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7 pnóneÉ nnrrsÉ GlANGor. ruvnrvnőr.

4. feladatsor
Olvasott szöveg é rté se

vou áre going to read an article about visiting a jungle in Sarawak. Some words have been
removed í rom the text. Choose the right word í rom the list (A-J) Í or each gap in the text.
Write your answer in the boxes below. There is one extra word that you do not need. There
is an example (0) at the beginning. .

. Holidays In The Jungle?

Why not? Nowadays to be in harmony with nature is the trendy thing to do. Almost
entirely covered by (0) harbouring oddities such as giant flowers,
flying squierrels, long nosed (1) or gigantic cave systems, Sarawak is
indeed a fascinating destination for nature lovers.
As part of (2) and prosperous Malaysia, our side of Borneo offers a safe
and memorable (3) experience in the jungle, accessible to everyone.
Trekking in the rainforest, coming faceto face with an Orang Utan or just talking to a
(4\_reminiscing about the days of his headhunting ancestors is simply an
experience of a lifetime!
Visiting Longhouse Community and (5) the legendary hospitality of
your Iban, Bidayuh or orang Ulu hosts is definitely one of the most (6)
Lxperiences in Sarawak. Deep inside the Borneo rainforest, at one with nature,
ligithearted from toasting your (7\ _with their potent rice wine and
entranced by the beat ofthe (8) you might never want to leave:.. !

you might never have heard of Sarawak before, that's why most visitors describe us as
Hidden paradise of Borneo", and we would like to share its secrets with You.

A enjoying F monkeys
y forests G palace
c gongs II tribesman
D holiday I unforgettable
E modern J hdsts

0 1 ) 3 4 5 6 7 8

Orvasorr szövrc É nrÉ sr
Read this inÍ ormation about two í am'ous stars. Match the titles (e-l) tó ttreir litestories
Wrlte the letter oí the title ln the boxes betow. There is one extra titte that you do not need. t!,
There !s an example (0) at the beginning.
Meet The New Jungle Stars o
(0) Natalie Appleton. (0) Janet Street-Porter.
(1) 3 1. (1) 57.
(2) Former All Saints singer. (2) Former, TV executive and
(3) Manied to The Prodigy's Liam newspaper editor.
Howlett. She has a daughter Rachel, (3) Divorced.
12, from a previous relationship, and (4) Only in the sense that she has been
an eight-month-old son, Ace, with divorced an amazing four times. She's
Liam. known for her big mouth, which has
(4) None. Unless you count the dismal sometimes got her in trouble,
failure of the All
Saints movie, Honest, especially when she told ex-BBC boss
and rumours of in-í ighting between the John Birt to "f**k of['.
All Saints gals. (5) Mosquitos (she has an allergic
(5) Heights, snakes, rats, gerTns, reaction to them).
people that snore. (6) Walking, cooking, she can build a
(6) Good at cleaning, fire.
(7) "Absolutely nothing has prepared (7) "I lived in Australia for six months
me for this, I got on a rowing machine when I did a TV series there in the 80s
the other day for 15 minutes and woke - and I know how many bugs there are.
up in agony the next day." It is the insect capital of the world."

A Scandal F Phobias
B Preparation G Age
c Favourite food H Career
D Marital status I Special Skills
v Name

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

OrvRsorr szövnc É nrÉ sr
ca articleabouta103.year.oldJapaneseman.Choose
the phraie (Á-o) wtriclr í inishes each sentence (1-7) best according to the text. Write your
answers in the boxes below. There is an example (0) at the beginning,
í r]
How To Live To Be 100
Before he recently checked himself into hospital complaining of a headache, Seiryrr
Toguchi, l03, of Motobu, Okinawa, would wake every day at 6 a.m. in the house in
which lre was born, and open the shutters. "It's a sign to my neighbors," he says, "that
I am still alive." He would do stretching exercises, then eat breakfast: whole-grain rice
and miso soup with vegetables. He'd put in two hours of picking weeds in his 90-sq-m
field, wlrose crops are goya - a variety of bitter gourd -, a reddish-purple sweet potato
called imo, and okra. A fellow has to make a living, so Toguchi would buy rice and meat
with the profits frorn his produce.

After his wife Kame's death seven years ago, at 93, he did all the housework hirnself.
He rejected his children's suggestion to come live with thenr because, he explains, "I
enjoy my freedom." Although he has a history of excellent health, the farmer takes no
chances. "If he feels that sornething is wrong," says his daughter Sumiko Sakihara, 74,
"even in the rniddle of the niglrt, he calls a taxi and goes to the hospital." But he
doesn't want the other villagers to wory, so, she says, "he writes a note explaining
where he is and tapes it to the shutters." i

At l2:30 Toguchi would He'd nap for an hour

eat lunch: goya stí r-fry with egg and tofu.
or so, then spend two more hours in his field. After dinner he'd play traditional songs -
a favorite is Spring When I Was ]9 - on the three-stringed sanshin and make an entry in
his diary, as he had every night for the past decade. "This way," he says, "I won't
forget my Chinese characters. It's fun. It keeps my mind sharp." For a nightcaP he might
haú a sip of the wine he makes from áloe, garlic and turmeric. And as he drifts ofl he
says'1ny head is filled witlr all the things I want to do tornorrow,"

(0) Seiryu Toguchi is in hospital now

A ,because his doctor sent him there.
B but nothing is wrong with him.
C because he is very ill.
D because he had a headache.

(1) Before going to hospital, every morning he

A talked to his neighbours.
B did different things.
OrvesorT szövEc É nrÉ sn
C did the same thing. itr'
D exercised with his neighbours. H
(2) He grew fruit and vegetables U
A and sold some of them. v,
B only to eat them. F
although he didn't need üem.
D as ahobby.

(3) Before his recent going to hospital, he lived

A with his wife.
B with his children.
c alone but he didn't like it.
D alone but he liked it.

(4) His health

A is so good that he is never ill.
B has neverbeenvery good.
C is OK but he often has to go to hospital.
D is very good but he doesn't want to risk becoming ill.

(5) In the second part of the day he '

A only rested.
B rested and worked.
C sang songs.
D practised speaking Chinese.

(6) The word sanshin in üe üird paragraph means

A "song".
B a kind of music.
c a kind of musical instrument.
D "tape recorder".

(7) Before going to bed he

A made wine.
B drank a little wine.
C thought about how he had spent the day.
D tried not to think about üe next day.

0 l 2 3 4 J 6 7

OrvasoTT szövrc É ntÉ sr
H You are going to read some iní ormation about pedestrian crossings in Britain. Some
phrases have been removed í rom the text. Choose the right phrases í rom the list (A-H) to
í ií lthe gaps (1-6). There is one extra phrase that you do not need. Write your answers in
í{ the boxes below. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
+ Pedestrian Crossings

"Pelican" crossings have lights with a special flashing amber phase between red and
green. As a driver, you may proceed if the signal is green and (0) If the signal is
a steady amber, stop unless it is unsafe (1) _. If it is red, stop. When the signal is
flashing amber (2\ _to any pedestrian on the crossing but you may move on when
the crossing is clear. You must not park or wait on the approach side of this type of
crossing between the double line of the studs and (3) _.
"Zebrd'crossings are marked by black-and-white stripes across the road and (4)
along the side of the road. Flashing amber beacons wam of their proximity. When
approaching the crossing keep a vary eye out (5) and be prepared to slow down
and stop. They have the legal right of way once (6) _ onto the crossing, and
motorists who fail to give pedestrians priority are liable to heavy penalties. You should
also remember not to park and not to overtake in the zig-zag area on the approach side
of the crossing.

A the crossing itself

B todoso
/ tt way ahead is clear
D "
for pedestrians
E a local lower limit
F they have stepped
G white zig-zag lines
H you must give priority

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

NynrvrrrryrssÉ c

You are going to read a text about malaria. Some words have been removed í rom the text.

Choose the right word í rom the list (A-O) í or each gap (1-13) in the text. There ls one extra
word that you do not need. Wrlte your answer in the boxes below. There is an example (0) b
at the beginning. D
Malaria prevention F

In 1996 2,500,cases of malaria and 11 deaths (0) reported in the United

Kingdom. Malaria is a potentially fatal (1) transmitted by the bite from an
(2) mosquito. These mosquitos bite from dusk (3) dawn. Of
the four species one (4) cause death ifthere is a delay in diagnosis and if
adequate treatment is not (5)

The first step in prevention is to avoid (6) bitten by mosquitoes by

covering up outside after dusk and applying an insect repellent; (7)
accommodation is not air-conditioned consider using a mosquito net. Spray or plug-in
vaporisers can (8) used in a room to destroy mosquitoes (9)
during the day.

It may be (10) take anti-malarial drugs for some destinations.

Upto-date pre-travel advice (11) be sought and the recommended
antimalarials taken (12) your Journey.

Remember that anti-malarial drugs do not give 100 per cent protection. If a fever or
"flu-like" symptoms occur seven days or more after (13) in a malarious
area, seek urgent medical attention to exclude malaria.

A being E entering I can Mbe

B disease F should J given N necessary
g Were G insect K infe/cted O anival
D for Hto Lif

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

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