6th Grade Pre-Post Test 2022-2023 Students Edition

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STUDENT’S EDITION 6th Grade - English

SIXTH GRADE 2022-2023

STUDENT’S EDITION 6th Grade - English

Indicators: 6.LS.1.1d, 6.LS.6.1

Instructions: Listen carefully to the passage and to the questions the

teacher reads.Mark the correct answer on your answer sheet.

Listening Passage 1

1. In this passage the word hippo means .

a. sea monster
b. horse
c. pipefish
d. kampus

2. How many species of seahorses are there?

a. 32
b. 14
c. 2
d. 30

3. Why is a seahorse’s color variable?

a. It is a sea monster.
b. It has a mythical appearance.
c. It camouflages itself.
d. It curls its tail around seaweed.

4. To what fish is the seahorse related to?

a. It is related to the sea monster.

b. It is related to the plankton.
c. It is related to shrimp.
d. It is related to the pipefish.

STUDENT’S EDITION 6th Grade - English

5. The seahorse stays upright by .

a. eating shrimp
b. using its fins
c. swimming on its back
d. curling its tail on seaweed

Listening: Passage 2

6. The students and the teacher are talking about .

a. why the boy goes to his great-grandfather’s house

b. why education is important in this boy’s family
c. how the boy’s family celebrates a special day
d. what the boy’s family does on weekend mornings

7. The boy’s family tradition would take place every .

a. day
b. year
c. morning
d. night

8. Who started the family tradition?

a. the father
b. the mother
c. the great-grand father
d. the great-grandmother

9. The notebook, the pencil, and the eraser were .

a. next to the boy’s plate

b. under the boy’s plate
c. across the boy’s plate
d. on top of the boy’s plate

STUDENT’S EDITION 6th Grade - English

10. Which of the following sentences states an opinion?

a. The boy loved family traditions.

b. The mother makes breakfast.
c. The great-grandfather was a teacher.
d. The mother wakes up early.

STUDENT’S EDITION 6th Grade - English

Instructions: In this section, you will meet with your teacher to answer orally
and in complete sentences, some informational questions related to a positive
experience in your life.

1. When did the event take place?

2. How did it happen?
3. What did you learn?

STUDENT’S EDITION 6th Grade - English


Students will demonstrate application of sets of foundational skills

Indicators: 6.FS.2.1b, 6.FS.3.1

Instructions: Read each word and divide it by selecting the correct answer.

1. vacation

a. va-ca-tion (3)
b. vac-a-tion (3)
c. vaca-tion (2)
d. vacat-ion (2)

2. goverment

a. gov-er-ment (3)
b. go-ver-ment (3)
c. gover-ment (2)
d. goverm-ent (2)

3. misunderstanding

a. misunder-standing (2)
b. mis-under-stan-ding (4)
c. misunder-stan-ding (3)
d. mis-un-der-stand-ing (5)

4. accomplishment

a. accomplish-ment (2)
b. accom-plish-ment (3)
c. ac-com-plish-ment (4)
d. acco-mplish-ment (3)

STUDENT’S EDITION 6th Grade - English

5. immediately

a. immed-iatly (2)
b. im-me-diat-ly (4)
c. im-me-di-ate-ly (5)
d. im-me-diat-ly (4)

Instruction: Read each word and select the word that completes the compound

6. wish _________

a. fall
b. house
c. bone
d. hand

7. back _________

a. pack
b. mate
c. cook
d. fish

8. sun _________

a. floor
b. glasses
c. computer
d. pencils

STUDENT’S EDITION 6th Grade - English

Indicators: 6.R.5.1L, 6.R.3.1I, 6.R.4.1L, 6.R.4.1I, 6.R.2.1L, 6.R.2.1I

Instructions: In this section you will find three reading selections. Read the
selections and answer the questions below. Mark the correct choice on your
answer sheet.

Reading Selection #1
The Lost Dog
Center for Urban Education, DePaul University © 2008

One particularly cold Saturday in January, I was supposed to take our dog
out fora walk, but it was so cold that I did not want to go outside. Instead, I just
opened the doorand let the dog out by himself. I kept an eye on him to make
sure he would come back inside. However, another neighborhood dog quickly
ran past our house, and our dog sped after to catch him. I hurriedly went to
grab my coat so I could follow my dog, and then I rushed outside.
Unfortunately, I was already too late, and my dog was nowhere in sight. I
walked a few blocks, but I was unable to find him.
Distressed, I returned home. My mother was standing at the door
waiting, and she asked me what had happened. “I know I was supposed to walk
our dog,” I confessed, “but I thought he would be able to go outside and
come back by himself.Now he has gone, and I can’t find him anywhere.”

My mother was very angry with me; she said I should have been more
responsible. She decided to help by making some signs. The signs read, “Lost:

STUDENT’S EDITION 6th Grade - English

A big black dog. Please call us right away” and she printed our phone number
on the bottom.“Okay, Darrell,” she said, as she handed over the stack of signs,
“Now go post these flyers on all the street posts.” My sister and I grabbed the
signs and we posted them along our street as well as along the surrounding
streets. The whole time, I was incredibly sad and worried about our dog. All I
could think about was how cold it was and how cold our dog must be. My sister
wanted to go home, so I told her I would walk her home, but then I would keep
looking for the dog myself.
I took her home and resumed search. I continued circling the
neighborhood, looking for our dog, but I did not see him anywhere. I called out
his name, and I looked inall the alleys. I got more and more upset. I had made
such a huge mistake. All I wanted was to stay warm, but now I was extremely
cold — and so was my dog.
Finally, I gave up and sulked home. When I returned, my mother was
waiting for me and smiling broadly. She told me, “Our dog came back home
all by himself. So, you were right—he did come back—but you were wrong,
too. You should have done your job this morning.” “You are right, mom. I was
wrong, and, as a result, I have learned a very important lesson today. What
seems easy initially may turn out to be difficult in the end. This was a very
difficult morning for everyone.” Ever since that morning, I have remembered
that important lesson I learned.

STUDENT’S EDITION 6th Grade - English

9. Which event happened first?

a. The mother was very mad with Darrell.
b. Darrell lets the dog out by himself.
c. They make some “Lost Dog” signs.
d. He continued looking for the dog.

10. What is the meaning of the word sulked in the following sentence?
“Finally, I gave up and sulked home.”

a. to be silent and resentful

b. to be happy and cheerful
c. to be worried and nervous
d. to be scared and alert

11. What did Darrell do when the dog got lost?

a. He started to cry.
b. He talked to his neighbor.
c. He started to look for the dog.
d. He went to sleep.

STUDENT’S EDITION 6th Grade - English

Reading Selection 2

Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama. She

spent her childhood in Alabama. When she was eleven, she enrolled in the
Montgomery Industrial School for girls. Later, she worked as a seamstress in
Rosa Parks has been called the “mother of the Civil Rights movement”,
and one of the most important citizens of the 20 th century. In the early 1950s,
the bus system in Montgomery, as in many parts of the United States, was
segregated. Blacks were required to board the bus at the front, buy their
tickets, and then re-board the bus in the back. Sometimes, they were not able
to get on the bus again before it drove away. Theywere not allowed to sit in the
front of the bus, which sometimes made it difficult to get offat the right stop.
Even if they were sitting in the “black section”, they were still required to give
their seats up to white passengers if the “white section” was full. In December
of 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a city bus to a white
passenger. The bus driver had her arrested. She was tried and convicted of
violating a local ordinance.
Her acts sparked a city white boycott of the bus system. This refusal to
ride the bus introduced the country to a clergyman named Martin Luther King
Jr., who gained national prominence, leading the protest with the words:
“There comes a time that people get tired”. Eventually, the US Supreme Court
made a decision outlawing segregation on city buses. In December 1956,
Montgomery public transportation system was legally integrated.
Over the next four decades, Rosa Parks helped make her fellow
Americans aware of the history of the Civil Rights struggle. This pioneer in the
STUDENT’S EDITION 6th Grade - English

struggle for racial equality earned many honors, including the Martin Luther

King Jr. Non-Violent Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and
the Congressional Gold Medal. She is an example of courage, and
determination, and an inspirational symbol to all Americans. She recently died
in Detroit, Michigan on October 24, 2005, at age 92.

12. What is the main idea of this passage?

a. Rosa Parks played an important role in the Civil Rights Movement.

b. Rosa Parks was born in Tuskegee, Alabama.
c. Rosa Parks has earned many awards.
d. Rosa Parks met Martin Luther King,Jr.

13. The word boycott as used in this passage means?

a. always sitting in front of the bus

b. refusing to ride the segregated buses
c. supporting the separation of white and black passengers
d. encouraging all people to ride buses for transportation

14. What did the Supreme Court eventually do?

a. give Rosa Parks a medal

b. send Rosa Parks to jail
c. outlaw segregation
d. boycott the bus system

15. What do you think Rosa Parks would be most proud of?

a. earning many awards

b. living in Detroit
c. being arrested for not giving up her seat
d. helping in the Civil Rights Movement
16. a. How has Rosa Parks made a significant impact in the Civil
Rights movement?
Support your answer with at least 2 facts from the passage. Write
your answer on the answer sheet.
STUDENT’S EDITION 6th Grade - English

Reading Selection 3


A habit is a sticky thing;

Much good or evil it can bring;
It binds a victim, holds him fast,
And keeps him in a vise-like grasp.

Bad habits grow with extra speed,

Much like a healthy, growing weed;
The roots grow deep, the stem grows stout;
How difficult to pull it out!

Good habits are a little slow;

They need a lot of care to grow;
If tended well, they grow more fair;
Than any bloom a plant can bear.

Good habits help us all through life;

Bad habits bring us pain and strife;
Our habits, whether right or wrong,
Each day will grow more firm and strong.

1. The theme of the poem is to show .

a. how habits are acquired

b. the effect of habits in our life
c. how a bad habit is good
d. the pain of having good habits

2. What is the meaning of the following phrase?

A habit is a sticky thing;

a. When we acquire a habit, it is difficult to get away from it.
b. That a habit is something that is good for everyone.
c. When a habit is gone, it never comes back.
d. That a habit always helps me to live better.

STUDENT’S EDITION 6th Grade - English

Students will express themselves in written form

Indicators: 6.W.3.1 , 6.W.3.1a, 6.W.4.1

Look at the picture and write a paragraph of five or more sentences describing the
Use this checklist to help you think about and organize your response.
• Remember to write about what you see in the picture.
• Use details and complete sentences in your writing.
• Use appropriate capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

STUDENT’S EDITION 6th Grade - English

Indicators: 6.LA.1.1b,6.LA.1.1e, 6.LA.3.1, 6.LA.4.1b,

Instructions: Read each question and apply correct English language skills.
Mark thecorrect letter on your answer sheet.

1. Which sentence is written correctly?

a. There is nothing interesting on TV.

b. There is nothing interesting in TV.
c. There is nothing interesting by TV.
d. There is nothing interesting at TV.

2. The teachers will _______________ us our homework assignment on Monday.

a. gave
b. given
c. give
d. gaved

3. Osvaldo went swimming today with Hector and Jennifer.

What is the subject of his sentence?

a. Osvaldo
b. today
c. swimming
d. went

4. Edwin gave the English textbook to ________.

a. him
b. she
c. we
d. he

STUDENT’S EDITION 6th Grade - English

5. My oldest sister always helps _________ with my math assignment.

a. I
b. our
c. we
d. me

6. I __________________ the task by tomorrow afternoon.

a. complete
b. completes
c. completed
d. will comp-

7. What is the meaning of the word mandatory in the following sentence?

Homework is mandatory. If you don’t do it, you will not pass the class.

a. indulgent
b. required
c. unnecessary
d. waste of time

8. What does the phrase chronological order mean in the following


“Please file these documents in chronological order, and arrange

them bydate.”

a. in step order
b. in time order
c. in size order
d. in alphabetical order

9. Our teacher was sick. _______________ she was absent yesterday.

a. Even though
b. Likewise
c. As a result
d. To illustrate

10. What is the prefix in the word interaction?

a. action
b. in
c. tion
d. inter

11. What is the suffix in the word unsuccessful?

a. un
b. success
c. ful
d. successfull

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