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1. Classroom adaptations contribute to the success of learners with disabilities.

Adaptations come in two

types. They are accommodations and _____________________.

A. instructional differentiation

B. behavioral interventions

C. modifications

D. instructional planning

2. The Standards of Learning, as required in general by No Child Left Behind and dictated by each state,
include the following key elements EXCEPT ____________________.

A. Comparison to standards, not other students

B. Assessment closely linked to the curriculum

C. Achieving proficiency

D. Standardized assessments

3. At the Elementary level, professionals can develop a comprehensive curriculum for learners with
disabilities. The curriculum has the quality of being

A. inclusive of research to practice opportunities.

B. part of the continuum of placement services.

C. provided in the general education setting.

D. responsive to individual needs.

4. Accommodations are a type of classroom adaptations. Accommodations are defined as

_________________ during the instructional process.

A. changes in the school schedule

B. alterations of materials

C. changes in input and output

D. changes in content or standards

5. When the content or standards are altered to meet the needs of learners with disabilities
professionals have made what is known as ___________________.

A. due process

B. instructional adaptations

C. modification

D. treatment acceptability
6. Which is not an indicator of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?

A. It is an environment which includes everyone and prepares everyone to be inclusive and think


B. It shows students that it is everyone is different, everyone has strengths, and everyone has


C. There is a prescribed principle to be successful likewise a clear-cut for students on how and

what to learn.

D. This includes adapting and customizing aspects of activities and lessons.

7. Which of the following is not true?

A. Groups of the same size don’t always work for all students.

B. Unique design of engagement and representation is the UDL framework

C. A student’s surroundings can have a huge impact on how he or she learns.

D. Enlist helpers such as peers, a special educator, or a paraprofessional for learners who need extra

support with some tasks.

8. Which is true about Accommodations?

i. These are services or support related to a student’s disability in order to help a student access the
subject matter and demonstrate knowledge.

ii. Its goal is to accurately demonstrate knowledge without fundamental alterations to the standard
or expectation of the assignment or test.

iii. Shortening a written assignment from five paragraphs to two because of the time needed to
complete the assignment.

iv. Use of audiovisual supplements (e.g., video, overheads) in a lecture to accommodate students
with auditory processing difficulties.

A. i, iii

B. ii, iv

C. i, ii, iii

D. i, ii, iii, iv

9. Which is true about Modifications?

i. These are services or support related to a student’s disability in order to help a student access the
subject matter and demonstrate knowledge.
ii. Its goal is to accurately demonstrate knowledge without fundamental alterations to the standard
or expectation of the assignment or test.

iii. Shortening a written assignment from five paragraphs to two because of the time needed to
complete the assignment.

iv. Use of audiovisual supplements (e.g., video, overheads) in a lecture to accommodate students
with auditory processing difficulties.

A. i, iii

B. ii, iv

C. i, ii, iii

D. i, ii, iii, iv

10. Statement 1: Content adaptations is modifications which involves changing how

information is presented.

Statement 2: Format adaptations is also called accommodations which involves changing what and

how much will be learned.

A. S1 is true and S2 is false.

B. S1 is false and S2 is true.

C. Both S1 and S2 are true

D. Both S1 and S2 are false.

11. Which of the following terms refers to the body of knowledge concerned with the systematic study
of different facets of our society , several social phenomena and the effects of these occurrences on
people's lives?

A. Humanities

B. Natural Science

C. Philosophy

D. Social Science

12. Which academic discipline studies different human conditions and the ways wherein the human
experiences are processed and recorded?

A. Humanities

B. Natural Sciences

C. Philosophy

D. Social Science
13. Which of the following definitions best describes the term "society"?

A. It is a small group of people whose members share tight, personal,and lasting relationships.

B. It is a large group social group where the relationships among members are usually impersonal

and goal-oriented.

C. It is a collection of people whose members frequently meet and consider themselves as parts of a


D. It is an organized group of individuals whose members regularly meet or work together and have

a shared culture, interest, and territory.

14. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides a free and appropriate public

education to all children with a disability. What else is provided to all students under IDEA?

A. Preferential classroom assignment

B. Transportation to the school of their choice

C. Instruction in the least restrictive environment

D. A paraprofessional aide to assist with instruction

15. Which of the following concept is correct?

i. Inclusion is the practice of fully integrating all students into classroom instruction regardless of race,
gender, religion, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, physical or mental ability, or language is known as

ii. Awareness of Exceptionalities is a term referring to teachers being aware of the many

diverse students they teach.

iii. Differentiated Instruction is instruction to support the needs of all learners and learning


iv. Response to Intervention (RTI) refers to the three-tiered classroom instruction plan to

support all learners.

A. i, iii

B. ii, iv

C. i, ii, iii

D. i, ii, iii, iv

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