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Good Morning,

 My name is Kamod Patel and I am council for Mr. Logan in today’s session. I am not in the authority to take any
decision on behalf on my client and I will be dealing in my advisory capacity.

 First, of all I would to thank the mediators for laying down the ground rule so precisely and their commitment to
the session. Also, the Mr. Vaulter for choosing mediation over civil suit as of now!

 As we are aware that how things escalated between the parties recently both at personal and professional
stance so our aim for this session is to achieve viable solution and settle the dispute amicably.

 Now I would like to request my client to explain about the current situation.

 As the clients laid the contentions so well on the same lines, I would like to point out that the dismissal was fair
and we followed the due procedure in the removal

 Majority of the board members lost the faith in Mr. Stewy – the new EC

Lose in different ventures Pico Car

Restricted new business line of Aviation business

Refrained from buying the costly assets the Nimble car

 Charges of Nepotism against the company and board of directors.

 Maligned the image of the company

 Closed lines of business and the company was all time low under his reign

1. Associate Company
For the purposes of this Section, “significant influence” means control of at
least twenty per cent of total share capital, or of business decisions under an
2. Equity Share with Differential Voting Rights (DVRs)
The shares with DVR in a company means those shares that give the holder of
the shares the differential rights related to voting.
3. Prefrential Shares

Confidential Shares

Mr. Logan Roy seeks a public apology from Mr. Stewy Vaulter for the statements he
made against Mr. Logan calling him a hypocrite and how the outsiders are thwarted to
hold positions of responsibility in WRL. This statement has affected the WRL's and Mr.
Logan's image that he had built for decades.
The chairman of 'Zenith Ltd.' Mr. Nixon, an influential shareholder in WRL, is upset by
the removal of Mr. Stewy Vaulter as the Executive Chairman, and is demanding that Mr.
Stewy Vaulter be reinstated. WRL cannot reinstate Mr. Stewy Vaulter as an Executive
Chairmanship at any cost as he was removed from the Board because majority of the
directors of the company as well as the majority shareholders had lost faith in him, and
WRL was at its lowest under the chairmanship of Mr. Stewy Vaulter. Additionally, since
it would be a question on Mr. Logan’s judgement.

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