular momentum.

Angular Momentum and Torque:-

Consider the same point mass attached to a string, the string is tied to a point, and now if we exert a torque on
the point mass, it will start rotating around the center, the particle of mass m will travel with a perpendicular velocity V
which is the velocity that is perpendicular to the radius of the circle; r is the distance of the particle for the center of its
rotation. The magnitude of L is given by:

L = rmv sin ϕ


= rmv

= rp

= rmv

In the equation L = rmv the angular momentum of the body only changes when there is a net torque applied on
it. So, when there is no torque applied, the perpendicular velocity of the body will depend upon the radius of the circle.
i.e. the distance from the center of mass of the body to the center of the circle. Thus,

 for a shorter radius, velocity will be high.

 for a higher radius, velocity will be low.

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