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A: Could you recommend a restaurant for dinner tonight?

D: Yes, I can. ¿What are you in the mood for?

A: I don’t know. Maybe some lasagna.
D: Actually, there’s a great place nearby. It’s called Foods of Many
Nations. Would you like directions?
A: yes, thanks
D: We’re here on Pike Street. Leave the hotel and turn left, Food of
Many Nations is down the street on the left. It’s between Monroe
Street and Taylor Street
A: thanks so much
D: You're welcome
Include a name restaurant, an special welcome

D: Hello, welcome to the Mirkos restaurant, the best dishes in the city of
D: What are you in the mood for?
A1: I’m in the mood for appetizers.
D: Would you like anything for appetizer?
A1: No thank you, we’re just going to have mains tonight.
D: Ok sure, and you?
J2: I´ll have the chicken rice and mashed potato please.
D: Would you like anything to drink?
A1: I’ll have an apple juice, please.
D: And for you?
J2: Just water, please.
D: OK. So that's one green noodles, one chicken rice and
mashed potato, one apple juice, and one water. I’Il take your menus.
D: here is your food. Enjoy your meal.
D: How was everything?
J2: Delicious, thanks
D: Would you like anything for dessert?
J2: Yes, Three milks Cake.
Mozo: What are you in the mood for?
Maria: I’m in the mood for appetizers.
Mozo: Are you ready to order?
Dar: Yes, we're ready. I´ll have the chicken rice and mashed potato
Mozo: Ok sure, and you?
Maria: and then I'll have an apple juice, please. And for you?
Dariana: Just water, please.

Maria: We´ll take the check, please

Mozo: Here's the check.
Dariana: Do you accept credit cards?
Mozo: yes, i do.

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