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Course: Sci 9 Sept 12, 2022

Instructor: Cody Hemmerling

Class Length = 70 mins

Stage 1: Desired Results

GLO 1: Investigate and describe ways that human understanding of Earth and space has depended on
technological development
● 1.2k: investigate and illustrate the contributions of technological advances—including optical
telescopes, spectral analysis and space travel—to a scientific understanding of space
● 1.4k: identify evidence for, and describe characteristics of, bodies that make up the solar
system; and compare their composition and characteristics with those of Earth
● 1.5k: describe and apply techniques for determining the position and motion of objects in
Learning space, including:
Outcome(s) ○ 1.5.2k: describing in general terms how parallax and the Doppler effect are used to
estimate distances of objects in space and to determine their motion
● 1.6k: investigate predictions about the motion, alignment and collision of bodies in space

GLO 3: Describe and interpret the science of optical and radio telescopes, space probes and remote
sensing technologies
● 3.2k: explain the role of radio and optical telescopes in determining characteristics of stars
and star systems

Students will…
● Describe the information spectroscopy can provide astronomers
● Use spectral analysis to determine the composition of stars
Objectives ● Explain whether stars are moving towards Earth or away from Earth using the Doppler effect

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

● Bellringer
Summative Formative ● Investigation 5E
● N/A
Assessment Assessment ● Notice/Wonder Opener
● Think-Pair-Share

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Tech ● L3 Slides
Resources ● Spectroscopes
to Do to Bring
Time Sequence and Description Notes
● Top Question: Answer = B
● Bottom Question: Answer = D
~5 mins ● Touch on the meme for a second, relates to advances in telescopes Slide 1-3
● Slides 2-3: Further review from last class. JWST images are
constantly coming out. For slide 3 need to emphasize that students
know the two different diagrams
Opener = Using a Spectroscope
● Pass spectroscopes (don't tell students what they are though)
throughout the classroom and have students merely think about what
~10 mins Slide 4
they notice and wonder. Have some students share what they notice
and wonder after everybody has looked through a spectroscope
● Ask question: How does this relate to space?
Page 1
Unit E - Space Exploration
Course: Sci 9 Sept 12, 2022
Instructor: Cody Hemmerling

Spectroscopy/Doppler Effect Lecture Pt 1

20 mins ● Slide 5: White light produces a spectrum Slides 5-11
● Slide 10: Why is the moon spectrum the same? Think-Pair-Share
Investigation 5E (Pg 381) In Textbook
15 mins ● Students will work individually and with the people next to them to Slide 12
answer questions 1-6. Discuss them as a class after
Spectroscopy/Doppler Effect Lecture Pt 2
20 mins ● Slide 13: What do you notice? Are these the same star? Poll the class Slides 13-24
● Slide 18/19 (Video)
Flex Time
Rest of Class ● Students can complete the spectroscopy questions in their question

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Unit E - Space Exploration

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