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Cecilia Glennie, Anastasia Appelt, Justin Elliott, and Jankarla Pierola SPED 322, Section 01 Professor: Dr. Jones SPED 322 - Rich Task & Exercises Leaming Intention (Ll) - ‘We are” «We are going to learn how to apply for the numbers 1-15 into groups of 5, on the bar or line graph Four Experience: 1) Fillin the missing numbers on the number line 2) Using manipulatives to group (groups of 5) and give a physical representation of the content 3) Group the numbers on the number line into groups of 5 4) Give students 15 manipulatives and have them group the manipulatives into groups of 5 One Risk Task: 1) Give 15 different cents (pennies, dimes, etc.) in coins to the student to count out and separate them into groups of 5 a) Ask students why they separated the coins in those groups b) Give evidence of why those groups go together One Prompt 1) Have the students grouped together and give them the 15 coins. Have the students work together and discuss how many coins they have and how they will group them together. a) What evidence does your group have to support your answers? b) How will this counting help them problem-solve? ¢) Ask the students where they would think they would use this in real life? ‘Two Moves with Two Examples: 1) Justification a) Students will explain their reasons and evidence b) Students will example where they would use this in real life 2) Evidence a) Students will show how their evidence supports their claim b) Students will show how they grouped the coins together ‘Three Language Frames (start or asset students with discourse} 1) In order to solve this problem, I need to know 2) Can you explain how/why 3) Ican check my answer by Cecilia Glennie, Anastasia Appelt, Justin Eliott, and Jankarla Pierola SPED 322, Section 01 Professor: Dr. Jones ‘Twenty Student Names: | EEA Tg angEnA 1) For Orange = Alternate (placing students together based on understanding) 2) For Blue = Choose (students get to choose who to work with) truggling (teacher and struggling students)

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