What Is Stress and How Can We Cope It.

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What is stress and How can we cope it.

what is stress is how we react when we feel under pressure or

threatened. It Usually happens when we are in a situation that
we don’t control or we fell we can’t manage. When we
experience stress, it can be as: Individual, for example when
you haven lots of responsibilities that you are struggling to
manage, stress describes person’s emotional response to the
demands or pressure of daily life. Common causes of stress
include work, money, relationship and illness. Significantly
events like the Corona Virus pandemic and the Christchurch
earthquakes can also increase stress and anxiety.

How does stress affect our body if we are on constantly

stress, we can have physical symptoms, such as headaches, an
upset stomach, high blood pressure, chest pain and many other.
Stress can also lead to emotional depression, Panic attacks,
or other forms of anxiety and worry.

What are the physical signs of stress the first physical sign
is stress is Difficulty on your breathing, panic attacks,
blurred eyesight or sore eyes, sleep problems, fatigue and
many Other.

How can we control our stress first of all be active any form
of physical activity that can act as a stress Reliever, but if
you are not an athlete or you’re out of shape, exercise can
still be a good stress Reliever.

Physical activity can pump your feel-good endorphins and other

natural neural chemicals that enhance your sense of well-

Secondly eat a healthy diet, eating a healthy duet is an

important part of taking care of your self, Aim to eat a
variety of fruits and vegetables, and whole grains.
For the third one avoid unhealthy diets deal with stress by
drinking to much caffeine or alcohol, smoking, eating to much,
or using illegal substances, these habits can harm your

Meditate during your meditation, you focus your attention and

quiet the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your
mind causing stress. Meditation can instill a sense of calm,
peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-
being and your over all health.

Guided meditation, guided imagery visualizations and other

forms of meditation can be practiced anywhere at anytime,
whether your out for a walk, riding the bus to work or school,
Laugh more a good sense of humor cant cure all ailments, but
it can also help you feel better, even if you have to force a
fake laugh through your grumpiness. When you laugh, it not
only lighters your mental load but also causes positive
physical changes in your body. Laughter fire ups and then
cools down your stress response. So read some jokes, watch a
comedy or hang out with your family friends, or give laughter.

Connect with others when your stressed and irritable, your

instinct may be to isolate yourself. Instead, reach out to
family and friends make social connections, social contact is
a good stress reliever because it can offer destruction,
provide support and help you tolerate life’s up and down. So
take a coffee break with a friend, email a relative or visit
your place of worship. You want to do it all, buy you can’t,
at least not without paying a price. Learning to say no or
being willing to delegate can help you manage to do list and
your stress. Saying yes may seem like an easy way to keep the
peace, prevent conflicts and get the job done right. But it
may actually cause you Internal conflict because your needs
and those of your family come second, which can lead to
stress, anger, resentment and even the desire to exact
revenge, and that’s not a very calm and peaceful reaction, get
enough sleep because stress can cause you have to trouble
falling asleep, when you have too much to do and too much to
think about your sleep can suffer. But sleep is the time when
your brain and body recharge and the quality and amount of
sleep you can get can affect your mood, energy level,
concentration and overall functioning. If you have a quiet,
relaxing bedtime routine, listen to soothing music, put clocks
away, stick to a consistent journal. Writing down your
thoughts and feelings can be a good release for otherwise

emotions. Don’t think about what to right just let it happen,

write whats ever come to your mind. No one else needs to read
it, so don’t strive for perfection in grammar or spelling.
Just let you’re your thoughts flow on paper or computer
screen. Once your done, you can toss out what you wrote or
save it to reflect on it there are so many things that we can
do to escape stress being positive at all times could help you
have a good mood all day round.
What is stress and how can we cope it.


A.Seek help to further understand.

1.Categorize the kinds of stress

2.Identify stress


A.Describe a person that could help.

1.Favorite High school Teacher




B.Revise your ideas


A.List your ideas.

B.List your personal experience

C.Do your ideas.


A.Make your ideas work.

B.Apply it on your daily lives.


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