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Petrone 1

Anthony Petrone

Jackson - Frasier

November 7, 2022

HDF - 413

Inclusive Leadership Statement

Inclusive leadership is a crucial component to being an effective leader. To be an

inclusive leader, means that the people working around you and yourself are putting differences

aside to achieve a common goal and or task. According the presentation from Jackson and

Hardiman, you need to eliminate exclusion and discrimination - this is crucial because you

should simply respect others backgrounds and be able to stay committed to the task at hand.

Being a student at the University of Rhode Island has opened me up to a wide variety of

opportunities within leadership roles. With that being said, I work everyday with people who

have different opinions than I do - which is okay. Communication is key when it comes to being

an inclusive leader because after you have established effective communication, collaboration

and trust will produce through the work you have put in.

An example that comes to mind was when I facilitated “breaking boundaries” at Institute

‘22. This is a great example of being an inclusive leader because others may be uncomfortable

with sharing. From the facilitator standpoint, I made sure everyone had the opportunity to speak

if they felt comfortable enough to. This shows inclusivity because I opened up the space for

everyone, and respected any and everything that members of the group had to say. As I look

ahead into future facilitating opportunities, I look to Institute ‘23. Being a coordinator will

change my ways of being a facilitator because I have a lot of people looking up to me. I need to
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make sure that my peer leaders and all prospective students' voices are heard and their opinions

are considered when making decisions during the program.

Overall it may be said that being an inclusive leader truly shows that you are an overall

well rounded leader that does not factor flaws into their facilitation and consultation practices. It

is important to be an inclusive leader, but overall an inclusive person because this will help you

meet and create relationships with so many different people in life.

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