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How to Attract and Date Quality Women Without 
Being Someone You’re Not 

Ben Baker 


Copyright ©
​ ​ 2019 by Ben Baker 

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without 
written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book ​review. 


A Destructive Codependency 
In today’s dating world, there is a m
​ assive power 
imbalance​ i​ n favor of women​. 

As a young hot woman enters the dating scene, soon she’ll 

get a cocktail of s​ ocial conditioning​ and unconsciously picks 
up a series of ​self-judgemental ​beliefs​.  

Couple guys later, she’ll develop m

​ istrust​, mixed-feelings 
and ​skepticism​ towards men! 

And from men’s side, she usually gets p

​ assive​, w
​ eak​, 
reactive, i​ nsecure​ and ​desperate ​guys who 97% of them fail 
to even approach her. Most of those who make some sort of 
approach, lack conversation skills, self-awareness and 

Men! Most look for the fantasy type girl! A ​kind​, ​loyal 
angel-looking babe who loves him! The one who is amazing in 
bed and at the same time never sucked a fat dick in her life 

Over a decade of research, 100s of relationships and a 

handful of agonizing separations. It took me all that to gain the 
skill sets to understand what works with women in the dating 
department. Most of the effort went to how to manage m
​ y 
own mind​ and irrational-self sabotaging beliefs that were 
holding me back. 

This book and the program you have in front of you is the 
antidote to failure with women in dating, a real self 
development and growth tool. 

When you commit yourself and read this book, do things I’ll 
show you in the videos and follow up with me, you will end up 
with unshakable confidence, unique social skills, freedom and 
women who are way out of your current reality... 
Your ​life​, h
​ appiness​, ​sanity​ and future​...​ are ​on the line​.  

Most men, either end up a

​ lone​ and ​isolated​, d
​ ivorced​ and 
miserable​, befriend alcohol and dope, or get stuck with the 
wrong woman they don’t really want… A
​ woman he doesn’t 
really feel attracted to, but partnered with out of ​fear of 
loneliness​,​ c​ onfusion, i​ nsecurity​ and desperation. 

When it comes to women, men have been told get what 

they can with their ​default skill sets​. Don’t question it. Head 
down, just go with what you get. 

As a result they end up with a woman with a bad 

attitude who looks like Yoda a few years after the 

The truth is that men DON’T pick an average quality (both 

looks and personality) woman by choice.​ T
​ hey choose that way 
because they don’t have the s​ kills​, ​confidence​ or the ​mindset 
to go after w
​ hat they really want​. Driven by fear, doubt and 
insecurities, they drop their standards instead! 

This... is ​not​ a “feel good” book​, but it lights a fire under 

your ass and teaches you how to be a man women feel 
attracted to regardless of your past failures and current flaws. 

It’s effective, “streetwise” knowledge that’s gonna give you 

the p
​ ower​ and ​control​. ​It is i​ nappropriate​ and o
​ ffensive​ to 
some people.  

I’m gonna teach you how to b

​ uild attraction​ and ​get the 
quality​ g
​ irlfriend you always wanted​ but never thought 
possible because no one ever told you ​how awesome you are 
and what your potential is.  

You will learn how to manage ​fear​ and a

​ nxiety​,​ and take 
charge of your social life. 

It will spare you breakups, divorces, rejections and 

sadness starting r​ ight now​! 
Table of Contents 

A Destructive Codependency 2 

Preface 4 

Who is this Book for? 15 

Who Is This Book Not for? 15 

Meet The Family 16 

Common loser mentality 18 

How To Win 21 

Why Most Guys Fail and How You Can Avoid it from 
Happening 22 

6 Things 24 

Thing 1 24 

Thing 2 24 

Thing 3 25 

Thing 4 27 
Thing 5 27 

Thing 6 28 

She Didn't Tell Me She's Married! 28 

I Know it Already 29 

The Mindset 30 

To Get That Beautiful Girlfriend, You Need to Know 30 

Part 1: Welcome to the Jungle 33 

I’m Not Going Home with You… Short Guy 33 

Welcome to the Jungle 34 

The Commandments 35 

What Most Introverted (& Smart Guys) Secretly Think 46 

Success Goes Down to the Fundamentals… 50 

Why Most Guys Fail and How Not to Be One of Them 53 

The 8 Stages of Your Dating Development 55 

Use Filters 57 

You Are Not Different 59 

Part 2: Irreversible Mistakes 64 

Nightclubs 64 

Irreversible Mistakes 67 

Are There Really Any Quality Women Out There? 68 

Can You Attract Women If You’re Broke? 69 

Part 3: the Golden Keys to Success 73 

The Winning Formula 73 

Self Awareness 73 

Surroundings Awareness 74 

Paradigm 74 

Vibing & Energy 76 

Psychology 76 

Focus 76 

Emotional Stability 77 

Techniques & Strategies 78 

Understanding Your “self Worth” (This Is Big) 78 

When You Change, Everything Changes 80 

This Is a Lifestyle, Not a Weekend Night Out 81 

It’s Now or Never 82 

Structure of A Successful Interaction 83 

The Loser Mentality 84 

Alcohol 86 

The 8 Types of Women 86 

Rejections & How to Take It 88 

You're in 3 Battles 90 

Motivation 90 

What Do You Want to See When You Look Back 92 

Part 4: Approaching Women 95 

The Challenges 95 

The Problem With Not Approaching Women 97 

Passiveness 98 

The 11 Triggers of Approach Anxiety 101 

After Approach Anxiety 102 

Emotional Stability and Approach Anxiety 103 

The Irrational Fear 104 

Ignoring The Pain Signal 105 

The Cold 107 

The Elements of a Successful Approach 108 

How to Overcome Approach Anxiety and Successfully 

Approach 110 

1. Break it down to simple steps 110 

2. The possible flood of negative feelings coming your 

way 110 

3. Most people lose the game to fear and give up 111 

4. Your ability to manage anxiety and worry determines 

your results 111 

5. Remember... Your default is set to failure... 111 

The Main Reason Most Guys Never Fix This Is 112 

If You Can’t Approach Read These 114 

More Reminders on Approaching Women 116 

What to Do If You Can’t Approach Her 118 

The Ultimate Failure 118 

Fear 120 

Attraction 122 

The Rule #1 of Dating 122 

Cgq 124 

The 8 Pillars of Success 128 

How to Rate Yourself as a Guy 132 

Testing 134 

Are You Serious? 136 

Conviction & Self-doubt 137 

Risk Taking 138 

Final Reminders 139 

Most Guys Are Blindly Obsessed With Validation 139 

Engage Fast and Don’t Waste Time With “Tire Kickers” 140 

Texting Is Important 140 

Match Her Energy 141 

Don’t Get Affected by Rejections and Setbacks 141 

Best Places to Meet Women 142 

Cafes 142 

Yoga and Pilates Classes 142 

What’s Next 144 

Attract​ – How to Attract and Date Quality Women Without Being Someone You’re Not  13 
As sweet, beautiful and stunning women can be... if you 
are not trained to communicate with them calibrated, o
​ n their 
frequency​ and with c
​ onviction​...​you’ll trigger resistance and 
start the dreaded feedback loop of r​ ejection​ and n
​ egative 

Long term results are f​ rustration​, anger and ​bitterness 

towards yourself and women. The vicious loop of confusion & 

This book and the video program you got in your hands, are 
the blueprint to a more confident, attractive and charismatic 

I systematically take guys who are ​shy​, ​insecure​ or s​ ocially 

weak​ with absolutely no conversation skills to dating beautiful, 
classy and quality women they really deserve.  

Who is this Book for? 

This book is for you if… 

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● There is ​a voice​ ​in your head​ calling you ​not enough​, 
telling you “​I probably can n
​ ever​ meet the type of woman I 
want because I am this way”​. 

● If you’re shy and find it hard to approach and meet 


● You’ve never had the type of woman you wanted. 

(Either looks - personality or both). 

● You had someone special, but you lost her to another 

guy. (Maybe to another guy). 

Who Is This Book ​Not​ for? 

● Cocky, close-minded son of a bitch guys 

● Jaded-angry woman haters 

● Lazy mother fuckers who just complain, take no action 

and wonder why their life sucks 

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Meet The Family 

​ This book has children which y
​ ou should read and watch​ if 
you want it to work for you: 

GET THE GIRL -​ This is the “how to” part of this collection. A 
complete A-Z system to meet women. Comes with a series of 
videos you should have access to already. This book alone will 
make you 10 folds more powerful and aware in society, plus 
more attractive to women. It reveals more than you could 
learn in a $1000 course.. It has already helped thousands of 

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CONVERSE -​ This crash course teaches you ​conversation 
skills​. How to never run out of things to say. Know where in 
the interaction you are so you can say the ​right thing​ at t​ he 
right time​. Dealing with t​ he awkward silence​ and all the 
challenges of conversing. 

AROUSE -​ This guide is a collection of the most effective 

techniques and strategies to ​turn her on fast​ and make the 
interaction more enjoyable for both you and her. A lot of guys 
end up in the friendzone because they fail to arouse her.  

APPROACH -​ Most men prefer to die with a bullet in their 

head in the war in Afghanistan rather than approaching a hot 

This program is the proven methods of approaching women 

in different scenarios. ​The video crash course teaches you 
different ways to approach women successfully even if you 
have uncontrollable anxiety of interacting with attractive 
women or you’ve never approach women you find attractive. 

​ he point of this guide is to explain ​the 
steps y
​ ou take to go ​from strangers to lovers​. It is not written 

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as an in-depth tutorial off each step, but as an overview of the 
whole journey. 

Common loser mentality 

Guys who fail have thoughts like: 

1. This is not gonna work for me 

2. “I don’t wanna go out with any woman who picks a guy like 
me​ as a partner! I am ugly/loser/weak/insecure etc. 

3. “All women are bitches”. 

4. “I am JUST n
​ ot​ that kinda guy who can get a hot girlfriend 
and I am dealing with it”. 

5. “There are just too many guys out there going for the 
same woman I want to go… I have no chance”...  

And the list of ​excuses​ goes on... 

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Most guys​ don’t attract the women they R
​ EALLY​ want 
because of the wrong mindset, shyness, fear or ​not 
understanding women and themselves. 

After a couple failed attempts, 

most men choose to put their 
head in the sand and ignore this 
until they’re too old to do 
anything about it.  

As a result, they end up l​ onely 

and ​depressed​.  

Or worse... they become ​Desperate​ and start a l​ ousy 

relationship​ with a woman they don’t really like and end up in 
a deadend.  

Sexless​, l​ oveless​ and b

​ oring​ relationship.  

Some get pressured to the biggest decision of their lives. 

Both financially and morally​. Knock her up to ​avoid the 
break up​, or to make h
​ er​ and ​her family​ happy. This traps 

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them in an even bigger mess. More sad with a couple kids as 
the casualties of his weakness. 

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How To Win 
The way you think 
determines the way you 
feel and as a result, the 
way do things... and 
finally ​the results you get​. 

Most guys go straight to the “How To” part without 

understanding the rules first. This book explains the “What 
Part” and the rules. Only after you shift your thought patterns, 
techniques and strategies become effective. I teach you most 
of the techniques and strategies in the video section of the 

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Why Most Guys Fail and How You Can 

Avoid it from Happening 
Attracting and keeping the quality women you want is 
multi dimensional and pretty complex if you’ve never done it. 
Most guys, won’t end up with the relationship(s) they really 
want. The reasons are: 

1 - ​They simply quit​! Most g

​ ive in​ or ​give up​ without 
realizing they’re leaving the scene.  

2 - Winning this game requires advanced levels of ​low 

and ​high​ level skills. Guys t​ hink​ focusing on high level gets 
them the wins. It doesn’t. 

These are the skills from l​ ow​ to h

​ igh​ level: 

1. Self and surrounding awareness 

2. Flawless focus 

3. Confidence​, doubt and anxiety management skills 

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4. High level skills -> How to approach, how to talk, text, 
arouse etc 

If you have t​ ough skin​, a ​blueprint​ and enough persistent, 

if you ​remain focused​, you will eventually learn the surface 
level skills.  

The main concern for most guys is the b

​ lindspots​ and the 
lower level skills. We’re gonna do a lot of work on that in this 

Money and an $80000 car. A collection of clones, shoes, 

jeans, suits, alcohol, cigarettes, weed and pets… all of that is 
depreciating investments! 

You can instead invest a fraction of that in yourself, learn 

to get out of the jail of your mind and not only fix your 
challenges with women, you’ll also win in other areas of your 
life. After all struggling with women is a symptom of ​the real 
problem​. T
​ he real problem is lack of low level skills! 

Your personality and social skills, your mind 

management skills are the assets that n
​ ever depreciate​!  

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6 Things 
Thing 1 
This is NOT a “how to” book! 

This book triggers a paradigm shift. The way you see and 
approach women and dating. When you learn to manage your 
thoughts and discard the irrational ones, you’ll gain control 
over your emotions. Only then can you achieve consistent 

Thing 2 
This isn’t literature or a classy novel! My goal is not to 
impress you with superb grammar or fancy words; it is to get 
to my world of abundance so you start living a different quality 
of life! I’ll show you how to rapidly find quality and passionate 
interactions, boost your confidence so you can attract 

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extraordinary women and experience short and long term 
romance with them! 

Thing 3 
It feels amazing to attract and sleep with beautiful women! 
Falling in love with beautiful women and getting them to love 
you back with you so you can share something unique 
together is even more sweet! I’ll show you how to do that too. 

However​!.... as blissful, fun and heavenly it is to make love 

to a beautiful, blue eyed blonde and fall in love with her, 
engaging women can have several serious unpleasant 
consequences​ too. 

Things can change at any time. The woman who once was 
the best thing that ever happened to you, can suddenly 
become a ​painful burden​ and a ​heavy load​ you wish you’d 
never had to carry. You may say "damn you serious Ben?" I’d 
say "yeh man… that happens like ​all​ t​ he time ​bro!" 

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It’s easy to lose perspective and obsess over a woman! No 
one gets married so they can get divorced next; but many end 
up down that path. 

If you choose to enter this game, you should promise me 

that you understand this. 

Love, sex and oxytocin expand b

​ lindspots​. No one will warn 
you the possible nuclear rockets coming your way. If you’re 
not aware and just jump, you could get hurt emotionally, 
financially and/or mentally.  

Once you do things I’ll show you, you will attract women. In 
this book I won’t give advice on using condoms. It’s a catch 22 
and a very personal choice you gotta make for yourself.  

When you sleep with random women, there is a chance of 

getting her pregnant or getting sick. With some women more 
than others. 

At the same time when you wrap it, the pleasure drops 
dramatically and while you’re in and out you might think “Why 
am I even doing this I am not feeling anything this is weird?”. 

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Sometimes it’s more fun to wear a helmet and masturbate 
in your bedroom rather than having sex and feeling nothing. 

Whatever path you take, partner with women who are on 
your value level or higher. That’s all say on that. 

Thing 4 
Please don’t skip or skim through this book. Read every 
single word. I want you to win. 

Thing 5 
This book comes with a series of video tutorials and pdf 
guides. This book is the skeleton. ​The other parts are the 

You’ll learn the most when you see it in action. So make sure 
you watch the videos as you read this book. You’ll find the 
video link at the footer of every page. 

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Thing 6 
Things we discuss here are ​learnable skills​. I have taught 
this to thousands of other fellows all around the world online 
and offline.  

If you stick around and do things I show you, you will get a 
lot out of it. These are ​proven​ philosophies and strategies.  

She Didn't Tell Me She's Married! 

Last Tuesday I went on an unusual Tinder date. When we 
met, she seemed uncomfortable yet aroused (a strange 

We made it clear that neither of us were looking for a 

relationship. So, after a few glasses of wine, we walked back to 
my place and enjoyed a few hours of no strings attached 
pillow fights and hot wax candles. 

Then it happened. She was still wearing my shirt and milking 

the last sips of champagne from the bottle... her phone rang. 

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I heard a man's voice on the phone. I don’t speak her 
language so I couldn’t understand the conversation. 

As soon as she hung up, she said… 

“It was my sister.” 

I smiled and handed her the glass of. The night soon ended, 
and we kissed goodbye as she left. 

Two days later I was outside a cafe checking my emails on 

my laptop. I looked up and saw her. One hand pushing a baby 
carriage with twins inside, and the other hand wrapped 
around the arm of a sad-looking guy! 

I Know it Already 
A mistake many guys make is unconsciously avoiding the 
fundamentals. They follow a random course which teaches 
them “tricks” and end up wasting their time and money. 

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What’s stopping you from attracting the woman you want 
may take you 5 years to fix and you may one day get the girl 
you always wanted. 

But, if you think about the situation differently, you can get 
similar results in 5 days! In this book I will target your 
blind-spots and sticking points. I will give you new ways of 
thinking in bite size chunks. Read it slowly. Let each section 

The Mindset 
To Get That Beautiful Girlfriend, You Need 
to Know 
● Where​ to meet her 

● Exactly h
​ ow​ to meet her so you don’t come off as creepy 
or weird  

● What​ to tell her and what to do to build the attraction 

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● What ​NOT​ to do to continue building the a
​ ttraction 

● How not to be n
​ eedy​ through the whole interaction 

● How to ask for her contact details without raising any 

objections​ or sounding stereotypical 

● How to text her so ​she comes out on a date​ with you 

● What to do ​during​ the date to build the t​ rust​ and more 


● How to turn things sexual without raising any objections 

● How to blow her mind in the bedroom 

● How to bring up the idea of a relationship without 

freaking her out and scaring her away. 

All of these are explained in detail in the video section of the 


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When you learn and do these right 

● You start meeting more women  

● You start attracting more women 

● You start to get more dates 

● And finally having options  

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Part 1: Welcome to the Jungle 

I’m Not Going Home with You… Short 
I was out one evening with a friend. 
We were having drinks at a lounge 
in Moscow. My friend is a computer 
programmer. Smart guy but very 
introverted and reserved. He’s also 
kind of short, bad and not attractive. 
He looks like a semi-rotten potato 
that’s been out of the fridge for 

As we’re talking, he quietly asked me…  

“Man... can you get those two girls at the end of the 
bar to come join us? It’s been a while since I met 
someone I liked!” 

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A few minutes later I approach them. They were nice and 
friendly. We spoke a bit and after a few minutes I told her: 

“You seem friendly… I am actually here with my friend... 

Maybe you join us later… who knows, it might be fun)” 

She looked at my friend, paused and said: 

“Ben your friend he’s kinda.... short. I don’t want to waste 

my or his time. There’s no way we’ll ever get along.” 

Welcome to the Jungle 

The dating world today is similar to the wild! It’s ​no 
playground for ​emotionally or​ m
​ entally weak​ people!  

Survival of the fittest​! If you're an average guy, shy, short, 

bald, introverted or a combination of the above... if you have 
anxiety of approaching women and if you’re emotionally 
unaware (will tell you a lot on that), you will have a h
​ arder time 
meeting and keeping quality women you want!  

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I know several guys who use Laxapro & a bunch of other 
antidepressants​ to avoid dealing with the pain of rejection…  

Some drink​ it everyday, some even turned ​gay​ and a few 

sadly ​attempted suicude​ just not to feel with the ​sadness​, 
lonliness​ and the self-hate casued by the rejections! 

Basically, if you don’t understand certain social dynamics 

with women, your looks are not gonna save the day! Not 
today, not tomorrow. 

Some girls tagert your cash. Money attracts g

​ old diggers 
too. That’s the last thing you want to have in your life!  

The Commandments 
I was with a client in Tallinn (Estonia) last summer.  

Waiting for the traffic light to go green and we cross. It was 

busy, very busy. Many people waiting for the light on both 

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On the other side my eyes got locked to this pretty 20 
something year old girl with long blonde hair looking my way. I 
smiled at her, and she replied with a nice, open and friendly 

As the light goes green and we walk towards each other, we 
both slow down, smile and go for a hug and a quick l​ ip to lip 
kiss​… In the middle of the street.  

I walked to the other side with her, exchanged numbers and 

met her later that day.  

When we left, the guy with me said: 

What the fuck just happened!  

I haven’t had a hug since my divorce for 10 months and you get 
to kiss a random stranger in the middle of the street? What am I 
doing wrong? 

The answer is in the ​commandments​ ​below​. If you want to 

win and become attractive to women, you have to fully learn 

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and understand these by heart ​regardless of what you 

A ​model looking girlfriend​ who loves you or if you want 

quality ​1 night​ stand with a girl ​you meet in a classy Jazz bar​… 

1. Never put yourself in the position of rejection. Physically 

or verbally. ​If she can reject you in the process of 
attraction building, she u
​ ncontrollably​ will​!  
For example, instead of saying:  
Do you want to meet up?  
Do you prefer meeting at Starbucks or CafeMania? 
Would you like to meet up Tuesday Or Wednesday? 

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A lot goes to this. I explain more in the video section of 
the book. 

2. To win ​quality​, ​you will have to go against your 

emotions sometimes​. Most men can’t. But you can! You 
might REALLY want to send that text message and... you 
Dealing with ​Approach Anxiety​ is a good example! Extreme 
desire to meet her but at the same time every cell in your 
body says no to approach. 

3. Most women are ​passive​! This used to annoy me in the 

past. Passive means “she’s not gonna approach you at 
any stage of the interaction”. 
When you see someone you like, ​you should approach 
her​ otherwise you will beat yourself up later and develop 
self hate in the long run. I will teach you all the ins and 
outs of approach in the video section of the program. 

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4. No one cares about y
​ our feelings​. Specially attractive 
women. This is brutal, but very ​true​ at the same time! 

5. Techniques​ w
​ ithout​ the​ r​ ight mindset​ = Car ​without​ an 
engine. Spend 95% of your time working your mind, 5% 
conversation skills. 

6. Rejection​ is not personal.  

7. Resistance​ = Suffering. Any negative emotion means you 

should ​change the way you think instantly​. 

8. Drop your logic​. What makes sense to her probably won’t 

make sense to you. 

9. Attraction is something you build as you go! As a guy you 

should learn to build it a
​ uthentically​. There is no other 

10. If you feel f​ rustrated or deseperate​, she will feel it in 

your voice and the l​ ook ​in your eyes. The moment she 
sees the ​desperation​... game over. She'll brutally play you 
and drag you till the end of time. 

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11. Interactions find balance eventually. You'll either be 
chasing or leading. In the guide Get The Girl I show you 
how to l​ ead​. 

12. Kick her off the pedestal & never give your power away 
to anyone. Don't be a dick either. Be nice to women. If 
you do things right, she'll stick around. 

13. Women ​constantly​ and u

​ ncontrollably​ t​ est​ you. If you 
allow her tests to make the interaction tense in a negative 
way, she will lose the attraction.  
Attraction is a fragile little thing you should s​ ystematically 
build​ and ​protect​ until your Fire Hose meets her Red Wagon 
and the pillow fight is out of the way. ​After that, the 
dynamic changes. It’s key to remain kind and caring after 
you go downtown with her. I’ll explain this in detail in the 
members area. 
If you use her tests and turn the interaction to a fun 
playful game, she will feel more and more attracted to 
you. If you play on your default setting and sound like 

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Bob Smith or Frank Green, she will not show you her pink 

14. The ​longer​ you w

​ ait​, ​the harder it gets​. I am not talking 
about your fire hose, I’m talking about going for the kiss 
and escalating. 

15. You and most women you meet are not a fit and ​it is 
not personal​. Many guys develop ​bitterness towards 
women​ when they lose a hand and end up hurting 

16. Your emotional state is highly recognizable at all 

times​. She will feel both the c​ onfidence​ or the ​frustration 
in your voice, your eyes and the way you look at her, the 
way you move and carry yourself. 

17. Your results are the best feedback of your skills. 

18. Complainers lose 100% of the time. Any negative 

statement is a sign you need to change the way you think 
about it. 

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19. Use filters. Not instagram filters. Interactions filters. 
The concept of filters is explained in detail in the program 
and further down in this book. 

20. Relationships​ are ​not​ for everyone. You gotta go out 

of your way quite a lot if you wanna make it work. If you 
are in one and you’re planning on staying, read John 
Grey's mars-venus book.  

21. The dating world is a sharp d

​ ouble edged sword​. 
Some rejections and failure can be ​brutal​. Your feelings 
can get hurt. Grow “rhinoceros” thick skin because the 
pleasure​ on the other side, the taste, the softness, the 
intensity and the madness is out of this world when she’s 
sitting on your face squirting love juice. 

22. You're an awesome guy and ​no one ever tells you how 
awesome you are​. Never forget it. If you’ve ended up 
reading this far in the book, it means ​you know the 
possibilities and you have the map in your hands​. 
When you doubt yourself, message me. How? Link at the 

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23. You're gonna win some and lose some. When you lose, 
laugh at it, be happy you got to play and walk away proud 
that you are still in the game. If you're sad, own it like a 
man, feel it until it’s out of you. 

24. Interactions and women can bring out your darkest 

side (hurt, anger, jealousy, revenge, envy etc)... These 
feelings mean you've got work to do on your i​nner game​, 
beliefs​, ​confidence​ and w
​ eaknesses​. When you get good 
and understand yourself and why people are a certain 
way, the negative feelings fly away. 

25. The level of your approach anxiety is a great measure 

of your ​authenticity​, ​confidence, conviction​ and ​courage​. 
You're going to have good and bad days but in general 
most your days should be anxiety free. Watch the 
complementary videos that come with this book to learn 
cold approaching women. 

26. Many guys knock a girl up u

​ nintentionally​ and sadly 
exit the game. Make sure you know what you're doing 

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there. Avoid freestyling it. ​Master intimacy​ and how it's 
done w
​ ithout making a mess​. 

27. It all ends fast... so enjoy the ride and don't take any of 
it seriously. Relationships have 1 goal: A more joyful life 
for you and her. When you find yourself angry, yelling, 
fighting, bitter and sad or paraluzed by anxiety... Take a 
step back, re-evaluate and ​reverse engineer​ how you got 
into the mess. 

28. Remain in ​non-reactive​ ​mode​ at all times. 

29. Never follow… Always LEAD. If you’re walking with her 

in the museum and she stops to look at a painting, very 
slowly keep walking and look at other pieces until she 
catches on.  

30. Avoid being agreeable a

​ ll the time​. Practice 
non-compliance mode and learn to do it under the radar. 

31. Interact from the position of power. Be willing to walk 

away if things are not going your way. 

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32. When you are with her, f​ ocus​! Be f​ ully​ t​ here​ in the 
interaction. Focus and presence make you attractive! 

33. Authenticity​ is rare and priceless. 

34. Master attraction triggers, pull them left and right.  

35. Master ​conversation​ skills. 

36. Assume the b

​ est possible scenario​ e
​ very time​. 

37. Be ​playful​ & n

​ ot too serious​. 

38. Be ambiguous. 

39. Never drop your standards​ over a dry spell. Go for 

the best! 

40. Keep ​neediness​, ​sadness​, ​jealousy​ & ​anger​ out of it. 

41. Make your interaction patterns u

​ ntraceable​ and 

42. It’s ok to be on your own.  

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What Most Introverted (& Smart 

Guys) Secretly Think 
"I am this awesome great guy and girls don't realize it and keep 
saying NO… I built a multi-million dollar business from nothing 
and still have to prove myself to this girl? ​You kidding me right? 

It's just painful and fuck all these bitches who don’t realize who 
I am.” Why go out and get rejected left and right?” 

That is a universal feeling and self talk smart single guys 

who want women but can’t get have with themselves 

Most guys are getting constant feedback from the opposite 

sex that… “Sorry but you’re not good enough!” 

Approaching women, it opens guys to getting hurt and 

trashes their ego. I mean who wants to get their ego hurt, just 

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for women to say “That’s cute but no thank you... Let’s just be 

What’s even worse is when you see that girl that you want 
so badly, going for a low class- cheap guy who has nothing to 
offer compared to you. 

Then you start to think maybe she’s crazy. Why she goes to 
this dude who is not half the man that I am… And the loop of 
negativity and failure takes you away again. 

“What’s wrong with me as a man that every quality woman 

rejects me?”  

I’ve been there too… Wondering if people know what’s going 

on in your head... Most guys hide it pretty well & pretend they 
are OK and secretly hate on women and set up.  

A lot of guys cannot admit they have a problem, yet alone 

paying someone to coach them through this… Those who ask 
for help, get burned by the fake “dating and pickup” industry 
and commercial sales-marketing machines that bully them in 

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the endless loops of expensive products and useless 

What they get in return in the next spam approach 

strategies by another PUA bootcamp or flood of internet 
marketing hype trying to sell them the next bullshet magic pill. 
Most guys try and fail.. Depressed, die inside a little everyday 
until they eventually give up!  

Most guys (I’d say +95%) take 1 of these routes. Both end in 
sadness and what I call “depression in instalments”. 
1 - Lowering Their Standards 

Get into a relationship with a woman they don't really like. 

They take this route because they don't know how to 
approach or attract the women they ​really​ want!  

They end up unhappy in a sexless relationship. Pretend that 

everything is ok and ​she is the one​ ​“We’re just going through a 

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Settle for a s​ econd level partner​ and stick to her because he 
KNOWS if he loses her, he pretty much has no other options 
but a guaranteed hardcore breakup. 

Secretly ​watching porn, thinking about other women​ and 

cheating if they can. Probably end up getting a divorce at the 

2 - Giving up 

Option 2… yes… give up altogether and s​ tick to good old 

P0rnhub​. This is what’s happening to millions of guys out 

Then both the quality, and the intensity of your 

performance gets affected by that mindset! This is like a 
deadly virus that hits guys in 3 different ways:  

1. The ​guy starts to lose motivation​ to find quality woman 

and the w
​ hole thing becomes a burden​. 

2. Or he starts putting interactions off, and won’t spend 

enough hours on it. 

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3. He will not do it with passion anymore! D
​ oing anything 
half-hearted & without passion will... fail​. 

The further you see yourself from her (nice, beautiful and 
sexy dream girl)… The more days pass without you having that 
woman in your life… The stronger this negative belief 
becomes, the lower your results drop… The closer you’ll sink to 
the bottom! This is a recipe for failure in anything… Dating too 
man, dating too!  

Success Goes Down to the 


1. Most social settings (and people) are not forgiving that’s 

how it’s set up. You have a very short time to adapt to the 
environment and quickly do the right thing. Most guys 
take too long to recognise the settings and make the 

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2. If you're not c​ reative​... You have to have a diverse mind 
and your conversation skills should be all the way up 
there, otherwise you'll be THAT guy.  
The weird dude nobody wanted to talk to. Brutally 
rejected and no one will care about you or your lonely 

3. If you're not good looking, you'll have it tougher! Getting 

friend-zoned will be the least of your problems. There will 
be even more expectations of you and your only way out 
is to communicate on a higher level. 99% of men are 
incapable of even getting close to that. My ​1on1 trainings 
are designed to help hard-cases and guys who pretty 
much have no chance on their own. 

4. The only way to get good at this is to fundamentally 

change the way you think. 

5. Face your approach anxiety on a daily basis... ​Stare in 

the eyes until it's powerless against you​. With anxiety 

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controlling you, you'll be powerless. Use my technique I 
showed you. 

6. Learn to get desensitize to rejection & hit your daily 

numbers. There is only so much “no's before “yes”s come. 

7. Get a
​ truck load ​of ​frame of reference​ in different 
situations. Experience is power. Makes you walk, talk and 
move differently. 

8. Avoid repeating the same mistakes​! If you do it 100 

times wrong, you'll fail 100% of the time. Use my simple 
method I show you in the videos. Think about it 
differently so you take different approach. 

9. Confidence gets your foot at the door. ​If you're not 

confident, you'll get rejected​. Another reason to be called 
"THAT guy". Without it, nothing else will work. 

10. Make that decision right now. Either give it up all 

together and wait for her to fall into your lap (she 
probably won’t), or do the system I show you. 

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Why Most Guys Fail and How Not to 

Be One of Them 
Read them, be very aware of them at all times and separate 
yourself from guys who think like this. 

● Most guys have no idea what they’re doing or where 

they’re going in their life with dating. They’re waiting for a 

● They run into fake gurus and keep getting the wrong 
advice. Flood of faceless bloggers, marketers and books 
written by ghostwriters.  

● They become jaded, women haters and lost somewhere 

in the journey. 

● Massive ego and not admitting they need help. 

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● “It's not gonna work for me anyways” mentality. Never 
had a quality woman in the past, what makes it different 
this time? Basically, no reference for success 

● The unforgiving dating scene! There’s really no room for 

mistakes! ​Embarrassment is just 1 approach away​... If 
the approach is uncalibrated or the wrong way it will tank. 
Most guys would rather stay in and porn it away with a 
joint rather than going after her. The other side of the 
coin is extreme pleasure and satisfaction. 

● Not knowing what to say or do. Man I approach a lot of 

women and I get it… most of the times it’s extremely 
awkward at first.  

● Emotional attachment to beauty. Desire to get a piece 

of her makes guys weak and powerless... and that 
affects the performance and puts him in reactive 
mode.. That is the opposite position of power. Who 
wants to go there? No one! Who ends up going there? 

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The 8 Stages of Your Dating 


Most guys get stuck at stage 2, some make it to 3. Very few 

go any further. If you hang around long enough, I’ll take you all 
the way to the top. Yes there is a place called the top. It looks 
good and feels great. 

1. The Dark Era​. I know nothing. Sad, bitter, virgin and 

lonely. Fuck this world. It sucks and we’re all gonna die. 

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2. Wrong Girlfriend​. Someone finally fucked me and out of 
desperation, I stayed on board for the ride, who knows 
when’s the next bus coming. Probably never. 

3. PUA Era​. She dumped me and I discovered the pickup 


4. Relationship + Breakups Loop​ - Started to attract and 

lose girls. 

5. Jaded PUA -​ Believed women are all bitches and they all 
break your heart. 

6. Fuckboy​ - Women are good just for 1 thing. I know how 

to get them. Party Time proud to be a manwhore. O shit I 
can take Viagra too when I am still young? 

7. Healthy Relationship​ - Along the way on the Fuckboy 

phase, I met some amazing, wild women who helped me 
grow and see women through another lens. 

8. Real Abundance​ - Total Freedom, Sex, Love & 

Relationship On Demand. 

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It doesn’t matter where you are in your development! 
Wherever you are, when you follow things I have here for you, 
you will have the tools to climb all the way to the top! 

Use Filters 
In all of my programs, I teach the concept of "filters". 
Because it’s very freaking important. Basically how "feeling any 
negative emotions means you need to stop doing whatever it 
is that you’re doing and change the way you think about the 

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Emotions of J​ ealousy​, f​ ear​, ​anxiety​, ​anger​, sadness, 
bitterness and n
​ eediness​... Have nothing to do with women. 
It’s all the side effects of wrong believes and the reactive 

Whatever route you take, make sure you don't get stuck in a 
dark stage because the first person who will get hurt it you 
and then the people around you. The butterfly effect may hit 
me too, who knows how this thing really works... 

The loop of negativity and failure can be draining and you 

could become jaded towards women. This could become a 
lasting state if you’re not aware of it. 

When you "get it", then no one will reject you anymore. You 
will only understand the setup, you will have absolutely no 

Rejection will lose its meaning! Destination: Abundance era - 

Total Freedom. Relationships are just another vehicle that get 
you there. When you get there, you won't even need it 
anymore. You’ll just enjoy the ride. 

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You'll realize ​all this was just there for you to know 
yourself and become a more humble, strong and a better 
guy​. ​Women sense that in you​ and automatically come to you 
when they realize you don't need them. 

The recipe is simple... be humble, cool, friendly, playful, 

master social skills through the pdsf and videos I provide 
for you. When you have negative feelings, dig in and find 
out what is going on and seek solutions rather than 
letting it go down on you and eat you up. 

You Are Not Different 

Just because she squirt love juice on your face a few times 
and call you daddy doesn’t mean she’s your property or you’re 
Casanova. You got to play a hand, get over it! 

I see quite often men from all walks of life (mostly 

successful ones) break down and cry, lose themselves and the 
life that took them years to build. 

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They get hurt because they think just because they have 
status in society and they’re respected (or rich), things never 
go wrong in their relationships!  

This mentality makes them extremely vulnerable! 

They don’t understand the rules of the game and they think 
“I am different”... or worse… “She is different” or even worse… 
“We are not that kinda couple”​.​.. 

No one is above the process​, no one is above the 

psychology either! Anyone at any time can leave n
​ o matter 
how close​ they are to you or what they’ve promised you in the 

If you want to play this game and meet the women you 
really want, you gotta be ok with that fact that w
​ omen,​ like 
everything else in life, also ​come and go​ and i​ t usually happens 
without any notice​.  

This doesn’t mean all women cheat and leave, but there is 
always a chance and i​ t’s usually when you expect it the 

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If you want to develop a superpower and take this to the next 
level, remind yourself that you are mortal! A concept I learned 
in Thailand spending time with monks. This idea is alien to the 
Western culture. ​When you let go, you’ll live fearlessly!​ I will 
talk to you more about this in the video section. 

Bad parenting and lack of education creates ego driven, 

cocky, self-centered and insecure men and women who feel 
entitled to trash, burn and act irrationally when they lose. 

She may choose to be with another guy for a week without 

even telling you.  

Right now as I am writing this, I am in Ukraine. Some women 

have the option to just fire up Tinder, meet a guy in south of 
France, with private jet and spend a few days with him 
drinking Krug Brut 88 and do highly inappropriate things in his 

This doesn’t mean live in fear, but accept the rules. ​Get 
better so you’re not so vulnerable and instead you got 
options and bet or chips only on you​. Relationships are 

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transactions and emotions are currency. If you win the 
emotions, you win her too! 

Also just because she said certain things or because she had 
a baby with you, doesn’t mean she is gonna stick around 

Anytime you are with a woman (either a 1 time encounter or 

a long term relationship), beware that this is only for now and 
things may change the next day. T​ hat includes your feelings for 
her and her feelings for you. 

Accept the setup​! Us humans are very dynamic creatures 

and make irrational decisions all the time! 

When life gets tough, pressure goes up and things can fall 
apart! Relationships are first in the line! 

If you choose to play, be prepared for everything. 

I have always said it, ​the better quality relationship​, ​the 

more pleasure and potential for pain at the end​.  

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Most people don’t wanna think or talk about it because it’s 

If you choose to play, go in, enjoy every second of it, be a 

great partner and if it ends, don’t lose yourself. Accept, grieve 
and move on to the next. 

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Part 2: Irreversible Mistakes 

Here’s how some poor guy ended up with my friends semen 
on his face! 

This is back in 2017… 

I was out with 2 clients who wanted to learn how to “pick 

up” girls from the club ( That's not what I teach anymore... 
clubs are my least favorite places). 

We were in Miami, South Beach, SLS hotel. 

DJ, music, girls, drinks, party… You know the mix. 

My client started talking to this girl. She was really hot... 

really hot! Late 20s I’d say. She had just broken up with her 

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She kept drinking and constantly saying I wanna get him out 
of my system.  

So one of the guys pulled the trigger and they left together. 
This is around 9 pm. Me and the other guy stayed. 

A couple hours later the guy (who left with the girl) called 
me and said 

“Ben we just had sex and she wants me to bring her back to 
SLS. But she's tipsy and refuses to clean up... I came all over 
her face it’s disgusting and stinks! 

I am Ubering back with her but smells like cum. See you in a 

And then it happened… 

There were a group of guys from a dating company teaching 

guys to make instant kiss with random girls. They were 
standing at the front of the entrance and pretty much 
approaching any girl who walked in.  

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In the middle of this chaos, loud music, drunk guys and girls, 
my friend and this girl walk in and she walks straight to the 
arms of this other dating companies instructor and starts 
making out with him. 

All his students starts to applaud since their guru just got a 
make out… Not knowing what just happened and the poor guy 
just made out with this girl who still had cum on her lips. 

Moral of the story 

With alcohol, loud music, drugs and smoke comes a lot of 
things. Things you don’t wanna have on your face! Other guys 
sperms for example. 

At ​nightclubs​ and environments where a

​ lcohol​ and 
stimulants​ are involved, ​even the best case scenario is a loss​. 

Back in Australia I had a 3 piece band and saw what 

happens in the dj booth and backstage in the staff toilet. It’s 
kinda fun if you’re down to some risky pleasure. 

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I recommend you n
​ ot to look​ for your​ future girlfriend 
there. And ​if​ you go home with her, use a condom. 

If you wanna play in those scenes, do it because you want to 

and you know what you’re stepping into... not because you got 
pumped by "club game infield hidden cameras footage" or 

Also remember... if someone is easy enough to go home 

with you from the club, she goes home with pretty much 
anyone who can charm her. 

Irreversible Mistakes 
When times are tough, when hope is gone and when you’re 
under pressure of life, the chances of making mistakes 

You become more vulnerable, confidence goes down and 

you could make mistakes easier! 

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Guys drop the standards easily and make irrational 
decisions that could ruin the rest of their lives... And some 
decisions are one way street. There is no going back! 

When the Lizard-brain kicks in, there is not much a 

desperate man wouldn’t do to release. Wrap your fire hose 
safely, pull out and be smart about it. 

Even in your darkest desperate hours, when you haven't got 

much to lose, or not much hope in life, keep your standards 
high in case your swimmers make it to the death star because 
once you hit, you wouldn’t be able to run. 

Are There Really Any Quality Women 

Out There? 
As you're reading this, ​~75000 people are having sex​, 
thousands of ​women are meeting someone randomly​, and 
thousands of people are on a
​ first date​. There are +1 million 
dates per week only through good old T
​ inder​!  

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The dough is there... you just need to go get it through the 
right channels. We don’t want this mentality that “all women 
are bitches and fuck them all”... or “All the good ones are 

That’s a loser mentality. 

Good women exist, they do meet quality guys, if you 

become quality and approach them the right way, you’ll join 
the 75k club as well.  

Can You Attract Women If You’re 

If you’re starving or don’t have a roof above your head, you 
won’t get women! Not because of women… But because of 
your own mind!  

A guy who is broke thinking about the next bill can hardly 
focus on anything else... Women included! 

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Or you are in pain for example. Stomach ache, or fever. 
Finding love will be the last thing on your mind. 

Below is Maslow's hierarchy of human needs. You need 

your basics before you think about getting quality women! 

There are some exceptions as well. I used to be a bartender! 

I didn’t have any money! I owed +20k on my credit card at one 

Regardless of that, there were many nights I went home 

with beautiful women. The same nights rich kids were going 
home alone & frustrated.  

Not because I was anything special! But because I had just 

developed a system. A
​ sequence of things to do and say​… I 
observed night after night watching what women like to hear 

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and what attracts them. I reverse engineered attraction built at 
the bar!  

Back in the day my system wasn't as advanced as it is 

today... It still worked. I saw the importance of non 
reactiveness and the power of routine-based interactions and 
the mother of all...  


I learned to position myself right . You can build status and 

position yourself right... with that comes attraction. What to 
say, how to say it and what to do in each specific situation! 

Now that I think about it, if I had no money problems back 

then, I could have done better. Much better. M
​ ore​ f​ ocused​ and 
better results. I still managed to get it done because of my 
surroundings, the system I’d developed and unfairly good 

If you go on a date and you be scattered, lose focus, or if 

you cry how broke you are and how tough your life is, she'll 
leave you! No one wants a complainer, yet alone fucking one. 

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Money gives you safety and peace of mind. When you have 
peace of mind only then you can fully focus on her! 

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Part 3: the Golden Keys to 

The Winning Formula  
So I am with you on this... In the real world attracting 
beautiful women can be hard and frustrating if you are an 
average guy and haven’t had ​1on1 training and proper 
education​… or if don’t look like Brad Pitt or if you don’t have 
millions in the bank and you have to go to work everyday just 
to pay your bills.  

If you’re short, shy, introverted and not a very social guy, 

you got it even harder. In order to win, you need to work these 
9. The better you learn & master these, the higher quality 
woman you’ll get. 

Self Awareness 
How much you understand your thought process and why 
you feel a certain way at times. How often you put things into 

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perspective, zoom out and look at your life from 30000 ft. 
Watch & analyze your thoughts.  

Techniques will not even get you results if you’re not aware 
of what mind. 

In the membership site I have added an exercise for focus 

and awareness. Make sure you watch that. 

Surroundings Awareness 
How aware are you of ​what’s happening around you​. How 
are people around you thinking? What is their life like? What 
are they going through? When you​ can read them​, you can 
basically c
​ alibrate​ and adjust the level of intensity and the 
content of what you say. 

By paradigm I mean the way you see and think about the 
world! To get different results you gotta see the world in a 
different way. 

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Some guys think women are bitches, some think they are 
great, some don’t even think about them. Instead they think 
about men.  

When it comes to attracting women, most guys look at the 

world in a way that is not in their favour. 

A paradigm shift is necessary! Basically if you change the 

way you look at something, the thing you’re looking at changes 

2 guys looked out of the window... 1 saw the ​mud in the 

street​, the other saw ​the hot blonde​, ​in short skirts​ walking 
down the street singing ​if you wanna be my lover​. 

To attract her you need to influence her. In order to 

influence her, the first thing you need to do is to influence 

Remember: Quality women fall in love with your thoughts 

and and how you think, not your car or cash (Those are called 
gold diggers). 

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The way you think changes the way you feel and the way 
you do things. 

Vibing & Energy 

How well you understand the concept of ​vibing​ and ​the 
effect of your energy on others​. Basically how ​your presence 
makes her feel. Most guys have no idea how this works and 
interact with women unconsciously and randomly. I have 
recorded several videos on vibing for you in the video section. 
Make sure you watch those. 

How well y
​ ou understand the way women think​ and 
what they respond to. The driving force behind attraction and 
all it’s triggers! 

How well you can remain focused when interacting and 
stopping yourself from getting in your own head thinking 

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about thoughts that don’t serve you. What should I say next, 
does she like me or not? What’s gonna happen next... 

Emotional Stability 
How well you manage to remain “nonreactive” when you 
interact with women. This is all the way from the first 
interaction to 40 years down in the marriage.  

Imagine using an Ipad as a hammer... that's how people 

are told to deal with their emotions and use their mind. 

Very few learn to work their emotions and mind... They 

don't need women anymore, but they still get women... the 
best women... and enjoy the journey tremendously while 
others keep struggling!  

You don't hear much from these guys...You are standing on 
the shoulders of a giant... and all you need to do is to whisper 
in his ear to “own your emotions” ... Remember... No one ever 
tells you how powerful you are…  

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Techniques & Strategies 

How smooth, charming and fluent you are during your 
interactions. How good are your conversation skills and how 
much experience you have. Most guys don’t know any of this 
either and they sound lame, needy and stereotyped putting 
her on a pedestal from the first moment!  

Understanding Your “self Worth” (This Is 

You have to realize your value as man and how much 
women want to be around someone like you. It may not seem 
like it but it’s more than you think.  

When you start interacting with beautiful women, you’ll get 

a warm, in depth introduction to rejection and notice the 
opposite sex has no mercy to trash you as a man if you act 
weak, needy or unclever.  

There is ​the truth​, and what ​we want​ to be the truth​. 

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If you keep trying to build attraction without a system, 
failure becomes a daily routine. R
​ ejection​, if not handled the 
right way targets your ​self worth​ and how you evaluate what 
you deserve.  

When that happens, frustration and loneliness would be the 

least of the problems... the real damage is done elsewhere.  

In business and relationship with women rejection handling 

is one of those core skills you as a man must master if you 
wanna grow to your fullest potential or achieve anything worth 

Most men have been shut down emotionally by society, 

women and their families. They have believed they are 
worthless for love and Sex. In some countries men have the 
whole culture against them as the icing on the top! 

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When You Change, Everything 

To change your situation first thing you gotta answer these 
questions to yourself: 

● How aware are you about the missing skills 

(Conversation, vibing) 

● How aware are you of the negativity controlling you?  

● How aware are you of your belief about what you deserve 
and what you’re worth with women? 

● Is lack of taking action because you are turned off by 


● Have you given up? Or do you believe it could ever work 

for you? 

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● Do you unconsciously think “It won’t work for me, I have 
watched 100s of hours of marketing hype shet video and I 
am convinced this is not for me". 

Everything starts with your beliefs. Identify where the 

damage is and get at it. It’s usually a combination of the 6 

This Is a Lifestyle, Not a Weekend 

Night Out 
Winning is the result of a lifestyle. Look at the dating as a 
lifestyle rather than a night out or something you do casually!  

If you want real results, this is something y

​ ou should do 
everyday​. And when you get into a ​relationship​, after a few 
short months ​you’ll become rusty and lose the skills​. If you 
break up down the line, you’ll have to start over from square 
numero uno. 

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It’s Now or Never 

You never know who you’re gonna run into when you get 
into that elevator next!  

Guys miss opportunities because they think they gotta wait 

till the weekend before speaking to women!  

The truth is that you are going to run into her when you 
expect it the least! 

● At the elevator 
● Traffic light 
● Line for coffee 
● Carpark 
● Supermarket 

If you don’t live that lifestyle everyday, getting yourself to go 

out and socialize becomes almost impossible and a burden!  

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Another method is to ​commit to spending at least 30 
minutes a day to actively meeting new women​... That will do 
the job eventually if done consistently!  

Think about it. 30 minutes a day is 900 minutes a month. 

That’s 15 hours! Most people waste more 100s of hours a 
month on unnecessary things! 

The good thing about it is, when you get yourself to go out 
and meet women, you only need to be right once!  

Structure of A Successful Interaction 

Every interaction has a structure. At any given time you are 
at one of these 8 phases: 

1. Getting Noticed 

2. Pushing Through The Approach 

3. Approach 

4. Transition 

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5. Hooks 

6. Rapport 

7. Connect 

8. Close 

Guys who fail to get the women they want, have no idea 
where in the interaction they are when they talk to women. If 
you wanna win, you gotta know exactly where you are because 
only then you know what your next move is. That’s where the 
checkpoints come in. 

The Loser Mentality  

There is this type of guys who contact me and ask for help 
with women... then as soon as they realize they need to take 
action, make changes, invest time and money, they walk away 
and hide. These guys have 4 things in common... 

1. Indecisiveness 

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2. Doubt 

3. Fear 

4. Low Confidence 

Action takers with the right formula will eventually win, 

however.... Those who remain indecisive, never win, never get 
to experience success and pleasure that comes with it...  

They live their lives scared & paralyzed with fear, not willing 
to take action because they see themselves as failures and 
have no vision for a better life!  

They witness others win and envy them. They keep watching 
Youtube and Netflix and jerk off on a weekly schedule wearing 
Lord Of The Rings helmet.  

This is why women don't feel the attraction for them either. 
Indecisiveness​, ​doubts​ and not taking action hold you back 
more than any other block if you let it! Life is brief, these are 
your best years. Don't waste them in fear watching others 
succeed on the net! 

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Drinking kills the intellect and destroys self-confidence in 
the long run… The ​only tool you’ve got​ that gets you results! 
Your most powerful socializing weapon.  

Every time you get a drink to numb your emotions or quiet 

your mind, you push yourself further from where you wanna 
be and end up pushing good girls away from you. Hang overs, 
wasting money, blackouts, saying stupid things and most 
importantly... your health!  

The Booz has to go! 

The 8 Types of Women 

There are 8 different types of women. 

1. Girlfriend Material (Sweet & Friendly) 

2. Free Spirit (Fun)  

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3. Cock Tease (Player)  

4. Party Girl (1 Night Stander)  

5. Jaded (Man Hater)  

6. Complainer (Negative)  

7. Judgemental  

8. Conservative 

Two big mistakes guys make is that they don’t understand 

the d
​ iversity​. 

They meet a woman, since t​ hey don’t have a frame of 

reference​, they don’t know what “type” she is, they settle and 
start a relationship with her.  

Eventually they break up. Because they expect her to be a 

certain way and she’s obviously not! Then they get mad at her 
why she is the way she is. 

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You can never have too much experience... As long as you 
don’t knock her up or get stds. When you gather reference 
experience, you will then be able to make better choices the 
right way & not out of desperation. 

The Point: Don’t expect a

​ party girl​ who wants to ​ride 
every bicycle​ in town to be ​girlfriend​ m
​ aterial​. 

Rejections & How to Take It 

Some guy asked me if I ever “fail” with women. I fail with this 
pretty much every day... the difference is... my emotional state 
remains the same when I hear “no”. When you truly 
understand it’s not personal, then it won’t shake you. 

Look there is no one who wins them all. Get that idea out of 
your head and be ok with rejections.  

If you're a true, genuine guy who takes shots... you are 

going to you win eventually! To get results you have to be 
mentally tough and see nothing but the good in every 

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If you run away from failure or if you allow it to make you 
upset, winning becomes impossible! Winners have a tough 
mind and unreasonable persistence! 

Especially if you're avoiding "average" quality and you’re 

only going for the top shelf candy... then you're in for a treat... 
you're gonna get punches left and right before you win. Like 
Rocky. He ended up with Adrian. She wasn’t that hot.  

So… Be very aware of the fact that you're in a game that 

comes with a ton of rejections! If you're not hearing "no" it 
means you're not making enough approaches. When you win 
though... you'll forget you ever got rejected and the prize will 
be worth it! Remember it’s all about getting baptised by the 
love juice of the angels. 

The number of failures before you succeed depends on 

your mental toughness, quality of execution, focus, 
persistence, your skill levels, your surroundings, and her.  

Now just a quick reminder: There is only one way to get 


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1. Follow a proven system 

2. Execute daily and take it seriously (Not a casual night out) 

3. Stay unreasonably positive until you get results 

You're in 3 Battles 
Everyone’s fighting 3 battles 

1. Battle with time... that never stops 

2. Battle with the negative surroundings, and messed up 


3. Battle with your own mind... that you need to put a leash 
on it before it totally numbs you 

Marijuana. I used to live on the Gold Coast in Australia. 
Beach town, Brezilian girlfriend, surf, Wrangler Jeep, road trips, 
smoke etc. 

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It was so much fun but it came with a problem always. It 
gradually kills the motivation!  

Without motivation nothing else matters. I have been 

traveling for years and meet all sorts of guys. Different 
nationalities, different professions. 1 thing that differentiates 
these guys from each other is the level of their motivation! 

Winning needs a ton of motivation! Unfortunately the 

majority of guys don’t have enough motivation to change their 
lives because of the way the system is set up.  

If you find yourself unmotivated, not working on your 

dream hard enough or doing it without love and passion… 
Re-evaluate your thoughts, performance and results. Find out 
where you're not doing well first, and start working on it. 

Remember your dream… For most people it dies slowly… 

Their dreams and aspirations! Catch the negative "what ifs" 
and replace them with positive ones! What if it actually works 
this time? 

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Stop wasting the best years of your life in hiding from 
beautiful model looking women because you have approach 
anxiety… Most men would rather drop their standards, go out 
with average or low quality women and tell themselves stories 
why they are dating low quality!  

What Do You Want to See When You 

Look Back 
I wanted to ask you... Do you want to look back on your 
life...and see how wonderful it could have been....had you not 
been afraid to live it to the fullest?  

I know it gets scary... But ​what is that thing​ that you r​ eally 
want do with your life?  

What are you waiting for?  

Did you know if you let it... this thing will take your dreams 
away from you day by day until you forget who you even 
wanted to be.  

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It’s amazing how many people fit under that category. It 
happens everyday... To great men just like you. You're an 
amazing guy, you deserve to get all the beautiful women you 
want and you currently don’t have.  

Today do something exciting, great and different so you'll 

remember forever... so you'll have stories to tell… All these 
women you choose to ignore and walk pass, all the women 
you don’t approach because you were shy... they all go home 
with a guy... make him happy... why not you?  

Shut that voice down in your head... The one talking you out 
of doing things you should be doing for yourself... 
Remember... No one tells you how great you are… Live like it. 

● You got 1 life my main man! Grab it, Live it, Snatch it up, 
Make it yours. Don't waste it watching others succeed. 

● Fear of what might happen is the source of anxieties and 


● Don't fall into that trap and wait till it's too late. I see dead 
guys walking everyday. They don't know they've given up.  

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● Live for today. Follow the good old 3 second rule! 

● Launch yourself on every wave, every opportunity you 


● Many good men have been shut down by their thoughts 

and anxiety, 9-5 has crucified their spirit and grilled their 
testicles. They can't get what they want with women. 
Separate yourself. 

● Emotional death is a slow process... It happens in 

installments...Protect yourself every day and remind 
yourself... Every time you skip approaching a woman you 
find attractive, another guy hits it hard. Ask yourself… 
Why not you? 

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Part 4: Approaching Women 

The Challenges  
Imagine a black and white world, where you can’t see the 
colors. On top of that, you can’t taste the food either. How 
would it feel to live that life? 

Or think about being hungry, starving, no food for days… 

then you walk to a nice, fancy restaurant with all sorts of food 
on the menu… But instead of getting the food, you have to 
walk pass and not take any. 

Men who don’t know ​Cold Approach​ live such lives! 

Cold Approach is approaching a total stranger and making 

something out of nothing... During the day, without alcohol, 
stimulants or drugs. Cold approaching beautiful women 
successfully is a super power. Not many guys can do it! That’s 
why I have included a massive video training for anyone who 
purchased this book! 

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During the day, in a cafe, park or anywhere in public!  

When you learn how to do this, y

​ ou’ll literally get the key 
to Utopia​. You’ll have options… You start to see possibilities 
and potential other people can’t see! Options to pick from and 
that is something far out of reality of the other guys. 

Most guys who find out about it, cannot figure it out 
because ​it’s hard to start with​.  

I have taught programming at university in front of a large 

audience and at times it can get pretty tricky. Cold Approach is 
another animal! 

When you see a beautiful woman in the cafe, park, 

supermarket (public in general), before anything else, it feels 
like there is this beast between you and her… Approach 
Anxiety! It paralyzes guys from making the approach.  

Most guys feel like chained to the wall and can’t approach! 
So they talk themselves out of it and suppress the desire. 

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The Problem With Not Approaching 

Imagine you see a woman and you don’t approach her. 
What are you telling her? 

● I’m not into you 

● I’m a passive or shy guy, beta male who can’t even start 
talking to you (Yet alone taking care of you) 

● I’m gay 

● Or I’m ​taken 

And it sucks if none of the above is true... 

Approach Anxiety is tough at first but there are ways around 


Overcoming it makes you a happier, emotionally stronger 

and an inspiration for other men. That is the ultimate 

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freedom. Like everything else, the moment you decide to get it 
done and commit, then the rest will be easy. 

I was in Prague. I thought I experience​ “passive mode”​ like 
most guys and see what happens. 

Dressed well and left home. The good thing about Prague is 
that during summer, there are so many nice outdoor venues. 

I was around Charles Bridge. I hit the streets and started at 
the center where my Airbnb was. 

Walked to this nice park where they had casual outdoor 

classical concerts. 4 piece bands playing Mozart, Bach etc… 

Crowd circles around and watch them play. So many 

beautiful girls both tourists and locals.  

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I joined the circle, made eye contact with a few and kept 

Some of them looked interested, kept looking back and 

smile during the songs. 

The show ends, I just waited. Waited more and didn’t talk to 
anyone. Testing “passive mode”.  

10 minutes later everyone’s gone. N

​ o one, not even 1 of 
these women who was making eye contact approached 

The same pattern continued through the rest of the day.  

I experienced what most guys experience everyday. 

Passiveness is ​painful​! I used to be the same and now I had 

forgotten how much it hurts to leave it to the others. 

Death of soul... in installments! Fading away as a man bit by 

bit. THE MOST unattractive trait a guy can have... It kills the 

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attraction instantly... Women feel that fear in a man and 
instantly get repealed by it.  

Passiveness​ is when you talk yourself out of doing things 

you want to do... and push the responsibility to others.... like 
not approaching women you like and hope a miracle happens! 

Passiveness telegraphs surrender​... lack of self-confidence 

and inner conflicts... if you lose respect for yourself... that's 
where the feedback loop of failure begins. 

Getting over f​ ear of approach​ is a big step in your 

self-development journey. There is no other way but to take 
that step! 

Most men accept the defeat and drop their standards... 

Ending up with a girl they don't really like....she also knows 
why he chose her... not because she's special, but because he 
can't do any better! 

Avoid following ​the failure​... F

​ ight this irrational fear back​! 
You're a strong man!​ Everything you want is on the other 
side of this fear… 

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The 11 Triggers of Approach Anxiety 

1. Not Sure What To Say Or Do  

2. Not Sure What To Expect  

3. Don’t Want To Intrude  

4. Care what others think  

5. Don’t wanna be rejected  

6. Don’t believe it will work  

7. It’s unnatural  

8. Low self esteem  

9. Take it personal  

10. Uncontrollable fear  

11. I need her to like me 

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After Approach Anxiety 

Let’s talk about Mike. He finally gets over his Approach 
Anxiety and psychs himself to go and approach women!  

Right after the first approach, he comes across rejections 

and disapprovals. That adds to the anxiety of the next 

Constant ​frustration​, ​desperation​, ​silent anger​ and 

bitterness​ towards women and the vicious loop of rejection 
and dissatisfaction eventually ends in loneliness!  

He goes into passive mode and slowly slowly fade from the 
scene. Becomes vulnerable to alcohol and or drugs, or falls 
right into the victim/passive mode. And this bitter feeling 
becomes a daily routine and his new reality. 

Wondering when life was gonna get better... until it ends... 

he'll eventually give up... that awesome vision of him in a 
relationship with that beautiful woman fades away... he hides 
and everyday go deeper into the rabbit hole! 

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Or worse... drops his standards like most men and start 
going out with someone who is NOT who he really wants but 
he picked out of desperation!  

That’s the trap most guys fall into. Remember the rules! You 
have to be right only once. You cannot allow it to affect you 
when there are setbacks and failures. The only way to win is to 
use the system and stay consistent. 

I teach you one of my systems in the membership site of the 


Emotional Stability and Approach 

One of the main elements of conquering Approach 
Anxiety is your emotional stability, which is a product of your 
mental strength​.  

If you’re mentally strong, you will be emotionally stable! You 

have got to practice to remain emotionally stable and 
balanced before, during and after the approach! 

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When the moment of approach comes, if you're not tough, 
confident... you’ll lose focus, feel nervous, go blank and could 
even go to fight or flight mode (believe me it happens 

I have seen some extreme reactions from guys I’ve been 

working with in the past few years. 

● Freezing 

● Full blank mode... with nothing to say! 

● Extreme sweating! 

● Shaky voice! 

The list goes on…  

The Irrational Fear 

Fear is the invisible force ruining lives. It’s everywhere 
locking people down choking them to death. It kills people and 
their dreams everyday!  

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Understand it, fight it and live the life you’re meant to live. A 
good place to start is learning to overcome Approach Anxiety. 
When you learn to overcome this… your life will never be the 
same again. 

When it comes to AA and fear of approach, for me it's still 

there but I am aware and don't let it rise... I shut it down 
before it shuts me down and do what I’m supposed to do! 

In most scenarios you can ignore the fear signals and still be 
fine… PLUS get outstanding results just because you ignored 
the signal. Women usually respond to you better than you 

This is what “going through irrational fear” means. You know 

there is fear, you just go through it because it won’t kill you! 
Here I show you 2 things you can do daily that help you 
become mentally and emotionally tougher. 

Ignoring The Pain Signal 

Go to the gym, pick some “light to average weight” 
dumbbells... Start doing the reps slowly. Do this very very 

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slowly. Do 6 reps and make each rep take 10 seconds. The 
whole thing should take you about a minute. After 1 minute 
you should feel some moderate muscle pain. If you don’t, 
increase the weight a bit. 

You’ll get to a point where your mind tells you, “It’s over 
dude… stop” and that’s when you usually stop. But instead 
of stopping, keep going. Do another 6 reps this time even 

Very important you “feel” the burn and keep going slowly! 
Most guys stop. They listen to that voice in their head. Almost 
always it’s “the fake pain signal”. 

This won’t serve you. 

You’ll be amazed what happens. You will be able to double 

the number of reps you thought you could. After a few days 
your body will develop tolerance to this pain and you start to 
push the limit line further. 

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The Cold  
Another exercise is the good old cold. Going under the ice 
for 20 minutes straight! 

If you don’t have access to ice bath, do it in the shower. Get 

a timer, set it to 6 minutes… Do the 4 minutes warm and the 
last 2 minutes… spend the first minute to fade to cold and go 
cold all the way for the last minute.  

STAY THERE for the whole minute... when every cell in your 
body tells you to move.  

When I turn it cold, I start to breath really fast. It’s normal. 

After a few days your body will develop resistance to cold as 
well. The point is ignoring the signal and getting stronger. This 
simple strategy not only dramatically improves your body's 
immune system...it also helps you understand and practice 
mental-emotional strength. 

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Remember … the signals coming from the brain are just 
there to keep you in Survival Mode. It’s not where you want to 
be. You want to be in ecstatic state instead! 

Remember… Your body is stronger than you think! So is 

your mind. It WILL do what you want it to do IF you train it and 
set your mindset to the right frequency… 

The Elements of a Successful 

All these are explained in detail in the video section of the 
program. The link is at the footer. 

1. Conviction 

2. Knowing what to say, fair conversation skills 

3. Fast gauging & calibration skills 

4. Outcome Detached Personality 

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5. Over Optimistic Vision 

6. Non Caring Personality 

7. Understanding Rejections And What They Really Mean 

8. Experience 

9. Truck Load Of Confidence 

Conviction is the main element of a successful interaction... 

Women sense the fear and doubt in a man... So, move & talk 
with conviction.  

You program her how to respond to you and she is not 

going to be forgiving at first. Last thing she cares about is your 
feelings. If you speak soft and doubtful, she’ll walk away. 

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How to Overcome Approach Anxiety 

and Successfully Approach 
1. Break it down to simple steps 
Michel Lotito ate an airplane. Google him. MONSIEUR 
MANGETOUT. He broke it to tiny parts and did it. 

Overcoming serious challenges like Approach Anxiety is the 


I explain all steps in the videos. Learn each step in details 

(How to / What to). Here is the list: 

2. The possible flood of negative feelings 

coming your way  
Self-doubt for example. You'll question everything you do 
and wonder if you ever get this or not... 

Along with that there is... worry, fear and anxiety. 

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3. Most people lose the game to fear and 

give up  
Rather do nothing and be blank than feel anything and risk 

4. Your ability to manage anxiety and 

worry determines your results 
That's your answer! Your ability to transform the negative 
focused to positive focused, quality execution. 

And finally "your speed of Implementation" 

5. Remember... Your default is set to 

Laziness, procrastination and talking yourself out of it will 
forever keep pulling you down! Netflix, pc games, tv, bad 
friends & alcohol are the dream killers. 

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If you have decided to win, go for the win! 

If you're half hearted and "kinda" want it... don't even 


The Main Reason Most Guys Never Fix 

This Is  
1. Not starting  

2. Quitting 

3. No proper system to follow which ends in “Will it even 

work for me?” 

I was sitting in this cafe in Koh Samui in Thailand 

(Fisherman’s Village) this morning and saw this younger guy 
approaching everyone... He made +20 wrong approaches. 
Rejected, drained and exhausted! He will always be getting the 
same results unless he changes his method! 

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Making the approach is one thing, doing it right is 

Spam approaching women, jumping in front of them in the 

middle of the street and instantly approving her is a 
desperate, egoistic, needy move a low value guy does. It has 
nothing to do with attraction! 

By showing interest that fast only based on her looks you 

already set the stage for her to treat you like a loser - low value 
and desperate guy. 

Position yourself correctly from the start before you say 

anything! Learn indirect situational openers. N
​ o 
complements unless conditional ones she earns! 

Master "transition & hooks" and after that observe well to 
find a genuine reason you like her beside her looks.  

Stop giving approval for the wrong reasons and seeking her 
approval just because she's pretty! You'll be shooting yourself 
in the foot and making it hard for her to like you. This is the 
reason guys get flaky numbers (or no numbers at all). 

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If you want to build something real with a woman and get 
consistent results without draining yourself, the first step is to 
position yourself the right way! 

No one can get away with Approach Anxiety if they don't 

understand these dynamics... Guys who don’t, will always be 
the guys who have lower value and that is not a good position 
to be in. 

If You Can’t Approach Read These 

● If you have uncontrollable fear paralyzing you, read Nick 
Vujicic's story! 

● If you don't want to be rejected, remind yourself... Guys 

who are afraid of rejection never get the women they 
want! Guys who get really hot women, get rejected pretty 
much regularly and win occasionally too. 

● If you can't motivate yourself to make the approach, it's 

because you subconsciously believe it will not work! Too 
many failure reference and not enough success. You have 

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to push through the first few until you win. Highly 
recommend you to consider ​1on1 coaching​. 

● All guys who end up with model looking women have a 

vision. They KNOW it can happen and that's the biggest 
motivator! Remind yourself... We build our vision as we 

● If you need her to like you,... just know that I personally 

meet a lot of women who don't like me like that... but I 
also end up with gorgeous who do like me women.  

● If you want to overcome AA, you must be enthusiastic 

about this whole thing. It’s not something you kinda 
wanna do. It’s something you are passionate about and 
you love doing. Vividly think about the end prize. Picture 
you and her together 

● Ask yourself… If today was your last day on earth, would 

you still worry about what could happen? 

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More Reminders on Approaching 

1. Whatever​ you ​feel​ she’s going to f​ ee​l.​ She can tell how 
you feel by looking at your facial expressions, tone of 
your voice and body language 

2. In the moment of approach you'll feel conflicted desires. 

You wanna stay and talk to her, but also u planning the 
escape… You might ask “Is that normal Ben?” I’d tell you 
“Yeh man we’re all like that” and you’ll be like “Damn bro, 
weird stuff!”  
Recognise it, do it enough times so approaching becomes 
a habit! 

3. Perfection is a myth​... There is no perfect approach… it’s 

almost always messy and there’s gonna be food 

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4. If she notices the guy has attachment to the outcome of 
the interaction, she will very possibly leave! 

5. This is the path least travelled & most men do not take 
this path… Neither accept nor understand it! Some try a 
few times and retire. Some feel authentic about it... Not 
approaching is unauthentic… 

6. Must find joy in it… Whatever it is that you do, if you don’t 
enjoy, it won’t work well!   

7. Avoidance starts with 1 single thought! This repetitive 

avoidance not only isolates you… it eventually causes 
sadness & depression… Monitor those thoughts… 

8. You'll get to a point you'll be almost fully desensitized to 

beauty... and man when u get there... your new life 

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What to Do If You Can’t Approach Her 

The reality is you S
​ HOULD​ be afraid of taking risks and 
approaching women... But you should be more afraid of 
staying where you are and being the same guy as last year. 
Older, no results, negative, anxious and frustrated! The pain of 
approach is ​temporary​ but the pain of not approaching is 

The Ultimate Failure 

Introverted guys.... JUST to avoid the rejection, choose to 
walk away and talk themselves out of meeting women. Either 
from making the initial contact or in the middle of the 

This is a rational decision, a basic protection mechanism to 

avoid embarrassment... At the same time it's the ultimate 

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"You are not affected by her long blonde hair, or beautiful 
blue eyes, or smooth curvy back & soft sweet skin... you won't 
give a damn about hearing "no" either. You’re in for fun." 

Techniques won't save the day. Good looks won't either... 

and with money you can get meaningless sex and army of 
gold-diggers. Not what anyone wants! 

The only way to win like a champion and to attract real 

quality women.... is to change the way you think and that's 
where I come in and help you... Because when you change the 
way you think... everything around you changes... women 

The default is set to fail... and that's why most guys never 
ever get to experience women and dating on this level and 
either settle or use alcohol and stimulants as a shortcut... It's 
actually the shortcut to depression and the grave! 

You don't need alcohol or drugs for this. That's a trap. That's 
the exact opposite of what you need! If you are a single guy, 
there is only 1 right thing to do! 

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Approach soberly! If you talk yourself out of doing it, you'll 
eventually develop self-hate or start living inside your 
head...because you've just gone against your core desire... 

Find out what's stopping you and erase it. When you do it 
right, you will be highly appreciated and rewarded with 

Let’s think about what are you afraid of for a second. 
Approximately 108 billion humans have been born... and died 
on earth. In case you're not aware, you and I are also going to 
die and that's pretty much guaranteed! 

Your life is short! 

Even if you mess up, no one's gonna hate you for it! They're 
not gonna remember! But if you don't even try, you'll always 
wonder how it would be like... 

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Get up and do the things you really want to do. No one is 
going to tell you you should go for your dreams... If anything 
they push you to work on unimportant thing harder on things 
that don’t matter! 

You either hit it hard and win, or end up a drinker, smoker 

or numb yourself everyday with bad thoughts living like a 

FACE YOUR FEARS! Approach that woman! Hold your head 

up and be an inspiration for other guys around you who are 

Society tries to inject fear into your mind everyday! Embrace 

cold approach and all the drama that comes with it. Let it be 
your fuel to get you going everyday! Do my 7 day challenge. 

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The Rule #1 of Dating 
If she is not attracted to you... you are NOT important to 

1 more time 

If she is not attracted to you... you are NOT important to 


1 more time 

If she is not attracted to you... you are NOT important to 


She will go with other guys and she won't reply to messages 
or call back and you have to stare at your phone and cry a 

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Some random fellow messages on Whatsapp asked how I 
get women to come this close to me & stay around...The 
answer is simple! Trust & Attraction!  

Without attraction... It’s really just loneliness... followed by 

frustration and after that => sadness! 

Regardless of your age and personality type, you have to 

make her feel attracted to you… 

Think about it another way... As a guy you have emotional, 

mental and physical needs... these needs should be fulfilled by 
the female energy & intimate company… The female come to 
you ONLY IF you attract them! 

Guys who fail to attract women, suppress their emotions... 

the constant pressure changes "how they think" and 
eventually "who they are". 

Head goes down, confidence drops and face gets longer... 

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This is how most guys become passive failures by the time 
they're 25-30 and jump into the relationship with the first girl 
who accepts them. 

There is no one to save them​ so they seek help through 

alcohol, drugs and stimulants or give up on the whole dating 
thing altogether! 

You might have noticed these guys...never meet the women 

they want and are constantly looking for women or new 

Remember if it resonates with you, I am here to help. You 

can always contact me for ​1on1 coaching​.  

Whatever you do just make sure you don't get caught in this 
web and find your way out before it's too late. 

You've probably heard the saying "It's never too late"... Well 
it doesn't apply here.. the longer you wait, the more time you 
lose, the older you get and when you're older, it will be harder! 

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All attraction triggers are explained in detail ​get the girl 
book and the video in the members area​. Here I tell you about 

Cool Guy Qualities… If you understand this and apply it 

correctly, you will have all types of quality women (smart, 
model looking, successful...) around you wanting to hang out 
with you. If you don't, you'll have to constantly look for a new 
product to learn how to pick up chicks. 

Your attitude is your biggest asset. Many guys study 

attraction for years but still fail most of the time because of 
their bad attitude. Everything you learn sits on top of a nice, 
kind, smart, non reactive bulletproof attitude. 

Remove: Neediness, weakness, complaining and negative 

talk, sadness, insecure body language-eye contact, jealousy, 
cockiness and shyness.  

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Replace with: Non needy, tough (but kind), happy, present, 
focused, chilled, confident and easily letting go of it all. That is 

When interacting with her, the moment she senses you got 
one or some CGQ, you're in. It shows in everything you do... 
even your interactions with other guys... for example some 
guys message me.  

“What is the link to ur FREE book"... 

Some others send things like: 

"Hi Ben! Thanks for helping other people to get out of 
comfort zone.. .I want to update my knowledge and I observed 
your posts as a good source for that. I read something about 
your book, where I can have it? Thanks and all the best" 

Be cool man... monitor your attitude and behaviour... It's all 

there. Women see it right through you. Being cool is 
absolutely​ necessary for attraction and a big step towards 
getting a decent girl!  

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Your character will save the day... Alcohol, cigarettes and 
drugs keep you away from what you want. Take care of your 
body & mind, work your attitude and social skills until you 
become that guy!  

A quality woman sees in the eyes of the drinker he’s not 

doing well and going for the bottle instead. 

You don't need more than a few short months to make this 
transformation. Use my blueprint. If you’re stuck, contact me. 

Certain traits attract women... 

1. Fun 

2. Playful 

3. Humble 

4. Easy going 

5. Non needy 

6. Charismatic… 

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7. Leading 

All attraction triggers are explained in detail ​get the girl 

book and the video in the members area​. 

The 8 Pillars of Success 

These are the 8 pillars of consistent success with quality 

For fellows who have dealt with approach anxiety and can 
start the interaction...Next step is the interaction itself... 

All these 8 should be in place during the interaction: 

1. Presence  

2. Fast fast fast calibration  

3. Focus 

4. Your energy and your ability to control the vibe during the 
interaction (This is key) 

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5. Mad convo skills 

6. Conviction 

7. Authenticity 

8. No anxiety (Telegraphs a lot) 

Very few % of guys have the ability to regularly get the 

women they want without alcohol, spending cash or going out 
at night. I want you to be one of them. 

Remember... Sometimes later becomes never.  

Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you. 

It seems impossible until it's done... YOU can also do it. 

1. Master frame control 

2. Lead, Lead, Lead 

3. Redirect disqualifiers back @ her (Watch the videos to see 

how I do it) 

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4. Make her laugh @ her own stories <== BIG 

5. Be absolutely playful with her 

6. ******Stay in the "tension-disqualify" loop for as long as 

it takes. If you do it right she'll keep breaking it by 
laughter (Watch the videos to see how I do it) 

7. Be kind. That's where most guys mess it up and go into 

"douchebag" frame and instead of a fun interaction turn 
it to anger and hate... Don't go there 👍 
8. Fully present. When you’re there, be there <== BIG 

9. Stay focused. 9s and 10s tend to get guys nervous and 

lose focus. 

10. Carefactor... ZERO 

Women are addicted to confident guys with a positive 

mindset and guys who know how to have fun with or without 

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Go out and you’ll see for yourself… disastrous first dates. 
Grumpy, too serious, no fun dudes on painful dates with 
women who wish the date ends fast or they could meet 
another guy! 

If you wanna get the kiss and ​have a good time​ and build a 
connection with her, be present, actively listen to her, turn 
your phone off on the date, be involved and confident and 
finally enjoy her company…  

Do the kiss test I show you in the videos.​ The kiss will 
automatically happens and it will be the start of the best part 
of the night for both you and her. 

Remember… Your v
​ ibe​, ​energy​, ​mindset​ and a
​ ttitude​ are all 

If you are not positive, if you think you have low self esteem, 
if you run out of things to say or if you can’t even get dates, 
watch the complementary videos that come with this book or 
message me.  

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How to Rate Yourself as a Guy 

Most guys have no idea what they’re worth. They only 
feedback they get is from rejection from women which is 
pretty inaccurate. 

If you wanna see how valuable of a guy you are, see this: 

● What are your thoughts like everyday?  

What is your attitude like?

● How happy are you?
 Smiling right now? 

● How aware are you of your thoughts?

● How good are you at conversation? 

How much approach anxiety do you experience? 

Your value and quality increases IF 

● If you can control the the anxiety 

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● If you're self-aware

● If you're happy and fun to be around 

If you're not broke

● If you're passionate, kind & loving

● If you can blow her mind in bed 

And this one’s gonna sting… if you can get women to like 


If you want women, you first have to win your own mind 
and work the list above. When your mind is set right, your 
thoughts start to change, and as a result your attitude and 
how you feel start to change too… and that makes you 

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The quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your 
emotions and everyday it determines the quality of women 
who are attracted to you.  

I was coaching a client a couple nights ago and the woman 
he was talking to commented on his height... ​"I don't date men 
shorter than me"​. 

See... I am too skinny myself and quite often women give 

harsh comment on that. I learned how to pass it without 
getting affected. 

You have to quickly identity, understand and ​pass her 

tests​. They come in any form or shape and are invisible to 

If she comments on your nationality, looks, character or 

basically anything you might consider "imperfection"... 
regardless of the intensity of her comment, simply, smile 
ignore her and just start a new thread! 

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If your emotional state changes​ because of ​her test​, you’ll 
be owned! It’s over! You’ll have a better chance of going home 
with Jessica Alba!  

Remain emotionally unaffected no matter what she 


On the first date she might say “ I am not gonna have sex 
with you”. I have heard that many times and ended up in bed 
with her the same night. So now when I hear it, it doesn’t 
mean anything to me anymore. 

This works because she sees you’re not in reactive mode! 

This is really powerful! I write it 3 times: 

Reactiveness is weakness, reactiveness is weakness and 

reactiveness is even more weakness. 

The more you react to her or get affected by her comments, 

the faster the attraction dies! The opposite is true as well! The 
less you react, the more attraction is built! 

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And remember... before a girl kisses you, she's gonna test 
you several times. Grow thick skin and welcome these tests. 

I have added several videos on tests. You can access them 

by visiting the link at the bottom of this page. 

The kiss test and calibration are “must know” skills! 

Are You Serious? 

Always remember... Most quality women have a stressful 
life. She probably works a lot and has a lot of things to deal 

She doesn’t need more serious life drama! 

A good-successful date is 9
​ 0% f​ un​, ​10%​ ​serious talk​. 

If she comes out with you, she wants to have a good time 
and not have to hear about your life issues or boring 
conversation about work. Too much reality! Too much serious 
conversation! Too many rules... God damn it get me out of 
here now. 

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If you don't know what to do to make the date fun and you 
find yourself trapped in a serious conversations, watch my first 
date tips videos in the members area. 

Conviction & Self-doubt 

Conviction is one of the antidotes to failure with women and 
dating. Without it there is rejection, embarrassment, loneliness 
and ongoing sadness!  

It’s easy to develop self-hate and blame yourself for 

something you don't understand!  

Speaking doubtful, lowering your voice in order not to get 

noticed, looking down or away & breaking the eye contact 
when speaking, wrong tonality, the weak "look in your eyes"... 
all that has to go. If you want quality, we should not have any 
of the above. 

Keep that eye contact​ and do my L exercise. Speak well, 

clear​ and ​with style​. Own what you say! Study conviction and 

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learn to back up what you say and what you do. Smile and 
don't let her words or actions change your emotional state! 

I have been working with guys who suffer from all sorts of 
anxieties and the source is almost always "Self-doubt".... 

Risk Taking 
In order to be effective you have to smartly risk being 
offensive! As a guy, you should always have an edgy, witty and 
clever things to say. Being creative helps a ton. 

If you're a normal-default guy and things you say are 

predictable and she's heard them before... as brutal as it is... 
you just won't be able to attract or keep her. I have assigned a 
significant part of my ​ADMC program​ to this concept. 

You have to emotionally stimulate her​. She has to feel a 

series of emotions (mostly positive) when she's with you. 
Otherwise she will not go with you.  

Most guys just “hope” things go well for them when 

interacting with women. To get it to work, you gotta have to 

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follow the structure, plan and execute it the right way. That’s 
why this book has a family. Converse is where you find this 

If you wanna go out with quality women, you gotta monitor 

your and her irrational emotions and discard them 1 by 1 
when they come up!  

Final Reminders 
Most Guys Are Blindly Obsessed With 
Trying to get her to like them or sleep with them, that they 
become needy, act nervous to a point that they experience 
anxiety and completely ignore the series of steps it takes in 
order to actually be able to convert a total stranger into a 

This is another framework you can use to get a decent 


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Engage Fast and Don’t Waste Time 

With “Tire Kickers” 
Basically don’t try to sell meat to vegetarians. Most guys 
waste time with women who are not open/positive or fun. 
Learn how to identify and move away from the wrong ones 

Texting Is Important  
Learn how to text. No matter how you meet her, the way to 
her... is through her shiny iphone!  

Sometimes guys send me a screenshot of their Tinder / Text 

conversations and it shocks me! They just destroy the chat 
without realizing!  

Acting insecure and weak texting like a needy kid who wants 
milk! Even if you want her to breastfeed you, there is a simple 
formula to get her to come out with you and no it's not by 
being nice or begging her. 

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If you have not got your copy of THTB program, make sure 
you check it out h
​ ere​. 

Match Her Energy 

When you ​get her on a date​, ​go on her frequency​! Women 
are different. Some are ready to just go home with you, some 
need a few dates. Learn how to ​gauge​ and do-say the right 

Remember attraction is a pretty dynamic process. 

And finally… 

Don’t Get Affected by Rejections and 

There’s gonna be a ton of rejections coming your way 
before you get the results you want! Think about it this way: 
Depending on how you interact, for each 5-15 “no”s, there will 
be 1-2 “yes”. ​So, be persistent and hit the numbers​! 

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Best Places to Meet Women 

You need simple “under the radar” routines. 

Starbucks! I got clients who only meet women in the cafes. 
It’s easy because first of all ​during the day at a cafe a 
woman’s guards are down​, she’s ​sober​ & more open to a 

I have done all the testing for you and recorded the 
instructional videos. You can watch the methods and 
strategies in complementary videos that come with this book. 
Link at the bottom of the page. 

Yoga and Pilates Classes 

You might say “Ben what the fuck bro? That’s for girls, isn’t 

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I’d reply “That’s exactly the point”. You want to surround 
yourself with women rather than hoping they magically show 

Yoga and pilates classes​ are gold mines! So many benefits 

to meet women there. When you find the right class, you'll be 
outnumbered by women! You’ll be away from alcohol and do 
something good for your body too!  

You have to go through a few classes in your area until you 

find good ones with the right crowd. 

Easy! Just go to google and search ​“yoga studio near me”​. 

Just visit, ask the receptionist about the options etc.  
Ask her which classes are more quiet, then go to the ones that 
are NOT quite. 

If you're new to yoga and you worry you won't be good at it, 
its ok. Look for ​"Yin yoga"​... It's the easiest type.  

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Actually go to google right now and write a list of 10 studios 
around you. From tomorrow go visit 1 per day until you go 
through the whole 10.  

What’s Next 
Next read the other quick guides. Watch the videos that 
come with it and keep referring back to the book! 

Just like exercising and taking care of your body, this area of 
your life also needs consistent training.  

Most guys who finish reading the book, seek further help 
and coaching.  

If you want me to personally help you dive in deeper, gain 

confidence, master conversation skills, understand vibing and 
attract and keep more women, I invite you to join A
​ dvanced 
Dating Master Class​. 

ADMC is the rolls royce of self-dev & dating mentorship 

programs where we work together 1on1 and in a group. 

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It’s an online class and in there I will teach you a variety of 
skills you need to meet, attract and keep the women you feel 
attracted to.  
This class has several components: 

● Private 1-on-1 coaching with me personally both on and 


● An active, private inner-circle 

● 12 weeks worth on invaluable video program on 

advanced dating and self-development 

● ...and a lot more…  

And the best part is... 

You’ll get lifetime access to all of this! Unlike other 

programs, I won't drop you after 12 weeks! 

I will help you find out what's holding you back from 
maximizing your potential with women and self-development, 

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and teach you s​ pecific skills​ you need to get the results you 

What's inside advanced dating master class? 

To consistently get r​ eal​ results, you're gonna need live, 

ongoing mentorship, plus a complete a-z system that covers 
every step of the way. Just like going to gym! So you’re gonna 

● Personalized training, a custom tailored system for you. 

It’s not 1 size fit all. I’ll give you  

● A complete course on approaching women 

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● A complete confidence and self-esteem course 

● A complete course on dating 

● Detailed attraction and trust building methods 

● Text Her To Bed​ program. The bible of texting! text her to 
bed is a collection of strategies and a software I coded 
myself that does the texting for you (details below) 

● Social and approach anxiety management class 

● A complete relationship program to keep your girlfriend 

around and happy 

● And more 

So you're gonna get everything you need to take things to 

the next level: 

1 - The "mind hacking" tools... to develop a bulletproof 

mindset & deal with the challenges, setbacks and bumps on 
the road (this is key) 

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2 - A complete series of classified, delicately structured 
techniques, strategies & formulas so you can gain full control 
over your interactions with women from the moment of 
approach, all the way to relationship. 

3 - Custom tailored solution done for YOU! 3 live 1-on-1 

coaching calls!  

4 - Lifetime pass to a private community of my inner circle 

5 - 1 full day of 1 on 1 session when we meet 

The content of ADMC is dynamic & we update it as we go… 

Regardless of where you are with dating & women right 

now, if you are s​ erious​, ​committed​ and ready to take action, 
advanced dating master class is the best mentorship program 
you can follow to get the girls you want! 

I'll show you how to overcome your fear of women, 

rejection, social pressure and the self constructed blocks of 
doubt that have locked you in for years without you realizing! 

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How to get immune to your own mind, negative thoughts 
caused by painful experiences life throws at you.  

Now let's get into the details. Without a daily thought 

management techniques, your brain power gets diminished… 

The ultimate mind hack mastery 

The first 2 weeks of the program, you'll learn​ how to 

overcome your fear of rejection, social pressure and the self 
constructed blocks of doubt that have locked you in the 
mind-prison for years without you realizing. you need this 
training so you can overcome the anxiety and negativity 
holding you back! 

You'll get the most in-depth mindset training in existence so 

you can get immune to your own mind fast tracking and the 
negative thoughts popping every minute.  

You are going to master how to flawlessly build attraction. 

Instead of being frustrated and confused, you can wake up 
next to your perfect woman… every single day! 

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​Along with working on your mind, inner-game and 
emotional awareness, we'll get into the entire framework of 
attraction... what builds long-lasting attraction and how to do 
it step-by-step and systematically!  

You will learn how to build heart to heart connection with 

women you like and currently shy away from. You'll also learn 
about all the little things that turn women off and how to avoid 
them (There is just so many of them)! 

You’ll also learn how to train women with positive reframes 

and discover the influence interactions and women have on 
you (and you never knew)! 

You'll get access to a complete blueprint for your dating life 

so you know exactly what to do at every step of the way. The 
full "war map" of the dating game... so you know exactly how 
and where to find quality women you truly want to be with.  

This program teaches you all. Find her, attract her, keep her 
and get her back (if you breakup & you decide you want her 
back... yes i get you a step by step system for that as well).   

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How to speak the secret language of attraction most men 
don’t even know about… when you can speak to women this 
way you’ll cut straight to the front of her sexual buffet. 

Conquering cold approach 

Once we deal with your anxieties, fear and negative 

emotions... with the formulas and strategies i'll give you, when 
you learn and start applying them, you will make 
“model-gorgeous” women melt in your hands even if you have 
never done it in the past.  

● How to approach a beautiful woman in a way that gets 

her attention and replaces her negative thoughts of you 
with “how can I get this guy to stay and talk to me more”. 

● How to deal with what breaks most men... rejection! Say 

goodbye to rejection and start getting real results with 
the women you’ve always wanted. 

● I'll teach you the type of energy and vibe you need when 
you approach women… Incongruence between your 

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thoughts and emotions will diminish your chances of 
attracting her. 

● How to put an end to your neediness! The number 1 

attraction killer of all time! With neediness out of your life 
you'll gain power and control over your interactions with 
attractive women and get the ones you truly desire and 

● How to attract a girlfriend material and the type of girl 

who fulfills your fantasies in and out of the bedroom.  

Now… one thing about ADMC course​!​ Since this program 

requires live weekly interaction with me personally, I can only 
offer very limited numbers each month. Once the slots are 
filled, the registration closes automatically. T
​ he number of 
registrations per month is limited​! I cannot guarantee the 
same program/price in the future.  

You can sign up for admc only after we speak on phone 

(Whatsapp or Facebook)! I personally interview all applicants 

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to make sure it is the perfect match and the group remains 

If you are ready to start working on this together, you can 

find me at ​Mentorship page​. 

Thank you for investing time reading this. Great things in life 
are coming your way. Looking forward to seeing you in my 
mentorship program. 

Ben Baker 


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