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Subject: Design

Computer Programming
Subject: Design Criterion (A): Inquiring Strand(s) (i, ii, iii, v) /8
and Analysis

Criterion (C): Creating

The Solution

Target ATL Skill Research Skills Target Student Competence NA/N/L/P/E

Problem Solving

Java, one of the most powerful programming language, contributes in many

technology fields. It has deep contribution in the modern world. You are required to
design and create a GUI application for the next problems.
Task: Hangman
Tools: Java
Hangman – Randomly select a word from a file, have the user guess characters in
the word. For each character they guess that is not in the word, have it draw
another part of a man hanging in a noose. If the picture is completed before they
guess all the characters, they lose.

You have to follow criteria A strands to search about your website as the following:
A: Inquiring and analyzing

1. Explain and justify the need

Re-write the task in your own words. What are you being asked to do and why?
Subject: Design

2. Identify and prioritize the research

Create a detailed list of what you will need to find out and place this list in order from most important
to least important.

Questions Priority Source Primary / Answers


3. Analyse similar products

Examine one good example and one poor example of games design, and take screen shots of each and
annotate highlighting:
Aesthetics (colour, fonts, images and overall style), Ease of use.

4. Present the main findings of relevant research

Write a simple design brief. (What you are going to make, why and whom it is for)
Subject: Design

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