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Current State to Desired State Model

Education has changed since the start of the COVID 19 Pandemic to now. All classrooms

have seen a shift into a more digital and technology-based setting for both instruction and student

work. This includes the fine arts and physical education courses. For all the teachers in Conway

High School to keep up with the new wave of teaching, the proper technology must be available

for them to utilize. Below is a chart showing the current state and desired state of technology at

CHS and the steps that it will take to get to that desired state.

Current State of Technology Step Process and Products Desired State of Technology

There are currently no  Projectors provided With projectors for each

available projectors for most for each fine arts and classroom, including the fine
fine arts and physical physical education arts and PE, CHS would be
education teachers to access classroom, either able to:
for daily classroom mobile or  Differentiate
instruction and content permanently placed instruction on a
presentation.  Projector protective greater level for all
barriers students in every
 Trainings for teachers classroom
on how to use such  Provide all educators
devices in their with materials needed
classroom to effectively present
content and
information for
students to obtain
 Increase the
capabilities of new
tools and activities for
physical education

The “desired state” that our goal to reach is to have projector devices for all departments

and educators in Conway High School, including fine arts and physical education. Our school

currently has a technology deficit in this area which prevents all teachers from using the benefits

of projectors to present information through multiple media platforms at ease. The reason for this

deficit was the idea that there was no way to install projectors effectively and securely into these

classrooms, specifically the physical education classrooms. Through my research on this deficit,

I found tools that can eliminate this problem. By providing these classrooms with mobile

projectors or installing projectors with protective barriers, CHS can move from the current to

desired state of technology.

Technology Change Plan

After completing the technology inventory for Conway High School, I found that the

school had a deficit in the availability of projection devices for the fine arts and physical

education departments. The physical education department lacked the availability of these

devices more than any other in the building. After researching how to best eliminate this deficit, I

found that using mobile projector devices and carts would be the best way to do so. We decided

to pursue a mobile projector set up that could be provided for each of the fine arts and PE


The mobile projector was the most effective way to solve the deficit problem. We

originally had thought to mount a projector in the gym after seeing that other schools had a

protective covering around the projector to keep it from being damaged or broken in the gym.

That would have been necessary due to the amount of activity including equipment such as

footballs, volleyballs, and other sports equipment that could break the device. We decided it was

best to avoid having to do the extra work of mounting and then covering the projector. Our gym

also serves as the sports competition space for our basketball, volleyball, and wrestling teams so

we felt that it would be in the way during such events. Due to the reasons listed above, we

decided that the best route was to purchase mobile projectors for the teachers in these areas who

needed these devices.

The first step of the process would be to check to see what the cost would be of

purchasing such devices. There only needed to be one projector for the band room, music room,

and gym. The cost for the three devices would be added and then sent in as a purchase order to

Horry County Schools District Office. Mobile projectors are around $500 and three would put

the cost right around $1,500. Once the devices are the purchased there would be no further

expenses along with it. Whenever the district approved the purchase order, we then could start

preparing teachers by equipping them with the necessary knowledge and training needed to

properly utilize these tools to the highest potential.

In this second step, teachers in the fine arts and physical education classes would go

through a training on how to use the device and the logistics of it. The teachers would learn the

basics of the functions of the projector and remote that goes with it along with any

troubleshooting tips in case they face issues during use. They would also go through a training

showing the different activities available for teachers in their specific area of teaching. This

would benefit the teachers by preparing them to use the new device with ease and confidence

that they are getting the most out of the learning experience they can create with it.

The next step in the process of implementing this plan would be to ensure that teachers

have a safe and secure place to store these mobile projectors so that they are not damaged or

stolen. For physical education specifically, rolling carts would need to be provided costing

anywhere from 100 to 200 dollars. These carts could be used for actual set up of the device when

projecting during class. The carts would be transportable between the storage space in the gym

and the gym itself. Helping teachers provide a safe place to keep up with their new technology

would benefit them so that they have a fully functional device that they know is always in reach

and keeps the school from having to continuously replace one for being broken while left out.

Lastly, we would give teachers opportunities to schedule times for individual training or

feedback on how they have been implementing the use of their projector. Learning how to

incorporate a new device into instruction can be difficult so continuing to provide resources as

support to teachers who are desiring to grow is immensely beneficial.

The implementation of this plan is imperative to the instruction that happens even in the

fine arts and physical education departments. The approval of this solution to the lack of

projector devices provided in these departments will greatly enhance the learning experience

going forward for all students enrolled in these courses.

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