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Dear Diary,

I was sexually abused by a senior at my school. He’s Andy Evans, a senior.

Everything was fine before it happened. My classmates and I were having so much
fun at the party until he came and approached me. He took me a secluded part of
the house and Andy pushed himself unto me while I stood there powerless. I called
the police after he left. I left shortly after the police came because I grew scared.
My peers were discovered to be intoxicated by the police. After that event, my
classmates stopped talking to me and started talking about me. I hear whispers in
the hallways every day. Being a freshman is already hard enough but now I have
an issue that I have to deal with. I couldn’t tell anyone else about my experience
because I was so scared that they would not believe me and just judge me even

My anxiety always kicked in when Andy Evans walks by. He has that
predatory look that always pierces through me. The looks that he gave me made
me even more powerless than I already was. I met a new student who came from
out of town, her name was Heather but our friendship was short-lived because all
she wanted was to gain popularity. My old friend Ivy reconnected through art and
one thing that I didn’t expect. Both of us had been sexually abused by Andy Evans.
We bonded again through paintings and drawings. Art helped me grow as a person
and made me realize that I should be done being a victim and become a survivor. I
learned that the only way to move on from a bad experience to the speak up about
it. Andy Evans made another attempt to get back at the girls who spoke up against
him but we were able to fend him off. At that moment I became a true survivor
who fights for what I rightly deserve.
A Second Chance

Heather is the new girl from out of town. If a second chance were
to be given to her. That should be about regain respect for herself.
Heather desperately tried to be better for other people rather than being
true to who she really is. Both Heather and Melinda used each other in
some way. As time went by Melinda was able to grow as person but
Heather couldn’t accept her role as an outcast which caused her to try to
be a popular student in school. She integrated herself with several
groups in school and became so self-centered which led Melinda to
cutting ties with her.

A second chance is deserved to be given to Heather. Her second

chance should be about self-redemption. She was a teenager who was
coming into a new environment and wanted to be welcome in the new
community she was about to be a part of. The second chance that she
should receive should come from a person who doesn’t care if being
friends with her makes them popular or not because she should be able
to be her true self and be friends with other people who won’t judge her
true personality.

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