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I like ice-cream I     I  
YOU YOU do not(don’t) like ice- Do YOU  
WE WE cream WE like ice-cream?

HE likes ice-cream HE     HE  
SHE SHE does not (doesn’t) like Does SHE  
IT IT ice-cream IT like ice-cream?


USE (uso)rule (regra geral) +s like → likes
 We use
With thisending
verbs tense for (usa-se que
in (verbos este tempo para):
+ es go → goes
● habitual
terminam em): actions/routines
o, s, x, sh, ch (acções habituais/rotinas); E.g.: I get up at 8 o’clock.
A) Complete the sentences
● programmes with do, does,
and timetables don´t,
- school, doesn´t.
buses… (programas e horários – escola, auto-carros…); E.g.: The
  With verbs ending in (verbos
bus leaves que
at 10 o’clock. +s play → plays
1. _________ em):
you vowel
● a permanent (vogal)
coke? + yI _________.”
(um estado permanente); E.g.: I like soup.
With  verbs she
2. _________ ending
piano?que y →i + es
“ No, she _________.” study → studies
terminam em): consonant (consoante)+
3. _________
y the students have good marks? “ Yes, they _________.”
4. _________they speak English? “ No, they _________.”

B) Complete the sentences with the present simple: 1

1. Mary _____________ (watch) TV in the afternoon.
2. She ______________(hurry) home after school.
3. The baby ______________(not go) to bred late.
4. She ______________(not like) coke.
5. He ______________(seldom, tidy) His bedroom.
6. My father ______________(read) the newspaper every day.
7. Where ______________she______________(keep) her books?
8. ______________ your brother ______________(live) with you?
five to five past

ten to ten past

It’s three o’clock. quarter to

quarter past

twenty to twenty past

It’s ten past three.

twenty-five to
half past twenty-five past

1 2 3 4 5

It’s quarter past three. 2

What time is it? / What’s the time? / Can you tell me the time please?
It’s half past three. (formal)

It’s twenty to four.

8:35 am 2:55 am
__________________________ _________________________
5:10 pm 9:20 pm
__________________________ _________________________

It’s quarter to four.

A. Match the pictures with one of the verbs below. There are two extras.
1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

a) wake up b) wash your face

c) take a shower d) listen to music
e) do your homework f) go to school
g) brush your teeth h) go to bed
i) read a book j) get dressed

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s) from the box below.

1. My sister ____________ up at 8 o’clock. 3

watches 2. I _____________ my homework at 5.30.
play 3. Sarah __________ television at 9 o’clock.
reads 4. They ____________ lunch at 12 o’clock.
have 5. I ____________ computer games everyday.
listens 6. My father _______________ newspaper.
has 7. Susan ____________ the guitar.
8. I _____________ dressed at 7 o’clock.
9. My sister ___________ to music.
10. Philip __________ a shower everyday.
get 11. You ____________ breakfast in the morning.
wakes 12. David _____________ his teeth at 8.30 o’clock.
do 13. She ____________ dinner at 7 o’clock.
takes 14. We _______________ home at 3 o’clock.
eat 15. He ______________ to sleep at 10 o’clock.
C. Now write about your daily routine:

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