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Exercise 11: Read the table “Impersonal Communication Tools” and decide what

type of tools the cases below refer to.

Impersonal Communication Tools

Tool Description

Public Relations. Sustained actions of strategic communications that a corporation

carries out to promote goodwill and strong links between itself
and the public, the community, the employees, the customers,
etc. Among the actions a company can put in place are those
related to listening, informing, convincing, supporting...

Sponsorship or Financial support of artistic, cultural or sports events that aim to

patronage. boost the image of the corporation as arts and culture

Sales promotion. Short-term actions on certain products or services that aim to

increase the demand temporarily.

Merchandising. Marketing actions that aim to boost sales by using a wide range
of a strategies such as: changes in the distribution of products at
the point of sale, changes in showcases and original window
dressing, new packaging...


1. A shop that sells high-end teas and coffees from around the world changes the
lighting in their windows to create a soft oriental sophisticated atmosphere….
a. Merchandising

2. A local store finances the equipment (t-shirts, track suits and trainers) of the
kids’ rugby team. The name of the store is printed on the back of the shirt...
a. Sponsorship or patronage.
3. A researcher at Olivia's Olive oil participates in a TV program about healthy
a. Public Relations.

4. Until end of stock, the customer can buy a tube of toothpaste that contains 25%
more than the regular tube for the same price...
a. Sale promotion

5. For Christmas, Olivia’s oil gives clients two bottles of bath oil to those clients
who spend more than a specified amount on their Premium Cooking oil
a. Sale promotion

6. GiftStar creates a special Valentine's Day bottle for one of its best-selling
a. merchandising

7. The CEO of Gift Star gives a talk at a Vocational Training school in order to
foster entrepreneurship among the students...
a. Public Relations.
8. A supermarket gives the client a coupon based on products he or she
a. Sale promotion

Advertising is one of the most powerful communication tools a company can use.
Advertising, together with other tools, is an integral part of the company's
Communication plan.

Exercise 12: Read the definition of advertising below and use your knowledge
and powers of deduction to choose the correct ending for the statements

● Definition of advertising.

Advertising is an impersonal form of communication used to convince an audience

(viewers, readers or listeners) to take action with respect to products, ideas or services.

● Statements about advertising

- Advertising involves a communication process in which the sender of the

message is:
a) a famous company
b) an identifiable company
c) anybody

- The receiver of the message can be:

a) a famous company
b) any member of the public
c) the Board of Directors

- As there is no interaction or very little interaction with the receiver of the

message and the potential receiver is a big, non-identifiable audience, we can
say that the process is:
a) personal multilateral and massive.
b) Impersonal, bilateral and specific.
c) Impersonal, unilateral and massive.

- Since the objective of advertising is to influence the behaviour of the receiver,

advertising aims to:
a) inform, persuade and remind.
b) inform, convince and try.
c) create, try and persuade.

● Advertising channels.

Advertising can use different communication tools to reach its target audience.

Although the receptors are only identifiable, sometimes the type of potential receptors
is narrowed down. For example the target can be children, parents, singles..

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