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Analyzing the technological and social implications of the Web 3.

0 revolution, this paper

highlights the impact of blockchain technology on security and trust in our society.

Our technological world is undoubtedly changing faster than ever, but what has been the largest
innovation in recent years? The decentralization of the web. In other words, the Web 3.0
revolution. In other words, the rise of blockchain. That doesn’t make it any simpler. So what is
decentralization? What is Web 3.0? And what in the world is blockchain? This paper aims to
answer all of these questions and more. Its goal is to make Web 3.0 and blockchain
understandable for the average consumer as it is more important than ever to get in touch with
these topics. From research analysis on cryptocurrencies to comparison analysis of the positive
and negative consequences of Web 3.0, this paper will drive home the role of blockchain in the
world as we know it. As a glimpse into the paper, blockchain is a technological solution to a
solution problem; the problem being the lack of trust between humans and the reliance on
centralized services on the web. Blockchain allows peers to not have to trust one another because
they can simply trust their own copy of information, but everyone must trust that the system
functions correctly and ethically. Let’s dive into what this means for our virtual world… and in
turn, our real world as well…

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