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Mathematics (Assignment - Parabola)

1. Show that the semi-latus rectum of the parabola is the harmonic mean between the segments
of any focal chord.
2. Show that the tangents at the extremities of any focal chord of a parabola intersect at right
angles at the directrix.
3. Prove that the area of the triangle formed by three points on a parabola is twice the area of the
triangle formed by the tangents at these points.
4. If the tangents at the points P and Q on a parabola meet in T, Prove that ST 2 = SP.SQ i.e., ST
is the G.M. of the focal distances of P and Q.
5. If the normal at the point P(at12, 2at1) meets the parabola y2 = 4ax again at (at22, 2at2), prove
that t2 = –t1 –
6. Prove that the tangent at one extremity of the focal chord of a parabola is parallel to the
normal at the other extremity.
7. If the normal (at a point P(at2, 2at) ) chord to the parabola y2 = 4ax subtends a right angles at
the vertex of the parabola. Then prove that t2 = 2.
8. If the normals at points (at12, 2at1) and (at22, 2at2) on the parabola y2 = 4ax meet on the
parabola itself, prove that t2t2 = 2.
9. Show that the tangent and normal at any point of a parabola are equally inclined to the focal
distance of the point and the axis of the parabola.
10. The centroid of the triangle formed by the co-normal points lies on the axis of the parabola.
Prove it.
11. Prove that the locus of the point of intersection of the three normals to the parabola y2 = 4ax,
two of which are inclined at right angles to each other is y2 + (3a - x)a = 0.
12. Prove that the locus of the point of intersection of tangents to the parabola y2 = 4ax which
meet at an angle  is (x + a)2 tan2 = y2 - 4ax.
13. Find the locus of the middle points of the chords of the parabola y2 = 4ax which pass through
the focus.
14. Find locus of the mid-points of the chords of the parabola y2 = 4ax which subtends a right
angles at the vertex of the parabola.
15. If tangent and normal at any point P of the parabola meet the axis in T and G respectively then
(i) ST = SG = SP, S being focus
(ii) PSK is a right angle where K is the point where tangent meets the directrix.
(iii) PQS = 90° where Q is the point where the tangent meets, tangent at vertex.

16. If the chord of contact of tangents from Q and P to the parabola y2 = 4ax touches the parabola
x2 = 4by, then find the locus of P.
17. If three distinct normals are drawn to the parabola y2 = 4ax from the point (h, k), then prove
that h > 2a.
18. Prove that the intercept made by the circle described on the focal distance of the point P(at2,
2at) as diameter, on the normal at P is a 1  t 2 .
19. Prove that the circle described on any focal chord as diameter will touch the directrix.
20. Prove that the circle described on the focal distance of any point as diameter will touch the
tangent at vertex.
21. Find the equation of the parabola whose focus is at (0, 0) and tangent at vertex is x - y +1=0.
22. Find equation of the parabola the extremities of whose L.R. are (7, 5) and (7, 3).
23. A point moves such that its distance from point (3, 5) is equal to its distance from the line
7x - 2y - 11 = 0. Identify locus of the point.
24. A tangent is drawn at any point (x1, y1) on the parabola y2 = 4ax. Now tangents are drawn
from different points on this tangent to the circle x2 + y2 = 1 such that all the chords of contact
x  y 
pass through a fixed point (x2, y2). Prove that 4  1    1   0 .
 x 2   y2 
25. From the point where any normal to the parabola y2 = 4ax meets the axis, a line perpendicular
to the normal is drawn. Prove that this line always touches the parabola y2 + 4a(x - 2a) = 0.
26. Tangents at points P and Q to the parabola y2 = 4ax meet at (, ). Prove that the normals at P
and Q touches the parabola (x - 2a + )2 + 4y = 0.
27. Find the equation of the parabola whose focus is (-6, -6) and vertex is (-2, -2).
28. A tangent to the parabola y2 + 8bx = 0, meets the parabola y2 = 4ax in P and Q. Show that the
locus of the middle point of PQ is y2 (2a + b) = 4a2x.
29. If the normals to the parabola y2 = 4ax at three points P,Q & R meet at A, and S be the focus,
Prove that SP. SQ. SR = a(SA)2.
30. Prove that the middle point of the intercept made on a tangent to a parabola, by the tangents at
two points P and Q, lies on the tangent which is parallel to PQ.
31. Show that the locus of points such that two of the three normals drawn from them to the
parabola y2 = 4ax coincide is 27ay2=4(x-2a) 3
32. Find the locus of the point through which three normals to the parabola y2 = 4ax are drawn
such that two of them make angles  and  with the axis with tan tan = 2.
33. y2 = 4ax is a parabola on which A1(t1), A2(t2),.....,An-1 (tn-1), An (tn) are the points in order, out
of which all points except An-1 are fixed points. Find the coordinates of An-1 on the parabola
so that the area of the polygon formed by the points is greatest.

34. Tangents are drawn from a point on the directrix to the parabola y2 = 4ax, and then at their
points of contact normals are drawn which meet at point P. Find locus of P.
35. The two parabolas y2 = 4a (x - l) and x2 = 4a (y - l1) always touch one another, l and l1 being
variable parameters. Prove that the point of contact is on the fixed curve xy = 4a2.
36. Prove that two parabolas y2 = 4ax and y2 = 4b (x - c) cannot have a common normal, then the
axis unless > 2.
37. A variable parabola of L.R. 4a to touch a fixed equal parabola, the axes of the two curves
being parallel, prove that the locus of the vertex of the moving curve is a parabola of L.R. 8a.
38. Find equation of the normal which subtends right angles at focus of the parabola y2 = 4ax.
39. Find the equation of shortest normal chord of the parabola y2 = 4ax.
40. Find the locus of the centre of the variable circle passing through the vertex of the parabola
y2 = 4ax and cutting the parabola orthogonally at the other point of intersection.
41. A family of chords of the parabola y2 = 4ax is drawn so that their projection on a straight line
inclined equally to both the axes are all of a constant length c. Prove that the locus of their
middle points is (y2 - 4ax) (y + 2a)2 + 2x2c2 = 0.
42. Find the locus of the centroid of an equilateral  inscribed in the given parabola x2 = 4ay.
43. From a given point P, a variable straight line is drawn to cut a given straight line not passing
through point P at point Q. Show that the line through Q and perpendicular to the variable line
will always touch a fixed parabola, then find focus of the parabola.
44. If end points of two normal chords AB and CD (normal at A & C) of a given parabola are
concyclic. Prove that tangents at A and C will intersect at the axis of the parabola.
45. If l, m are variable real nos. such that 5l2 + 6m2 - 4lm + 3l = 0. Prove that the variable line
lx + my = 1, always touches a fixed parabola whose axis is parallel to x-axis.
 1 11 
46. Trace the conic 9x2 +24xy + 16y2–2x+14y +1 = 0 and find its focus. Ans:   ,   .
 25 25 

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