Design CAT Yr4 U1 CAT1

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Common Assessment Task Cover Sheet

Making Money

Name: MYP Year Level: Date:

Criteria Name of Criterion: Maximum Your

Points Grade
Criterion ( A ) Inquiring and Analyzing 8
Criterion ( B ) Developing ideas 8
Criterion ( C ) Creating the solution 8
Criterion ( D ) Evaluating 8

Subject Statement of Inquiry Global Key Concept Related Concepts

Design How the communication with Personal and Communication Market and trends
customers and limited of cultural
resources could affect the style expression
of your business and products
and its success in the market.
Target ATL Strand(s) Research and Communication Summative Making Money
Target Student Problem Solving Assessment
Task Details

Design of the marketing media is a critical task because your design is supposed to portray the nature of your
business. This will act as the major factor that will engage the attention of your potential customers. However,
the process is not as simplified as it sounds. Rather, you have to have the desire to understand the needs of
your customers and the expertise to deliver the specific Kiosk marketing media.

Task Description:
You are required to follow the design cycle to design a marketing campaign media including (logo, brochure,
business card and other advertisement media) for your kiosk business depending on your financial budget.

• Task requirements:
• Detailed feasibility study report explaining the chosen business and the location of the kiosk
and all the expected expenses and profits for the new business.
• Design and create an attractive logo, brochure and business card for the kiosk, showing how
you will catch the people attention and present your products for the customers. You will need
to have a unique and remarkable logo that tells a story.
• Design and create a marketing advertisement media to portray the nature of your business.
Notice that will act as the major factor that will engage the attention of your potential
customers. The design folder showing a full documentation for all the steps you have
followed to create your business marketing media.
• Use peer evaluation (Use the attached form). You will be needed to write a report about one
of your classmates’ projects.
• Write a reflection (Use the attached form) and evaluate your own performance using the
checklist provided by the teacher.
• Make sure you list the different resources you have used in your bibliography.
• For proper documentation of your resources, use for MLA style format
1) Preparation Duration: In-class component:
o Four periods for inquiring and analysing phase.
o Four periods for developing ideas phase.
o Four periods for creating the solution phase.
o Four periods for evaluating phase and presenting the solution.
Out-of-class component:
o Complete any late work
Guidelines/Support Material
You have to follow the design cycle to create your awareness campaign as following:
A: Inquiring and analyzing
1. Explain and justify the need
Re-write the task in your own words. What are you being asked to do and why?
2. Identify and prioritize the research
Create a detailed list of what you will need to find out and place this list in order from most
important to least important.
3. Analyse similar products
Examine one good example and one poor example of web design, and take screen shots of each and
annotate highlighting:
Aesthetics (colour, fonts, images and overall style), Navigation, Ease of use.
4. Present the main findings of relevant research
Write a simple design brief. (What you are going to make, why and whom it is for)

B: Developing ideas
1. Develop a list of success criteria for the solution
Create a list of requirements that your solution must or must not have to be successful.
2. Present feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others
Present 3 or more design ideas (simple sketches) for a landing page plus one design challenge page.
Include navigation, theme, colour combinations, images, layout etc.
3. Present the chosen design
Based upon the above evaluation, present your final design. Good quality sketch or computer
generated page layouts. Explain your final choice. Why is this idea better than other ideas?
4. Create a planning drawing/diagram, which outlines the main details for making the chosen
Create a flowchart for your solution, showing the flow of your program and the steps of your work.

C: Creating the solution

1. Construct a logical plan
Create a simple Gantt chart for the creation of your solution.
2. Demonstrate excellent technical skills
Take screen shots to show how your work was done, so that your teacher can clearly see that you
know what you are doing!
3. Follow the plan to create the solution
Follow your Gantt Chart and shade when tasks were actually completed.
4. Justify the changes made to the chosen design and/or plan when creating the solution
As you make your site, you may decide to make changes to your design idea. This is fine, but you
need to explain why you have changed your design or plan.
D: Evaluating
1. Design testing methods
Outline simple, relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the
2. Evaluate the success of the solution
Use the design success criteria from earlier and use it to evaluate your final solution against the
design specification.
3. Explain how the solution could be improved
Make suggestions as to how you might improve your solution.
Include ideas that perhaps you do not know how to de yet, but you know would make your solution
even more awesome.
4. Explain the impact of the solution on the client/target audience.
Graphic Organizer
Gantt chart sample
(Solution Progression and Planning)
Assessment rubric
Achievement level Criteria A: Inquiring and analysing Criteria B: Developing ideas
The student does not reach a standard The student does not reach a standard described
described by any of the descriptors below. by any of the descriptors below
The student: The student:
i. states the need for a solution to a problem for i. states one basic success criterion for a solution
1–2 a specified client/target audience ii. presents one design idea, which can be
ii. develops a basic design brief, which states interpreted by others
the findings of relevant research. iii.creates an incomplete planning drawing
The student: The student:
i. outlines the need for a solution to a problem i. states a few success criteria for the solution
for a specified client/target audience ii. presents more than one design idea, using an
ii. outlines a research plan, which identifies appropriate medium(s) or labels key
primary and secondary research needed to features, which can be interpreted by others
3–4 develop a solution to the problem, with some iii. states the key features of the chosen design
guidance iv. creates a planning drawing/diagram or lists
iii. analyses one existing product that inspires a requirements for the creation of the chosen
solution to the problem solution.
iv. develops a design brief, which outlines the
analysis of relevant research.
The student: The student:
i. explains the need for a solution to a problem i. develops a few success criteria for the solution
for a specified client/target audience ii. presents a few feasible design ideas, using an
ii. constructs a research plan, which identifies appropriate medium(s) and
and prioritizes primary and secondary research labels key features, which can be interpreted by
5–6 needed to develop a solution to the problem, others
with some guidance iii. presents the chosen design stating the key
iii. analyses a range of existing products that features
inspire a solution to the problem iv. creates a planning drawing/diagram and lists
iv. develops a design brief, which explains the the main details for the creation of the chosen
analysis of relevant research. solution.
The student: The student:
i. explains and justifies the need for a solution i. develops a list of success criteria for the solution
to a problem for a client/ target audience ii. presents feasible design ideas, using an
ii. constructs a detailed research plan, which appropriate medium(s) and
identifies and prioritizes the primary and outlines the key features, which can be correctly
7–8 secondary research needed to develop a interpreted by others
solution to the problem independently iii. presents the chosen design describing the key
iii. analyses a range of existing products that features
inspire a solution to the problem in detail iv. creates a planning drawing/diagram, which
iv. develops a detailed design brief, which outlines the main details for making the chosen
summarizes the analysis of relevant research. solution.
Teacher Judgment Your grade: Your grade:
and Feedback Teacher’s Comment: Teacher’s Comment:
Achievement level Criteria C: Creating the solution Criteria D: Evaluating
The student does not reach a standard The student does not reach a standard
described by any of the descriptors below. described by any of the descriptors below.
The student:
The student:
i. demonstrates minimal technical skills when
1–2 i. defines a testing method, which is used to
making the solution
measure the success of the solution
ii. creates the solution, which functions poorly
and is presented in an incomplete form.
ii. states the success of the solution.
The student:
The student:
i. defines a relevant testing method, which
i. constructs a plan that contains some generates data, to measure the success of the
production details, resulting in peers having solution
difficulty following the plan
ii. states the success of the solution against the
3–4 ii. demonstrates satisfactory technical skills when
design specification based on the results of one
making the solution
relevant test
iii. creates the solution, which partially functions
and is adequately presented iii. states one way in which the solution could
iv. outlines changes made to the chosen design be improved
and plan when making the solution. iv. states one way in which the solution can
impact the client/target audience.
The student: The student:
i. constructs a logical plan, which considers time i. defines relevant testing methods, which
and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to generate data, to measure the success of the
follow to create the solution solution
ii. demonstrates competent technical skills when ii. states the success of the solution against the
making the solution design specification based on relevant product
iii. creates the solution, which functions as testing
intended and is presented appropriately iii. outlines one way in which the solution
iv. describes changes made to the chosen design could be improved
and plan when making the solution. iv. outlines the impact of the solution on the
client/target audience, with guidance.
The student: The student:
i. constructs a detailed and logical plan, which i. outlines simple, relevant testing methods,
describes the efficient use of time and resources, which generate data, to measure the success
sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create of the solution
the solution ii. outlines the success of the solution against
ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when the design specification based on authentic
making the solution. product testing
iii. follows the plan to create the solution, which iii. outlines how the solution could be
functions as intended and is presented
iv. outlines the impact of the solution on the
iv. fully justifies changes made to the chosen
client/target audience.
design and plan when making the solution.

Your grade: Your grade:

Teacher’s Comment: Teacher’s Comment:
Teacher Judgment
and Feedback
Peer Evaluation Form
Student Assessor Name: ------------------------------------------------------------------

Student being assessed Name: -------------------------------------------------------------------

Assessment Task Title: --------------------------------------------------------------------

Please tick the relevant descriptors you believe your peer has achieved in the different strands outlined.

Choose NA (Not Applicable) if you cannot evaluate the aspect

Specific Aspect NA Poor Adequate Very Good Excellent


The used fonts, colours and drawings     

User friendly     


The student is self-confident     

Presentation material and tools     

Final product presentation     


Student has done a detailed feasibility report     

SWOT analysis done correctly     

Student fellow the design cycle accurately


Are the sources of information cited when they     

should be?

Final Product:     


How will you describe this program in general?

I hereby certify that I have provided an honest assessment of the work presented by my peer.

Signature of student making the assessment: __________________________________

Reflection Sheet
Name Subject

Assessment Teacher

What was the purpose of your task?


What do you need to do or know before you start with this task?

Did you enjoy the task? Why or why not?


What benefits have you got during this task “Technology Skills or any other general information”?

Would you recommend this project to another student? Why?


Do you have any other ideas?


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