Quiz English 1

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1. ¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones NO corresponde a un pronombre personal en inglés?

a. She
b. Me
c. They
d. You

2. ¿Cuál es el grupo del verbo to be en presente que agrupa a los pronombres HE - SHE - IT? 

a. Am
b. Is
c. Have
d. Are

3. Complete según corresponda: THEY _____ MY FRIENDS. 

a. Am
b. Is
c. Are
d. Go

4. Para decir: Juan y Ana están en el parque, podría decir: 

a. Juan and Ana is in the park

b. Juan and Ana are in the park
c. Juan and Ana am in the park
d. Juan and Ana speak in the park

5. Para decir: Yo estoy en la casa y Jorge está en el restaurante, podría decir: 

a. I am in the house and Jorge are in the restaurant.

b. I are in the house and Jorge is in the restaurant.
c. I am in the house and Jorge is in the restaurant.

6. Para decir: Nosotros estamos en el banco, en la oficina, en la mesa, en la silla. Podría decir: 

a. They are in the bank, in the office, at the table, on the chair.
b. We are in the bank, in the office, on the table, in the chair.
c. They are at the bank, in the office, on the table, at the chair.
d. We are in the bank, in the office, at the table, on the chair.

7. Las opciones que mejor completan el siguiente texto son: Hello, my name _____ Hector. I am
_____ my house, in the living room with my wife, her name ____ Dora. We are ______ the sofa.
My son José_____ with his friends in his bedroom *

a. am - is - are - on - at
b. is - in - is - on - is
c. are - on - is - on - are
d. is - on - is - in – are

8. Para decir: Jany y David están en la casa, en la cocina. Ellos están cocinando. Podría decir: 

a. Jany and David are in the house, in the kitchen. They are cooking.
b. Jany and David is in the house, in the kitchen. They are cooking.
c. Jany and David are in the house, in the kitchen. We are cooking.
d. Jany and David are in the house, on the kitchen. They are cooking.
9. Selecciona las 5 frases que podrían describir la imagen. 

a. They are in the living room on the sofa and the dog is running.
b. He is Brayan and his wife Marina. They are in the living room.
c. Brayan is on the sofa.
d. Marina is in the kitchen watching TV.
e. The dog is on the floor sleeping. The dog is not watching TV.
f. Brayan is on the bed, he is watching TV and his wife Marina
is reading a book.
g. Marina is reading a book, Brayan is watching TV, and the
dog is sleeping.
h. They are Brayan and his wife Marina. They are in the house,
in the living room on the sofa. Brayan is watching TV, Marina
is reading a book and the dog is sleeping. The dog is not
watching TV.

10.Selecciona las 4 posibles respuestas según la imagen. Fíjate bien en la pregunta para

a. We are in the house, in the bedroom on the bed.

b. I am reading a book.
c. I am in the house, in the bedroom on the bed.
d. We are in the bathroom.
e. I'm on my bed reading a book
f. I am in my bedroom reading a book on my bed.
g. I am watching TV on my bed.

11.Selecciona las 4 frases que NO son correctas en esta situación. 

a. They're in the house, in the AFdining room, on the chairs. They

are eating fish.
b. They're in the living room, on the sofas. They are eating fish.
c. Franklyn and Yoly are in the dining room. They are reading a
d. Franklyn and Yoly are eating lunch.
e. They are watching TV in the dining room.
f. Franklyn is eating fish and Yoly is sleeping.

12.¿Cuál sería la pregunta y respuesta que se ajustaría mejor a la


a. Where's Albert? - He is in the supermarket.

b. Who's Albert? - He is in the restaurant.
c. Where's Albert? - He is in the restaurant.
d. Why is Albert? - He is in the restaurant.

13.Según el orden de acciones, selecciona las frases que NO corresponden a la imagen. 

1. Elena is brushing her teeth.
2. Abraham is in the house, he is sleeping.
3. Jesus is feeding his cat.
4. Ketty is fixing her car.
5. Miguel is destroying the wall.
6. Mercedes is reading a book.
7. Kevin is painting the windows.

14.How many beautiful cats are there on the bed? 

a. There is 4 beautiful cats on the bed.

b. There are 4 beautifuls cats on the bed.
c. There is 4 beautifuls cats on the bed.
d. There are 4 beautiful cats on the bed.

15.Según la imagen podría decir... (selecciona las 5 opciones posibles). 

a. It is a chair.
b. There is a chair.
c. There is a chair blue.
d. There's a chair.
e. There is a blue chair.
f. There are a chair.
g. The chair is not yellow.

16. Según la imagen podría decir... (selecciona las 5 opciones posibles). 

a. There's a yellow book.

b. There are 5 books.
c. There aren't 6 books.
d. There is 5 new books.
e. There are five books.
f. There are not 3 yellow books.

17. ¿Cuál de los siguientes NO es un adjetivo? 

a. Big
b. White
c. House
d. Clean

18. ¿Cuál sería la respuesta correcta? What time is it?

a. It´s ten to ten

b. It´s ten past ten
c. It´s twenty to ten

19. Selecciona las 3 frases que describen correctamente la imagen. 

a. There is a yellow lamp on the table.

b. There are two cats at the sofa.
c. There are 3 different objects on the table.
d. There's a red ball on the floor.
e. The sofa is white and blue and there are two old
cushions on the sofa.


20. How many sisters does Johnny have?

a. One - Deisy
b. One - Diana
c. Two - Deisy and Ana
d. None of the above

21. How well does Mario play soccer?

a. He plays soccer really well

b. He plays soccer bad
c. He plays soccer badly
d. Mario doesn't play soccer

22. Where do Johnny and his father Mario play soccer?

a. They play in the garden

b. They play in the soccer field
c. They play in the house
d. They play in the backyard

23.What does Johnny and his sister study?

a. Math and science

b. English and Math
c. English
d. French

24.How often does Johnny practice with his sister?

a. He always practices with her

b. He practices with her very often
c. He practices with her at night
d. He doesn't practice English with her

25.What does his mother prepare at night?

a. She prepares delicious sandwiches

b. She prepares dinner at night
c. She prepares delicious pancakes
d. None of the above

26.Does Johnny help his mother?

a. Yes, he does.
b. No, he doesn't
c. Yes, she does
d. No, she doesn't

Responda de la pregunta 27 a la 30 de acuerdo a la información del texto

Peter and his best friend Julia were visiting their friends in Australia. They were in Sidney for two
weeks. They were walking around the city for too much time while taking photos. They were
planning the trip to Australia one year ago. Now, they are in California again watching all the photos
while working. They were very happy in Australia two weeks ago.

27. How long ago were Peter and Julia in Australia?

a. They were in Australia one year ago.

b. They were in Australia two weeks ago.
c. They were in Australia for too much time.
d. None of the above (ninguna de las anteriores).

28. What were they doing while walking?

a. They were taking photos.

b. They were watching all the photos.
c. They were visiting their friends.
d. They were planning the trip.

29. How long were they walking around the city?

a. They were walking around the city for three hours.

b. They were walking around the city one year ago.
c. They were walking with their friends for one year.
d. None of the above.

30. Where are they now?

a. In Australia
b. In California
c. In Sidney
d. in Cali

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