Metaanalisis Zoliflodacin

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Table 2.

Summary of the results

Author & Year MIC

C50r (resistant) → 0.4334 mg/L

Jacobsson et al.

SE600/18 (susceptible)→ 0.5 mg/L

SE600/18-D429N (resistant)→ 4 mg/L

Jacobsson et al.

All isolates → 0.064 mg/L

Thailand → 0.032 mg/L

South Africa → 0.064 mg/L

Ciprofloxacin-resistant → 0.064 mg/L

Ciprofloxacin-susceptible → 0.064 mg/L

Jacobsson et al.

0.125 mg/L

Le et al.2021

0.06 mg/L

0.5 mg/L

Miller et al.2019

Nguyen et al.2020
0.014 mg/L

0.12 mg/L
0.002 mg/L

0.125 mg/L

Su et al. 2016

Unemo et al. 2015

Austria → 0.064 mg/L

Belgium → 0.064 mg/L

Cyprus → 0.125 mg/L

Denmark → 0.064 mg/L

Estonia → 0.125 mg/L

Germany → 0.064 mg/L

Greece → 0.125 mg/L

Hungary → 0.064 mg/L

Iceland → 0.125 mg/L

Italy → 0.125 mg/L

Latvia → 0.25 mg/L

Malta → 0.125 mg/L

Netherlands → 0.064 mg/L

Norway → 0.064 mg/L

Poland → 0.064 mg/L

Portugal → 0.125 mg/L

Slovakia → 0.125 mg/L

Slovenia → 0.125 mg/L

Spain → 0.125 mg/L

Sweden → 0.064 mg/L

United Kingdom → 0.125 mg/L

Urethra or cervix →

0.008 mg/L

0.25 mg/L


0.008 mg//L

0.25 mg/L


0.008 mg/L

0.25 mg/L
Taylor et al.2018

0.125 mg/L

Unemo et al. 2021

Author & Year MIC50

WHO F → 0.123 mg/L

WHO O →2.65 mg/L

WHO V → 1.01 mg/L

WHO X → 0.789 mg/L

Foerster  et al. 2019 
C50s (susceptible) → 0.2507 mg/L

Jacobsson et al.

All isolates → 0.064 mg/L

Thailand →0.032 mg/L

South Africa → 0.064 mg/L

Ciprofloxacin-resistant → 0.064 mg/L

Jacobsson et al. Ciprofloxacin-susceptible → 0.064 mg/L


0.06 mg/L

Le et al.2021

0.03 mg/L

Nguyen et al.2020

0.03 mg/L

Su et al. 2016

Unemo et al. 2015

Austria → 0.064 mg/L

Belgium → 0.064 mg/L  

Cyprus → 0.125 mg/L

Denmark → 0.064 mg/L

Estonia → 0.125 mg/L

Germany → 0.064 mg/L)

Greece → 0.125 mg/L

Hungary → 0.064 mg/L

Iceland → 0.125 mg/L

Italy → 0.125 mg/L

Latvia → 0.125 mg/L

Malta → 0.125 mg/L

Netherlands →0.064 mg/L

Norway → 0.064 mg/L

Poland → 0.064 mg/L

Portugal → 0.125 mg/L

Slovakia → 0.064 mg/L

Slovenia → 0.125 mg/L

Spain →0.125 mg/L

Sweden →0.064 mg/L

United Kingdom → 0.125 mg/L

Urethra or cervix → 0.093 mg/L

Rectum→ 0.06 mg/L

Pharynx→ 0.125 mg/L

Taylor et al.2018

0.125 mg/L

Unemo et al. 2021

Author & Year MIC90

All isolates → 0.125 mg/L

Thailand → 0.064 mg/L

South Africa → 0.125 mg//L

Ciprofloxacin-resistant → 0.125 mg/L

Ciprofloxacin-susceptible → 0.125 mg/L

Jacobsson et al. 2019

0.125 mg/L

Le et al.2021

0.06 mg/L

Nguyen et al.2020

0.06 mg/L

Su et al. 2016

Unemo et al. 2015

Austria → 0.125 mg/L

Belgium → 0.125 mg/L

Cyprus →0.125 mg/L

Denmark → 0.125 L

Estonia → 0.25 mg/L

Germany → 0.125 mg/L

Greece →0.25 mg/L

Hungary → 0.125 mg/L

Iceland → 0.125 mg/L

Italy → 0.125 mg/L

Latvia → 0.25 mg/L

Malta → 0.125 mg/L

Netherlands → 0.25 mg/L

Norway → 0.125 mg/L

Poland → 0.125 mg/L

Portugal → 0.125 mg/L

Slovakia → 0.125 mg/L

Slovenia → 0.25 mg/L

Spain → 0.25 mg/L

Sweden →0.125 mg/L

United Kingdom →;  0.125 mg/L

Urethra or cervix → 0.25 mg/L

Rectum→ 0.25 mg/L

Pharynx→ 0.25 mg/L

Taylor et al.2018
0.125 mg/L

Unemo et al. 2021

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