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3. -. The people component is becoming the key factor to success of strategy;-

a. For survival / For growth / For achieving excellence.

4. -. People management tends to remain;- AN ALIVE ISSUE.

5. -. The role of the individuals handling HRM functions has undergone change and this
change is;-
a. Quantitative & qualitative.
6. -.
a. Indian Institute of Personnel Management (IIPM).
b. National Institute of Labour Management (NILM).

7. -. The objective of establishment of IIPM was;-

a. To serve as a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences and collection and
dissemination of the principle & to develop and spread ideas concerning human
b. To promote the study of personnel and industrial relations problems.
c. To safeguard the interest of personnel management industrial relations and labour
welfare work.

8. -. True statements about slow growth of Personnel management;-

a. The top management in organization did not consider personnel to be significant.
b. The insensitivity of personnel managers to organizations internal needs.
c. Labour laws outdated and political scenario did not allow it to be amended.



10. -. Components of HRM;-

a. Motivation / Maintenance / acquisition.

11. -. Activities in the acquisition component of HRM;-

a. HR planning / Socialization / Recruitment.

12. -. Policy making process have following stages;-

a. Formation / Implementation / Review stage.

13. -. Motivation includes;-

a. Performance evaluation / Discipline / job design.
14. -. The characteristics of personnel function are;-
a. Key responsibility for dealing personnel matters.
b. People motivated specially by rewards and salary.
c. Effectively respond to the demands.

15. -. Organizations deal with;-

a. Human resources & Material resources.

16. -. People management’s first phase has been;-

a. Clerical in nature.

17. -. Organization’s formal set up is having;-

a. Structure / Defined roles & relationship / Goals.

18. -. Industrial revolution has led to;-

a. Rise of unions.

19. -. Scientific management approach is the key factor of;-

a. Human Relations Management.

20. -. The responsibility of HR functionaries is;-

a. Selection and recruitment of employees.
b. Performance appraisal & training.
c. Other HR related matters.

21. -. The HR philosophy and approach of Thermax includes ;-

a. Accepting responsibility and taking calculated risks are important.
b. We respect all people.
c. Discipline and regulations are necessary for any organization.

22. -. Fifth Central Pay Commission made recommendations in their report regarding;-
a. Making performance appraisal open.
b. Improving motivational levels.
c. Offering facilities to women for career development.

23. -. HRM as a function has dual responsibility;-

a. Transformation of mindset of all individuals.
b. Application of HRM function itself for decision making and policy decision.

24. -. There is an emerging need for data based decisions for which;-
a. Human resources system needed.
b. Policy reviews are needed.
c. IT needed.

25. -. The IT is quite relevant to;-

a. Developing countries / Developed countries.

26. -. There is shift of manufacturing economy to informationeconomy due to;-

a. The advent of Micro processor.
b. The dramatic increase in power & slide in prices of processor.

27. -. There is a great scope of IT in HRM functions;-

a. Recruitment and posting. / Training & promotions / Appraisal system.

28. -. HRD have to be transformed as “learning” set up with gradients like;-

a. Self-introspection.
b. Sensitivity to environmental changes.
c. Openness to accept new ideas and systems.

29. -. The Counseling Process consists which of the following stage?

a. Recognizing the problem or issue.
b. Helping the employee to realize the problem.
c. Managing the problem.

30. -. Static data is required to be;- ENTERED ONLY ONCE.

31. -. Organizational history requires information;-
a. Entry level in the organization.
b. Promotion got in the organization.
c. Assignments handled.

32. -. Whether IT has changed the importance of human resources;-

a. Computerization can not replace the strategic decision making abilities of persons.

33. -. Change to the future organization from the existing workforce is to be resisted due
a. Inability of individuals to change their thinking.
b. Fears, anxieties and implicit loss of power.
c. Mind could be blind to the opportunities of improvements.

34. -. If an organization has to adopt technology for survival and excellence, the prime
responsibility will be;-
a. Changing the mindset of individuals across the levels.

35. -. There is tremendous scope to use IT in which range of HRM?

a. Recruitment and training.
b. Placement and appraisal.
c. Reward system and organizational development initiatives.

36. -. Research in HRM areas can be taken to understand;-

a. Trends of existing systems like recruitment, promotion, training etc.
b. To feel the pulse of the workforce in terms of motivation, commitment, frustration

37. -. The knowledge management relates to the process of;-

a. Creating knowledge / storing of knowledge / distribution and pooling of knowledge.

38. -. To make sure that the organizational goals are achieved, it is necessary that;-
a. The individual has knowledge of what is expected from each level/unit.
b. Individuals have the required capabilities to do what is expected.
c. Mechanisms are available to measure what is expected.

39. -. Specific goals of HRD are to develop;-

a. The capabilities of each employee as an individual.
b. The capabilities of each individual in relation to his or her present role.
c. The capabilities of each employee in relation to his/her expected future role.

40. -. The typical systems developed to enhance achievement of HRD goals include;-
a. Training and development.
b. Performance appraisal.
c. Human Resources Information System.

41. -. Typical job analysis comprises of which section?

a. Job description / job specification /job evaluation.

42. -. Which is required in the list on the basis of job description?

a. Educational qualification and specific knowledge.
b. Age & work experience.

43. Job evaluation is primarily used to compare similarity;-

Between jobs within the organization.
Between organizations In an industry.


45. KPA stand for – Key Performance Area

46. SAT stand for - Systematic Approach to Training

47. HRIS stand for – Human Resource Information System

48. - Learning related to present job - TRAINING

49. Learning to prepare the individual for different but identified job - EDUCATION

50. - Learning for growth of the individual not related to specific present or future job -

51. -. Establishing Training and Development system as part of HRd efforts involves;-
a. Identification of training needs.
b. Conducting and evaluation of training.
c. Selection and development of trainers.

52. -. The activities which relate to the need of organization linked to the career progress
of the individuals are;-
a. Improved performance of the individual on his present job.
b. Preparation of an identified job in near future.
c. General growth not related to present job.
Which of the following steps to be taken enhancing the performance “Average Performer”?
d. Rotation in job. / transfer to another location.
e. Special up gradation training programme.

53. The term Andragogy differentiates the learning process;-

a. Adult process from that of children.
54. Which of the following data is required for Training Need Analysis (TNA)?
a. Data to define the need.
b. Data to identify solution.
c. Data to specify those needing training.

55. -. TNA stem from the objectives;-

a. It can be for employee development concern.
b. It can be personal or staffing concern.
c. It can be administrative and management concern.

56. What is expected from the Training Plan to specify?

a. Number of training programmes to be conducted.
b. Level of employees.
c. Output expected from the programme.

57. Evaluation of training is done at which of the following levels;-

a. Reaction level / learning level / behavior & functioning level.

58. Which aspect is to be looked into for selection and development of the trainers in an In-
house Training set up?
a. He should be practicing/operational manager.
b. He should be recruited specially as “Core faculty”.

59. - . Attitude can be divided into which of the following;-

a. Components / Emotional / Behavioral.

60. -. Attitudes help people adapt to their work environment and attitudes serve which
important functions in the processes;-
a. Adjustment function.
b. Ego-defensivefunction.
c. Value expression & knowledge function.

61. Which are the ways where the barriers can be overcome and attitudes can be changed?
a. Providing new information.
b. Use of fear.
c. Resolving the discrepancies between attitude and behavior.

62. Which Adulthood stages of Life are according to Eriksson?

a. Adolescence. / young adulthood. /adulthood and maturity.

63. When individuals tend to loose interest and get frustration towards career path?
a. Things do not happen as expected.
b. Certain changes/ advancements to take place time bound but do not occur.
c. Mismatch between expectations and actual events.

64. Which are the Career roles where at each stage tasks are different and relationships are
a. Apprentice / colleague / mentor and sponsor.

65. Which are the Career Concepts?

a. Linear career / steady state career / transitory and spiral career.

66. Which type of individuals come in Steady State career?

a. Individuals choose a profession, acquire higher skill but do not choose to go up.

67. Which of the following is Dimensional movement in the herarchy of the organization?
a. Vertical / Circumferential / Radial.

68. When it can be said that the organization has developed a career path?
a. Individual has knowledge of all activities of the organization. (horizontal).
b. Individual has different perspective of management & different levels of

69. How does the Career Development take place;-

a. Benchmarks which the individuals must cross in terms of achievements, skills,
attitudes etc.
70. -. The concept of Career Anchor has which component?
a. Self-perception of talents and abilities.
b. Self-perceived motives and needs.
c. Self-perceived attitudes and values.
71. . An individual needs to work in organization for a considerable period to develop
Career Anchors. Which of the following is Carrer Anchor?
a. Technical / functional competence.
b. Managerial competence and security.
c. Creativity and autonomy.

72. -. The prime responsibility of the organization for developing and implementing the
career plan is to see which of the following?
a. It is made clear that career path is a facility for growth and not a right for
b. The career path is followed uniformly for all employees without any bias.
c. It should be flexible to accommodate variations when needed.

73. Which specific steps are to be followed so that sequencing of assignments is possible in
career path?
a. Defining the career stages and identification of the core jobs at each level.
b. Defining and spell out the criteria for each successive level.
c. Placement.

74. The concept of “Locus of Control” explains which of the following individual’s belief?
a. Some individuals have beliefs about who is responsible for what happens in life.
b. Some individuals believe that events are determined by external forces like luck,
destiny etc.
c. Some individuals believe that the individual can determine the events.

75. -. The behavior patterns are evoked in different degrees from which Ego state?
a. Parent / Adult / Child.

76. -. Which transaction is desirable on the ego states of interacting people?

a. From parent to child and back from child to parent.
b. From adult to adult.

77. Who is Nurturing Parent out of the following in the Parent Ego?
a. A person who is understanding and caring about other people.

78. -. Which of the following can explain the Behavioral characteristics?

a. Person and environment.

79. -. The behavior of an individual is influenced by which of the following factors?

a. Personal factors./ environmental factors. / organizational and psychological factors.

80. Which of the following constitute Environmental factors?

a. Economic / Social / Political.

81. Performance of an individual depends on which personal factors?

a. Age & sex / Educational & knowledge / Family dependents.

82. People have much in common, but each person is individually different in which of the
a. Intelligence / Physical features / Personality traits.

83. -. Which of the following make a big difference in the attitude of employee to perform?
a. Money and social interaction.

84. Which of the following assumptions centre around people about human behavior?
a. There are differences between individuals.

85. Organization about human behavior relates to which assumption?

a. Organizations are social systems.

86. -. Type “A” personality has which type of following characteristics?

a. Does several things at once.

87. The concept of “Organization behavior is holistic” is combination of which following

a. There are differences between individuals and Behaviour of an individual is
b. Organizations are social systems and there is mutuality of interest among
organizational members.
c. Concept of a whole person and An individual has dignity.

88. Which out of the following characteristics is found in type “B” personality?
a. Relaxed.

89. While meeting a Manager of type “A” personality in bank, which out of following
characteristics is noticed?
a. His cabin is untidy and gives Messy appearance.

90. Type “B” personality exhibits the characteristic;-

a. He plans the work in such a way that urgent matters are disposed of in time.

91. Human behavior and motivation are the outcome of which following psychoanalytic
a. Id / Ego / Super Ego.

92. Which following statement is true under Psychoanalytical theory?

a. Id strives for sexual pleasure and other biological pleasures while Ego keeps the Id
in check.

93. -. Whether all 3 elements, Id, ego and super ego go together?
a. They are interrelated.

94. According to Trait theory which statement is true?

a. There are many traits common to most people.

95. Which are Reinforcement techniques under Self-concept theory?

a. When a person gets positive feedback from others in response to his behavior, his
self concept is positively reinforced.
b. When a person gets negative feed back, his self-concept is lowered.
c. When a person gets no positive feed back from others, his self concept is
negatively reinforced.

96. Which theory relates to Personality theory?

a. Psychoanalytical.
b. Trait and self concept.
c. Social learning.

97. In order to create a normal personality there should be a balance between the
relationship of which of the following?
a. Id, Ego and Super-Ego.

98. Which is an important biological factor which influences personality of a man? BRAIN.

99. -. Which type of contribution can be found in the role of brain?

a. Electrical stimulation of brain.
b. Split brain psychology.

100. -. The characteristics and dimensions attributed to the left Hemisphere of the
brain are;- LOGICAL & DOMINANT.

101. Which are the characteristics and dimensions of the Right Hemisphere of the
a. Emotional and spiritual.

102. -. Which are the Predominant Traditional HR approaches for managing

a. Diversity enlargement.
b. Diversity sensitivity.
c. Cultural audits.
103. How Diversity Enlargement Approach works in an organization?
a. It increases the representation of individuals of different ethic and cultural
backgrounds in an organization.
b. The goal is to create diversity by changing an organization’s demographic

104. Which of the following relate to the Diversity Sensitivity Approach?

a. It acknowledges the existence of cultural distance.
b. Individuals are told via training about cultural differences.
c. It builds relationship among members of different background.

105. Cultural audit tries to determine the following;-

a. To find out as what is blocking the progress of nontraditional
b. employees.
c. To focus on the differences between groups.
d. To identify the similarities between groups.

106. Many jobs have preference for a particular gender. Which of following is more
a. The difference between men and women is getting blunt. Now women are willing
for jobs which were held by men.

107. F. W. Taylor, father of scientific management Theory of motivation has stated which
of the following?
a. Physical work could be scientifically studied to determine the optimal method of
performing a job.
b. Workers could be more efficient by giving prescriptions.
c. Workers would be willing to adhere to the prescriptions if paid.

108. According to Abraham Maslow which of the following are the basic level of needs?
a. Physiological.
b. Safety and social.
c. Self-esteem and self-actualization.

109. Which of the following factor lead to job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction?
a. Motivational & Hygiene.

110. -. Which of the following relate to motivational factors?

a. Recognition and Advancement.
b. Responsibility and achievement.
c. Possibility of growth and work itself.
111. Which are the maintenance factors, the presence thereof does not significantly
motivate the employees but their absence cause serious dissatisfaction?
a. Salary and job security.
b. Personal life and working condition.
c. Company policy and technical supervision.

112. Achievement Motivation theories indicate the needs;-

a. Need for achievement.
b. Need for power.
c. Need for affiliation.

113. Viroom’s Expectancy Model has been named as;-

a. Instrumentality theory.
b. Path-goal theory.
c. Valence-instrumentality-expectancy theory.

114. -. Which elements exist in the Motivation theory of Vroom?

a. Expectancy / Instrumentality / Valence.

115. -. Which of the following premises are under Porter”s Performance satisfaction
a. Efforts does not directly lead to performance, it is mediated by traits and role
b. The rewards that follow and how these are perceived will determine satisfaction.
c. Motivation, satisfaction and performance are separate variables and related in
different ways.

116. -. Which factors are considered under Graphic or Linear method?

a. Employee characteristics, such as initiative, dependability etc.
b. Employee contribution towards quality and quantity both.

117. Which type of Appraisal system is generally used to appraise the Top
a. Free from essay method.

118. Under Group Appraisal method employees are rated by a group of appraisers
consisting of;-
a. Immediate Supervisor and three or four others having knowledge of the
performance of employee.

119. Assessment Centre methods generally measures;-

a. Interpersonal skills.
b. Stress tolerance capacity.
c. Motivational orientation and communication skills of candidates.

120. Under management by Objective Methods, the short term performance 1 goals are
a. By the superior and employees both.
121. True about the Appraisal system;-
a. Appraisers do not devote much time on appraisal due to their busy schedule.
122. There is tremendous scope to use IT in which range of HRM functions?
a. Recruitment / Appraisal / Training.

123. In Transactional Analysis which of the following is most desirable life position?
a. I am OK you are OK.

124. Which type of Rewards is crucial in evoking Behaviour of an individual?

a. Both tangible and Intangible.

125. Common incentives frequently used in organizations to motivate employees;-

a. Job rotation.
b. Participative management.
c. Appreciation.

126. Which factors contribute to the”Quality of Work”?

a. Adequate and fair compensation.
b. A safe and healthy environment.
c. A sensible integration of job career and family life.

127. Which of the following statement is false?

a. Role and Position are one and the same concept.

128. -. Role set conflicts take which of the following forms;-

a. Role ambiguity and Role expectation conflict.
b. Role overload and role erosion.
c. Resource inadequacy and Personal ineadequacy.

129. Role ambiguity arises due to which of the following?

a. Lack of information available to the role occupant.
b. Lack of understanding of the cues available to him.
c. Roles newly created or undergoing change.

130. -. Under which circumstances Role overload occurs to the Role Occupant?
a. When he lacks power.
b. When there are large variations in the expected output.
c. When there is no power delegation.

131. Satisfaction of employees at workplace is considered an important parameter for

achieving organizational objectives. How this parameter is fulfilled?
a. Conducting satisfaction surveys.
b. Conducting climate surveys.
c. Getting information whether formally or informally.
132. At the Formal level, how the information and feedback is gathered?
a. Through well designed questionnaires.
b. Through psychological instruments.
133. -. What purpose the Climate Survey serves?
a. Climate is measured for the entire organization as a whole.
b. Scores are typically analyzed by department/divisions.
c. Climate in different departments may be compared.

134. -. Though the content of the climate survey may vary from organization to the
organization, typical survey’s coverage consist;-
a. Structure and responsibility.
b. Reward and risk.
c. Standards and conflicts.

135. The Survey might be completed utilizing variety of instruments but which of
following matters should be addressed?
a. Organizational and structure and design.
b. Employees views of career opportunities.
c. The overall company’s atmosphere.

136. What are the consequences of unfavourable climate characteristics?

a. High stress.
b. Looking for another job.
c. Reduced communication with superiors.

137. What are the advantages of favourable climate characteristics?

a. Loyalty and cooperation.
b. Enhanced motivation and satisfaction.
c. High quality customer service.

138. which is main attraction to join or change the job?

a. Reasonable and justifiable wages.
b. In built reward system for better performance.
c. If compensation is proportionate to the type of work and the industry trend.

139. Compensation policy is decided on which following factors?

a. Company objectives.
b. Employee market situation.
c. Internal and external pressures.

140. Which of the following factors is not internal which determine the level of
a. Labour law.

141. Which of the following Wages cover minimum wages, productivity of worker,
prevailing rates, economic scenario etc.?
a. Fair wages.

142. -. Which of the following are objective of Job Evaluation?

a. To determine the compensation rates.
b. To establish compensation structure.
c. To link pay with the requirement of the job.
143. -. False statement about Fixed Level of compensation?
a. It is directly linked to the level of performance.

144. The words “Cafeteria” or “Menu” option to employees refers to which of the
a. The employee decides what he will draw as basic salary, HRA etc.

145. The Performance Appraisal plans meet the needs;-

a. Judgemental / Developmental /Counseling.

146. Which specific objectives are achieved of the management through the
Performance Appraisal System?
a. To maintain an inventory of the quality and skill of people.
b. To determine the performance linked increments.
c. To provide data for promotions and transfers.

147. Methods of Performance Appraisal can be grouped into traditional and modern.
Which of the following is modern method?
a. Assessment centre method.

148. Which out of the following methods is Traditional method for Performance
a. Graphic or Linear Rating scales method.

b. Mechanistic Theory of Learning is;-

c. The learner is passive in the process of learning.
d. Learning occurs only when a learner is conditioned to give the “right” response to a
given stimulus.
e. If one introduces an input (stimulus) into a human being, predetermined response
is received.

149. Organism Theory of learning holds;-

a. Learning occurs only when learners have freedom to learn.
b. Learning is to encourage each individual to develop his or her full, unique potential.

150. -With the developmental emphasis accepted by the organization, it becomes

imperative to establish training system;-
a. Training to be done internally.
b. Training to be done externally.
c. Some training to be done internally and some essential part of training to be done

151. Whether the actual training is done internally or externally, organizations have to
follow certain logical steps;-
a. Analysis and identification of training needs.
b. Preparation of Training plan & conduct of training programme.
c. Evaluation of training programme & selection of trainers.

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