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Group Members: ____________________________________

Acid/Bases Lab

Purpose: Determine the pH of common household solutions

1) Pour some of the solution into the empty beaker
2) Use the stir stick to transfer a drop of the solution onto the indicator paper
3) Compare the color that the indicator paper turns to that of the legend, estimate
the pH and record it in the table below
4) From the beaker, pour about a thumbs width of the solution into the test tube
5) Put a full medicine dropper of the cabbage indicator into the solution and record
the color in the table below

Solution Approximate pH Color of Cabbage Indicator

Mystery Solution

Post Lab Questions

1) What can you say about the cabbage juice indicator? What color does it turn for
acids? Bases? Are there different intensities?

2) Order the solutions you tested from most acidic to most basic

3) What do you think the identity of the mystery solution is? Is it acidic or basic?

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