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PHIEU DANG KY THAM Dy" APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION 1. Ho tén khdch hang: Full name of customer 2. Quéc tich: Nationality 3. CMND/ CCCD/ H6 chiéu sd: ngay e4y ID card/Passport number date of issue by 4. Dia chi thuing tri: Permanent address Phone number 8. Nhan vién kinh doanl Sales staff 9, Nguén?: Source 10. Chi tiét cia nguén: DTDD/Mobile: Detail of Source (sau day goi la “Khach Hing”) (Hereinafter referred to as the “Customer") DTDD/Mobile theo day dong y chuyén khoan sé tién Ia ..... ... VND? (“Tién Dat Trude”) dé tham diye chuong trinh ding ky mua/thué 01 (mét) c&n hO/edn van phing két hop lum trd (cin officetely/can thuong mai dich vu‘ (“San Phim”) thudc Du dn Téa nha Can hé - Vin phéng dich vu - Thuong mai dich vu HHS-1 Khu phite hgp Sai Gan - Ba Son (c6 tén thurong mai la “Lake” thuge BO siru tip Prime cia dur an Grand Marina Saigon hoje tén goi khac theo quyét dinh ciia Céng ty TNH, ‘Hung Phat Invest Ha Néi (“Cha Dau Tu”) hod co quan cé thm quyén tai timg thi diém), toa lac tai sé 02 Tén Duc Thang, Phuong Bén Nghé, Quan 1, Thanh phé Hd Chi Minh, Viét Nam (°Chwong Trinh”) do Céng ty TNHH Méi Gidi Masterise Agents (“Céng ty Masterise Agents”) 1a dai ly phan phoi déc quyén to chitc, voi cdc diéu khoan va diéu kign nhu sau: hereby agree to transfer the amount of . VND (the “Advance Amount") to participate in the program of registering to purchase/lease 01 (one) apartment/officetel unit/commercial service unit (the “Product") belonging to HHS-1 Apartment Building - Service Office - Service Commercial Project of Saigon - Bason Complex (with its trade name as “Lake” belonging to the Prime Collection of Grand Marina Saigon project or other names as decided by Hung Phat Invest + Phiéu nay dp dung cho truéng hgp hoan Tién Dat Trude néu Khach Hang khong chon duge sin pham. ? Nguén/Source li Agent/Corporate/Referral/Intenal. Tay nguén nio ma bé sung cho phi hop. *Tay chinh sich bin hang dé bd sung cho phi hgp. 4Tuy sin phim cia timg dot mé ban ma bé sung cho phii hgp dé ghi nhan Tién Dat Trude tong, img. 1 Scanned with CamScanner Ha Noi Company Limited (the “Investor” or the competent authority from time to time), located at No, 02 Ton Duc Thang, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (the “Pros organized by Masterise Agents Agency Company Limited (“Masterise Agents Company") as the exclusive agent, with the following terms and conditions: (i) Tién Dat True nay dé dang ky mua/thué 01 (mt) Sin Pham. The Advance Amount to register to purchase/lease 01 (one) Product. Gi) Churong Trinh cu thé s8 duge théng bio bai Cong ty Masterise Agents. Details of the Program shall be announced by Masterise Agents Company later. (ii) Vige dy quyén tham dy dutge chip thuin tai Chuong Trinh. The authorization for participation shall be accepted at the Program. (iv) Tién Dat Trude nay sé durge dim bao cho mot (01) lot ding ky mua/thué San Phim tai Chuong Trinh. Trong truéng hop ding ky thinh céng, Tién Dit Trude sé duge ding dé dim bao cho vige ky théa thudin dit coc/ky quy hoje cdc vin bin cé hinh thie tuong ty gitta Khdch Hang véi Cha Dau Tu lién quan dén vige mua ban/thué Sin Pham (“Théa Thuan’). This Advance Amount will be guaranteed for one (01) registration section for purchase/lease of the Product in the Program. In case of successful registration, the Advance Amount will be used to secure the signing of a deposit agreemen/an escrow agreement or similar documents between the Customer and the Investor relating to the purchase/lease of the Product (the “Agreement”). (v) _ Tién Dit Trude sé duge hoin tri cho Khach Hang theo théng tin tai khodn nhu sau trong ‘vong 10 ngay Lim viée ké tir thai diém két thite Chuong Trinh trong tring hgp Khéch Hang khéng dén tham dy Chuong Trinh hofic khong str dung Tién Dat Truréc dé ding ky mua/thué Sin Phim: The Advance Amount will be refunded to the Customer according to the following account information within 10 working days from the end of the Program in case the Customer does not attend the Program or use the Advance Amount to register to purchase/lease the Product: © Ngudi thy hudng/ Beneficiary: S6 tai khodin / Bank Account: Nein hang / Bank name: Chi nhanh ngan hang/ Branch: Swift Code: .. eo 000 Bing vigc ding ky dé duoc tham dy Chwong Trinh trén day téi/chting ti ding ¥ va xéc nhan ring: By applying for participation in the Program as mentioned above, I/We hereby agree and confirm that: 1. Téi/Chang t6i déng ¥ tham gia Chuong Trinh va hiéu ring vige ding ky tham dy nay khong phai la phiéu xac nhan mua/thué San Phim hoic hinh thitc twong tw. We agree to participate in this Program and understand that this application for participation is not a confirmation of purchasinglleasing the Product or any similar forms. 2. Phiéu Dang Ky Tham Dy nay chi cé gid tri khi dap img dit cdc diéu kign sau day: (i) Khiich Hang da dién dy di thong tin va da ky xée nhin thong qua hinh thite ky tre tigp hod xe nhin i) cé Uy nhigm chi hode ching tir cd hinh thite twong ty thé hign Khich Hang/ngudi duoc Khach Hang ty quyén di chuyén dit Tién Dat Trrde. 2 Scanned with CamScanner This Application for Participation is valid only if it satisfies the following conditions: (i) the ‘Customer has filled in full information and signed this Application for Participation through the form of wet-ink signature or confirmation via OTP; and (ii) having a payment order or similar forms to prove that the Customer/his/her authorized person has fully transferred the Advance Amount. ‘Viée tham gia Chuong Trinh theo Phiéu Dang Ky Tham Dy nay sé khéng duge chuyén déi, chuyén nhugng trong bit ky trrmg hgp na The participation in the Program according to this Application for Participation shall not be converted and transferred in any circumstances. Tign Dit Trude sé khong duge hoan Iai trong tnrimg hgp tdi/chiing toi da ky phiéu ding ky hoje di hoan tit vige chon Sin Phim nhung khéng hoan tit thi tue chinh thire dé dang ky mua/thué San Phim trong théi han Céng ty Masterise Agents hoc Chi Dau Tu quy dinh tai Chuong Trinh, The Advance Amount will not be refunded if /We have signed the registration form or completed the selection of the Product but does not complete the official procedure to register to purchase/lease the Product within the time limit specified by Masterise Agents Company or the Investor in the Program. Téi/chiing ti hoan toan ty nguyén ky Phiéu Dang Ky Tham Dy nay va mién trir cho Céng ty Masterise Agents, Chi Diu Tu khoi moi khiéu nai, khiéu kién lién quan dén viée n6p Tién Dat Trude dé duge tham gia Chong Trinh. ‘We fully volumarily sign this Application for Participation and exempt Masterise Agents Company, the Investor from all complaints and claims relating to the payment of the Advance Amount for participation in the Program. Téi/Ching téi hiéu va thira nhan ring Dy an dugc cp quyén sit dyng nhan higu tir Marriott International, Inc. hoe bén do Marriott International, Inc. chi dinh (sau day goi ki “Marriott”). Marriott khéng phai 1a chi sé hiu hay nha dau tw xay dymg Dy an va ciing khong phai la mét bén méi gidi lign quan dén vige mua bin/cho thué Sin Pham ctia Duran nén toi/ching t6i ding § tir b6 va giai phdng hodn toan v6 digu kin cho Marriott va céc bén lign két cita Marriott (“Cac Bén Marriott’) khéi bat ky trach nhiém, cdc khiéu nai, khiéu kign lién quan dén Chuong Trinh nay. WWe understand and acknowledge that the Project is granted the right to use the trademark from Marriott International, Inc. or a party appointed by Marriott International, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Marriott”). Marriott is not the owner or the developer of the Project and is not a broker in connection with the sale or lease of the Product of the Project, so I/We agree to unconditionally and absolutely waive and release Marriott and its affiliates (“Marriott Parties”) from and against any liability or claim with respect to this Program. Téi/Ching t6i cam két cdc thng tin vé nhan than/phap nhan bao gém ca théng tin quéc tich ma t6i/chiing t6i cung cp cho Céng ty Masterise Agents theo Phiéu Dang KY Tham Du nay la diy dii, chinh xac va trung thye. Trung hgp téi/chiing tdi vi pham cam két nay, tdi/chiing t6i déng ¥ ring Cong ty Masterise Agents hoc Chi Dau Tu cé quyén thy hién bit ky hodc tat cd cde quyén sau trong trurimg hop tdi/chiing tdi da hon tit viée ding ky mua/thué Sin Phim khi tham giao dich hoc don phuong chim ditt giao dich vivhoic cic gidy t&, vin bin théa thudin ky véi t6i/chiing tdi; va/hodc (ii) gitt lai Tién Dat Trude va cde khoan tién ma t6i/ching tdi da thanh todn (ni thye hign cc quyén khie ma Céng ty Masterise Agents vavho%c Chi Bau Tu 6 theo quy dinh cia phap lust Vigt Nam. Scanned with CamScanner We undertake that the personaU/legal entity information, including information in relation to the nationality that 1/We provide to Masterise Agents Company under this Application for Participation is complete, accurate and honest. In the event that 1/We violate this commitment, We agree that Masterise Agents Company or the Investor has the right to perform any or all of the following rights in the event that I/We have completed the registration to purchase/lease the Product when participating in the Program: (i) to refuse to continue making transactions or unilaterally terminate the transaction or the documents, agreements signed with me/us; and/or (ii) o withhold the Advance Amount and the amounts paid by me/us (ifany); and/or (ti) 10 implement other rights available to Masterise Agents Company and/or the Investor under the laws of Vienam. 8. Phiéu Bang Ky Tham Dy nay durge hiéu vA gidi thich theo php luft Viét Nam. Trréng hop Cée Bén c6 tranh chip vé céc ndi dung cia Phiéu ang Ky Tham Dy nay thi Cae Bén sé cing nhau ban bac gidi quyét thong qua thuong lugng. Trong théri han ba mui (30) ngay ké tir ngiy mét Bén théng bao bing van ban cho Bén kia vé tranh chdp phat sinh ma tranh chip d6 khén; duge thuong lugng gidi quyét thi mét trong Cac Bén cd quyén yéu cau toa an c6 thm qu; cia Viét Nam dé gidi quyét theo quy dinh cia phap luat Viét Nam. Mdi Bén theo day ding ¥ m@t cach r3 rang va khéng thé hity ngang ring cic tba an ciia Viét Nam sé c6 thm quyén duy nhdt lign quan dén bat ky tranh chép nao nhu vay. This Application for Participation shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the Jaws of Vietnam. In case of dispute over the subject matters of this Application for Participation, both Parties shall resolve the dispute through amicable discussion. If the Parties fail to resolve the dispute through amicable discussion within thirty (30) days from a written notice served on the other Party by one Party of the arisen dispute, either Party shall have the right to request to the court 10 settle the dispute in accordance with the laws of Vietnam. Each Party hereby expressly and irrevocably agrees that the courts of Vietnam shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any such dispute 9. Phiéu Dang Ky Tham Dy sé cé hiéu luc ké tir ngay ky cho dén ngay két that Chuong Trinh va duge lip thanh hai (02) ban song ngit biing tiéng Viét va tiéng Anh, cé gid tri phdp ly nhu nhau. Mi Bén giit mét (01) ban. Trong truéng hop cé sy khac biét hay mau thuan giia hai ng6n ngit, ngi dung tiéng Viét sé durge wu tién dp dung. The Application for Participation shall be effective from the signing date untit the expiry date of the Program and is made into two (02) bilingual copies of equal validity in Vietnamese and English, Each Party keeps one (01) copy. In case of any discrepancy or contradiction between the Vietnamese and English contents, the Vietnamese contents shall prevail. Tp. Hé Chi Minh, ngay .. Ho Chi Minh City, ..... Xéc nhgn ciia Khich hing Customer's Confirmation Luu y/Note: Khach Hang vui ling mang theo Phiéu Ding Ky Tham Dir nay khi dén tham dy Churong Trinh. Please bring this Application for Participation when you conte to participate in the Program. Scanned with CamScanner

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