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Should drugs be legal or not?

“Drugs are the enemies of ambition and hope- and when we fight against drugs we are fighting
for the future.”, those are the words that Bob Riley said. I was intrigued by what Bob Riley said,
we all know that drugs are chemicals or substances that changes the way of how we think or how
our bodies work. It somehow affects our choices and decisions in life. Some drugs are prescribed
by doctors to help people or patients. Our question of the day is “should drugs be legalized or
In my opinion, drugs should not be legalized. There are many reasons why drugs should not be
legalized. I personally disagree of it being legalized because clearly it is a chemical substance, it
can always have a negative effect towards us. We may not feel it right away but when we take
some it will have a negative effect for a long time. Many people believe that drugs should be
legalized because it can serve as a medicine to them especially when it’s prescribed by their
doctors and this is an understandable concern however I will always stick with my opinion that it
should not be legalized for many reasons.
First, it can increase the number of drug users. We don’t clearly know if everyone that surrounds
us doesn’t take drugs, but in our generation nowadays many people take drugs. People who takes
drugs will surely or clearly will not be in their right mind or right way of thinking and we’re not
sure if we’re really safe around them. According to the World drug report of 2019, 35 million
people worldwide suffer from drug use.
Second, using or taking drugs can lead to addiction. Using or taking drugs can lead to a disease
that can affect our brain and behavior, and it might also be under control when there’s too much
of intake. Things can go out of hand, it can also cause harm. Too much intake of drugs may find
it difficult to stop or to go without the use of drug. It can make a person crave always for drugs
or to feel physically and mentally ill. It is also clear that it’s unhealthy for our body and health,
everyone that surrounds us can also be affected of our actions. It can also be a problem.
Lastly, drugs can kill us. Too much intake of drugs can lead us to overdose, that can affect our
body in a negative way. It can disrupt essential body functions, leading to overdose. According
to my research more than 63,000 Americans died in 2016 from drug overdose. This can be
accidental and also intentional. Though individuals who experience overdose can be saved if
medical treatment is provided quickly or fast.
Some countries legalized drugs because it is prescribed by other doctors, but for me it should not
be legalized at all. That’s why I totally disagree. To all the people who are using drugs, you
should stop now. Think of your future and what could happen to you in the future. If you can’t
stop seek for help, because it is not only you who can be affected of drugs but also the people
who surrounds you. If you quit now, you can save your life, you can save and help others also.
You can quit for a lifetime and tell your stories to others that can help them to change their life.
Don’t waste your time doing or taking these things, learn how to say NO to Drugs!

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