The Importance of Agriculture in Present World

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The importance of agriculture in present world.

Smt Gayatri,Sunkad,


The Department of Political Science,

Shri Kalidas Degree College,





Cell- +91 7019410220.


Member- Research Gate.

Life time member- Social Science Humanities Research Association .

Agriculture is the one of the oldest occupations in the world. When man started to
the settling life on the earth, the first occupation is somewhat agriculture. Before
invention of the agriculture occupation, man was depend on the haunting the
animals for the food. When man invented the fire, he started to boil the food and
slowly interested in using fruits and vegetables.

After inventing the method of agriculture, in the early stage he was in the era of
shifting cultivation But when he started to took the serious interest in agriculture,
he invented many supporting forms of agriculture, like as plantation forming,
subsistence farming, mixed farming etc..

The agriculture is not only used for providing the food to human beings, as well as
fodder to animals, but it also supports the national income of the nation. In the
present era of science and technology, so many nations still depend on agriculture
to provide jobs as well as supporting the national income.

Key words;-Agriculture, national income, food, foreign exchange, cultivation etc.

Introduction;-Agriculture is one of the ancient , primary occupations of

Karnataka. It is the main source of livelihood for many. It is the backbone of our
nation’s economy. Economic progress depends upon agriculture. Agriculture
provides employment to people. It also provides food for the people and raw
materials to industries. It is a source of revenue to the state and to earn foreign

Agriculture is also supports the industries and the industries which are depend on
agriculture for raw materials are considered as agro-based industries.


Methodology of agricultural censuses

The scope of agricultural censuses can vary depending on the resources available,
the importance of agriculture, the traditions in census organization and country
priorities. Although the main aim of an agricultural census is to provide primary
data on the structure of the agricultural sector, such as size of holdings, land use,
land tenure, etc., which do not change quickly over time, it is important that it
should be conceived as part of an integrated system of agricultural statistics.

Agricultural censuses and sample surveys

Many countries do not have sufficient resources for conducting a series of surveys
and collect the most important data through a single survey called an agricultural
census. Collecting census data on a sample basis had become an accepted practice
by 1960 and makes it possible for countries lacking the resources required for a
complete enumeration to carry out a census by enumeration of a large sample.
There is now no clear distinction between agricultural censuses conducted on a
complete enumeration basis and those conducted on a sample basis.

Relationship with population and other censuses

As the result of increasing integration within programmes of data collection, the
relationship between the population and housing census and the agricultural census
is now far closer than in the past, and countries are increasingly looking at new
ways to strengthen this relationship. 

The FAO World Programme for Census of Agriculture recommends a modular

approach to census and survey planning with a core module based on a complete
enumeration of limited set of key items and sample based complementary and
thematic surveys. In order to facilitate the implementation of this approach, the
WCA recommends countries to coordinate their population census with agriculture
census whenever possible. The WCA document highlights the technical and
operational benefits of this strategy for agriculture census and provides guidelines
on modalities for this coordination. This approach is in line with the Global
Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics, and the UN Guidelines on
Population and Housing Censuses.

World Programme of the Census of Agriculture 2020

Volume I: Programme, concepts and definitions
This publication provides guidance on agricultural censuses carried out by
countries in the period between 2016 and 2025. The WCA 2020 will ensure that
data collected are comparable at the international level while also addressing
emerging information needs of the 21st century.

World Programme of the Census of Agriculture 2020

Volume 2: Operational Guidelines
This publication focuses on the operational aspects for conducting a census of
agriculture. It deals with the practical details on the steps involved in actually
conducting an agricultural census. Volume 2 is a revised and updated edition of
“Conducting Agricultural Censuses and Surveys”, published by FAO in 1996.

Importance of agriculture;-Agriculture is one of the ancient occupations of

the human beings. People have engaged in this occupation , since the beginning, of
the cultivation. Agriculture has been described as ‘’ the art of cultivating the
land.’’ It is tilling the land, protecting the plants, and growing crops for the benefit
of people and cattle. Agriculture, also includes fisheries, cattle-rearing and

Agriculture, is the main occupations of the Indians. It can be seen in all parts of the
country, in different forms and growing different crops. Agriculture supplies food
grains to the huge population of the country.. it is a life-subsistence occupation
and provides employment opportunities more than other sectors of economy.
There are many industries in India which depend on the raw materials supplied by
agriculture. Thus, indirectly, agriculture nurtures many industries like chemical
fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, industries manufacturing farming equipments
etch. Agriculture supports even many tertiary occupations like transport, trade,
banking etc.

Different types of farming exist in India. They are ;1. Intensive farming. 2.
Subsistence farming. 3. Commercial farming. 4. Mixed farming. 5. Horticultural

Intensive farming;- Growing 2-3 crops on the same plot in a year is called
intensive farming. India’s population being, huge, there is large demand for
agricultural products. Hence this kind of farming is in practice in areas which are
fertile, and have huge population.

Subsistence farming;- Farmers settle down at a particular place and grow crops
for their own use is called subsistence farming. In this kind of farming, farmers
grow food grains, oil seeds, vegetables etc.

Commercial Farming;- Agriculture practiced for commercial purpose is called

commercial farming. Tobacco, sugarcane, cotton tea, coffee, rubber etc are
commercial crops.

Mixed farming;-Mixed farming is raising of crops and cattle rearing, poultry,

bee keeping , sericulture etch.

Plantation farming;-It refers to the cultivation of a single crop over a large area. It
is one of the important types of Indian agriculture. Coffee, Tea and Rubber is the
important plantation crops of India.

The backwardness of agriculture in India;-There are so many reasons for the

backwardness of agriculture in India.

Old methods of cultivation;-The Indian farmer is still using old method of

cultivation like bullock cart, and traditional method of cultivation. These are not
helping to yield the largest seeds. Even the agricultural as well as cropping
methods are outdated which does not provide sufficient crop production.
Vagaries of monsoons;-Vagaries of monsoons as well as uncertainty of
monsoons’ are also important cause for the backwardness of agriculture in India. If
one year there is outcome of flood, next year the outcome is famine. If there is
flood, there is also destroy of crops because the due to excess of water , the small
seedlings flow in water. If there is famine, there is no development of crops due to
shortage of water. In both conditions also. There is destroy of crops and it leads to
the fewer yields of crops.

Creation of small holdings;-The creation of small holdings also leads to the

backwardness of agriculture. After the death of father, whatever the agricultural
land is divided among sons. Again in next generation, again the land is divided into
small pieces. When the small agricultural land is remained to farmer, he cannot
invest money in agriculture, for the cause of development. Even in some time, the
farmer cannot grow the crops for his domestic purpose also.

Soil Erosion;-Soil erosion is also another cause of backwardness of agriculture

in India. Due to flood, the top layer of the soil absorbs in rushing water, which is
full of nutrients, are absorbs in water. So the soil loses its fertility and it becomes
useless for the growth of plants and whole the land becomes barren land. Due to
the soil erosion there is fewer yields of crops.

Rural indebtedness;- The rural indebtedness is also one of the main reason for the
backwardness of agriculture in India. When a farmer is not having sufficient
money to invest or modernizes in agriculture he seeks to the help of the landlords.
He is not in a having condition to approach the banks for loan because of his
illiteracy. So he approaches the local landlords who takes hiss thumb impression
on blank paper and starts to collect complex interest with principal amount. When
this farmer is not in a condition to repay the loan, at that times he sends his son to
work in the houses of landlord to repay the loan. There is a sentence about the
condition of Indian farmer ‘’ Thee farmer born in debt, live in debt and die in

The suggestions to improves the agriculture in India;- There are many

measures to improves agricultures in India.

Following scientific method of cultivation;- If we following scientific method of

cultivation, then surely we can make positives changes in this yield of crops. These
are just like; using good seeds just likes jawari, as well as hybrid seeds are come to
the harvest within the short period of harvest. By this, within ones year a farmer,
can grow mores crops and it results in the increases in the agricultural
production .It also includes like using the mechanized system in agriculture,
irrigation system etc.

Forestation method;- The major reason for the backwardness in agricultures is

the soil erosion which is causes dues to deforestation. Due to deforestation, the
roots of the plants loose the capacity to absorb the underground water and by this
there is no suitable growth of plants and also caused the soil erosion. By planting
mores and more trees, we can solve this problem.

Creation of awareness among the farmers;- The illiteracy and ignorance

of farmers also leads to the backwardness among farmers. By proper educating
those, creating awareness about the scientific method of cultivation, soil test, drip
irrigation system, contour ploughing, population control we can create the good
farmers with progressive mind. It will also leads to the increase in agricultural

Encouragement to cottage as well as small scales industries’;- By

encouraging the cottage and small scale industries, we can reduce the burden on
agricultural land and it will also support the farmers when there is no work in the
field. Sometime he can earn money and this money he can invest in the
modernization of agriculture.

Conclusion;-The agriculture is the oldest occupation and had prominent

occupation in India. It supports more than 35% of national income and more than
58% people in India depend upon agriculture for their livelihood. So if the
agriculture is converted as the income gaining occupation, then it helps for the
development of the nation. It supports the agro based industries and contributes to
the foreign exchange also.

1. References;
2. - Why is Agriculture Important and its Role in Everyday Life.
3. Essay on the Importance of Agriculture - World’s Largest ...

4. What is the importance of Agriculture for our country?
5. Agriculture's Past, Present, and Future | The John Deere Journal
6. Agriculture Overview - World Bank
Water in Agriculture - World Bank
7. Importance of agricultural sector in a country’s economic ...
8. Indian Agriculture- Status, Importance and Role in Indian Economy
9. Agriculture - Wikipedia
(PDF) Introduction to Agriculture - ResearchGate

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