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ib, Be —-!S STOCK. EXG/ AG/ 2022-23 ‘The Corporate Relationship Department BSE Limited, 1" Floor, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400001 Scrip Code : 509480 Dear Sirs, The Listing Department National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza, 5" Floor, Plot No.-C/1, ‘G’ Block, Bandra- Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai — 400051 Scrip Code: BERGEPAINT; 18" October, 2022 Listing Department The Calcutta Stock Exchange Ltd. 7 Lyons Range, Kolkata-700001 Scrip Code : 12529 ‘Sub: Quarterly Compliance Report on Corporate Governance Enclosed please find the Quarterly Compliance Report on Corporate Governance under Regulation 27(2) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for the quarter ended 30" September, 2022 for your information and record. Please acknowledge receipt. ‘Thanking you. Yours faithfully, For BERGER PAINTS INDIA LIMITED Barger House, 128, Park Sto, Kolkata 70001 } BERGER PAINTS INDIA LIMITED! hone: 2228972428, 279 6005-06, Fax: 91-33-2249 90090728, wwwbergerplats com ‘iN -LSt434WB1823PLC004799, E-mal: smear Aan fe Ey: erg as ned 2a ented ter [eguaions nome ante oot [seen Member! | Saepenoin Directorship in] MCCOPSNIP | a auginy om Cmedener| 2% | svener | satay ra nameott | yy | yy | tee hearted anos] Dacot | SEIS) cme | Ome tet ne Director, Executive/independent/Nominee) | appointment ‘birth ns listed entity. ba Including this Mrs)] (nefer (Refer feted entity | sted entity Reguistion | Regulation ee (Refer eeiond | AH2t | aeoruning|Meetion ting | AU ator using Regulations: eu Regulations) laf rat — PRE ganas Nortccane rar ara 7 i 7 7 Sa [eure Sr FPO OSES es Capea War ccne ——— TOES sar i 7 7 7 iat nay — asa ma Sara ane i 7 7 7 Sage fife ae amano ae —— OTT ase 7 i 7 Hl fi pecuix-rred fsa fesse hesaeasee stra cos et a Prasad =} —— | ~~ ~|~ ne ay RRNA noo Ro acae= TST aaa 5 7 7 a aE 7 i 7 ni fines nanay—tPusbat—fesroia ascent -hontoecne iva ees 7 ; 5 4 ‘Whether Regular Chairman appointed - ves Meer mon nieowavoMoragngOrecr&.CED-No Shave wy recor wut payed oh watt of Sok ong {cusp aca nes bctein barren Orcs mer hn oe ctr we a aegreseingtham wthysen [i ComposRion of Commitee IName of Committee [whether Name ofthe Committee member ‘ategory (haliperson/ Execute Now [Date of appointment [Date of essation Ireguiae Executve/independent/Nominee) [cima lsppointea Yes |i: Mer Sona alan Baa Non Executive independent, Charman roR FHA lz tr Gurbachan Singh Dhingra Non Executhe-Hon independent 26.08.2027 Ih. aie commer a. Me Pula Chanda Prasad on Executive-ndependent 1.082039 J Naresh Gat hon Executvesndependent 20.082019 sor Anoop Kumar mea non xeeutieindependent 19.03.2029 a oro Non Executve-ndependent, Charman 1.022039 ee 2 Mr Kulp Singh Onngra Ion execute Non independent 25-08:2027 compensation & ® on Com J. Me Pui Chanda Prasad on Executive independent 1.062039 le. ae Anoop Komae Mita Ion Executve-ndependent 12.02.2020 Yer [i MeGucbachan Singh Dhingra Now Beectve-Non lngependent, Chan 25-08 2022 2 Ate Axoop Hoan Non Executvesindependent 01-02-2039 >a Abie Roy Executive (Managing Drector& CEO) 01.07.2022 business Proces & Risk Managemnt Committee et Rina Kaur executive 02.08:2039 ser Kenwarcp Singh Oningro essere 03-082039 e-ntr seit Dasgupta Nominee (cFO} | 7. asi oat Nominee ] Yes__[1-MeGurbachanSingh Ohingra___]NonExecative on Independent, Charman Tee HD a. stakenldes Relationship Comittee 2 ner Anoop Hoon hon Executive independent o1.02-2019) 5 ner ane oy Eeeciive(araping Decor & CEO) ora7-202 Ve [i Menu Sngh Ore Non Executive Non lndependent, Charman 76:08 2027 ante Ani Roy executive (vanaging izector& CEO) o1g7-2021 nts isha Kaur executive 103.08-2019 ee ent Kanwarcip Singh Oningra executive 03.08-2019) eee me sor Anoop Kumar Mita on Executwesndependent 1903.2029 6. ntr art Aha Nominee — -) — ner sre oas supa Nominee (cF0} Je. ner canto Gang Nominee (vce Present & Company Secreta) [© Gate f Breos ean eeeave non REINER ROTTEE rear We to mare han oe ae gey wie The egos epg Bea I. Meeting of Board of Directors Date(s) of meeting (if any) inthe _[Date(s) of meeting (if | Whether [Number of Directors JNo. of independent _ [Maximum gap between previous quarter any) inthe relevant requirement of lDirectors attending the|any two consecutive (in quarter JQuorum met* lmeeting* number of days) 20-04-2022] (04-08-2022 \¥es 10] 3 26-05-2022} 26-09-2022|Yes al a *to be filed in only for the current quarter meeting IV. Meeting of Committee Isr Name of Committee |Date(s) of meeting No. of Independent |Maximum gap ofthe Committee in |requirement of present ors attending the |meeting of the |between any the relevant quarter hwo Jconsecutive in lnumber of days Audit Committee [20-04-2022 7 2. Audit Committee fee 5 s 69] [Compensation and 04-08 2022 | 3 3 Nomination and remuneration Commitee iz Business Process and Teor 2022 7A Risk Management Commitee. |—- — — x **To be filled for only current quarter meeting “This information has been mandatorily be given for Audit Committee, for rest of the committees giving this Information Is optional [V. Related Party Transaction lsubject Compliance status |Whether prior approval of audit committee obtained |Whether shareholder approval obtained for material RPT Whether details of RPT entered into pursuant to omnibus approval have been reviewed by Audit Committee INote 2. in the column "Compliance Status", compliance or non-compliance may be indicated by Yes/No/N.A.. For example, if the Boards has been composed in Vi._Affirmations [Compliance status (Yes/No) [The composition of the following committees is in terms ol ISEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, Yes role and responsibilities as specified in SEB! (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. The meetings of the board of directors and the above committees have been conducted in the manner as specified in SEB! (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. (Vi. Affirmations F7 The composition of Board of Directors is in terms of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2016. 12. The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 la. Audit Committee lb. Nomination & Remuneration Committee lc. Stakeholders Relationship Committee Jd. Risk management committee (applicable to the top 100 listed entities) 13. The committee members have been made aware of their powers, role and responsibilties as specified in SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. 4. The meetings of the board of directors and the above committees have been conducted in the manner as specified in SEBI (Listing Obligations land Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. 5. This report and/or the report submited in the previous quarter has been placed before Board of Directors. Any comments/observations/advice lof the board of directors may be mentioned here. IMr Arunito Ganguly, Vice President & Company Secretary Not ae Information at Table I and I above need to be necessarily given in 1* quarter of each financial year. However if there is no change of information in subsequent quarter(s) of that financial year. this.information. may not be-given by-Listed-entity and-instead-2 | — statement "Same as previous quarter’ may be given. ANNEXURE It Format to be submitted by listed entity at the end of 6 months after end of financial year along-with second quarter report of next financial year [Affirmations ‘Compliance status (Yes/No/NA) refer note Regulation Broad heading. Number [Copy of the annual report including balance sheet, profit and loss account, directors report, corporate governance report, business responsibilty report cisplayed on website [Presence of Chairperson of Audit Committee at the Annual General Meeting [Presence of Chairperson of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee at the Annual General Meeting Presence of Chairperson of the Stakeholder relationship Committee at the Annual General Meeting. Whether “Corporate Govemnance Report” disclosed in Annual Report Note 1 In the column “Compliance Status”, compliance or non-compliance may b¢ of Listing Regulations; cated by Yes/No/N.A. For example, if the Board has been composed in accordance with the requirements} "Yes" may be indicated: Similarly;in case the Listed Entity has no related (arty transactions, the Words °NIAL” may be indicated. 12 If status is “No” details of non-compliance may be given here. }3_ Ifthe Listed Entity would lke to provide any other information the same may be indicated here. For BERGER PAINTS I Vice President & ame & Designation JArunito Ganguly Vice President & Company Secretary Format to be submitted twice a year, on a half yearly basis by the listed entity atthe end of every 6 months of the financial year Halt year endi ~ 30th September, 2022 | Disclosure of Loans / guarantees / comfort letters / securities etc.refer note below (A) Any loan or any other form of debt advanced by the listed entity directly or indirectly to entity |Aggregate amount advanced during six months Balance outstanding at the end of six months Promoter or any other entity controlled by them Na Na Promoter Group or any other entity \controlled by them Na Ina Directors (including relatives) or any jother entity controlled by them _|wa i IKIPS or any other entity controlled by them NA. Na (8) Any guarantee/ comfort letter (by availed by: whatever name called) provided by the listed entity diectly or indirectiy, in connection with any loants) or ar ny other form of debt Entity type (guarantee, comfort letter etc.) [Ageregate amount of issuance during six Balance outstanding lmonths lat the end of six months (taki Jaccount any invocation) [Promoter of any other entity controlled by them NA. NA. Na [Promoter Group or any other entity, controlled by them Na. NA Na Directors {including relatives) or any lother entity controlled bythem _|NA NA, Ia IKMPs or any other entity controlled lbythem INA wa [Na () Any security provided by the listed entity directly or indirectly, in connection with any loan(s) or any other form of debt availed by: Entity [Type of security (cash, shares etc.) [aggregate value of security provided [Balance outstanding lduring six months lat the end of six |months Promoter or any other entity Icontrolled by them Na NA. NA, Promoter Group or any other entity Icontrolled by therm NA NA Na, Directors (including relatives) or any lother entity controlled by them _|NA NA, Na, IkimPs or any other entity controlled by therm [Na Na. Na 1. Affirmatio All loans (or other form of debt), guarantees, comfort letters (by whatever name called) or securities in connection with any loan(s) (or other form of debt) given directly ‘or indirectly by the listed entity to promoters), promoter group, director(s) (including their relatives), key managerial personnel (including their relatives) or any entity ‘controlled by them are in the economic interest of the company. kash Sarda Chief Financial Officer Name & Designation: Note 1. These disclosures shall exclude any loan (or other form of debt), guarantee / cornfort letter (by whatever name called) or security provided in connection with any loan or any other form of debt; 2) by a government company to/ for the Government or government company b) by the listed entity to/for its subsidiary [and joint-venture company] whose accounts are consolidated with the listed entity €) by a banking company or an insurance company ; and 4) by the listed entity to its employees or directors as a part of the service conditions 2.1f the Listed Entity would like to provide any other information, the same may be indicated as Para D in the above table..

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